Cactus Game Design Message Boards
Other Gaming => Video & Computer Games => Topic started by: acree3 on December 21, 2009, 02:00:09 PM
What do you think. I think it will be in the leuge of wow and aion.
It looks awesome. I don't have the money/time to play one, but I love kotor.
Its not going to be free. But you get what you pay for. I hope its $5 or $10.
Sadly it won't be free. It looks awesome, but I don't pay by the month for games.
Depending on how awesome it is, it may replace WoW for awhile for my preferred game during free time (until Cataclysm comes out).
What class will you play as? For me smuggler all the way. Or maby imp spy...
There is a small chance it might be a micro transaction game instead of a monthly paid type of dealio. We can only hope!
I'm going to make Joliee Bindo first. :D
I'm going to make Joliee Bindo first. :D
I wish that was possible, but I doubt it :(