Author Topic: Uncharted 3 Code  (Read 1478 times)

Offline YourMathTeacher

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Uncharted 3 Code
« on: October 07, 2011, 06:50:10 PM »
My wife picked up an access code from her blogging. It is for PS3's Uncharted 3. It is like the ones that are on Subway restaurant cups. I don't know if it really works, but if someone is interested, just PM me. Here is the write up:

During October, a month before the games full retail release, players who purchased certain items from Subway will have access to the entire multiplayer mode of Uncharted 3, as part of a cross-promotion between Sony and sandwich chain Subway.[27] The Subway Taste for Adventure promotion will run from September 29 – November 31. Buyers will be able to enter a code from a Subway cup before November 1 to get early access to the Uncharted 3 multiplayer, or enter the cup code after October 31 for the chance to play DC Universe Online at the premium level free for seven days. The offer entitles fans to play all of the competitive multiplayer maps and modes a month before the game is released. The players stats, rank and unlockables will be carried over into the main game.

My wife is a hottie.


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