Author Topic: WII U  (Read 7400 times)

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« on: December 31, 2013, 02:30:15 PM »
I am an owner of the WII U and love it my whole family loves it the graphics on super Mario 3d land are great and not only is the graphics great the gameplay is amazing also Nintendo deliverd on the same great gameplay for the whole family and the wiiu is 100 -200 dollars cheaper than its competitors while being better what are your thoughts on the WIIU and its competitors you know the xbox one and ps4
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« Reply #1 on: January 01, 2014, 12:42:09 AM »
The Wii U has been out for a year and has sold 5 million units. The PS4 and Xbone have both been out for a month and have sold 50-70% as many units.

There is nothing 'better' about the Wii U. Sorry, but your princess is in another castle.
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Offline TheKarazyvicePresidentRR

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« Reply #2 on: January 01, 2014, 02:26:05 AM »
The Wii U has been out for a year and has sold 5 million units. The PS4 and Xbone have both been out for a month and have sold 50-70% as many units.

There is nothing 'better' about the Wii U. Sorry, but your princess is in another castle.

Cuz COD is the best game ever by the same logic?
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« Reply #3 on: January 01, 2014, 02:58:25 AM »
The logic of your rhetoric is rather skewed considering you're attempting to draw parallels from an entire franchise towards a single generation of consoles.

By the way, GTAV outsold Ghosts by 13 million units worldwide. GTAV is the best game ever.
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Offline TheKarazyvicePresidentRR

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« Reply #4 on: January 01, 2014, 12:33:47 PM »
The logic of your rhetoric is rather skewed considering you're attempting to draw parallels from an entire franchise towards a single generation of consoles.

By the way, GTAV outsold Ghosts by 13 million units worldwide. GTAV is the best game ever.
My point still stands with # of copies sold =/= Value. Atm wii u is best console. Reason? Neither of the other two have any games worth their salt. When they have a decent line up I will be inclined to agree.
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Offline lp670sv

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« Reply #5 on: January 01, 2014, 12:38:29 PM »
The only games on the Wii u worth their salt are remakes of Mario and Zelda games, I'll take a console with 2 or 3 games but they're all new over MOAR Mario and Zelda rehashes any day.
« Last Edit: January 01, 2014, 12:47:36 PM by lp670sv »

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« Reply #6 on: January 01, 2014, 12:58:02 PM »
The PS4 and XBone already has a better lineup than the Wii U strictly from launch titles purely because of its third party games. Wii U still has nearly zilch after an entire year in terms of its third party support.
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Offline Master Q

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« Reply #7 on: January 01, 2014, 12:59:19 PM »
I've owned a Wii U since January 2013 and the only games I own for it are NintendoLand, Pikmin 3, and Batman: Arkham City. Of the 3, NL came with the system and Batman was out for PS3 and 360 as well. I know the two new Wii U Mario games are getting really good scores, but they're not the must-haves like SM64 was for N64 or SMW was for SNES. The Wii U right now has no must-have games, at least for myself and many of the people I've talked to. The virtual console was one of the best parts of the Wii, and the Wii U has that, but they still don't have N64 games for it (or Gamecube, if that's still happening).

Nintendo has taken no advantage of the head start the Wii U had on the PS4/Xbone. The biggest problem is probably the system itself. If you have a 360/PS3, then you already have better online support and more features than the Wii U. And now that the new systems are out, the Wii U is outclassed on almost every aspect (hardware-wise and feature-wise (seriously, still no DVD/Bluray Nintendo!?)). This would've been a great console last gen, but now, it's pretty underwhelming.

As of right now, until the must-have games come out (Smash Bros, Zelda, etc), my Wii U will be my Netflix box. I love Nintendo games, and will continue to buy the systems to play them, but the Wii U right now is a pretty big disappointment for me.

The 3DS had an AMAZING year in 2013 though! So many great games. ;D
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Offline Master KChief

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« Reply #8 on: January 01, 2014, 01:12:30 PM »
Recent excerpt from an article on destructoid:

Right now, the Wii U has a couple 2D Mario games, one 3D Mario game, a Pikmin game, a remake of an old Zelda game, three Nintendo-themed mini-game collections, and a new IP in The Wonderful 101. That's just not enough to make the Wii U a must-have console, even to diehard Nintendo fans. It was only after the 3DS got Animal Crossing, Pokemon, Fire Emblem, several Marios, and an all-new Zelda that many fans of the publisher saw the handheld as a must-own device. Even then there's still people waiting until the 3DS gets Kirby, Metroid, and Rhythm Heaven.

This speaks to the idea that there are very few "Nintendo fans," and a whole lot of people who love a few of the publisher's games but feel indifferent to the rest. Contrary to what some may tell you, Nintendo has tons of different series running at any given time, most of them in very different styles and genres. If Nintendo wants the backing of everyone who has ever loved a Nintendo game to commit to their new console, they have to work to please all of them.

From the sounds of it, that's where they're headed. Fire Emblem X Shin Megami Tensei, Yarn Yoshi, Mario Kart 8, and X (the new game from the team that developed Xenoblade) will all work to pull in the different corners of "Nintendo fans" who are currently on the fence about the Wii U. New Pokemon, Metroid, Zelda, Rhythm Heaven, F-Zero, Star Fox, Advance Wars, Golden Sun, Animal Crossing, and even EarthBound games could do even more to break the resolve of consumers who are currently able to resist purchasing a Wii U.

For Nintendo, it won't be about making a couple games that everyone wants a little. It'll be about making a ton of games that some people want a lot, and getting them all under one roof.

I think Master Q summed it up nicely. Would have been a great console last-gen, but it still has a lot of maturing to do at this point.
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« Reply #9 on: January 01, 2014, 01:27:37 PM »
With names like Wii U and X-Bone, I think I'll buy a PS4 just because it doesn't sound gross.  ;)
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« Reply #10 on: January 01, 2014, 02:21:02 PM »
If you are in the minority of gamers who don't like "violent" video games or are to young to play mature games I would understand getting a wii U. Its a nice family system. Otherwise you might as well shell out the couple hundred extra bucks so you can get some decent shooters.

Offline lp670sv

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« Reply #11 on: January 01, 2014, 02:30:39 PM »
I am really tired of hearing that the Wii U is a better family sustem. There are more family friendly games on other platforms, you're decision to buy the violent games on those platforms is your own. If you don't want a PS3 to be a violent platform don't buy violent games, its not that hard

Offline Isildur

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« Reply #12 on: January 01, 2014, 03:26:57 PM »
I am really tired of hearing that the Wii U is a better family sustem. There are more family friendly games on other platforms, you're decision to buy the violent games on those platforms is your own. If you don't want a PS3 to be a violent platform don't buy violent games, its not that hard
Especially with all of the oodles of indie games coming out on PSN it really isnt that hard to stay away from all the mainstream FPS games.
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« Reply #13 on: January 01, 2014, 04:00:37 PM »
I am really tired of hearing that the Wii U is a better family sustem. There are more family friendly games on other platforms, you're decision to buy the violent games on those platforms is your own. If you don't want a PS3 to be a violent platform don't buy violent games, its not that hard

First, if you don't like violent video games then 60-80% of content that comes out for playstation and xbox is useless.  Sure they have family friendly games but even those games are oriented for "hangout" (like sports, racing, etc..) interactions and not really family night. I am sure the wii has most of the sports games and has some racing games but not as many as the others. So, even with the content overlap there is still a gap. I think its safe to say the exclusive mario games, wii motion game, and supersmash more than fill that gap and then some. On the other hand the exclusive games for the others consist of crash bandicoot and viva la pinata.... lol

Second, the profound lack of violent games ensures that parents don't have to worry as much of what their children are going to play with. In other words there is no potential for kids to buy all of the bloody exclusive games unless they purchase another system. If my son or daughter wanted to buy a game system I would rather them buy a wii than the others so that they wouldn't get into the bulk of the M content. If you go the other route and restrict what you kids play on other systems eventually A) they will likely run out of games they will want to play and B) eventually they will get into the mature games when they are old enough. From a parenting stand point it is better to avoid  restrictions (on your part) and temptations (on theirs) when you can.

EDIT: And no I don't have a wii. Go hard or go home...
« Last Edit: January 01, 2014, 04:05:45 PM by TheHobbit »

Offline lp670sv

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« Reply #14 on: January 01, 2014, 10:09:47 PM »
There are 209 games for the Wii U right now.

In the playstation store there are currently 903 downloadable games rated E with local multiplayer. And that's just the downloadables, there are still tons of games for the PS3 that are physical disk only. So no, there are absolutely not more family friendly games on Wii U. And that 209 figure includes ALL Wii U games, including the Call of Duty games, games that don't have local multiplayer, and the like.

Offline Isildur

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« Reply #15 on: January 02, 2014, 12:03:51 AM »
In the playstation store there are currently 903 downloadable games rated E with local multiplayer. And that's just the downloadables, there are still tons of games for the PS3 that are physical disk only. So no, there are absolutely not more family friendly games on Wii U. And that 209 figure includes ALL Wii U games, including the Call of Duty games, games that don't have local multiplayer, and the like.
That number for the PS3 isnt even counting PS1, PS2, PSP or more mild mannered T rated titles.
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« Reply #16 on: January 02, 2014, 11:07:48 AM »
Bugs hands and touchscreens don't mix well

But what if they are really tiny touchscreens? :rollin:
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« Reply #17 on: January 02, 2014, 11:12:13 AM »
If we're talking strictly family game night types of things, I find the best console to be the tabletop. I am most definitely a gamer (every evening and the majority of weekends spent either on my computer or my PS3 playing something), however for family/friends I will always prefer table games: not even RPGs like DnD (though those ARE fun) but just board and/or card games. My friends and I played Bang! for a good 4 hours straight last week on Christmas. It was the most fun I've had in awhile.

If you really must sit your family in front of the TV in order to be able to have a game night, really any of the consoles will do. Different systems have different games (Mario Party can be fun with friends, but be careful because it can ruin relationships; Kinect Adventures for XB360 was an interesting, albeit tiring, game to play with others; SoulCalibur and Playstation All-Stars are staples of PS multiplayer gaming) so you should just pick one that has the kinds of games your family/friends like to play and go with that. No one system is "better" than any other in that regard (since none of them strictly try to be) and any of them can serve the function nicely.


Offline lp670sv

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« Reply #18 on: January 02, 2014, 11:12:34 AM »
Bugs hands and touchscreens don't mix well

But what if they are really tiny touchscreens? :rollin:

They say 90% of comedy is timing, and boy was that a well timed typo...

Offline Prof Underwood

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« Reply #19 on: January 02, 2014, 03:33:56 PM »
OK, I cleaned this up a bit.  I understand if some people like one system more or less than another, but let's remember to not let any unwholesome words come out of our mouths.  Remember that the people who disagree with you are also loved by God and should be loved by you :)

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« Reply #20 on: January 02, 2014, 04:06:01 PM »
Ah yes, now I remember why I hate posting on here, saying someone is false is considered unwholesome language.

Offline Prof Underwood

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« Reply #21 on: January 02, 2014, 04:39:03 PM »
Ah yes, now I remember why I hate posting on here, saying someone is false is considered unwholesome language.
That statement is misleading by implying that anyone who points out that another person has been in error will lead to a thread clean-up.  This is not the case.  People disagree with each other all the time on this board in healthy ways, and that is completely allowed.

The problem in your case was not that you stated that someone was wrong.  The problem was that you did it in a way that extremely sarcastic and demeaning.  I encourage you to think through HOW you say things a bit more next time.  I'm sure that you'll be able to find ways to express yourself that are less inflammatory.

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« Reply #22 on: January 02, 2014, 07:13:50 PM »
Well this thread got butchered for no good reason. Move along, nothing to see here anymore.
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Offline AJ

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« Reply #23 on: January 02, 2014, 08:10:34 PM »
Back on topic i enjoy the wiiu because imo i think there casual games are better than xb1 and ps4s however if they made sly cooper on the ps4 and not on the vita i would probably get a ps4
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« Reply #24 on: January 02, 2014, 10:45:43 PM »
Steam sales, and humble bundle blow about anything out of the water in terms of value of purchases (though initial investment is higher on PC). Though to Sony's credit PlayStation Plus also has some solid "free" games available.  I have no reason to upgrade to the next generation consoles though atm.  3 out of the 4 games I'm most excited about in 2014 are being release on either PC or previous generation consoles anyway.  I agree that any gaming system has access to a ton of E games.


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