Cactus Web Site special offer: Orders over $75 will receive a free Angel of God 2023 National Promo card while supplies last.
Just wanted to give everyone a head's up that we are currently targeting to release Curse of Naxxramas during the month of July. Unfortunately, we still have a lot of implementing and bug fixing to get through, so please stay tuned!With that said, we are also targeting to reveal pricing details regarding Curse of Naxxramas next week on July 1st, so please keep an eye out for that.
Arena feels dull lately, so I've been playing mostly constructed. Ice Mage is stupidly strong, and it's so hard to beat unless you're control Warrior or Holy Pally.
Grats on the 9 wins, very impressive deck! Druid of the Claw is indeed one of the absolute best cards in Arena, just shy of being an auto-pick every time it pops up (those honors belonging only to Swipe and Fire Elemental). 6 may be excessive, but I can't possibly think of any other common outside of Swipe to pick over DotC in a vacuum. Speaking of which, Swipe didn't come up at all? While I've also been successful with Druid Arena's without any Swipes at all, there's just no better feeling than knowing you have a Swipe or 2 in deck to fall back on.Deck looks super solid, especially with all the taunts...over a third of your deck! If I could change anything about it at all, it would have been to added a bit more 4 drops. Good 4's are highly regarded when constructing an Arena deck since that is the point where minions start 2-for-1'ing anything below them on the mana curve and either putting you at parity with the board and in card advantage or maintaining tempo. Having a low amount of 4 drops is understandable though because of all the DotC's. I'm curious though, were you picking DotC's over other good 4 drops? Chillwind, Dark Iron, Sen'jin, Cult Master, Swipe, etc?