Author Topic: PS3 Move Bundle for $250... Is this good?  (Read 3402 times)

Offline YourMathTeacher

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PS3 Move Bundle for $250... Is this good?
« on: December 29, 2012, 02:26:43 PM »
I have been thinking about picking up a PS3 for a while now, but I needed the price to be right. This seems to have what I want:

It is a 250GB Slim PS3 with Move and includes Epic Mickey 2. The game has not had good reviews, but it is family friendly and we are a Disney family. I don't currently have a Blu-Ray player, so this would cover that as well. I do not intend to do a lot of online gaming and I am not interested in FPS types of games.

It says PlayStation Online is included, but I don't know what that covers exactly. I assume that some of you experts could fill me in on that.

I just wanted the feedback of you gamers out there (I'm looking at you MKC  ;) ). $250 with free shipping for a PS3 that includes Move seems like an unbeatable deal, but perhaps I am missing something.
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Re: PS3 Move Bundle for $250... Is this good?
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2012, 03:19:33 PM »
Man, I remember when you asked a year ago about this. I admire your commitment and dedication towards your pursuit. ;D

Pretty much any bundle out there right now is a really good deal. Barebone PS3's with that size hard drive are around $250 anyways, so it's like you're getting Move and Mickey for free. Some other places have some solid bundles as well if you're willing to drop a bit more money. Walmart has a PS3 bundle that includes Move, a racing controller, and Little Big Planet Karting for 299. Gamestop has a bundle that includes 3 games (Lego Batman 2, Lego Harry Potter, and Little Big Planet Karting) and a Dual Shock 3 new owners kit (extra controller, hdmi cable, and usb cable) for 299.

Playstation Online is just the online service Playstation utilizes. It allows you to play games online and access other online functions such as Netflix, Hulu, Playstation Store, etc. It's always been a free service.

Also, just a friendly reminder that you're only $50 away from a Wii U. ;) It's not a bad idea considering the PS4 being released soon has been circulating the rumor mill for quite some time now, and it's a nice investment towards a next-gen device that has better specs than both the Xbox 360 and PS3 and an actual legitimate attempt at a proper online service.

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Re: PS3 Move Bundle for $250... Is this good?
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2012, 03:44:06 PM »
Man, I remember when you asked a year ago about this. I admire your commitment and dedication towards your pursuit. ;D

I will stop at nothing to save a few bucks!  :o

Walmart has a PS3 bundle that includes Move, a racing controller, and Little Big Planet Karting for 299. Gamestop has a bundle that includes 3 games (Lego Batman 2, Lego Harry Potter, and Little Big Planet Karting) and a Dual Shock 3 new owners kit (extra controller, hdmi cable, and usb cable) for 299.

I saw the Wal-Mart bundle, but the plastic wheel was not worth the extra $50 to me. The GameStop bundle is probably a good deal, but realize that I have a 500 lb. tube TV, so HDMI is not an option for me yet.  ;)

Playstation Online is just the online service Playstation utilizes. It allows you to play games online and access other online functions such as Netflix, Hulu, Playstation Store, etc. It's always been a free service.

I wasn't sure how much was actually free, though. We have Netflix already, but you still have to pay for that separately. How many games can you play online that are actually free?

Also, just a friendly reminder that you're only $50 away from a Wii U. ;) It's not a bad idea considering the PS4 being released soon has been circulating the rumor mill for quite some time now, and it's a nice investment towards a next-gen device that has better specs than both the Xbox 360 and PS3 and an actual legitimate attempt at a proper online service.

I'm not sold on the Wii U yet, which is saying alot for a diehard Nintendo fan like myself. I don't like that the handheld controller is only for one player, while the rest have to use regular Wii controllers. I am curious as to whether the Wii U will require Motion-Plus controllers. The online environment is too new to judge properly. They still have a ways to go with it.

Basically, my fear is that problems will ensue that are as yet undetected. The original Wii was great right off the bat, but that was just motion-control. The handheld is a whole new connectivity issue that I'm not sure will be without glitches. I think I'll wait until all the glitches are figured out, and the online service is running in full swing, before I commit to the Wii U.
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Re: PS3 Move Bundle for $250... Is this good?
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2012, 03:45:54 PM »
I wasn't sure how much was actually free, though. We have Netflix already, but you still have to pay for that separately. How many games can you play online that are actually free?
Think of it as Xbox live... but free.  Its akin to playing PC games online.... its free!
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Offline YourMathTeacher

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Re: PS3 Move Bundle for $250... Is this good?
« Reply #4 on: December 29, 2012, 03:50:15 PM »
I wasn't sure how much was actually free, though. We have Netflix already, but you still have to pay for that separately. How many games can you play online that are actually free?
Think of it as Xbox live... but free.  Its akin to playing PC games online.... its free!

That's what I was wondering. That's good to know, which was also a stopping point for the Wii U. I know the current Nintendo "Store" for the Wii costs money (points) so I rarely use it. I've only purchased two online games in my years of Wii ownership, and that was because I got a Wii points card as a gift.
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Re: PS3 Move Bundle for $250... Is this good?
« Reply #5 on: December 29, 2012, 03:57:02 PM »
Yeah, if you're looking to keep your costs low, you can't get much better than the Mickey bundle (free shipping is a big plus too, but don't tell me Orlando doesn't have Targets). There is also a 199 Black Friday bundle out there at some places (Toys R Us had it I believe), but I imagine its probably fairly hard to find.

Isildur is right, its just an online service that enables you to play any game you own for free, as well as access other online features. Xbox Live costs money, PS Network is free, they both primarily do the same things. Also, I'm pretty sure it won't cost you extra to stream Netflix on your PS3 if you're already signed up on a streaming plan through Netflix. At least it doesn't cost me extra on Xbox.

Also, please don't confuse this with being able to play any game you see online for free. Playstation Network has a Playstation Store just like Nintendo and Xbox where you still have to purchase games you want to play. It's just that it costs you $0 to play the game, if able, in, online multiplayer.
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Offline YourMathTeacher

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Re: PS3 Move Bundle for $250... Is this good?
« Reply #6 on: December 29, 2012, 04:05:41 PM »
Yeah, if you're looking to keep your costs low, you can't get much better than the Mickey bundle (free shipping is a big plus too, but don't tell me Orlando doesn't have Targets).

The $250 was "online only."

There is also a 199 Black Friday bundle out there at some places (Toys R Us had it I believe), but I imagine its probably fairly hard to find.

The Black Friday deals did not include Move, and are indeed hard to find.

Isildur is right, its just an online service that enables you to play any game you own for free, as well as access other online features. Xbox Live costs money, PS Network is free, they both primarily do the same things.

So it is only for games you "own?"

Also, I'm pretty sure it won't cost you extra to stream Netflix on your PS3 if you're already signed up on a streaming plan through Netflix. At least it doesn't cost me extra on Xbox.

I just meant that you have to pay for Netflix, thus for the  PlayStation Online it is really just an app.

Also, please don't confuse this with being able to play any game you see online for free. Playstation Network has a Playstation Store just like Nintendo and Xbox where you still have to purchase games you want to play. It's just that it costs you $0 to play the game, if able, in, online multiplayer.

I see. So that is what I was getting at. Are there any games on the PlayStation online that are actually free, or do you have to: 1.)Buy the regular game first; or 2.)Purchase the game online first.
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Re: PS3 Move Bundle for $250... Is this good?
« Reply #7 on: December 29, 2012, 04:15:31 PM »
I'm sure there are games on PSN that are free to own, just like there are some on Xbox and Wii. I'm not sure what you mean by purchasing regular or online games. For all intents and purposes, they're the same thing, the only difference being the source where you buy it from. If by 'regular' game you mean going to a store and buying a game disc, then its exactly the same as buying a game in the Playstation Network, downloading it to your massive 250gb hard drive, and playing it. In both cases you own the game. What Playstation Network offers you for free is the ability to play any games you own online, with other people across the multiplayer...for free. Since you own/ed a Wii, its exactly the same a going online with the Wii. You are able to play Mario Kart with Muhammad in Dubai for free. Wii also has the Nintendo Store where you can purchase games to own, and also play online multiplayer with those games if they are able to do so. Same with the Playstation Store.
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Re: PS3 Move Bundle for $250... Is this good?
« Reply #8 on: December 29, 2012, 04:27:27 PM »
Ok, I think that answers my question. So the PlayStation online is not really a selling point for people like me.

Last question is in regard to the 250GB hard drive. That should last someone like me for a long time to come, right? I know, MKC, that when we were talking about the PS3 last year for $199, I believe that was a 4GB system (or something in that range). So this bundle would be like moving from Rhode Island to Texas, right?
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Re: PS3 Move Bundle for $250... Is this good?
« Reply #9 on: December 29, 2012, 04:43:05 PM »
Exactly. I have a 320 GB hard drive on my Xbox at the moment. I only use 70 of it and I'm a heavy gamer and media junkie. Files installed on the hard drive are just so small nowadays they make very little impact towards overall space used by the average gamer.
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Re: PS3 Move Bundle for $250... Is this good?
« Reply #10 on: December 29, 2012, 04:48:02 PM »
250 GB is more than enough for someone who won't be buying a bunch of network games and if you do somehow fill it up PS3 hard drives are just regular 2.5 inch computer drives and easily replaceable (looking at you, Xbox and your proprietary drives)

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Re: PS3 Move Bundle for $250... Is this good?
« Reply #11 on: December 29, 2012, 05:00:03 PM »
That's what I thought. Thanks guys!  ;D

I think I'm going to go with this. I will eventually need a second regular controller and Move controller, so if anyone is selling let me know!
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Re: PS3 Move Bundle for $250... Is this good?
« Reply #12 on: December 29, 2012, 05:26:31 PM »
Oops! I do have another question. What is the difference between a Move Motion controller and a Move Navigation controller? Do you need both? Or do some games require both and some don't, like the Wii nunchuck? Can one (or both) of them be used instead of a regular controller for non-Move games?
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Re: PS3 Move Bundle for $250... Is this good?
« Reply #13 on: December 29, 2012, 05:31:23 PM »
Move Navigation is basically a dumbed down regular controller on a stick. Some games require it, some don't. Since all of the buttons on a Move Navigation are found on your regular basic controller, you could technically use a regular controller in place of it.
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Re: PS3 Move Bundle for $250... Is this good?
« Reply #14 on: December 30, 2012, 09:57:06 AM »
Wow. I guess that was a one-day sale. It's back up to $269.99 without free shipping.  :o
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