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Control Priest does very poorly against Miracle. Deathrattle is a bit better if it can keep tempo, but it's still a bad matchup for Priest. Deathrattle Priest is also Zetalot's, not Kibler's.
The Hearthstone Open presents a brand new 4v4 competitive team format: Draft Knock-OutCompete, earn rank, win prizes. Does your team have what it takes?Create your account here:[2]The team competition page is here:Team Competition[3]Take yourself away from the ladder grind for an evening and recruit some friends to join you in an exciting new team format. The website will guide you step-by-step through the team match and you will gain or lose rank for team wins and losses.Teams of 4 compete against each other in a unique knock-out style format that takes advantage of your own individual strengths and play-style along with your knowledge of the current meta by requiring you to draft and counter-draft the right classes to outplay your opponents.The Draft!Once your team has a match, you will enter the draft phase.Each team will take turns drafting from the pool of Hearthstone classes. Once a class is drafted, it is removed from the pool.Do you put your weakest player up first to get the class they are best at? Or do you draft with your most versatile player first so they can counter the other team's pick?The class you draft is the class you will play with.Match Play!To start, each team will present one player. Those two players will match up and play a best-of-1 in Hearthstone.The winner of that game will stay to play again with the same deck.The loser is knocked-out and the losing team must present one of their remaining players to compete.Last team standing wins.Team scoring:Teams start with a rating of 1000.Winning or losing will raise or lower your team rating using a traditional chess-style ELO system.Seasonal play will coincide with Hearthstone seasons and winning teams will receive prizes and recognition.
Anyone on here interested in forming a team?
I would try this team thing although I am not versed in the meta and really only run a good hunter deck right now.
Currently built:Zoo (although I need to find a replacement for Leeroy, who I may keep after all, but is disenchanted for the time being)Control Paladin (various builds)Control PriestDeathrattle PriestFrost MageControl Mage (I don't have giants though)Backspace Rogue (which is pretty bad without Leeroy)Right now I have about 30k dust (after disenchanting Leeroy), so I'm trying to decide the best way to spend it. Probably going to get a Bloodmage Thalnos and a Ragnaros, but I might go with Edwin Van Cleef and go for Malygos Rogue, which is really the only replacement for Leeroy right now, and truly isn't awful. I can also build just about any Hunter deck, but I'm not sure which form the next one will come in. Control Hunter seems like an odd concept, but perhaps you can midrange without Buzzard. Unlikely. I could probably craft the cards I need for Druid, which is 1 Force of Nature, 2 Ancient of Lores, and 1 Cenarius. I've been doing really well in the arena today, going 9, 6, 8, 6, and currently 3-1 so I'm hoping with some of the new found gold I can effectively fill out the missing slots for either Druid or;dr: My classes are Warlock (Zoo only), Hunter (still useful as a Handlock counter), Priest, Mage, and Paladin, with the option to finish one of the remaining three.Current Legendaries:Tirion, Grommash, Old Murk Eye, Cairne, Sylvanas, The Black Knight, Alexstraza, Deathwing, MalygosAnd of course Naxx Legendaries.Notable Epics:1x Force of Nature, 1x Ancient of War, 2x Snake Trap, 2x Ice Block, 1x Pyroblast, 2x Sword of Justice, 2x Avenging Wrath, 2x Lay on Hands, 1x Cabal Shadow Priest, 2x Doomsayer, 1x BGH, 1x Blood Knight, 1x Murloc Warleader, 1x Faceless ManipulatorNotable Missing Epics:All Giants, Preparation, Shield Slam, Gorehowl, Brawl, Doomhammer, Ancient of Lore.The rares I can craft in a pinch.