Whoever said i was false
i mean 3ds beat the vita because of its wholesome games so why wont the wiiu beat ps4 plus the ps4 isnt even backwards compatible
If you're going to be using the "wholesome" argument I think we better take a look at what the word actually means.
1.conducive to or suggestive of good health and physical well-being.
"the food is plentiful and very wholesome"
Strictly speaking, just about anything could be wholesome. If someone finds it helpful to run around picking up guns and shooting bad guys in a video game to relieve stress, that's wholesome for them. Other people might find a game that scares them to be exciting which increases their enjoyment and is, thus, wholesome for their emotional health.
Given the wide range of personalities and personal preferences found in human beings, "wholesome" is not a good place to base an argument.