Author Topic: Xbox vs Playstation vs Nintendo debate finally over  (Read 9884 times)

Offline lp670sv

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Re: Xbox vs Playstation vs Nintendo debate finally over
« Reply #25 on: April 15, 2014, 02:14:09 PM »
Anyways, arguing over how people feel will lead no where.
I've found this a great principle to live by in general.

Buy whatever you want, I'm not trying to change anyone's mind on their favorite system, I'm arguing against the idea that the PS4/XB1 are inherently evil compared to the WiiU because of the games that are available for the. Its a silly premese to begin with but if the WiiU and Wii didn't have such garbage hardware they'd have those games anyway.
I agree with you that the systems are not inherently evil, and that people should monitor what games they buy based on how they are led by God or their morals.  However, I could not plus 1 your post because you dogged the Wii's hardware.  You may be right, but I'm emotionally and sentimentally loyal to Nintendo thus I can not condone harsh criticism of it. 

On a related note, the defense for the Wii U likely came about because of how the video (which didn't solve the debate but gave one stereotypical representative for each existing opinion) portrayed the Wii.  Though it was humorous, it took a potshot at a beloved console.

The Wii and Wii U are objectively weak. This isn't an opinion, the processing power available in the WiiU is 20% lower than the Xbox One, which is already less powerful than the PS4. It can still have good games, but it's weak. And third party developers have acknowledged that by not making a lot of titles for it.

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Re: Xbox vs Playstation vs Nintendo debate finally over
« Reply #26 on: April 15, 2014, 03:42:33 PM »
The Wii and Wii U are objectively weak. This isn't an opinion, the processing power available in the WiiU is 20% lower than the Xbox One, which is already less powerful than the PS4.
And what family-oriented games make use of all of that additional processing power?

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Re: Xbox vs Playstation vs Nintendo debate finally over
« Reply #27 on: April 15, 2014, 05:27:17 PM »
I have heard the " worried about sharing the Gamepad " issue ...

One of my original complaints with the Wii U was that you would even have to share at all. Why make the gamepad if all the players can't use one at the same time? To me, the gamepad was designed to make the one-player game better, which is not why parents like me bought the original Wii in droves. IMO, the gamepad was a step backward for Nintendo, and most likely one of the reasons it is not selling well. I say this as the primary target audience of Nintendo -- loyal parent fan. Unfortunately, Nintendo has lost my devotion, so I have no problem pursuing other systems.

This might also be a good time to point out that your perfect family friendly console also carries many of the same games that you believe make the Playstation and Xbox bad.

Personally, I would have used Zombie U as an example.  ;)

Just a question--if you were interested in a system solely to play family-friendly games, would anyone here really pay $100-$200 more to get a PS4 or XBox One over a Wii U?

Unfortunately, yes. The PS4's ability to play Blu-Ray is still an advantage that makes up for some of that cost, and increases the versatility of the system.

...the novelties you find bundled away in your Accessories folder do not count towards NPD Groups retail tracking. Or any industry expert for that matter.

Are downloads from PSN included in sales figures? My family loves Dungeon Defender, for example.

Even if we put aside sales rankings as a measure the only time I ever hear anyone mention family-friendly games on XBoxen and PSes is in discussions like these. If they truly are superior systems in this regard, you think it would come up more often.

Let it be said, then, that my family uses the PS3 almost every day, and we hardly ever use the Wii anymore. Our collection of games includes Dungeon Defender, Lego Movie Game, Disney Infinity, Kingdom Hearts, Wheel of Fortune, Lego Marvel Superheroes, Lego Batman 2, and Farming Simulator (those are just the ones I can see from where I am sitting). We use the PS3 for Blu-Rays, DVDs and Netflix. My son uses the PS3 for internet surfing and YouTube on the big screen.

I gotta say every time I point out I prefer the wii u, I get told it is for children and isn't "hardcore" enough, ...

Interestingly, I feel that the Wii U was an attempt to be more "hardcore," which had the peripheral effect of turning away people like me.

You may be right, but I'm emotionally and sentimentally loyal to Nintendo ...

I was the same for so many years. Unfortunately, I feel that Nintendo did not remain loyal to me. They chose to be more like Sony and Microsoft, instead of remaining distinctively Nintendo. That decision will cost them more than it gained them.

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Re: Xbox vs Playstation vs Nintendo debate finally over
« Reply #28 on: April 15, 2014, 06:17:28 PM »
Just a question--if you were interested in a system solely to play family-friendly games, would anyone here really pay $100-$200 more to get a PS4 or XBox One over a Wii U?

Unfortunately, yes. The PS4's ability to play Blu-Ray is still an advantage that makes up for some of that cost, and increases the versatility of the system.
Thanks, YMT. That actually was a question that I wanted answered.

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Re: Xbox vs Playstation vs Nintendo debate finally over
« Reply #29 on: April 15, 2014, 07:02:20 PM »
I agree with VP and SS everyone likes the system they like and their not going to change their opinion and for the record, I never said the WiiU is perfect I just said its my preference. Each system accommodates each person differently and there's no point to keep going on in a meaningless flame war.
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Re: Xbox vs Playstation vs Nintendo debate finally over
« Reply #30 on: April 15, 2014, 07:37:22 PM »
I agree with VP and SS everyone likes the system they like and their not going to change their opinion ...

I disagree with this assertion. If you go back to threads like these from years ago, I was just about as adamant of a Nintendo fan as you would find. However, I made the decision to buy a PS3 during Black Friday deals, since I was given an offer I couldn't refuse. I really just wanted the Blu-Ray player, but we then found Dungeon Defenders on PSN.

If Nintendo would add a Blu-Ray player and make the Wii U Gamepad useable for multiplayer, then I may reconsider my current stance. For now, $300 is not a desirable price point for what the Wii U offers.

FTR, I still prefer Nintendo's handheld masterpiece, the 3DS XL. However, Nintendo can't really stake a claim for family-friendliness there, since the LeapFrog Explorer and LeapPad are viable contenders for parents of young children, and they have an extensive downloadable content library.
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Re: Xbox vs Playstation vs Nintendo debate finally over
« Reply #31 on: April 15, 2014, 07:41:02 PM »
The Wii and Wii U are objectively weak. This isn't an opinion, the processing power available in the WiiU is 20% lower than the Xbox One, which is already less powerful than the PS4.
And what family-oriented games make use of all of that additional processing power?

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Re: Xbox vs Playstation vs Nintendo debate finally over
« Reply #32 on: April 15, 2014, 08:28:13 PM »
Titanfall is friendly to my family.
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Re: Xbox vs Playstation vs Nintendo debate finally over
« Reply #33 on: April 15, 2014, 09:42:52 PM »
Minecraft :P Pretty common, but still on PS$ and Xbox1, not Wii yet. :)
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Re: Xbox vs Playstation vs Nintendo debate finally over
« Reply #34 on: April 16, 2014, 03:58:51 PM »

Offline AJ

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Re: Xbox vs Playstation vs Nintendo debate finally over
« Reply #35 on: April 16, 2014, 06:13:23 PM »
Well now that the console debate is over let's pick handhelds. 3DS XL is better than Vita even with worse graphics. Shameless potshot 1
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Re: Xbox vs Playstation vs Nintendo debate finally over
« Reply #36 on: April 16, 2014, 06:15:29 PM »
A PC is the best gaming system in general.

3DS is the best handheld system.
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Offline lp670sv

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Re: Xbox vs Playstation vs Nintendo debate finally over
« Reply #37 on: April 17, 2014, 09:25:27 AM »
3DS beats a vita alone, I won't argue with that. If you have a PS4, and game stream works as advertised, then I think it pulls ahead but not by much since that feature is limited to inside your house. I will say that being able yonplay Final Fantasy X HD at home and on the go has been amazing, even if I did have to buy the game twice to do it.


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