How are the bad guys sub par there probably the most evil guys from all the series
They weren't "really evil", the game made great pains to try to say that. Annoyingly so. Over and over, he made sure you knew "I have a reason to do this! Overpopulation, greater good, random tear!" Over the top every time, and it was the same thing each time...and it was an awful plan!
I have heard about Ruby/Sapphire's evil plans, so I can't say this one is the worst, but it just made no sense. Essentially just going to nuke...somewhere (?) with a weapon that...
somehow blew things up and would destroy just that area and not even solve the problem he saw, and...I don't even know, that whole part of the game just made no sense and seemed overly contrived. "Hey devs, want to explain
how all this silliness happened?" "Nope, you just need to know purple explosions!" "Oh...okay."
That and the fact that these guys were just annoying hipsters probably made me dislike them :P Team Rocket was fun at least, and
they had flair. Team Flare are wannabes ;)