Author Topic: Realistic Piranha Plant  (Read 2805 times)

Offline Master KChief

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Realistic Piranha Plant
« on: October 20, 2009, 02:59:45 PM »
some people would pay extra to ensure that teeth are not part of their experience. sculptor Kalapusa is hoping there are some individuals who feel the exact opposite though. determined to create an absolute masterpiece, he first began his ambitious project by thoroughly researching animal skin patterns, mouth anatomy, aging, and plant life. what he learned combined with five months of arduous work left him with what is arguably the most realistic interpretation of the iconic Super Mario Bros. Piranha Plant ever created. assuming that you find the thought of owning a large, carnivorous sculpture more than a little appealing, it could potentially be yours for a starting bid of only US $1,400. if that price tag has a bit too much bite for you, there’s also a baby version available at a fraction of the cost. that one has significantly less teeth and a whole lot more gums, which we all know is more desirable anyways.
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