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Nimaothar will be on sometime Saturday, along with Jayantii. Not sure what server my guild is going to attempt to play yet...
I get to start playing at 10am on Friday. I work til midnight the night before, but you can bet I'll be up in time to start playing as soon as they let me in, haha.If anyone wants to group up or whatever, I'll be playing on the Cosmic Turbine server with my guildies that have been in the full beta for awhile. I think I'll be playing Republic for the beta so as not to spoil the Empire quests for the full game.
Drat. I won't be able to play until Monday.... My invite's open today, but my computer's on campus.
So, I'm curious if we have enough people playing one faction or the other (or both, even) that we could make a Redemption guild or something. It would be fun to be able to group up for stuff with you guys and having a guild would make it easier than trying to coordinate everyone having everyone else on their friends list.Does this sound like something people would be interested in, or should I just stick to my other non-Redemption guild? lol
If you guys make a guild. I will join when I get the game.