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Other Gaming => Video & Computer Games => Topic started by: TheKarazyvicePresidentRR on March 06, 2013, 08:53:22 PM

Title: So....I got a 3ds, its my birthday on the tenth, and I want to get myself a gift
Post by: TheKarazyvicePresidentRR on March 06, 2013, 08:53:22 PM
Anyone have any ideas for great games?


Kingdom Hearts Dream drop distance
Fire Emblem Shadow dragon (and awakening.)
Title: Re: So....I got a 3ds, its my birthday on the tenth, and I want to get myself a gift
Post by: Master KChief on March 06, 2013, 09:02:39 PM
Animal Crossing New Leaf comes out in June.

I also want a new Advance Wars. Miss that series so much.
Title: Re: So....I got a 3ds, its my birthday on the tenth, and I want to get myself a gift
Post by: Master Q on March 06, 2013, 10:02:57 PM
If you have Shadow Dragon then Awakening will be a no-brainer. Unless you meant to put Awakening instead of Shadow Dragon?

Animal Crossing New Leaf comes out in June.

I also want a new Advance Wars. Miss that series so much.

I thought the new AC was supposed to be in May? I wish they would make another Advance Wars too; hopefully like Dual Strike.
Title: Re: So....I got a 3ds, its my birthday on the tenth, and I want to get myself a gift
Post by: Master KChief on March 06, 2013, 10:10:26 PM
No, New Leaf has a release date of June 9th. I also loved Dual Strike the best.

Project X Zone also comes out sometime this year, which is pretty much like Namco x Capcom ( but with tons of characters from Namco, Capcom, and Sega. Really looking forward to it.

Also, did anyone pick up the new PC Sim City?
Title: Re: So....I got a 3ds, its my birthday on the tenth, and I want to get myself a gift
Post by: TheKarazyvicePresidentRR on March 06, 2013, 10:40:10 PM
Also, did anyone pick up the new PC Sim City?
Title: Re: So....I got a 3ds, its my birthday on the tenth, and I want to get myself a gift
Post by: Isildur on March 06, 2013, 11:02:20 PM
Really Dual Strike was your favorite? I thought that was the worst one in the series....

Personally I wont be getting a 3DS till Advance Wars comes out I did the same thing with the DS.
Title: Re: So....I got a 3ds, its my birthday on the tenth, and I want to get myself a gift
Post by: Master KChief on March 06, 2013, 11:14:30 PM
Really Dual Strike was your favorite? I thought that was the worst one in the series....

How so? It had everything all of the predecessors had, plus so much more...more maps, more CO's, more units, more everything.
Title: Re: So....I got a 3ds, its my birthday on the tenth, and I want to get myself a gift
Post by: Isildur on March 06, 2013, 11:27:28 PM
That was the problem I had with it I felt it had TOO much. Imo Advance Wars 2 Black Hole Rising was the best mix between CO's and Powers when you played Sami vs Colin it was very distinct what would happen it was like a chess game. But with Dual Strike I felt the game lost some of this "chess" like feel to the game since you could just spam random CO's and Powers all over the place.

I actually REALLY like Days of Ruin because even though the game took away the "culture" (what I mean by culture is Colin has cheap units ect) aspect of the CO's it gave all of the players a even playing field and made the CO's your "Queen" persay and if you were smart with your CO you could really swing the tide of any game. My favorite CO in Days of Ruin was the old dude with the MASSIVE range and he gave + 1 attack/+ 1 defense to your units so much fun doing a motorcycle,arty and mech spam.

Now my opinions might be alittle biased towards the more chess like experience because I played ALOT of Advance Wars... like a absurd amount of time playing Advance Wars 2 and Days of Ruin... My friends and I had alot of down time with Band and in between classes during High School....
Title: Re: So....I got a 3ds, its my birthday on the tenth, and I want to get myself a gift
Post by: Master Q on March 06, 2013, 11:33:09 PM
Really Dual Strike was your favorite? I thought that was the worst one in the series....

How so? It had everything all of the predecessors had, plus so much more...more maps, more CO's, more units, more everything.

Indeed, I loved all the bonus content that game had. Personally, I thought Days o' Ruin was the worst one; it felt off compared to the others. It wasn't a bad game, it just wasn't as fun for me. I think that game is the reason they haven't made another Advance Wars; I don't think they know what to do next.
Title: Re: So....I got a 3ds, its my birthday on the tenth, and I want to get myself a gift
Post by: Master KChief on March 06, 2013, 11:38:16 PM
I thought Days of Ruin was the worst one too, didn't like the direction it took. The CO as a unit was an interesting approach, but I'd still rather have the cool CO powers and innate bonuses as well. I also didn't like the aesthetic feel of Days of Ruin...too 'dark' for me.
Title: Re: So....I got a 3ds, its my birthday on the tenth, and I want to get myself a gift
Post by: SiLeNcEd_MaTrIx on July 17, 2013, 10:56:58 PM
For my 3ds I have Mario Kart, Star Fox, Donkey Kong, and Luigis Mansion and would recommend them all, all awesome.
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