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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #375 on: October 22, 2014, 09:50:40 AM »
I've been able to do that with Kel'Thuzad before but never Thaddius. Well played, good sir, well played.

Did you eat both Feugen and Stalagg with the Void Terror? Because that would be awesome.

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #376 on: October 22, 2014, 10:34:40 AM »
I'm officially going on record that I stink at Arena.  The problem is that I can't decide whether its my luck or my skill that handicaps me.
My story:
I relied on my own instincts for a while, but you guys success story inspired me to learn about arena & go for a min. of 7 wins.
I have done research from 3 or 4 different respectable Hearthstone voices.
  Side note: I only pay arena in gold & not real cash, so one arena run is limited to every 3 days on average.
I've tracked my last 5 games since the research, and I'm still confused on why I'm bad at it.
My best record is 5 wins..I'm ashamed to say it.  I thought I was better than 5 wins.

Some examples:
In Drafting:
  Frequently, I end up with "bad" to worse cards (expert opinions) because those are my BEST options amongst the 3 choices.
  Since my research (5 games...450 cards to choose between), I have not seen a Yeti or Golem to even attempt to draft.  I've kept track.
  The super good cards for each class...I may pull one of.  If I get more than 1, then the arena goes good for me (read 5 wins).
  I have had to choose between the 3 worse classes multiple times.
Side Note: I do know the importance of good curves too.

In Playing:
   I do admit that I make mistakes from time to time, but nothing deserving 0-3 or 1-3.  I may have blown 2 games in 5 runs with my known mistakes.
   When doing well, I run into superior decks or at least they got all their best cards at the start of the game.
   Also when starting well, I run into decks that have the "right card" at that "right time" to stop me from winning in the next turn or so whereas I can't seem to find the card I need.
     Example of this:  I was up 28 to 3, 11 cards in deck, 2 of them being Flamestrike & 1 lamb, any of those 3 would have helped me. I got down to 7 cards in the lamb but he put more taunts in.  7 cards looking for 2 flamestrikes.  I withered in those 4 turns as I lost 3-0...28 straight points smacked and bled out of my face.

I likely will not hit 12 wins, but as of now I'm just hoping for 7 so I can play the Arena more frequently...not sure why, but I still enjoy it.
My 2 five run decks: 
Rogue (this is an interesting note: I could only play 1 game at a time, so I would win one and log off.  After a few days, I was 5-1 (I started 0-1), so this strategy was working for me.  I decided to finish the run and went 0-2.  Oops.

Anyway, that's my story.  I don't think I'm terrible at Hearthstone, but the Arena would suggest otherwise.
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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #377 on: October 22, 2014, 10:45:48 AM »
Sounds like you've had some bad luck recently. I'd stick with it awhile more and keep writing things down, you'll get a good draft eventually.

One of the biggest things is playing around what cards you think they might have, which is different from the Arena as opposed to standard. Flamestrike is of course the biggest one, but if you can play around Mind Control Tech, do it.

Also, I've yet to reach 12 wins. I've hit 11 multiple times, but never 12.

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #378 on: October 22, 2014, 10:49:52 AM »
The answer for whether it is luck or skill is a "it depends."  Everyone has bad streaks (I mean you even see people like Trump from time to time have a couple of 1-3 win arenas in a row).  This happens for a variety of reasons (bad cards offered in draft, bad match-ups, bad draws, bad RNG, going on tilt and making mistakes) and is perfectly normal.

What you are looking to do in arena is maximize your overall win rate.  I'll be honest, one arena every 3 days is a really low number of arenas, and your problem might honestly be that you simply are not playing enough arena.  I know it took quite a bit of arenas to get my average up to the point where I could often go infinite. Also you don't need to get your average above 7 to go infinite, just to the point that 7+ wins isn't out of the norm.  Playing only once every 3 days makes it seem to me that you really just don't have enough practice playing arena.  Arena is a very board control based game and it takes time to learn how to play around the different AoE's, to mulligan properly and to learn how to keep the board clear in effective ways.

Also a big thing that effects how your arena runs go will be the time of day that you play them during, there are stark differences in how your opponents will be based on how busy the server is when you play.
The user formerly known as Easty.

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #379 on: October 22, 2014, 11:07:38 AM »
I've been able to do that with Kel'Thuzad before but never Thaddius. Well played, good sir, well played.

Did you eat both Feugen and Stalagg with the Void Terror? Because that would be awesome.

That is exactly what happened this both death rattles triggered twice with baron out.

This is actually the 3rd time this combo has worked for me this way.   The deck is kind of a gimmick but I'd say I pull off at least 1 Thad 75% of games. 
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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #380 on: October 22, 2014, 11:16:09 AM »
I figured not "paying to play" could catch up with me in Arena.  I agree that I don't have a lot of experience in Arena.  I do know to control the field (research confirmed that and gave great tips to do it as well).  I have avoided most flamestrikes and blizzards...Mind Control techs and Mind Control (2 games) have goofed me up pretty bad from winning, so that tells me more experience is still needed.

Interesting thought on Time of Day when it comes to Arena (they may add another factor):
I tend to win more when I can play during the day and or dinner time...aka pre-6 pm.
I lose frequently in the evening and late night.

Example with Rogue deck: I would play once while dinner was cooking and get off to eat dinner.  After 4 days of this, I attempted to finish her run after 9 PM and was smoked.

Thanks for the encouragement and advice.  I will try to watch some Arena games to build experience vicariously through others since I don't pay to play, and can't really increase my average of personal play.*   
*My average is dependent upon the Gold quests I get and most of them are the "40 gold" ones.
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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #381 on: October 22, 2014, 06:57:55 PM »
I've dropped $4 on Arena when I realized I could just start on the EU server or create another account (which I've since done).  There's a few dumb things you have to do, but for extra practice on the arena, I highly recommend it.  These days I usually am able to do (on average) an arena run per day (although I've been slowing down recently due to time issues, I even burned a couple of quests last week).

Watching players like Hafu and Trump do help for arena. It's great to see their mindset behind the cards the choose and why they do or don't play certain cards.  It's not extremely beneficial, but I've picked up a few tips along the way. Most of it just comes with practice


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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #382 on: October 30, 2014, 04:11:04 PM »
New card backs added:

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #383 on: November 07, 2014, 01:04:00 PM »
By the way guys, the Hearthstone World Championships are being streamed from blizzcon now.
The user formerly known as Easty.


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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #384 on: November 07, 2014, 02:23:40 PM »


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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #385 on: November 07, 2014, 02:31:26 PM »
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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #386 on: November 07, 2014, 03:43:06 PM »
The new tournament play function is very nice as well. 

I need to make a decision as to whether Hearthstone is really worth it to continue playing. I've only spent $24 on the game so far, but if they start releasing expansions every 3-4 months, I'm not sure I can keep up.  I'm in the vast majority that doesn't stream and doesn't play tournaments.  I'm okay at Arena, and I'm nearing completion of competitive cards in this format (2 Ancient of Lore, Cenarius, 2 Shield Slam, 1 Brawl, Ragnaros, Thalnos, Jaraxxus, 1 Mountain Giant, 1 Molten Giant, and Al'Akir)*, but depending on the meta game shift, I may just keep falling behind.
I'll definitely continue to play Arena casually, but rank play may fall. I should be able to build 1 or 2 competitive decks with what I have, but it's not as fun without switching up decks.

*Yeah, that's a lot of dust, but it's spread across 4 classes.

Also, Tarei vs Nicolas's Shaman v Priest game was ridiculously well played.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2014, 04:20:08 PM by Westy »


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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #387 on: November 07, 2014, 04:52:06 PM »
I would suggest waiting to make a decision until they release details about how much the new expansion is going to cost. It's a free to play game so I imagine (or hope, I guess) that the new expansion would be similar to the initial launch where they release the cards in the packs and you can spend money if you want to but not if you don't (especially since if you restrict the new cards behind a cost it's going to cause the free to play players to fall very far behind, it wasn't as bad with only missing up to 30 cards in Naxx if you didn't buy every wing, but with this it's going to be 120 new cards worth).

In other news, I'll probably host a tournament in late December or early January to celebrate the expansion once people have had time to start acquiring the cards. If you have any ideas for possible themes let me know!


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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #388 on: November 07, 2014, 05:31:28 PM »
Released Cards.

I'm not sure how I feel about all the randomness of this new set, but should be a lot of fun for Arena.

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #389 on: November 07, 2014, 05:41:02 PM »
Released Cards.

I'm not sure how I feel about all the randomness of this new set, but should be a lot of fun for Arena.

I have the suspicion that a larger proportion of the random cards are being revealed in the previews because they would be seen as the "more fun" cards to get people hyped for the expansion.

Even if its not, most of the random cards won't get used in competitive play anyway because they aren't consistent enough.  The random cards that are used in competitive play (thoughtsteal, sylvannus, webspinner, ragnaros, etc.) are all pretty consistently good (except maybe thoughtsteal, but thoughtsteal is super good in control matchups).
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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #390 on: November 07, 2014, 06:38:06 PM »
most of the random cards won't get used in competitive play anyway because they aren't consistent enough.
And yet there's an entire deck archetype about using the random cards in the game. ::) (Randuin Wrynn)
« Last Edit: November 07, 2014, 06:49:30 PM by browarod »

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #391 on: November 07, 2014, 06:48:52 PM »
most of the random cards won't get used in competitive play anyway because they aren't consistent enough.
And yet there's an entire deck archetype about usingthe random cards in the game. ::) (Randuin Wrynn)

A deck that is NEVER used in competitive play.

Yes random cards are fun, and they will be used in casual and low rank play, but unless they are consistent, they won't see play at the high levels.
The user formerly known as Easty.

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #392 on: November 07, 2014, 08:04:42 PM »
Cards I'm liking:

Cogmaster: More Zoo love.
Enhance-o Mechano: Can be nuts with any sort of decent board presence.
Explosive Sheep: Like it better than Unstable Ghoul.
Goblin Blastmage: Phenomenal stats for cost with all upside. Best 4 drop in the game now?
Madder Bomber: Yolo-er Bomber.
Mechwarper: Better pint-sized summoner for a theme deck.
Micro Machine: If it can survive your opponents turn, it becomes a Bloodfen Raptor. After that is pure upside.
Shrinkmeister: Best stats you can expect to see on a 2 drop, plus some.
Spider Tank: The Chillwind Yeti of 3 drops!
Upgraded Repair Bot: If Temple Priest taught us anything in Arena, this is a better version for Mechs.
V-07-TR-0N: Because who doesn't like Mega-Windfury?
Velen's Chosen: I'm wondering if stacking a slightly better Dalaran Mage's stats onto another minion will make it worth it. I'm thinking yes.
Bouncing Blade: The flavor is just way too cool.
Tinkertown Technician: Stats you expect to see on a vanilla 3 drop, but becomes absolutely amazing so easily.

Also there are technically only 29 cards, Gnomish Experimenter is on there twice.
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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #393 on: November 07, 2014, 08:48:39 PM »
My thoughts on the previewed cards

Annoy-o-tron- Nothing special really.  Just a goldshire footman with divine shield
Blingtron 3000- Same issue that stops ETC from being played, not consistent since it can end up helping your opponent more than you.
Bomb Lobber- Effect is nice, but I don't think its enough to save it from bad stats for the cost
Cogmaster- Flame Imp of a mech deck. Shouldn't be used elsewhere.
Dr. Boom- Funny reference.  Boom bots are alright, but overall seems to expensive for not enough impact.  At high mana costs you really want your minions to be game changers.  Not a bad card, should be useful in arena at least.
Enhance-o Mechano- I don't know what to make of this one until I see how it performs.  I know this is kind of a cop-out but this card looks like it could either be great or really bad, and I'm not sure which it is yet.
Explosive Sheep- Really good. Cheap AoE neutral card.
Flamecannon- Its not bad, but I don't know that its good enough for constructed.  Should be fine in arena.
Goblin Blastmage- Passes the vanilla test and has a decent ability. Might see play in a value based mage.
Madder Bomber- Thank you Blizzard, I needed this card in my life.
Mechwarper- Summoning portal and Pint-Sized Summoner aren't used for a reason, and this one won't be either.
Mekgineer Thermaplugg- Not enough impact for 9 mana.  Don't use.
Micro Machine- Too slow for a 2 drop imo.
Mimiron's Head- Conceal seems to be this cards best friend.  Still AoE weak, but then conceal was already AoE weak.  Problem for miracle is probably cutting cards for the mechs you have to put in with him.
Piloted Shredder- Another summon a minion on dying card, with slightly below average but respectable stats.  Should see play.
Piloted Sky Golem- Same as the Shredder.  Both are good cards.
Shrinkmeister- Everything a priest could ask for.  Immediately boosts the value of already good cards with shadow word pain, cabal shadow priest and shadow madness.  This card is very, very good.
Sneed's Old Shredder- More variable Cairne that costs more essentially.  Worth trying out but not sure on its long-term viability.
Spider Tank- If you need a 3 drop, this is your guy.  Though I'd rather use a shade of Naxx if I just needed a 3 drop
Unstable Portal- Worse far sight. Don't use.
Upgraded Repair Bot- Passes the vanilla test, and has a decent ability.  Should see some use but not an auto-include by any means.
Velen's Chosen- I'd rather just play a Dark Cultist or Shade of Naxx at 3 mana as a priest.
Gnomish Experimenter- If you are running very spell heavy could be ok, but even then you are probably freeze mage and can't risk losing that Alex.  Don't use.
Recombobulator- I wouldn't use it.  I put my minions in over other minions of the same cost because they are better, I don't want to have a random crappy minion replace the one I choose to play.  Should be fun in arena though.
Clockwork Gnome- No commment until I know what the spare part cards do.
Clockwork Giant- Anti-Handlock Giant.  Could see some tournament play because of handlock's prevalence there.  Vanish to Clockwork Giant would be funny if probably inconsistent.
Bouncing Blades- Super good.  warrior already likes dealing damage to all minions, so this fits right in. Also works as deadly shot if there is only one minion on the board.
Tinkertown Technician- Again need to know what spare parts do.
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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #394 on: November 07, 2014, 10:53:40 PM »
Spare parts are at the top of the page.
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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #395 on: November 07, 2014, 11:41:16 PM »
Spare parts are at the top of the page.

Ah thank you.

In light of that information both of the cards using spare parts seem usable.  Not great but definitely usable.
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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #396 on: November 07, 2014, 11:52:26 PM »
Combo I just saw pointed out.  Play blingtron and then follow it up with harrison.  Makes harrison a non-dead draw against non-weapon classes, though I don't know that such a 2 card combo is worth it.
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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #397 on: November 08, 2014, 02:28:31 AM »
Mimiron's Head is quite nice. It's like a better Stalegg/Feugen combo, and mechs seem good enough to have a deck based around them.
Boom Bot is great.
Enhance-o is probably good.
Clockwork Giant is awesome. Rogue mill decks will be much better being able to drop a huge body for 2 mana while milling out removal cards. <3 mill rogue. And Malygos rogue.

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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #398 on: November 08, 2014, 04:59:51 PM »
United States brings home the first ever Hearthstone World Championship!
"If it weren't for people with bad decision making skills, I'd have to get a real job." - Reynad


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Re: Hearthstone
« Reply #399 on: November 08, 2014, 05:02:48 PM »
And the 3-0 style. Go Firebat!

Still wanted the Tides versus Kolento final though...


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