Cactus Game Design Message Boards
Other Gaming => Video & Computer Games => Topic started by: TheKarazyvicePresidentRR on April 01, 2011, 12:58:14 PM
Best, Gift, Ever Blizz.
psst.... Look at today's date. Did you see Blizzard's patch notes though, lol?
"Protoss players that are matched against another Protoss player will automatically start the game with 4 Gateways and Warp Gate tech researched." - Blizzard on balance
"Bug fixed where terran players can lose a game" - Blizzard on bugs.
The patch notes were lulz, and I know what date it is. Honestly, I'm so glad it was that day, because SC/2 is a PC game, I don't think consoles were made to handle it.
Consoles weren't made to handle anything that requires skill.
My favorite:
The Ghost can no longer be produced. Once a Ghost's progress bar is partially complete it will be postponed indefinitely.
Consoles weren't made to handle anything that requires skill.
But I play protoss, so I don't even require skill on the pc.
Consoles weren't made to handle anything that requires skill.
But I play protoss, so I don't even require skill on the pc.
Yeah well we know that.
The patch notes were lulz, and I know what date it is. Honestly, I'm so glad it was that day, because SC/2 is a PC game, I don't think consoles were made to handle it.
>>Implying Starcraft II requires powerful machines to run.
>>Implying consoles aren't released more powerful than the PCs of that year.
SCII would have been interesting on consoles though. It wouldn't be the same game, honestly, but there are functional RTS' on consoles (Halo Wars is the most mainstream one, but Lord of the Rings: Battle for Middle Earth II was very functional and fun, and had as much strategy as it did on PC). I'm just saying, it wouldn't have been a disaster unless Blizzard made some key mistakes, which they aren't known for.
>>Implying that Consoles weren't made for RTS.
>> Has no doubt consoles could run SC2
Mostly, it doesn't allow for the crud load of multi tasking that sc2 demands, simply due to lack of buttons. If I need to build marines back at base on a PC, while having a battle and microing my units, all I need is to have my building hotkeyed to say, 2 and hit A. On the console I would have to scroll back to base, find marines, hit A, then go back to my battle.
But Terran is imba. It'd work on a console if you play terran!
Against Zerg: You'll be in plat in a month if you just 2rax, and stay focused on your base until you push out, at which point you'll have enough marines to take the game.
Against Toss: You'll be in plat in a month if you just turtle, staying focused on your base, and throw up a bunker if they do a really aggressive 4gate. When you stop their 4gate it's an auto loss beings their tech and economy won't be able to touch yours.
Against Terran: You never attack your enemy. Both of you turtle and build infinity tanks/vikings and mine out the entire map.
Well of course Terran is imba, the game was made by Terrans.
Well of course Terran is imba, the game was made by Terrans.
That's what they want you to think.
Well of course Terran is imba, the game was made by Terrans.
Gasp! Blizzard employees are cybernetically modified super-humans!? I knew it.
That dude rage quit. I had already played him that night and destroyed him when he tried to 4gate me on Tal'Darim Altar (lolwut?), so he gave up the second time around beings he was zerg this time.