Cactus Game Design Message Boards
Other Gaming => Video & Computer Games => Topic started by: Good Samaritan on June 25, 2010, 08:44:12 PM
Anyone have any suggestions for 360 games?
I have most of the classics.
2 questions...
1. What type of games are you looking for? RPG's? Shooters? Sports? Xbl games?
2. What games do you already have?
I like shooters,RPG's. Not so much sports. XBL games depending on the gameplay.
Games I have:
Modern Warfare 2
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
Halo 3
Halo 3 ODST'
Fallout 3
Gears of War 1&2
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Bad co.Battlefield 1 & 2
Mercenaries 2
Civilization Revolution
Madden 06,07,08,09,10
And some others....
Borderlands is pretty fun,especially online.
I like shooters,RPG's. Not so much sports. XBL games depending on the gameplay.
Games I have:
Modern Warfare 2
Call of Duty 4 Modern Warfare
Halo 3
Halo 3 ODST'
Fallout 3
Gears of War 1&2
Left 4 Dead
Left 4 Dead 2
Bad co.Battlefield 1 & 2
Mercenaries 2
Civilization Revolution
Madden 06,07,08,09,10
And some others....
Red dead redemption- basically a western GTA
Army of Two - 3p shooter not the best but you can custimize all your weapons which is pretty cool and it is a fun Coop game
Mass effect 2- almost a must if you like RPG
Resident evil 5- okay if you like 3p shooters, nothing like left4 dead though.
Rainbow six vegas two is pretty fun also
Other than that I think you have most of the good ones.
Red Dead Redemption is fun :D
I just got it for PC through steam, but Serious Sam HD 1 and 2 are a blast. They are full out oldschool FPS (as in Doom or Quake style), and they're freaking HARD too, lol. It's not uncommon to be locked in a room and have up to 100 guys continuously swarm you... fun stuff. ;D
Call of Duty MW2
UFC Undesputed 2010
Sonic games( All of them)
Batman Arkham Asylum
I like Rock band 2 but that's not for everybody...
Tom Clancy games, FTW.
Rainbow Six: Vegas 1 & 2
Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfighter 1 & 2
Ok here are some definite musthaves
Call of duty modern warfare 2
Rainbow 6 vegas 2
Fallout 3
Fable 2
Assasins creed 1 and 2
Battlefield badcompany 2
Red dead redemption
Mass effect 2
And any sports game, it just depends what ur favorite sport is
Ok here are some definite musthaves
Call of duty modern warfare 2
Rainbow 6 vegas 2
Fallout 3
Fable 2
Assasins creed 1 and 2
Battlefield badcompany 2
Red dead redemption
Mass effect 2
And any sports game, it just depends what ur favorite sport is
I'm quite sure that Fable 2 and Assassins Creed 2 is rated M for some questionable sexual content.
Fable 2 and Assassins Creed 2 can't be any worse than Red Dead Redemption....which has about as much mature content as you can place in a game.
Fable 2 and Assassins Creed 2 can't be any worse than Red Dead Redemption....which has about as much mature content as you can place in a game.
The truth in that statement made me laugh.
Red Dead Redemption is a great game from what I've heard, but be forewarned that like GTA, it's not appropriate for all audiences.
You seem to have basically all of the great 360 games from what I can tell. If you don't have it, I would strongly suggest downloading Castle Crashers from the XBL Arcade. So addicting and so much fun, also an amazing co-op game. Other than that, I don't have any suggestions. Just sit and wait until CoD: Black Ops, GoW 3, Halo: Reach, and Fallout: New Vegas. :P
Sell your Xbox 360 and buy a wii.
YES! +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Sell your Xbox 360 and buy a wii.
YES! +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
This must be the funniest joke I've read all day. Only someone with a small brain would do that. Microsoft has the best console on the market right now.
Sell your Xbox 360 and buy a wii.
YES! +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Why buy a Wii the games aren't as good as the 360's and the ps3's! ??? ;D
Sell your Xbox 360 and buy a wii.
This must be the funniest joke I've read all day. Only someone with a small brain would do that. Microsoft has the best console on the market right now.
If you don't mind sending to get repaired every two months....
I've had mine since Christmas and haven't had ONE problem with it. I have two friends on my floor up at college, they got theirs at the same time. ZERO problems. And I have a warranty.
360 - 1
Wii - 0
Sell your Xbox 360 and buy a wii.
YES! +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
Sell your Xbox 360 and buy a wii.
YES! +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1 +1
This must be the funniest joke I've read all day. Only someone with a small brain would do that. Microsoft has the best console on the market right now.
It's like deja vu all over again...Same story, different characters.
Actually, this was before the other thread I believe.
You all forgot two games:
Afro Samurai and Dead Space. Frankly, imo, dead space is better than most games listed here.
Actually, this was before the other thread I believe.
I was referring to the Schaef vs. MKC debate that took place a few months ago about basically the same topic.
Also, did you get my PM? If our deal is still good, I need your address, and I'll send the cards out today or tomorrow.
we all know the xbox 360 is the king of konsoles. no need for a debate. ;)
Any lego game Batman Star Wars Indiana Jones
I couldn't really get into the lego games. Idk about lego rock band either, haha.
I will reiterate some things that have been said already...
Mass Effect 1
Mass Effect 2
BioShock 2
Final Fantasy XIII
Lost Odyssey
All of these are very good (I'm playing through FF13 right now and it's amazingly beautiful, my fiancee even thinks so). And I would definitely recommend playing the first game and then the second, rather than just 2 (a lot of people said Mass Effect 2, but not 1). It makes the story make a lot more sense and you get an achievement if you beat both.
Eric "my pi cents" Largent
Definatley, Mass Effect needs to be played through in order to fully realize Mass Effect 2. Mass Effect also had a much better story. I just bought Bioshock, I will see how that goes!
Definatley, Mass Effect needs to be played through in order to fully realize Mass Effect 2. Mass Effect also had a much better story. I just bought Bioshock, I will see how that goes!
Lemme know via PM how you liked it when you finished it.
360-System with best games for gamers with many exclusives
Ps3- System with best games for games ...minus the great exclusives of Xbox
Wii- System for 8 year olds and their Grandmothers. Lack of Hardcore gamer games. Not to say it lacks good games....just not targeted towards me.
Wii- System for 8 year olds and their Grandmothers. Lack of Hardcore gamer games. Not to say it lacks good games....just not targeted towards me.
Red Steel 2
The Grinder
Skyward sword
The Conduit 1/2
Metroid Prime 3
Metroid other M
and most of the Stuff on Virtual console say Hi
I want to know what a "hardcore gamer" is. I'm as nerd as they come, and spend just as much time gaming as the next guy (maybe a bit less when I'm in an artistic bent). I play Halo, but I also play Mario Party, Civilization 2 (how's that for oldschool!), Warcraft 3, Metriod, and Super Smash Brothers. Am I not a hardcore gamer because I enjoy Wii games, antique computer games, and Pokemon just as much as srsbsns games?
Definatley, Mass Effect needs to be played through in order to fully realize Mass Effect 2. Mass Effect also had a much better story. I just bought Bioshock, I will see how that goes!
Lemme know via PM how you liked it when you finished it.
Will do. I liked the prologue level. It has me ready to play the game more, for sure.
I want to know what a "hardcore gamer" is. I'm as nerd as they come, and spend just as much time gaming as the next guy (maybe a bit less when I'm in an artistic bent). I play Halo, but I also play Mario Party, Civilization 2 (how's that for oldschool!), Warcraft 3, Metriod, and Super Smash Brothers. Am I not a hardcore gamer because I enjoy Wii games, antique computer games, and Pokemon just as much as srsbsns games?
<3 this quote. I totally agree. I don't enjoy some of the WIi Games, but there's some great party and racing titles that are pretty much only viable on the Wii.
I explicitly said that the wii did not lack good games, but rather games that target a more mature audience. Hardcore gamers use real controllers. When I play brawl I play with a gamecube control.
Yes games like Brawl and Mario Kart/Part are fun. I did not say the wii did not have fun games. Really good shooters on the Wii? Halo, Call of Duty, Gears of War, Killzone 2...oh wait those aren't on the wii. Bioshock, oblivion, fallout, mass effect, demon's soul, FFXIII, god of war, dragon age...again not on the wii.
The Wii is marketed towards new gamers. Thats just the way it is. It is not a bad thing in general. But many gamers, myself included, find a great deal more depth in the games of other consoles.
I explicitly said that the wii did not lack good games, but rather games that target a more mature audience. Hardcore gamers use real controllers. When I play brawl I play with a gamecube control.
Yes games like Brawl and Mario Kart/Part are fun. I did not say the wii did not have fun games. Really good shooters on the Wii? Halo, Call of Duty, Gears of War, Killzone 2...oh wait those aren't on the wii. Bioshock, oblivion, fallout, mass effect, demon's soul, FFXIII, god of war, dragon age...again not on the wii.
The Wii is marketed towards new gamers. Thats just the way it is. It is not a bad thing in general. But many gamers, myself included, find a great deal more depth in the games of other consoles.
It's not marketed towards "new" gamers, it's marketed toward group gaming, rather than solo gaming. Because the most easily accessible group is the family, many of the marketing and games have been directed towards the family. Because of this, the large majority of the games on the Wii do not have the explicit content you find in the games you mentioned (which I believe are all M).
Call of Duty is actually on the Wii. Additionally, I would hardly call games like Mad World not targeting the mature gamer. Of course, your definition of hardcore game seems to be "likes whatever the latest multiplayer shooter is" and "refuse to attempt to enjoy a new control scheme."
cod on the wii is a joke.
'new control schemes' are novelties. yes, im looking at you, wiimote & nunchuck, kinect, and move.
And Kinetic isn't a novelty? ;)
In reality though, I do agree that it is a novelty, but that does not negate my expirience that most old skool gamers aren't willing to make the attempt to enjoy the new controls scheme.
i did say kinect.
there is also a difference between willing to make an attempt at the new controls and willing to make the attempt to enjoy the new controls. personally, if i wanted to exercise with my games, i would go outside and do the real thing.
i did say kinect.
there is also a difference between willing to make an attempt at the new controls and willing to make the attempt to enjoy the new controls. personally, if i wanted to exercise with my games, i would go outside and do the real thing.
I mostly referring the nunchuck and Wiimote as it pertains to games such as Brawl. No real exercise, just a really weird control scheme in cmparison to typical controllers.
but would you even call that control scheme practical in comparison to alternate control schemes offered by the wii system? especially towards hardcore gamers?
...Dude the Wii is marketed towards people who have never played video games before. They said so themselves. I think it is commendable that they are adding additional people to the gaming universe but the wii on the whole is a casual system. It is designed for families and the controls were designed so that anyone can play.
...Dude the Wii is marketed towards people who have never played video games before. They said so themselves. I think it is commendable that they are adding additional people to the gaming universe but the wii on the whole is a casual system. It is designed for families and the controls were designed so that anyone can play.
How does that relate the statement that the Wii lacks "mature audience" games? What does that even mean? Explicit content?
but would you even call that control scheme practical in comparison to alternate control schemes offered by the wii system? especially towards hardcore gamers?
Hardcore gamers, no, but is that the fault of the system or the gamer who refuses to learn the new scheme? I see it similarly as to when I tried to switch to bumper jumper on Halo after getting into MLG. Is Bumper Jumper more practical? For me, no, because I was used to standard controls and couldn't/wouldn't re-train myself to the Bumper Jumper set-up. I see the Wiimote the same way. We simply refuse to allow it to be practical.
Momma metroid, here we go again.
Momma metroid, here we go again.
I'm a lightning rod?
changing a control button setup is vastly different than changing the control scheme altogether. motion sensitive controls are far less accurate than its regular control counterparts. my roommate would always wonder why i would always beat him in mario kart when he used the wheel and i used the classic controller...its pretty obvious, really. motion controls are great for a temporary kick or thrill from the norm, but cant be taken seriously on any other level.
You know, the Wii has a standard control scheme. The only difference is that there's one thumbstick. All this is really detrimental for is FPS games, nothing else suffers. Sure, some games are gimmicky, but there are a host of other games (SSBB for example) that play just like on any other system and don't miss the second thumbstick.
you said 'standard control scheme', then start out your very next sentence by saying 'the only difference...' which negates it entirely. ;)
i dont have much problem with using the mote and chuck in tandem with each other...its essentially just a regular control thats split in half...i just have a problem with the motion controls.
Well, I don't think the exception negates the premise when the only game type that needs two thumbsticks is FPS.
Even then, I like the motion controls for other FP games. Especially the premier FPA, Metroid. The motion controls are just fine when the extent of what they do is "check for motion." In Metroid and Twilight Princess, all you have to do is waggle the control and it picks up that it's moving. Games like Red Steel are awful, but there are a ton more good games that wouldn't be made fun of if they weren't on the Wii.
Yeah, Metroid is a good example of how to do a FPS type game on the Wii. I'll still stick with my good old mouse and keyboard for most FPS games however. X-treeeeeeme accuracy ftw.
I also feel that the large majority of alternate controls are just novelties. I seriously doubt Kinect will do that well. Move looks like it could be promising, but i'll wait and see on that one.
Finally, the Wii is aimed at being family friendly for the most part. Xbox, PC, and PS3 are aimed at people ages 16-30 (general estimate) who are looking for more intense and gritty games, which are generally not family friendly.
Sell your Xbox 360 and buy a wii.
This must be the funniest joke I've read all day. Only someone with a small brain would do that. Microsoft has the best console on the market right now.
If you don't mind sending to get repaired every two months....
Not every xbox has that problem. I got mine a few months after launch. I sent it in two years after I bought it. No problems since.
3 problems in 6 months. >:(