New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
apparantly some individuals are narrow-minded well under the appropriate age as stated on the front of the box.
ive always wondered that myself. i feel as long as we don't go in-depth about a m-rated game, then that should be ok. a name is not m-rated...the content is. apparantly some individuals are narrow-minded.
Tearing down of persons was not intended.
The aforementioned cards present a more harmful environment than does saying the names of M-rated games.
I invite you to consider whether there might be a reason that brand of artwork has not perpetuated or resurfaced, despite their more-or-less innocuous presentation.
hey, i have an idea: much like how off-topic has open discussion to discuss more mature material, why not have the video game section have a similiar function where those of age are allowed to discuss m-rated games?
Did I have a post deleted? I could have sworn I posted something else.