Cactus Game Design Message Boards
Other Gaming => Video & Computer Games => Topic started by: The Guardian on January 05, 2009, 02:36:02 PM
I'm thinking of getting one or the other for my 360, which would you get?
I'm thinking of getting one or the other for my 360, which would you get?
I like the GH guitar better, but I've heard the Rockband Drums are Better.
I personally like GH better. :)
If you are playing single player then get GTar Hero 3 or 2 (not 4) if you are playing with a party then get Rock Band which is far supiorior then GTar 4 for Party.
Ah, good point. This would definitely be more for party-type. I'd probably do the single-player anyway, just to unlock songs, but I enjoy playing with people a lot more.
I've only played guitar and bass on guitar hero, so I'm not sure.
But Rock band is GREAT! The drums are awesome, and so is the singing.
Rockband all the way! and bring it to MN states ;D
I would also say Rock Band although I haven't played either much. I just don't like the track list on either, we need some Christian songs.
I like "Rock Band 2" more than the others at the moment, but Guitar Hero 2 & 3 are good for single player as well.
I actually like Guitar Hero World Tour more than Rock Band, but only a little. I haven't played Rock Band 2 so I can't comment on that.
If Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock was available with Drums/Microphone then I would recommend that over everything else but it isn't.
get guitar hero 4
don't pay attention to anybody who says GH3 cause it has a Marylin Manson song and i don't think God would want ya to listen to that guy's music.
but that can only be downloadable.
any guitar hero game that doesn't have MM in it should be fine.
but i prefer GH4 cause you can have guitar battles and have a party setting
I actually like Guitar Hero World Tour more than Rock Band, but only a little. I haven't played Rock Band 2 so I can't comment on that.
If Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock was available with Drums/Microphone then I would recommend that over everything else but it isn't.
Rock Band 2 is a lot more fun than rock band 1 because there was an increase in difficulty in songs and there are a ton of songs you can download as well as being able to import all of rock band 1 songs(except 3) for $5.
Is that an import from the game or an xbl download?
Yeah, you can actually go online and kind of like itunes buy tons of different songs for rock band, and then play them. So that's one HUGE advantage, being able to play your own personal fav songs. That's pretty awesome. 8)
Is downloadable songs only for RB or can you do that for GH too?
I'm not sure, but definitly for Rock Band. :)
Is downloadable songs only for RB or can you do that for GH too?
You can do this in both. But imo RB has more calmer songs made for party's compared to GH's more "wilder" songs but note that this is only from experience with RB 1 & 2 and GH 3 not 4.
Is downloadable songs only for RB or can you do that for GH too?
You can do this in both. But imo RB has more calmer songs made for party's compared to GH's more "wilder" songs but note that this is only from experience with RB 1 & 2 and GH 3 not 4.
Calmer songs made for parties?
meh, I guess it depends on the party.
lol sorry I ment difficult so you wont be playing like through the Fire and Flames with some people who hardly ever play Rock Band, maybe not "calmer" though :P
GH4 is the better game by far, but RB is way easier so if you're just going for a party game then get RB.
ya have drums,guitar or mic for gh4, pol?
GHWT is awesome. though, I've yet to play RB.
I don't personally own GHWT yet, but when I do I'm getting all the peripherals.
my friend, who owns rock band, just tried GHWT... he failed miserably. RB Expert=GH Hard
lol yea RB1 isn't as hard as GH3 or GH4 but RB2 on expert is pretty hard, assuming of course your playing the harder songs and not the warmup ones or something.
lol yea RB1 isn't as hard as GH3 or GH4 but RB2 on EXPERT is pretty HARD, assuming of course your playing the harder songs and not the warmup ones or something.
GH4 Expert (on a song that's not uber easy)=nigh impossible!
lol nigh impossible? I can beat them though.
lol nigh impossible? I can beat them though.
Assasain? Hot for Teacher? Satch Boogie?
I dunno, i didn't say i've played thru the game, but i beat one of the first setlist things in single player on expert.
I dunno, i didn't say i've played thru the game, but i beat one of the first setlist things in single player on expert.
so the easy songs...
Assassin is on the easy side on guitar, actually, but the drums are nuts. My RA and I have beat Hot for Teacher me on Expert guitar and him on Hard drums first attempt. Idk if I've played Satch Boogie but I'm sure I could beat it. The only GH song I can't beat on Expert is TFaF because I'm not quite enough of a nerd to sit down and learn the tapping pattern at the beginning, but I could finish the rest of it.
I actually have Rock Band 1 and 2 that I am trying to sell. If you want, just PM me and I will give you a list of what I have and what I am looking for in way of price and we can go from there. All the stuff is in good shape and the drum pedals are both new (broke one and got it replaced and have only used the second one a few times)...
Guitar Hero no doubt is better unless your not comfortable with the guitar controll. They are very similar but a little different.
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