Author Topic: Hearthstone  (Read 268874 times)


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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #750 on: March 11, 2015, 04:50:26 PM »
I love what the card does, it just irks me that it doesn't fit the pattern of the other Shock cards (deal 1 damage + some other effect for 1 mana).

Also, shouldn't it be named Flame Shock? I have a level 100 Shaman and I don't think he has a "Lava Shock" ability....


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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #751 on: March 14, 2015, 06:43:02 AM »
Adding Rogue to my 12 Wins list. Got this on EU because EU is the easiest, but the deck was broken strong.

Card not pictured is a Shadowstep.

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #752 on: March 14, 2015, 08:35:34 PM »
So I've been working on a deck trying to take advantage of feign death . . .  i continue bouncing between 11 and 13 rank any thoughts to push me to the single digits and maybe legend?

is this a good curve? i don't know much about maintaining top level curves

Deadly Hunter
1 leper gnome x2
1 webspinner x2
2 explosive trap
2 freezing trap x2
2 feign death x2
2 acidic swamp ooze (this can be something different it is mostly for those stupid rogue blade fury decks)
2 knife jugglerx2
2 loot hoarder
2 mad scientist x2
3 eagle horn long bow
3 animal companion x2
3 harvest golem x2
4 Baron rivendare
4 piloted shredder x2
5 sludge belcher x2
6 piloted shredder (this plays really weak in this deck just not sure what to use instead, i don't have Sneed's old shredder or thats what this would be)
6 Savannah Highmane x2
6 Sylvanna Windrunner
7 Dr. Boom

games that get to both players having 10 mana tend to go in my favor but if they end earlier I tend to lose more often then win.  Obviously aggro decks give me trouble.  Ive thought about annoy o tron to help avoid early game damage.  Knife jugglers are ok but don't seem amazing in this.  i have had kel'thuzad in and out.  if i am winning and i get him i win faster but if I'm behind he is pretty weak.
« Last Edit: March 14, 2015, 08:56:33 PM by jbeers285 »
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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #753 on: March 14, 2015, 09:58:20 PM »
You won't be getting to legend with feign death.  Rank 5 at best.

You need to gear it more towards Midrange. Drop the Leper Gnomes. Add Kill Commands. Add Haunted Creepers. Harvest Golem is meh.

Offline jbeers285

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #754 on: March 14, 2015, 10:11:24 PM »
You won't be getting to legend with feign death.  Rank 5 at best.

You need to gear it more towards Midrange. Drop the Leper Gnomes. Add Kill Commands. Add Haunted Creepers. Harvest Golem is meh.

Why does feign death have no shot to go legend?
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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #755 on: March 14, 2015, 11:17:35 PM »
I think Feign Death could be super fun and effective, but it's not easy to play, its main problem being that it's too slow most of the time, and can be a "win more" card much like KT. You will have a difficult time playing it to good effect early (feigning a Webspinner and a Leper Gnome is not enough for a 2 mana card), and if you fall behind you will have difficulty playing it to any effect at all. It's generally best late game, when you can feign Cairne, Sylvanas, Highmane, Sneed's, etc., and if you don't have enough cards like that it could make things difficult

Cards I would consider for inclusion:

Haunted Creeper - A solid card in any deck, but especially in this one because 1) Beast and 2) Deathrattle
Undertaker - I know it got nerfed, but it can still easily be a 1 Mana 3/2 or better in a deck like this. (If you do add this, I would strongly consider Zombie Chow. Not great to Feign Death on, but it often won't matter and this seems like more of a control deck than a rush deck to me.)
Nerubian Egg - Even if you have no activators for it, it's a good anti-AOE card and is an effective and reliable way to use Feign Death early in the game
Kill Command - Not sure why this isn't already in here
Feugen/Stalagg - A 2 Mana 11/11 is a pretty good use of Feign Death, but this is definitely a very slow play

You can do without the Leper Gnomes and at least one of the 2 Acidic Swamp Oozes. Not sure what else you would want to take out, though.
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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #756 on: March 15, 2015, 02:16:39 AM »
You won't be getting to legend with feign death.  Rank 5 at best.

You need to gear it more towards Midrange. Drop the Leper Gnomes. Add Kill Commands. Add Haunted Creepers. Harvest Golem is meh.

Why does feign death have no shot to go legend?
Too slow for Hunter, gimmicky, not well suited in the meta.


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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #757 on: March 15, 2015, 11:47:46 AM »
I'd argue a deck with feign death could have a chance at legend, but a deck built entirely around feign death will not.

Basing your entire deck around one card is a recipe for disaster.


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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #758 on: March 15, 2015, 12:41:58 PM »
Feign Death is a very fun card, and when it works perfectly, it can really be very good. The problem is that even with an ideal play, it never really becomes an excellent card. For instance, your second best play is probably going to be to use Feign Death with Baron Rivendare up on a Savannah Highmane to summon four Hyenas. If your opponent has absolutely no way to deal with this, then it's great. However, it's extremely vulnerable to almost any AoE. Mage has Flamestrike and in some cases, Blizzard. Priest has Holy Nova. Warlock has Hellfire. Hunter has Explosive Trap. Warrior has multiple options. Rogue has Blade Flurry and Spell Damage + Fan of Knives. Druid has dual Swipe or Swipe + Spell Damage. This isn't even counting the unlikelihood of pulling off that play in any given game to begin with. Thus, while it's possible to get off a really excellent play like this, it's unlikely, and even when you do, your opponent also has a decent chance to have the answers. To reiterate, while Feign Death is a very fun card, even at its best, it's not really a great one, especially to build a deck around. The one exception is if you get the chance to heavily abuse Sylvannas, but that's even more unlikely than the Savannah, and if the climb to Legend requires anything, it's decks that can perform consistently. Decks that require a certain amount of luck just to get set up will never get to Legend, because your win rate from Rank 5 onwards needs to be so high.


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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #759 on: March 15, 2015, 01:05:07 PM »
Feign Death + explosive sheep is also a four mana flamestrike. Not a bad way to keep aggro decks under control.

If I had it, I would include one copy in my hunter decks for its versatility, but two copies is overkill.
« Last Edit: March 15, 2015, 01:40:32 PM by Lamborghini_diablo »


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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #760 on: March 17, 2015, 02:48:13 PM »


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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #761 on: March 17, 2015, 04:31:23 PM »
Dragonskin seems solid. Dragon Egg less so.

Offline Drrek

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #762 on: March 17, 2015, 07:14:51 PM »
Dragonskin seems solid. Dragon Egg less so.

I saw it pointed out earlier that dragonkin has the same statline as violet teacher and a more restrictive ability for similar effect.  This makes me a bit wary about him.
The user formerly known as Easty.

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #763 on: March 18, 2015, 08:47:03 AM »
Dragonskin seems solid. Dragon Egg less so.

I saw it pointed out earlier that dragonkin has the same statline as violet teacher and a more restrictive ability for similar effect.  This makes me a bit wary about him.

The difference is that it is generally better to have stats consolidated into a single minion than spread out among many (See Chillwind Yeti vs. Dragonling Mechanic). More importantly, this guy is a dragon, which will matter. So all in all, I bet you will see about as much of Dragonkin as of Violet Teacher (in constructed), if not more, depending on how important dragons will be.

Dragon Egg is definitely a Priest card.
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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #764 on: March 18, 2015, 02:17:42 PM »
Dragonkin is good in oil rogue :x

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #765 on: March 18, 2015, 02:38:31 PM »
Dragonkin is good in oil rogue :x

Not really, Oil rogue has virtually nothing that targets its own minions.

Dragonskin seems solid. Dragon Egg less so.

I saw it pointed out earlier that dragonkin has the same statline as violet teacher and a more restrictive ability for similar effect.  This makes me a bit wary about him.

The difference is that it is generally better to have stats consolidated into a single minion than spread out among many (See Chillwind Yeti vs. Dragonling Mechanic). More importantly, this guy is a dragon, which will matter. So all in all, I bet you will see about as much of Dragonkin as of Violet Teacher (in constructed), if not more, depending on how important dragons will be.

Unless dragon decks become really popular, I doubt it, because I don't think Oil rogue's going anywhere, and violet teacher's a staple in that deck.  Also I am hesitant to think that dragonkin will be in all dragon decks, there are other dragons that I think I better to have to activate your "if you are holding a dragon cards" (like azure, twilight, and hungry).
The user formerly known as Easty.

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #766 on: March 18, 2015, 03:38:33 PM »
Oil does and then you don't accidently pass the upgrade to the wrong minion


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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #767 on: March 18, 2015, 03:42:11 PM »
Oil selects a random minion, I don't think it would trigger Dragonkin's effect even if he's the only minion you control when you play Oil.

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #768 on: March 18, 2015, 04:19:48 PM »
oh formalities :(


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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #769 on: March 18, 2015, 04:27:36 PM »
I mean I could be wrong, but based on the fact that Flame Cannon can still kill Faerie Dragon I'm assuming this wouldn't work like you want. ;)

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #770 on: March 18, 2015, 04:56:41 PM »
I mean I could be wrong, but based on the fact that Flame Cannon can still kill Faerie Dragon I'm assuming this wouldn't work like you want. ;)

You're not wrong, but even if it did give it a +1 /+1 off tinker's, it still wouldn't be worth it, because that would be the only thing that would trigger the ability, and a +1 /+1 statline in some occasions is not really worth it in a deck like oil rogue.  Violet synergizes with the entire deck, and that's why its better there.
« Last Edit: March 18, 2015, 05:03:34 PM by browarod »
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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #771 on: March 18, 2015, 05:34:25 PM »
I think there's a place for Dragonkin Sorcerer in Mech Mage, at least budget options without Antondias.

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #772 on: March 18, 2015, 05:59:02 PM »
I think there's a place for Dragonkin Sorcerer in Mech Mage, at least budget options without Antondias.

I mean you might as well run questing adventurer if you want to just get spare parts buffs.
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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #773 on: March 18, 2015, 06:02:23 PM »
3 mana that starts at 2/2 or 4 mana that starts at 3/5? There's potentially a lot of value there, especially if there's something that works well with Dragons that can also be used with Azure Drakes.

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #774 on: March 20, 2015, 08:13:24 AM »
Finally, some more class cards:

Use the Mad Bomber to rescue his Province.


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