Author Topic: Guitar Praise, from the makers of Dance Praise  (Read 36700 times)

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Re: Guitar Praise, from the makers of Dance Praise
« Reply #100 on: November 13, 2008, 12:39:59 PM »
By some of your definitions of "good" movies and games (those that hold Prof's viewpoint #2)...
Just to clarify, lest anyone be confused.  Prof doesn't hold to "Prof's viewpoint #2" :)

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Re: Guitar Praise, from the makers of Dance Praise
« Reply #101 on: November 13, 2008, 12:44:01 PM »
Maybe I should have quoted it instead of labeling it.  I thought it was an understood (Prof #1 and Prof #2)...didn't mean to misrepresent by saying that you held to one over the other.
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Re: Guitar Praise, from the makers of Dance Praise
« Reply #102 on: November 13, 2008, 01:52:47 PM »
Though violence wouldn't be the central theme it still can be included. Alot of people get so uppity about games with violence in them sometimes, yet are completely ok with reading the O.T.
Honestly I think finding a game that appeals to both parties would be awesome.

Like an RTS of OT battles, God laid alot of behind kicking in those, which showed his power, yet would still have enough action to be awesome.
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Re: Guitar Praise, from the makers of Dance Praise
« Reply #103 on: November 13, 2008, 03:52:49 PM »
The Irony that this is tearing him down by saying he is wrong is not lost on me.

I'm not sure at what point "iron sharpens iron" became such a heinous act among Christians, but I was being sincere rather than sarcastic. Is praying for my brother in Christ really considered "tearing him down?" Somehow my words are not being taken literally here. I made a couple of exaggerated posts earlier to prove a point, but how exactly have I "torn him down?" Am I the only one who sees his remarks as a negative attack on a fellow believer? Any sarcasm I used was directed at myself, not him.

If my prayer is seen as sarcasm, then I have indeed been misinterpreted. Frankly, I have chosen to pray because I see so much of myself, when I was his age, in him. It was the "effective prayer of righteous people" that helped me change the way I talk to people. I certainly have more work to do, but I'm not nearly the person I used to be. I think that Polarius can make all of his points without the negativity, which may just be more habit than anything else (at least it was for me).

I am not trying to compare myself (or my old self) to him, but rather show that I empathize with the struggle to not be negative. I want to help, but it seems that I have failed in that regard.

Now PLEASE stop. You both are talking about bringing people to God and looking different from the world and you BOTH are tearing each other down. Be it meant that way or not it is happening. Please stop.

I apologize for the misperception that I have given. I apologize to Polarius if that was the way I was coming across. I was trying to point out that you did not need to pinpoint me in trying to prove your point about Christian media. Nothing more. I will not post on this thread anymore.

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Re: Guitar Praise, from the makers of Dance Praise
« Reply #104 on: November 13, 2008, 04:38:48 PM »
I think an RTS based on the old testament would be awesome
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Re: Guitar Praise, from the makers of Dance Praise
« Reply #105 on: November 13, 2008, 05:26:09 PM »
I disagree strongly with whomever it was that said Christian writers would never do something like The Dark Knight. Actually, I completely agree, but filmmakers who follow Jesus would. There is real evil in the world, and the Christianese thing to do is gloss over it. That's why we have nothing to say when tragedy strikes or when someone does something very wrong. Writing movies from a Biblical viewpoint would include violence and other themes that aren't "nice." The difference isn't the subject matter, it's the treatment of the subject matter. The world makes profane movies, but followers of Jesus can make movies with obscene content.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!


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Re: Guitar Praise, from the makers of Dance Praise
« Reply #106 on: November 13, 2008, 05:35:33 PM »
From an Orlando Sentinel article about the ICBS:
What's new

Digital Praise, a Christian software developer, has created a guitar-controller computer game that allows people to play along with more than 50 songs from Christian bands. The computer game Guitar Praise, inspired by the best-selling video game Guitar Hero, provides song lyrics and follow-along musical "notes" on the screen. The game is scheduled to hit Christian bookstores this fall but will also be available on "People just want good clean fun," Valerie Banks, a Digital Praise sales rep, said Monday at the convention center.
Sounds like I've found my son's Christmas present.  :)

I would buy that for sure if it was for 360. I like the concept of of Guitar Hero but the images and songs bother me this howver hope- fully would combine guitar hero aspects with good wholesome songs.

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Re: Guitar Praise, from the makers of Dance Praise
« Reply #107 on: November 13, 2008, 06:39:59 PM »
I disagree strongly with whomever it was that said Christian writers would never do something like The Dark Knight. Actually, I completely agree, but filmmakers who follow Jesus would. There is real evil in the world, and the Christianese thing to do is gloss over it. That's why we have nothing to say when tragedy strikes or when someone does something very wrong. Writing movies from a Biblical viewpoint would include violence and other themes that aren't "nice." The difference isn't the subject matter, it's the treatment of the subject matter. The world makes profane movies, but followers of Jesus can make movies with obscene content.

Whoo boy...I have tried to keep out of this one, but I think we have finally hit an interesting talking point...Let us use House as a current example...a fantastic book and the movie doesn't look to be too terrible either. But the powers that be put an R rating on it and now people are concerned about Christians not seeing it. That I have a problem with. I am curious why every piece of work that we want to connect with Christianity has to be family friendly? What happened to thought-provoking and provocative? The "world" has some things that are not safe for kids to understand, and yet some people are surprised when I point out the same things in the Bible, why? Because children are innocent and naive, and they are supposed to be that way. Until you can mentally understand certain concepts should you be exposed to them. However I tread very lightly on this topic, because the essence here is intent and meaning as well as being concerned for your fellow brother or sister. If Paul was telling the Greeks to lay off the "impure" meat when in the presence of Jewish family, are we to be any different? Even if no harm was intended? Just what is acceptable as obscene anyway? Is there a supposed to be a difference in the lives we see on the big screen and what is in reality happening around us?

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Re: Guitar Praise, from the makers of Dance Praise
« Reply #108 on: November 13, 2008, 09:00:58 PM »
1)  I do not deny the violence and sex in the Bible.  Several of the stories would make really good movies.  What I'm saying is....I don't think it's going to get made because many Christians (not title only) shy away from violent acts and the portrayals of them: real or not.  I thought the best scene in the Dark Knight had ZERO violence: it was when both boats chose not to blow the other up out of respect for human life.

I would buy that for sure if it was for 360. I like the concept of of Guitar Hero but the images and songs bother me this howver hope- fully would combine guitar hero aspects with good wholesome songs.

2)  I want to echo Hobbit's comments on the images and songs on Guitar Hero.  I wish Guitar Praise was on a console.  I would have bought one the first day out. 
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Re: Guitar Praise, from the makers of Dance Praise
« Reply #109 on: November 15, 2008, 05:08:20 PM »
  I want to echo Hobbit's comments on the images and songs on Guitar Hero.  I wish Guitar Praise was on a console.  I would have bought one the first day out.

Same here.  I really want it on the Wii, not the computer


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Re: Guitar Praise, from the makers of Dance Praise
« Reply #110 on: November 15, 2008, 06:48:30 PM »
yea,me too


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