Cactus Game Design Message Boards
Other Gaming => Video & Computer Games => Topic started by: Master KChief on February 20, 2013, 07:24:46 PM
Soooo....Playstation 4. Anyone watching the meeting right now?
yep. still waiting to see the console, the price point, and IF KINGDOM HEARTS 3 IS A LAUNCH TITLE THEY'RE GOING ON STAGE NOW BRB
Ut oh, Blizzard. World domination.
I was terrified they were gonna put WOW on PS4, Diablo 3 for PS4/PS3 I can live with.
In due time, in due time.
Holiday 2013, huh.
They didn't even show the console....
I was just going to say that. Announce a console without actually showing a console. I guess that's one approach.
A quick summary of my initial thoughts: too much hype (especially from the PS fanboys), not enough substance.
A quick summary of my initial thoughts: too much hype (especially from the PS fanboys), not enough substance.
That's hilarious coming from an Apple Fan.
Sure, if Apple didn't already have an extensive track record to warrant the hype, that would be hilarious.
Did you see the PS4? It looked amazing!
Everything shown at the meeting is eerily reminiscent of the pre-launch hype the PS3 generated. And we all saw how that turned out. Sure, the social features are nifty but uninteresting to me, even if they were on a different platform. Hopefully we'll see more of the meat and potatoes at E3.
Yeah you're right, if only Playstation were a proven product in the world market with 70 million PS3s sold to date, and millions of PS1s and PS2s. Maybe then they would be proven to deliver.
You tout 70 million as if its relevant towards your point when the real issue is its leading last place of all next-gen consoles. The PS3, while certainly not a failing system, did not in anyway live up to the expectations or successes of its predecessors, and it failed in that regard. Also, nearly every videogame hardware in history has sold 'millions' of units, so I'm not certain what point you're trying to illustrate with the PS1's and 2's.
What expectation did the PS3 fall short of other than backwards compatibility?
I meant sales specifically.
If I remember right, PS1 sold 100 million units. PS2 sold 153 million units (record for all time). PS3 sold 77 million units (just ahead of xbox's 76 million, and way behind wii's 100 million).
Based on these numbers, MKC's point about PS3's sales have been down compared to previous versions.
VGChartz global sales data current as of 2/9:
Wii: 98.95 million
Xbox 360: 74.3
Playstation 3: 72.89
Nintendo 3DS: 28.91
Wii U: 2.66 (lol)
Of yesteryear:
Nintendo DS: 154.33 (#1 best selling hardware unit of all time)
PS2: 153.68
PS1: 104.25
There is an abridged version of the meeting on Youtube, PS4 abridged will get you there. Not linking because it does contain some graphic language.
Thanks for the data... it is very interesting. And thank you for your continued professionalism with regard to links. ;D
Regarding your "LOL," as an avid Nintendo Dad, I still have no intention to buy the Wii U any time soon. They definitely lost their target audience with a one-player controller (as far as the new tech goes).
Yeah, it was a 'lol' directed towards the fact I'm astonished it hasn't sold a lot more. There was such an immense hype for the Wii when it first came out, so much so places were literally out of stock for months. I'm wondering why the Wii U hasn't attracted a lot more of an audience. Is it really because of the controller? Or maybe its just Wii 1.5?
I think the main reason the WiiU hasnt sold is unlike the Wii at launch there are not any "casual gamer" kinda games like Wii Sports and there really arent that many First Party titles for the "hardcore gamer".
I think the main reason the WiiU hasnt sold is unlike the Wii at launch there are not any "casual gamer" kinda games like Wii Sports and there really arent that many First Party titles for the "hardcore gamer".
My opinion is that the reason the Wii sold so many units was because it appealed to families more than PS3 and XBox360. The latter two were marketed for gamers, not for families. The Move and Kinect did not come out until Wii had already asserted its dominance.
The Wii was marketed for families, specifically to be played in groups, or the whole family in the same room together. This was Wii's greatest appeal. The other systems were marketed for individuals to play alone, albeit online with many players. This is a significant difference in its value to people like me (dads with several children). IMO this difference is what vaulted Wii to the top, especially since my generation was the one that grew up with the first of the video game consoles (i.e. Atari 2600 and such).
The Wii U, on the other hand, is being marketed with a handheld device that is only made for one player. They are trying to make the experience more fun for the hardcore gamers that they did not target intially with the Wii. This, of course, does not appeal to the family gamers. I don't want my son playing alone on his cool new handheld Wii U. I want him playing with his friends in person. Therefore, I have no interest in the Wii U.
If my son needs something to entertain himself when he is alone, he already has his DS, like the other 154.33 million people. ;)