Cactus Game Design Message Boards
Other Gaming => Video & Computer Games => Topic started by: ACe on February 10, 2010, 10:28:57 AM
I have X-box 360 for sale. It is a 60 gb white xbox 360 it comes with three controllers(Black,Pink,White) GoW 2, SW battle front 2, an AVP Extinction. It also comes with 2 head sets and 7 full downloaded games. Marvel vs capcom 2, Shadow complex, TMNT arcade,Hasbro scrabble and battleship, Helix,Castle Crasher. Please only serious offers I dont want to clutter up the boards when offers like a $1.00. If you have any more question please just ask here or send me a message! Thanks,
Come on i only have had 1 offer people. I know what game stop will give me but they said they will delete the hard drive so no downloads.
I just checked the internet (especially Ebay) and it seems like $200-250 is the usual price for the kind of thing you're selling. I could make you an offer somewhere around there if it's in good condition.
yeah its in good condition and does the one you find have all the stuff im offering?
A lot more, in some cases. Typically the $250 ones will have four controllers and a lot more games (I don't really factor in the downloaded ones except MvC) than the three you have, and it hurts that you don't have the game I want.
I know ill get flamed for saying this but i got sick of it but The 360 is sold
A lot more, in some cases. Typically the $250 ones will have four controllers and a lot more games (I don't really factor in the downloaded ones except MvC) than the three you have, and it hurts that you don't have the game I want.
mvc2 is 50% off this week on xbl. :)