Author Topic: Pokemon GO!  (Read 26147 times)

Offline YourMathTeacher

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Re: Pokemon GO!
« Reply #25 on: July 14, 2016, 10:56:22 AM »
The main company released a statement saying that they didn't mean to have access to so much stuff in people's account also, and that recent update but to bump back the request to basic stuff.

My understanding was that error only applied to Apple devices, and was not a problem on Android devices. If so, that would lend me to believe that it really was unintentional. Regardless, though, I'll still be playing.  ;D

My wife and I play. We longboard around the College here and there are like 10 PokeStops all bunched together.

My son is dual-enrolled at Polk State, and it is similar to what you found. I live around the corner from Legoland Florida, and it has over 30 PokeStops and 3 Gyms. Also, I work at my local Publix Supermarket for the summer, and there is an abandoned Kmart next door. In their parking lot there are 4 PokeStops (for non-profit donation drop boxes) and a gym. Since the parking lot is not used, people gather there in large groups and activate lure modules on all the stops, then just sit there and catch wild Pokemon for hours. They turn it into a tailgate party (without the alcohol). On weekends, they stay there into the night, because you can see Legoland's fireworks across the street.

Ahhh.... life in Central Florida....  ;)
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Re: Pokemon GO!
« Reply #26 on: July 14, 2016, 10:02:49 PM »
That is actually pretty awesome YMT.

I ended up going team blue because the gym right next to my work is blue the majority of the time so I figured that'd be the easiest way to train and such. Sadly I can't reach the gym from my desk but I can swing by it on my way in and out at least. Figures I say that and the gym has flipped to yellow since I got to work, haha.

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Re: Pokemon GO!
« Reply #27 on: July 14, 2016, 10:50:35 PM »
Four questions for you:

1. Have you battled against a rival gym, or trained in your team's gym yet?
2. Do you know how to join a team gym when there is room?
3. Do you know how to collect coins for having Pokemon in gyms?
4. Do you know how to revive and heal Pokemon that you battled with?
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Re: Pokemon GO!
« Reply #28 on: July 14, 2016, 10:57:55 PM »
1. I just hit level 5 on my way to work (I work nights and I started an hour ago) so I haven't been close enough to the gym since then.
2. Nope.
3. Nope.
4. I got some items upon hitting 5 (and at Poke Stops since then) that either heal or revive Pokemon, so I'm assuming via those?

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Re: Pokemon GO!
« Reply #29 on: July 14, 2016, 11:40:12 PM »
When you are close enough to a gym, just click on the top of it. At the top of the ensuing screen is the gym's level. In the middle of the screen is one of the Pokemon guarding it, and the name of its trainer (you can swipe the screen to scroll through the Pokemon that are in there). At the bottom of the screen there are two spots for buttons to click on either side of the "x." If you are in a rival gym, there will only be the battle button (explosion with stars) on the right. If you are in your team's gym, there will be a training button on the right (boxing glove). If there is a button showing on the left, then you can click on that and add one of your Pokemon to defend the gym. Be careful though, since you will not get this Pokemon back until the gym is defeated.

The gym's level indicates how many Pokemon can defend it, up to a max of 6. Gyms increase their level when you train there, which is really just you battling the Pokemon there. This gives you and the gym experience. So, if you find a friendly gym that is say Level 4, and there are already four Pokemon in there, try to train there to get it up to Level 5, then you can add one of your Pokemon to the gym.

When you have Pokemon in gyms, you can earn coins to spend in the Shop. Click on the Shop button. In the upper right corner you will see an icon that looks like a shield. The number in the shield should match the number of Pokemon you have in gyms. It will say "Claim Reward," which will give you 10 coins per Pokemon (up to a max of 100 coins) and some Stardust. This feature resets every 22 hours (there is a timer that you can watch, just like Incense and Lucky Eggs).

When training, you can only use one Pokemon, so choose a strong one. The more Pokemon you defeat, the more "prestige" the gym earns. When battling rival gyms, you can choose 6 of your Pokemon to battle with. Check what is in there first, so you match up with their weaknesses. If the rival gym only has two Pokemon guarding it, your six will likely win if they are of reasonable level, even if the gym has a superior Pokemon. My son and I defeated a yellow gym today that had a CP 1554 Exeggutor. There were only two total Pokemon, so we brought in bug types (which Exeggutor is weak against) that were CP 500 and defeated it in two tries. We then claimed the gym for Team Mystic.
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Re: Pokemon GO!
« Reply #30 on: July 14, 2016, 11:58:48 PM »
That is super useful information, thanks! Last I checked (the app isn't loading for me right now) the gym nearby was yellow with a 700+ CP pokemon guard (I don't know what else). The highest CP of any of my pokemon is like 100 (most are sub-50).

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Re: Pokemon GO!
« Reply #31 on: July 15, 2016, 09:25:50 PM »
Just caught a Seadra outside my work building as I was leaving tonight! 723 CP (I am lvl 16)!

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Re: Pokemon GO!
« Reply #32 on: July 15, 2016, 11:17:32 PM »
I'm level 12. Took a few gyms for a little today. Mostly relying on my 860 cp vaporeon

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Re: Pokemon GO!
« Reply #33 on: July 16, 2016, 05:10:25 AM »
I hatched my first 10km egg ... a CP 856 Snorlax. I powered him over 1000 before running out of Stardust.
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Re: Pokemon GO!
« Reply #34 on: July 16, 2016, 09:31:09 AM »
Nice Alex. Vaporeon must have a higher CP cap than many Pokemon, considering your level.

My first 10 km egg was a 422 Kabuto. I think the CP is based on when you find the egg so I am tempted to hatch my most recent eggs always since they should be better, but eventually I will be left with ones way outdated. Opinions on that?

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Re: Pokemon GO!
« Reply #35 on: July 16, 2016, 11:29:02 AM »
I would get rid of the low level ones first. You can just transfer them anyway. Eventually you will not get the 2km eggs. I've been using the infinite incubator on my 2km eggs, and my limited use incubators on 5km eggs (and now 10km eggs). The 2km eggs hatch fairly quickly, so my inventory is currently all 5km eggs and one 10km egg. I will now be switching my infinite incubator to 5km eggs. Until there is a way to get rid of eggs you don't want, you will have to choose whether you want the stronger ones sooner, or if you want to have the outdated ones clutter your inventory.

The best answer is more incubators, which will clear out your old inventory more quickly. But that will cost you coins. I've been saving the coins I earn in gyms for another incubator, but that takes time. I've been working almost every day for the past week, and I have to work a lot this coming week, so I don't have time to take on a bunch of gyms right now. So far, though, I've made it fairly far without having paid any real money.  ;)
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Offline spacy32

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Re: Pokemon GO!
« Reply #36 on: July 16, 2016, 04:04:35 PM »
I'm not but the Nationals host church is a PokeStop. Just FYI.

Just about every church is either a Pokestop or a Gym, at least those registered on Google Maps. In fact, so are most non-profit organizations.

Pokemon Go! has managed to bring millions of people to churches' doorsteps.... the Harvest is full. The question now is how churches will handle all this traffic. What will your church do with its 5 minutes?  :preach:

We put "Pokestop Here" and then 'Welcome" below that on our digital marquee out front. I have considered putting a mini-fridge out front under our awning, which is steps from where the Pokestop is located, and filling it with water for those who may be walking and get thirsty. What other creative ways have you seen churches use their small windows of opportunity to share God's love with folks?

My church is a pokestop and a gym
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Re: Pokemon GO!
« Reply #37 on: July 18, 2016, 08:39:21 PM »
My son and I have been testing a rumor about how to choose your Eeveelution. So far it has worked twice for me and twice for him. If anyone else has tried this, let me know. The rumor was that changing your Eevee's name to one of the Eevee triplets from the old cartoon would cause your Eevee to evolve into that triplet's evolution:

Sparky - Jolteon
Rainer - Vaporeon
Pyro - Flareon.

These names worked for my Vaporeon and Jolteon. I have not tried Pyro yet, since I already had a Flareon.
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Re: Pokemon GO!
« Reply #38 on: July 18, 2016, 08:58:13 PM »
I'm not in this big, but having fun with my sons & exercising.  (aka I'm only 10 in a rural area)

I took a gym with a 209 Charmander but it was really a snipe and it didn't last long.

As for the eeveloutions, I met a level 20 today and he told me that he heard that the 2nd move controled it.
Dig = Flareon
Body Slam = Vaporeon
Swift = Jolteon

I know it worked twice for me, and once for my son. I'm going to test the theory soon with my next eevelution.
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Re: Pokemon GO!
« Reply #39 on: July 18, 2016, 10:47:56 PM »
My son heard the "attack" rumor, but he proved it wrong (his Eevee with Swift became a Flareon).
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Re: Pokemon GO!
« Reply #40 on: July 18, 2016, 10:58:41 PM »
YMT, I've heard that same tip (with the names) from many other places so I think that's a valid easter egg-based method.

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Re: Pokemon GO!
« Reply #41 on: July 18, 2016, 11:18:48 PM »
Let's see everyone's stats so far.  ;D

Level 16  Team Mystic
Pokemon Caught 60 / Seen 61 (Dratini got away)
Battle Team:  Snorlax(1384), Pidgeot (837), Scyther (832), Jolteon (765), Venomoth (729), Rhydon (727)
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Offline spacy32

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Re: Pokemon GO!
« Reply #42 on: July 19, 2016, 12:56:35 AM »
Fine YMT:

Started playing 7/06
Level 18   Team Mystic
Caught 78   Seen 80
Battle Team:  Snorlax (1543), Jolteon (975), Pidgeot (969), Vaporeon (885), Flareon (901), Pinsir (1047)
Last pokemon caught Tauros (870)
Best egg hatched 10km Snorlax (1356), 5km Porygon (792), 2km Shellder (350)

Best line hearing the red team at the park bragging about holding all the gyms in the valley and grinning because my wife, 5 kids and I had already taken 4 of them back.
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Re: Pokemon GO!
« Reply #43 on: July 19, 2016, 02:17:53 AM »
Start Date: 7/12/2016
Level 8  Team Mystic
Caught 28  Seen 28
Battle Team: None (haven't had a chance to sit by a gym long enough to do anything like that)

My best Pokemon is a CP515 Hypno (caught at 289, powered up with a bunch of stardust). I only have 4 above 200.

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Re: Pokemon GO!
« Reply #44 on: July 19, 2016, 07:17:28 AM »
Best line hearing the red team at the park bragging about holding all the gyms in the valley and grinning because my wife, 5 kids and I had already taken 4 of them back.

That is what I love about Pokemon Go!  My whole family wants to go out on "adventures" finding Pokemon and battling gyms.We do road trips as well as walking. Everywhere we go we run into fellow adventurers of all ages and races, and for those moments there are none of the conflicts you see in news headlines. And best of all, it's a free app with no need for in-app purchases to be successful.  This is exactly what games are supposed to be like.   ;D
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Re: Pokemon GO!
« Reply #45 on: July 19, 2016, 03:02:43 PM »
I can't wait to get a Porygon. I already got Jynx and Metapod, so my holy trinity is nearly complete.
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Re: Pokemon GO!
« Reply #46 on: July 19, 2016, 03:05:24 PM »
I can't wait to get a Porygon. I already got Jynx and Metapod, so my holy trinity is nearly complete.

Lol what?  ;D why a mettapod tho?
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Re: Pokemon GO!
« Reply #47 on: July 19, 2016, 03:32:32 PM »
Can't a guy like what he likes?
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Re: Pokemon GO!
« Reply #48 on: July 19, 2016, 03:59:31 PM »
I can't wait to get a Porygon. I already got Jynx and Metapod, so my holy trinity is nearly complete.

Both Spacy32 and I got Porygon from 5km eggs.
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Re: Pokemon GO!
« Reply #49 on: July 19, 2016, 04:51:08 PM »
Nice. I've only hatched a few 5k eggs, which gave me some decent Pokemon (Electabuzz, Tauros, maybe something else) but not yet my crown jewel.

Fun fact! Because the infamous seizure-inducing Pokemon episode featured Porygon, Porygon (and his evolutions) never played a major role in another episode of the anime again. Even though the strobe light move didn't belong to Porygon!
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