You would need to give us more information on who will be playing. Is it just you? Is it your whole family? How old are your siblings (if any)?
If you are looking for fun games that a group of four players can play together split screen, that are also family friendly for any age, then I recommend
Dungeon Defenders (which is a cheap download from PlayStation Network) and
MineCraft (I recommend buying the disc rather than the download). I would also concur with
browarod that
Lego games and
Disney Infinity are sure winners with the same type of crowd.
I'm not really into FPS games, so I cannot make any recommendations there. Even for RPGs, I'm a bit of an old-school kinda guy, so I still play the PS2 versions of Baldur's Gate.

The other games I play (and recommend) require special interests, so
Wheel of Fortune and
Farming Simulator may not be high on your Priority List.