Cactus Game Design Message Boards
Other Gaming => Video & Computer Games => Topic started by: The Schaef on August 01, 2006, 01:42:05 PM
Post your friend codes here for your Nintendo Wi-Fi titles.
Marvel Trading Card Game: 0430 7822 3917
Final Fantasy III: 3007 7311 4912
Starfox Command: 2546 7924 8141
Advance Wars: Days of Ruin: 5155 2462 7381
:edit: several posts baleeted, don't take it personally, just reducing clutter to just posts with codes included.
Animal Crossing: 0301-2567-4644 (name: heathbar town: Key West)
And for your animal crossing players... is a great place to keep up with what you have/need and to meet other players.
Just out of curiosity, does ANYONE else here play Metroid on Wi-Fi? If so, I may post my friend code, as I don't play the other Wi-Fi games all that much.
**edit** Actually, idk how to find my friend code for metroid... :-[ **edit**
I got it!
Ok, my friend code for Metroid is: 4639 3202 7041
i got a 2month from my friend, so im gonna play halo for the next 2 months.
x w33b1e x
post yours
Xbox Live: PenultimatePain
SuperSmashBros. Brawl
My Friend Code is: 2234-6945-2905
Xfire: redemption99
I'm on a 360... I play Call of duty 2, Halo, NIght Round 3
FLATFOOTED TONY.... are any of you guys on the 360? mainly chromehounds?
Darth Jabal Yeah I know the name is sad but I literally tried 25 other names and that was the best I could do >:( My old name was YoteeYP
sup guys i have mario kart and animal crossing but dont play them much (my town is probly a jungle of weeds) i do love metroid though but to warn you i am a sniper
metriod name: doomedhobo
metroid number: 5412 3859 3574
pm me for a match (my first friends match ever thats sad)
Just got Animal Crossing in, here's the info:
Code: 4682-2914-0471
Name: Dan H.
Town: Thule
Name: Chris
System: Wii, Playstation 2, Xbox, Playstation, DS, Nintendo 64, and Super Nintendo
Genre: Action Horror, Action, Horror, Strategy Horror, and RPG
Favorite Games: Metal Gear Solid, Resident Evil, and Final Fantasy
Online: Metal Gear Online
Games Owned:
PS2: Metal Gear Solid 2: Sons of Liberty, Metal Gear Solid 2: Substance, Metal Gear Solid 3: Subsistence, Final Fantasy X, Final Fantasy X-2, Final Fantasy XII, Resident Evil 4, Resident Evil Code: Veronica X, Disgaea: Hour of Darkness, Silent Hill 3, Splinter Cell, Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory, and Lord of the Rings: Return of the King.
PS1: Metal Gear Solid, Metal Gear Solid: VR Missions, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VIII, Final Fantasy Tactics, Resident Evil, Resident Evil 2, Resident Evil 3: Nemesis, Dino Crisis, Bowling, Tennis(Sealed), Triple Play 98, NBA Live 98, and Madden NFL 2000.
Wii: The Legend of Zelda: The Twilight Princess
Xbox: Dead or Alive Ultimate, Dead or Alive 3, Halo 2, Halo, Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic.
Gamecube: Metal Gear Solid: The Twin Snakes, Resident Evil, Resident Evil 0, and The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.
GBA: Pokemon: Leaf Green
Games I am Looking For: Final Fantasy III(DS), Final Fantasy IV(GBA), Final Fantasy V(GBA), Final Fantasy VI(GBA), Final Fantasy IX, Metal Gear Solid 2: The Documents, and Disgaea 2.
Games That Really Get Me: Story! Must have a great story. Music is a must, the soundtrack must be: good - amazing. Horror games always catch my eye.
Name: Stephen
Systems: PS1, N64, Gamecube, GBA, DS
Genre: RPG, FPS, RTS and other 3-letter acronyms
Favorite Games: Perfect Dark, Tetris, Mega Man, Castlevania, Guitar Hero
Friend Codes:
Animal Crossing: 3780-2728-6877 (name: Schaef) (town: Buckeyea)
Mario Kart: 532651 126474
Tetris: 486366 787033
Castlevania Portrait of Ruin: 309323 777958
XBL Gamertag: w0rf47
Name: Ben
Systems: Xbox 360 and DS
Genre: FPS, TPS, and RPG
Favorite games: Halo 2, Perfect Dark Zero, Animal Crossing, G.R.A.W and Call of Duty
XBL Gamertag: Lawfuldog and Lawfulsniper
Name: Classified
Systems: PS2, XBox 360, DS, PSP, PC, Dreamcast, Wii
Genre: RPG, Strategy, Fighting, Action Adventure, some racing and sports
Best Games I've played: Metal Arms: Glitch in the System, Kingdom Hearts 2, Sonic Adventure, Mario & Luigi Superstar Saga, Paper Mario: The Thousand Year Door, Gears of War, Beyond Good & Evil
XBox Live Gamertag: gamer4life17
Games that get me: Story! Dramatic stories and funny stories. Good soundtrack is preferred, but not a necessity.
Name: Joshua
Systems: sega gen, N64, Gamecube, GBP, Xbox
Genre: RPG, FPS, RTS, TPS, and most games cept sports/racing
Favorite Games: Kotor 1/2, sonic spinball, Star craft.
edit: The raven=Andy
name:The Raven(i'm not tellin my real name)
systems:xbox,gamecube,N64,snes,nes,ps1,gameboy color,sega genesis
genre:1st person shooter,fighting,sports,i'm the kind of bird who likes to kick some butt but isn't a game that's like mortal kombat or dead or alive.
fave games:battlefront2,wwe day of reckoning 2,dragonballZ budokai 2,beyblade v force super tournament battle,metroid and zelda and also super smash brothers
games i own:i got lots of games i have that are just rated e-t so i can't name all of them but i can to xbox
and star wars battlefront 2(ok ok yourself fitness may not be an actual game but hey i approve it)
I have animal crossing and metroid prime hunters. (unfortunately, not on me) Will post friend codes soon. :)
Name: Phillip
Systems: N64, Gamecube, DS, Wii
Genre: RPG, FPS, Sports
Favorite Games: Zelda, Castlevania, NCAA Football
Friend Codes:
Animal Crossing: 2749-6772-0086 (name: philpepe) (town: Boomtown)
Metroid: 5455-5066-0078
Castlevania PoR: 1375-2876-6795
Wii Console Name: fred
Wii Number: 3187-0666-7118-9984
Name: call me "Q"
System: All things Playstation
Genre: Survival Horror, RPG, Action games (shootemups)
Currently Playing: Final Fantasy XII, Guitar Hero I & II, Resistance: Fall of Man
Favorite games: There are many, I will not take the time to list them all here.
Games owned: Refer to Favorite Games. I own all my favorites. That is all.
Games I am looking for: None. I find a game I like, and I buy it - case closed.
Games that really get me: Anything that is meant to be played in the dark with the surround turned up a bit. Story is good too. Gimme blood and maybe some gore.
I just got x box live my tag is batman6768.
Name:Hanson (on ds soundman XBL game tage is soundman006)
System:GBA sp DS GC Xbox Xbox 360
Genre: RPG, FPS, Adventure, Strategy
Favorite games:megaman metroid Zelda Bond any game with super heroes
OK games:halo
friend codes:
MPH 3522 7574 0506
mariokart ds 352302
LoZ Phantom hour glass 502669200673 name soundman
looking for: ff1&2 for gba Mega Man Battle Network 6 Cybeast Gregar for gba
Name: luke/weeble
System: xbox, pc, gamecube
Genre: fps, some rpg, stragedy, rythem
Currently Playing: ddr ultramix2&3 (i can pass everything but legend of max heavy..), wc3 (dota mod)
Favorite games: halo2, counter strike, advance wars ds, resident evil 4
Games owned: ddr ultramix2&3, zelda twilight princess, halo2, mario kart dd, advance wars ds, metroid ds
Games I am looking for: uh..none. id like guitar hero though..
Games that really get me: something that keeps me entertained and distracts me from the fact that im sitting in front of a tv pressing buttons, competitive multiplayer games, simplistic but fun games (geometry wars)
Name: Benjamin
Systems (current): DS
Systems (past): PS2, PS1, N64, PSP
Systems (near future): Wii
Systems (distant future): PS10, Xbox 1800
Games I Own: New Super Mario Bros
Genres: Platformers, FPS, RPG, Music, Puzzle
Games that turn me on: I like games with good storylines, fun gameplay, sweet multi-player, intuitive controls, etc. Games with good music and good graphics are a plus, but neither of these make or break a game.
Name: Ehren
Systems: Xbox 360
Own: Halo and Halo2
Genres: FPS
XBL gamertag: Aiglos Y
name: nick
systems: every nintendo + microsoft system except for virtual boy
games: alot
animal crossing: town , no where , Name: nick , friend code 3308-0325-8425!
i have every fruit except pairs please being some if your planning to visit
im me to come to my town (or ill go to yours)
favorite games: animal crossing (ds) world of warcraft (pc) bfme2 (pc) ledgend of zelda twilight princess (wii) super smash bros mele (gc) runescape (pc)
Name: Reggie
XBL Gamertag: the ricemaker
Systems (Past and Present): Xbox 360, Gamecube, PSP, N64, GBA, Sega Genesis, NES, and Sega Gamegear.
Number of games: alot.
Regularly played games: Gears of War, SSBM, Soul Calibur II, Halo 2(not owned), and Cel Damage.
Prefered Genre: Ant type of shooter.
Top 5 Games of all time:
1. Gears of War
2. Halo Series
3. Super Smash Bros. Series
4. Mario Series
5. The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time
xbl: DDRedemption.
bring it.
isn't the pic in your siggy illegal on this boards??
any way
mario kart: how do you make a friend code??
systems:Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii. gamecube. xbox(no xbox live for now sry). ds. gba advance. comp of course(getting a major workover this summer with upgrades.).
games:most for gamecube,(atleast all the good ones.)
wii games: the good ones(zelda, monkeyball(for partys) wii sports(duh) wii play(duh).
xbox games: halo 2 of course, battlefront 2, mech 2, pso(phantasy star online ep 1 and 2(now you know what my name stands for lol)) and some other games for xbox.
ds:alot, mario kart, starfox, tetris, pokemon diamond, and some other games that are online ad multi player that i cant remember.
comp: cs(counterstrike) quake 3, Gunz the duel(not bloody its a teen game and free), and monay others that play from time to time like maplestory.
xfire screenname to add me: psomaster1.
gaming clan i belong to till it falls apart again: The Prophets(its just a name for us) or {TP} in cs or #teamtp in cs.
for xbl people which do you guys play more cod3 or cod2?
Name: Brandan
Xbl tag: Abbott465 (old one got jacked up)
Played XBL games: cod2, Bfme2, Battle Field 2, and now Halo3!
Other games played: oblivion, kotor 1 & 2, Mass Effect, Morrowind
Also has PsP and Ds
isn't the pic in your siggy illegal on this boards??
any way
mario kart: how do you make a friend code??
I think you have to connect to the wi-fi to get a friend code.
for xbl people which do you guys play more cod3 or cod2?
CoD 3 Graphics are much better.
*Still waiting for......CALL OF DUTY 4!* (which I think comes out for Christmas)
Gamertag: Bithavok
played games: CoD 3 and Halo 2
hay look I got new games!!!!!!
From now on when you go online, you will report it here. You are to post once and only once. Your post will contain your friend code, nickname, and if you are online or not. You will edit it when you go on and off. You may decorate your post with sparkles and joy. To discuss matches, strategy, or anything else Brawl, go to the Secretary of Defense Gamer4Life's thread here: (
Friend Code: 3609 0702 1586
Nickname: ThCat
Status: Online the whole day.
Be advised that the following code is for my 10-year-old son. Let him win once in a while so he can go to bed happy. ;D
Friend Code: 3995-6180-8015
Nickname: JIH
Status: Offline
Friend Code: 2320-5859-7512
Nickname: MIKE
Status: Offline
Nickname: BBOY
Friend Code: 0087-1960-4347
Status: Offline
Hey could we get this stickied please?
Already done, in the thread in which it now resides.
Which makes me all the more curious, because some of you already have posts on here with other codes.
Oh um actually I was hoping for a seperate sticky for Brawl, because A. the friend codes are different than the regular Wii friend codes, B. this could become a rather popular thread, and C. it'd be easier for those of us who play often so we don't have to search through pages in order to find who's online and who isn't.....
a). Why should it matter if Brawl has it's own code? Just do "Brawl: 1234-ABCD"
b). I would like to see THIS thread become a rather popular thread and carry more comprehensive information.
c). One thing I've learned from the RTS thread on the open discussion page, is that people almost never update their status, and people post separate threads looking for games anyway.
xbox360: Joshadn
I have Call of duty 4.
Xbox live: Orius777
Wii: I can tell you as soon as get my internet... :P
im not going to be on much(At all) because i need a router to use my internet for my Wii and 360. :P
Name: Alex
System: Ps3
PSN: Fam0us_Unkn0wn
Games: Battlefield: Bad Company
System:Xbox 360
I'm moving into my new apartment on monday so it may take me a little bit to get internet there, but once I do I'll be online more frequently.
Games: Call of Duty: WoW
Fight Night 3, soon 4
Madden 09
system:PC tricked out
Halo 1-2 screenname:whipknife or killswitch~
Name: JSB23
Systems DS, Wii and computer
Steam: JSB23
Team Fortress 2
X-Box Live: d42389f
Rock Band 2, Guitar Hero 5, Guitar Hero 3, Samari Warriors, UFC Undesputed 09, and others.
Name: Chris
Games That Really Get Me: Story! Must have a great story. Music is a must, the soundtrack must be: good - amazing. Horror games always catch my eye.
I don't know if you like games with fighter jets, but the last few Ace Combat games (Zero, 5, and 4) have had some pretty good stories and I believe AC5 had some really kewl music to it. (I don't know about AC6 because for some reason they only made it for XBOX360 and I own a PS3/PS2)
Xbox Live: ch0ach & devildawg0352
Name: Bryce
System: Wii
Super Smash Bros. Brawl: 4984-6389-8465
Gamertag of X-BOX 360: MeanBlack Hawk
Availability:NONE ( I just got an adapter,I'm not going to be on for a few months)
I can add friends through ( .
Border Lands
The whole Halo series
Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion ( Complete series of Bethesda)
Midnight Club L.A.
Fallout 3 (All of the add ons)
Assassin's Creed 1 & 2.
Bad Company 1 & 2
MLB 2k ( 5,6,7,8,9,10)
Madden NFL(06,07,08,09,10)
Gamertag of X-BOX 360: MeanBlack Hawk
And you wouldn't give it to me? :P
ps3 : sunset_assassin
Um nothing else yet. son to have a xbox name though.
i only play COD7 atm
PS3 Only:
CoD Black Ops & NFS Hot Pursuit: Stk_Lotus_Vv
CoD MW2, SOCOM Confrontation: WARFARE--00
Midnight Club LA: HRT_BRK_1
I have many names ;P
I got an Xbox 360 a few months back, so here's my gamertag for it: Thatannoyingguy
CoD Black Ops is the only game I play on that system... for now.
can't believe i never put mine on here ^_^
Xbox live gamertag: NodnarbDude