Cactus Game Design Message Boards
Other Gaming => Video & Computer Games => Topic started by: AJ on January 04, 2014, 12:32:16 PM
I own Giants and Swapforce its alot of fun.
the skylanders I own are
slambam series 1 and series 2 legendary
jetvac reg and legendary
stealth elf series 3
eruptor lightcore
bash series 2
prism break light core
slobber tooth dark edition
mega ram spyro dark edition
wash buckler dark edition
blast zone dark edition
tree rex reg
bouncer legendary
trigger happy series 1 legendary
pop fizz series 1
camo series 1
warnado series 1
nitro magna charge
free ranger
zoo lou
hot head
ignitor series 2 legendary
and others im probably forgeting i love the game my favorite character is flynn
I chose the Disney Infinity route instead. :-\
I chose the Disney Infinity route instead. :-\
oh do the characters in disney infinity level up
I chose the Disney Infinity route instead. :-\
oh do the characters in disney infinity level up
Yes. Mr. Incredible is now Level 12. ;D My daughter just got Rapunzel for Christmas, so she isn't very high yet. ;)
i have about 5 lv 15 which is the max
at ymt how much enjoyment do get out of Disney Infinitey im looking into it how is the custimization i have a younger nephew who likes games with action so keep that in mind
at ymt how much enjoyment do get out of Disney Infinitey im looking into it how is the custimization i have a younger nephew who likes games with action so keep that in mind
It is definitely made for the younger crowd. My 7-year-old daughter loves it. My 16-year-old son likes playing and the customization of the "Toy Box." It makes a fun "party" game, because he had his 17-year-old gamer friend over and they had a blast in the Cars World. You can basically create your own world if you want, then have your friends/family play/compete/battle in it.
My son & his friend are experienced RPG gamers, and they were not able to beat the story mode of Pirates of the Caribbean yet. So there are elements that will appeal to any age and experience, but overall the game is made for family fun.
My kids have both games (with the exception of Skylander Swap).
Shortly, after the intro of Infinity I asked which they liked better. Infinity got the resounding vote. The Toy Box alone won them over. In fact, I think they spend 96% of their Infinity playing time in the Toy Box. The creation factor is a pretty big hit (they build their own "bases").
My daughter (4 y.o.) bought Rapunzel with her own money. She could care less about Infinity, but her big brothers let her play from time to time.
Honestly, not having seen anything infinity related, Skylanders Swap force is vastly superior to the older Skylanders games.
What makes it superior? I ask because we have the 2 older games and my boys (especially the 6 y.o.) really enjoyed those.
I have the original Skylanders and I've been wondering whether to pick up Giants and/or Swap Force. What do they add besides new character pieces that require spending more money on? Do they have new storylines? Can I use most/all of my original Skylanders in the 2 new games and avoid having to buy a whole new collection of characters? If they add new content without requiring buying a bunch of new characters I might end up picking them up.
I also have Disney Infinity and between my roommates and I we have bought every extra playset as well as some extra characters. I enjoy this game very much as well as the Toy Box has so much potential for fun and enjoyment. My roommate and I once spent an afternoon building race tracks all around a Box and then racing around on them with the different cars.
Skylanders Swap Force has added the power swappers which are realy cool and fun to use,a new storyline which imo is better than the older ones other things have been updated such as before in Giants if p1 got the cash before p2 did p1 would get it all now money is shared along with food and exp.There is also swap mini games which can only be played by a Skylander with the right ability.Skylanders Swap Force has also added jumping which has been imo masterfuly done the graphics have also gotten alot better hope that helps :)
EDIT Yes all Skylanders are compatible with Skylanders Swap Force.
Sorry for the double post but in disney infinitey could i have woody fighting bad guys from potc in monsters university if so that is sweet :D
Regarding Skylanders, is it necessary to have a "Swap Force" era figure to play through the SF story, or will my original figures suffice? Thanks for the info so far! :)
Sorry for the double post but in disney infinitey could i have woody fighting bad guys from potc in monsters university if so that is sweet :D
You can have Woody fighting PotC baddies in the Toy Box, but only characters originally from a play set can be used in that play set, so Woody can't run around Monsters University, sadly.
The game comes with two swapping characters along with the game, a new portal and series 3 stealth elf. There are some areas that can only be accessed by swapping characters with the correct swap force ability. You don't need any additional characters besides the ones that the game comes with to complete the story.
The game comes with two swapping characters along with the game, a new portal and series 3 stealth elf. There are some areas that can only be accessed by swapping characters withd the correct swap force ability. You don't need any additional characters besides the ones that the game comes with to complete the story.
You can have Woody fighting PotC baddies in the Toy Box, but only characters originally from a play set can be used in that play set, so Woody can't run around Monsters University, sadly.
To clarify, you can unlock aspects of the Monsters University playset and then open them in the Toy Box. Therefore, you could have Woody fighting pirates in Monsters University, all happening in the Toy Box. You just cannot use Woody in the Story Mode of Monsters University playset.
You can have Woody fighting PotC baddies in the Toy Box, but only characters originally from a play set can be used in that play set, so Woody can't run around Monsters University, sadly.
To clarify, you can unlock aspects of the Monsters University playset and then open them in the Toy Box. Therefore, you could have Woody fighting pirates in Monsters University, all happening in the Toy Box. You just cannot use Woody in the Story Mode of Monsters University playset.
shweet :D
So im most likely getting Disney Infinity and have a few questions 1 what other characters should i get i am going to get another character to play coop so is there any good ones that fit in the worlds that come with the starter pack i am looking at Mike Wazowski is he good for the story modes or should i get someone else 2 does the starter pack come with the Disk things and does each character come with one 3 when i get the money what other playset should i get i am looking at the Toy Story one.All help welcome :)
So im most likely getting Disney Infinity and have a few questions 1 what other characters should i get i am going to get another character to play coop so is there any good ones that fit in the worlds that come with the starter pack i am looking at Mike Wazowski is he good for the story modes or should i get someone else 2 does the starter pack come with the Disk things and does each character come with one 3 when i get the money what other playset should i get i am looking at the Toy Story one.All help welcome :)
It depends on what you are ultimately looking for. The Pirates of the Caribbean playset is the most challenging as a gamer. For co-op, you will need to get either Barbossa or Davey Jones. If you want to unlock the vault so you can create the Pirates world in the Toy Box, you will need all three (or you will need to find the discs).
On the other hand, the Cars playset is hilarious for group fun.
I don't think the Starter Pack came with discs. I'll have to ask my son and get back to you. None of the characters come with discs. There are some box sets that include discs, but that is because they do not have a playset (i.e. Frozen). If you look in the upper right corner of the box/package, it will either show the playset symbol or it will say "Toy Box." For the Frozen box set, for example, you get two characters and two power discs. These characters do not have a playset, so you cannot use them in Story Mode. Instead, you load them into the Toy Box with their power discs. The first disc changes the ground/playing field, while the second disc changes the background scenery. Different discs do different things. You can get attack/defense bonuses, special weapons, mounts (including vehicles), as well as the scenery (like Rapunzel's Tower). Each character can have up to 3 discs under them on the base.
Each character comes with an online access code that allows you to play with the characters on your computer, but only in Toy Box mode. You can download your unlockables from console gameplay because they are saved on the Infinity Base, and it is a USB connection, so you can download to your computer.
FYI, Randall would be better than Mike, just for his ability.
1. If you're looking for the best co-op opportunity with the starter pack characters, there are two 3-packs of characters you can buy that give you an additional character for each of the starter play sets:
-Disney INFINITY Figure 3-Pack: Sidekicks (contains Elastigirl, Barbossa, and Mike)
-Disney INFINITY Figure 3-Pack: Villians (contains Syndrome, Davy Jones, and Randall)
Either pack will give you the ability to co-op all 3 of the play sets in the starter pack. I've found that Elastigirl is better than Syndrome (she has some ranged attacks) but Randall is better than Mike; Davy and Barbossa are basically equal. It's all up to which characters you want to be playing.
2. For the "disc things" it depends on what you mean. The starter pack includes the following:
-Game disc for your system
-INFINITY base (where you place your figures)
-Play set piece (includes the 3 starter play sets: Incredibles, Pirates, and Monsters U)
-3 starter characters (Mr. Incredible, Jack Sparrow, and Sully)
-1 Power disc (the one that came with mine was a theme pack, you place it on the base while in the toy box and it automatically recolors everything to that theme)
The other power discs must be bought in 2-packs for roughly $4 and they are randomized so be aware you are likely to get multiples if you buy a bunch of packs. You can get either the theme discs or the actual item/power-up discs and you can get any combination of them (1 of each or 2 of the same type).
A note on the power discs: The packaging is a loose bag-type thing so if you are looking for the power-up discs rather than the theme discs (like I was as I'm not really interested in the themes) you can usually feel around the bag (assuming you're not buying them online, lol) to determine what type of discs are inside. The power-up discs are round like the bases of the characters while the theme discs are a slanted rectangle like the base of the play set piece.
3. My roommates and I have bought every play set for Infinity. They all come with 2 characters so you can instantly jump into co-op which is great, and all the play sets add a large area with lots of collectibles and missions/quests to complete as well as things to unlock for the Toy Box mode. I've played all of them except the Toy Story one so far and they are all good. Toy Story is definitely on my list of things to do, I'm just waiting until I have a solid afternoon or other large amount of time to sit there and enjoy it.
I recommend all of the play sets in general as you can't enjoy the full scope of the game without them (which at the same time is a downside as it requires spending a fairly large amount of extra money just to gain access to all the game's content), it would be hard to pick a specific one (especially since I haven't tried the Toy Story one yet), though I will say that the story in the Lone Ranger one is a bit confusing at first (at least for me, maybe it makes more sense if you've seen the movie).
Regarding the Toy Story one, Disney made a wise business choice and did not include the Woody figure in the Toy Story play set pack. You get Buzz and Jessie. This was smart of them as many people will buy the Woody figure separately to be able to play him so they'll get more money, but for people on a budget it's a bit of a bummer.
Hope this helps!
So could i use the Toybox without disks also which one of the playsets is easy enough for a 6yo but fun enough for someone older since if the Pirates of the Caribean is hard i will most likely play by myself.Thanks for responding :)Since me and my family loves ToyStory i will probably get that one first.
So could i use the Toybox without disks also which one of the playsets is easy enough for a 6yo but fun enough for someone older since if the Pirates of the Caribean is hard i will most likely play by myself.Thanks for responding :)Since me and my family loves ToyStory i will probably get that one first.
You can play in the toy box without the discs. They are just "flavor." In fact, my kids don't like/prefer the discs we have (Up's cane & Tangled's starry bags).
The toy box is great for all ages, but my 6 y.o. and 3 y.o. have played with their big brother (11 y.o.) in the Incredibles story mode and they have beat it. You may have to carry a bit but the Incredibles' story seems easy enough.
So could i use the Toybox without disks also which one of the playsets is easy enough for a 6yo but fun enough for someone older since if the Pirates of the Caribean is hard i will most likely play by myself.Thanks for responding :)Since me and my family loves ToyStory i will probably get that one first.
You can play in the toy box without the discs. They are just "flavor." In fact, my kids don't like/prefer the discs we have (Up's cane & Tangled's starry bags).
The toy box is great for all ages, but my 6 y.o. and 3 y.o. have played with their big brother (11 y.o.) in the Incredibles story mode and they have beat it. You may have to carry a bit but the Incredibles' story seems easy enough.
Well i know what world im playing with my nephew :)Thanks for the help everyone.
Since me and my family loves ToyStory i will probably get that one first.
Note that the Story Mode playset for Toy Story is not what you may expect. It is set on a different "planet," since Buzz is the main figure. None of the area is recognizable from the movies, which is disappointing. My kids beat that story fairly easily, and it was not that interesting to them. I wish they had made the Playset be Andy's Room, or perhaps Sunnyside Daycare.
The Cars playset is just like the first movie, using Radiator Springs. The Monsters Playset is Monsters University specifically. The Incredibles Playset is downtown, fighting Syndrome's robots. The Cars Playset is the best looking one overall, and authentic to the movie.
For the Toy Box, my kids unlocked the arcade from Wreck-It Ralph, so they have had lots of fun there. ;D
Did they unlock it with the Wreck it Ralph figure, a disc, or some other method?
Did they unlock it with the Wreck it Ralph figure, a disc, or some other method?
You can download it as a default for the Toy Box, apparently. We do have Wreck-It Ralph and Venelope, though, so I'm sure if those are required first. My son said that you can download tons of default Toy Boxes. Just look for Mr. Litwack's Arcade.
Wait wut the Toystory playset is on another planet not andys room noooooooooooo.
Yea, the full title for the play set is "Toy Story in Space." :P
Yea, the full title for the play set is "Toy Story in Space." :P
That makes no sense at all :o
why would disney do that
Sorry for the double post but do your Disney Infinity characters gain experience for fighting bad guys in the toybox.
Sorry for the double post but do your Disney Infinity characters gain experience for fighting bad guys in the toybox.
If you dont want to double post, you can just edit your previous post.
Sorry for the double post but do your Disney Infinity characters gain experience for fighting bad guys in the toybox.
Yes, figures gain XP for defeating enemies in any game mode, as well as for a number of other things (such as performing tricks in vehicles).
Sorry for the double post but do your Disney Infinity characters gain experience for fighting bad guys in the toybox.
Yes, figures gain XP for defeating enemies in any game mode, as well as for a number of other things (such as performing tricks in vehicles).
Thanks ;D
Did they unlock it with the Wreck it Ralph figure, a disc, or some other method?
You can download it as a default for the Toy Box, apparently. We do have Wreck-It Ralph and Venelope, though, so I'm sure if those are required first. My son said that you can download tons of default Toy Boxes. Just look for Mr. Litwack's Arcade.
Do you have to pay money for the download or is it free?
Do you have to pay money for the download or is it free?
The download was free. But again, I'm not sure if having the character first was a requirement. Just check to see if you can download it, then let me know.
Sorry for the Necro i have just purchased the Disney Infinity WIIU starter pack and it says it includes 1 play set piece which i don't understand does this mean i only get Monsters University or do i also get the Incredibles and the Pirates of the Caribean or is it 1 of those randomly.
It includes 1 play set piece insomuch as it's one physical piece of plastic. It contains the data for all 3 starter play sets.
It includes 1 play set piece insomuch as it's one physical piece of plastic. It contains the data for all 3 starter play sets.
Thanks ;D