Cactus Game Design Message Boards
Other Gaming => Video & Computer Games => Topic started by: PapaSmurf on November 24, 2012, 08:26:24 PM
my favorite video game would probably be final fantacy 10 and 10.5 because there the type of games that when you get stuck because you dont have the right things to play with, you cant beat it, unless you do exactly what you need to do. It makes me use my head a little more and makes it so i have to try harder. Plus, they are the only final fantacy games to go back and back, all the other ones just have characters from previous ones, like cloud appears in every other one it seems like.
Knights of the Old Republic. My number of playthroughs on that one have to be in double digits by now.
I don't play a lot of video games, but my absolute favorite game I have ever played (and sadly I don't own this) "The Beatles Rock Band." The Beatles are my favorite band and I really like Rock Band, so this is a match made in heaven. I love the "dreamscapes" used for the background when playing the songs ingame. They look great, especially the ones for "With a Little Help From My Friends," "A Day In The Life," "Dear Prudence," and "Golden Slumbers."
I don't think I can pick just one. It varies from time to time.
Some games that will always be among my general favorites:
Borderlands 1 and 2
the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. series
Deus Ex
The Elder Scrolls series
Fallout 3
Ill just make a random list of five should give you a good idea :p
Advance Wars II Black Hole Rising GBA
Fire Emblem VII GBA
Empire/Napoleon Total War PC (the Line Infantry combat is just so much fun!)
The Elder Scrolls III Morrowind (Hands down best open world game ever made)
Fallout I PC
My partner for a project had an N64 in her dorm, so I got to play Pokemon Snap while she did all the work. Man, that's a good game.
Whoa. This is a heavy one.
I'm going to say Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn. It's decently hard and has tons of replayability, as well as a pretty lengthy campaign (at least for the series). The story is even better with Path of Radiance, but is pretty good at catching you up to speed.
Honorable mention to Pokemon Gold. Or Heart Gold. You can play that game forever or start over every day and it's still fun.
Bastion. Just finished replaying for the third or fourth time, the revolutionary storytelling combined with the fantastic writing and addictive combat makes it a game everyone should play, and my personal favorite.
Resident Evil 4, Chrono Trigger, and Metroid Prime are up there too.
Pokemon Fire Red. Funnest game ever to speed run.
I'm still a fan of SSBM. SSBB just isn't quite as good imo. SSBM just is amazing MP, especially when you beat everyone at it. :)
I'm gonna show my age here:
4-player Asteroids with my cousins on their brand new Atari (early 80s)
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles on original Nintendo at my neighbor and friend's houses (late 80s)
Sega Turbo at the Show Biz Pizza (precursor to ChuckECheeze) arcade (late 80s)
Scorched Earth in the back of computer class in High School (early 90s)
Madden '96 on my hallmate's Sega Genesis in college (late 90s)
D-blocks (tetris clone) with best friend in college (late 90s)
Multris (tetris clone) at (mid 2000s-present)
Soul Caliber on Dreamcast with the students in the dorm on breaks (late 2000s-present)
Pac-Man with the president of my school (10's-present)
Mariokart with my kids on our gamecube (10's-present)
The pattern of why these are 10 of my favorite videogame memories is because they are shared with people who I care about. Good times with good friends = winning :)
OKay here we go:
NES: Super Mario 1 and 3, Tecmo Super Bowl, Double Dragon (best games ever!)
SNES: All the Street Fighters (love Fighting games and the Street Fighters are classics)
PS1: Siphon Filter and Final Fantasy VII (awesomely long game play), all the Resident Evils, Dino Crisis (love the action in these games)
PS2: Madden 10, FF X, X2, and 12 (same as above and graphics)
Xbox 360: Madden 11 (graphics are amazing!)
PC: Guild Wars, FF 11 (reached level 71 Pld/WhM before I ran out of money to play every!), The Sims, SimCity, Knights of the Republic 1 and 2 (Best Star Wars games ever!)
To expand upon my favorites list, I typically prefer first person shooters that give you freedom of choice. Call of Duty, Battlefield, and other hyper-linear games can be fun, but I hate when a game constantly restricts you.
I love the intro to most recent Bethesda games: you complete the tutorial and then the game says "Here is this giant open world, have fun." Compare that to the new Medal of Honor where you instantly die if you walk off the linear path you're supposed to travel.
I have to CHOOSE?!?! :o
I guess I'd have to go with either KOTOR or the Portal games. Honorable mention to Ocarina of Time and Goldeneye (for the 64)
I'm certainly a casual video gamer. Some of my all-time favorites include, in no particular order:
DDR (well, StepMania, but whatever): More a sport than a game; coordination, rhythm, and terrible J-Pop are a wonderful match.
Might & Magic VI-VII: My first American RPGs, formative in my gaming life.
Heroes of Might & Magic III-V: Wonderful turn-based combat with exciting exploration and a hodgepodge of mythologies.
Clash of Heroes: Addictive competitive puzzling goodness, great for relaxing or strong competition.
Puyo Puyo Fever: The best puzzle game I've ever played.
DragonQuest IX: A recent acquisition for me, one of my first forays into JRPGs and super addictive.
Skyrim: There's just so much you can do. So much freedom, so much epicness.
WarioWare Twisted: Raw fun and (manageable) chaos.
Bastion: Love the presentation, love the combat. Some fascinating unique elements in this.
Disgaea DS: Some of the best turn-based combat I've experienced, including in board games.
And a few that I once loved - and you really should at least look these up if you don't know them:
One Must Fall 2097: Keep your Street Fighter, I'll take giant fighting robots with human brains inside thank you very much.
ZZT: ASCII never played so well.
Moraff's World/Dungeons of the Unforgiven: Terrible graphics, questionable gameplay, and terrible graphics (again; seriously, look it up), but my first dungeon crawler.
The Commander Keen series: Along with Duke Nukem 1 & 2 and Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure, these were side-scrollers I grew up with.
Kingdom of Loathing: I was addicted to this in college, until I realized I wasn't having fun.
I have to CHOOSE?!?! :o
I know right? There are many classics for me.
At the moment final fantasy 3 on my ds but that is more what favorite I am playing and less what my absolute fave is. I just can't chose. Except E.T. he is the red headed step child of video games.
Except E.T. he is the red headed step child of video games.
The step child that you bury in a New Mexico landfill?
Minecraft 360 addition!
This game never gets old (even though I have only had it 2 weeks) there is always more to think of and build!
Minecraft 360 addition!
PC version is better in every way.
Minecraft 360 addition!
PC version is better in every way.
How so?
How so?
1. More content
2. Nearly weekly (optional) updates
3. Infinite potential due to mods. Feel like playing Portal? Download the portal gun mod. Want more mechanical stuff? Download Better Than Wolves. Want machines, magic, new weapons, transportation tubes, auto-miners, and computers? Download Tekkit.
1. Arkanoid
2. Zork
3. Baldur's Gate (any of them)
4. Pokemon Snap
Did anyone ever play PLOK for supernintendo
That game was awesome and is the only video game I never beat. It's ridiculously hard. Did any of you have it, play it, beat it?
Galaga is my favorite though
Minecraft 360 addition!
PC version is better in every way.
Except in one way. The ability to just click what you want to make instead of guessing/getting a guide is a GREAT system. Minecraft for the 360 is actually quite a few patches behind the PC version and so the PC does have an advantage, both are great games though.
Minecraft 360 addition!
This game never gets old (even though I have only had it 2 weeks) there is always more to think of and build!
I am in the middle of building this house out of bedrock and doing a jeopardy style thing going on where each room has a certain subject, for my eight year old, and the answer is on a pressur plate and it shows up as a check or an x. It is real cool. Shell love it
Does anyone know how to make a mine cart move while you are in it in Minecraft 360 addition?
I can't figure it out, when I push the cart then jump in I get stuck after trying to get up the first hill.
1) Make use of gravity.
2) Powered Rails
3) Powered Mine Cart to push the cart you are in.
Does anyone know how to make a mine cart move while you are in it in Minecraft 360 addition?
I can't figure it out, when I push the cart then jump in I get stuck after trying to get up the first hill.
Put a furnace cart down with coal in it and put another regular mine cart infront of it and the furnace cart will push it.
Does anyone know how to make a mine cart move while you are in it in Minecraft 360 addition?
I can't figure it out, when I push the cart then jump in I get stuck after trying to get up the first hill.
Put a furnace cart down with coal in it and put another regular mine cart infront of it and the furnace cart will push it.
So thats what a furnace cart is good for ::)
To get back on topic, my top five would be: 1 Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword 2 Might and Magic 8 3 Heroes of might and magic 5 4 Super smash bros: brawl 5 Madden 11(mostly because I'm playing right now).
Good to have another Might & Magic fan here, but may I ask why you liked M&M 8 the best? I found the rotating party members provided less of an interesting experience - maybe that's just a personal thing with me - and the general feel of M&M 6 and 7 just struck me as more enjoyable.
I'm also surprised to find someone else who likes Heroes 5, since most Heroes fans didn't like it. I enjoyed 5 plenty, despite a few issues.
Good to have another Might & Magic fan here, but may I ask why you liked M&M 8 the best? I found the rotating party members provided less of an interesting experience - maybe that's just a personal thing with me - and the general feel of M&M 6 and 7 just struck me as more enjoyable.
I had just beat m&m 8 before that post and I started playing m&m 6 again and now i am not sure which one is my favorite. Glad I am not the only one either.
Good to have another Might & Magic fan here, but may I ask why you liked M&M 8 the best? I found the rotating party members provided less of an interesting experience - maybe that's just a personal thing with me - and the general feel of M&M 6 and 7 just struck me as more enjoyable.
I had just beat m&m 8 before that post and I started playing m&m 6 again and now i am not sure which one is my favorite. Glad I am not the only one either.
Just FYI, you are the only two left ... ;)
A list of all my favorites
The legend of zelda twilight princess
All of the halos
Kingdom hearts
Command and conquer generals zero hour
Lego universe (RIP) :'(
You're clearly a young gamer if TTP is your favorite Zelda game and not SS, OoT or MM.
I own SS, i loved the attack controls but there was never any challange for me besides bosses and the silent realm. Sadly i have not been able to play OoT or MM :(
Highly, highly recommend both.
i have seen my friend play OoT so i already know its awesome
Hot Shots Golf Fore!!!
Why...lots of cool characters.
NES64...Mace!!! can make everyone have big heads and bunny slippers to fight with...hahahaha!!
NES...DR. Mario
Why...beat it 5 times and still love to play puzzle games...board games...card games...dice games...
If there was a board game topic my favorite would be "Ricochet Robots!" (On the side of the box the number of players it says that can play is "2 - infinity symbol"...That's Awesome!!!
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Civilization V. I guess that might not be a video game in the strictest sense, but that's my top time-waster at the moment.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Civilization V. I guess that might not be a video game in the strictest sense, but that's my top time-waster at the moment.
I'm 2D old school. I prefer Civilization III, Age of Empires II, and Roller Coaster Tycoon 1 & 2.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Civilization V. I guess that might not be a video game in the strictest sense, but that's my top time-waster at the moment.
Hey, Bubbleboy's back! Do you ever still play Redemption, Jeremy, or do you kind of just lurk around once in awhile?
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Civilization V. I guess that might not be a video game in the strictest sense, but that's my top time-waster at the moment.
I'm 2D old school. I prefer Civilization III, Age of Empires II, and Roller Coaster Tycoon 1 & 2.
You play Age of Empires 2? Which expansion?
You play Age of Empires 2? Which expansion?
Age of Kings is the only one I have been able to get to work properly through my old router. We have three discs in the house, so we each pick a room/computer. I have the discs for Conquerors, but I have always had issues with it within my network, and I'm not sure why.
Also, when my son's friends come over with their laptops, we can get six player games going smoothly with Age of Kings.
I'm surprised no one has mentioned Civilization V. I guess that might not be a video game in the strictest sense, but that's my top time-waster at the moment.
Hey, Bubbleboy's back! Do you ever still play Redemption, Jeremy, or do you kind of just lurk around once in awhile?
Just a refreshing lurk here and there. I was thinking of coming to a tournament one of these days. It's been over a year, I think. I kinda miss the old crowd.
SWTOR (star wars the old rebuplic..)
and Super Smash Bros brawl
and ALL of the age of empires (except for the mythology set...)
KingLeo 8)
I'm still a fan of SSBM. SSBB just isn't quite as good imo. SSBM just is amazing MP, especially when you beat everyone at it. :)
I second and third this comment. SSBM is my favorite for sure. It's so technical and fast (if you're playing it right) and seeing it played at a high level is mind-blowing. One of the best fighting games period imo.
Lately I've been absolutely loving HOMM3. HOMM5 is great too, but none of my computers will run it currently :(
I would say the God of War series, all the Prince of Persia games, and my favorite the Resident Evil games (the main ones not the spin offs)
Yes I know these are not the family friendly games but I am a man who loves action in my games.
I love the resident evil series, specifically the 4th one. And the God of war series is awesome!
I love the resident evil series, specifically the 4th one. And the God of war series is awesome!
That is my favorite too. I have beat it about 30 times
Yeah, Resident Evil is pretty Beastmode too.
I finally got to play MM and OoT! I havent gotten far in MM but i got to the second dungeon on OoT, TP is still my favorite.
Does Angry Birds count as a video game? I ask this because it's usually only played on mobile devices instead of on a game console. If it does, add that as one of my faves.
Does Angry Birds count as a video game? I ask this because it's usually only played on mobile devices instead of on a game console. If it does, add that as one of my faves.
Is it a game? Yes. Is it played on a video-based display? Yes.
It is a video game.
I finally got to play MM and OoT! I havent gotten far in MM but i got to the second dungeon on OoT, TP is still my favorite.
Still your favorite so far... ;)
TP is probably my 7th favorite Zelda game, with my top 3 shifting among WW, MM, or OoT.
playing the first Assassin's Creed now and lovin it so far.