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What if I said the people I know are over 9000!!! ?
yours is far more limited to mine.
really? because you dont think customers dont tell me what they think either?
i said people that only have a wii make biased purchasing decisions. again, twisting my words.
because that is one strong reason i observe people buying a particular console in my store.
dont recall where i actually did that. its pretty obvious pepole buy consoles because of different reasons. where did i even try disputing this?
Quote from: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 04:41:39 PMyours is far more limited to mine.That's not the kind of assumption I would make about you if our roles were reversed, but I see you're still content to plug in identical numbers on both sides of the "inequation". As I've said, I think it's more than adequate to support the statement I've made.Quotereally? because you dont think customers dont tell me what they think either?Never said that. I only said that I do not have the additional confounding factor of incentivizing a purchase of one item over another.Quotei said people that only have a wii make biased purchasing decisions. again, twisting my words.That's the exact same thing I just said. People own wii plus people don't own other consoles equals ALL their purchasing decisions are biased. Tell me what you're saying different.Quotebecause that is one strong reason i observe people buying a particular console in my store.No, you said it is ALWAYS THE REASON, not "one strong reason", but ALWAYS THE REASON. You have also said that when people ask you to differentiate between them, exclusive titles are what you mention. Nothing else. I even asked you, and you added nothing.Quotedont recall where i actually did that. its pretty obvious pepole buy consoles because of different reasons. where did i even try disputing this?"if you only have a wii, then thats unfortunate and all your purchases are based on personal bias."ALL your purchases - no exceptions. Personal bias - no other reasons, no different reasons."99% of clueless people that come through my store, deciding which console to purchase... it always comes down to the exclusivity of a consoles games."Additionally, the entire premise of my argument is that there are reasons other than exclusivity that drive people to a system, and every response of yours has been an attempt to say I'm wrong and you're right, and you know better than me. In addition to these exact quotes from you, the only way I can be wrong is if exclusivity is either the only reason, or so primary a reason that no other reasons even matter. Your continued efforts to prove me wrong - and additionally, ignorant and irrational - and not even take five seconds to acknowledge my simple point which you now say is obvious, that leads me to believe you are committed to this idea of exclusivity to the exception of anything else. If you believed my statement was rational or even obvious, you wouldn't fight so hard to disprove it and disqualify my observations.I happen to think there are a lot of reasons a console can be a worthy investment. If a multi-platform title appears on that console, that's a plus for it. The fact that it's a wash compared to other consoles doesn't matter, because a console with that game is a better purchase than a console without that game. You apply this logic to exclusive titles, but when I specifically asked, what if I have a multi-platform title that happens not to appear on this one console, you didn't even register the question.There are significant differences in cost, and if I walk into the store with $300 and two kids under ten, I'm not going to walk out with a PS3, one controller, no HDMI and no games, versus a Wii with a family-friendly pack-in and a complete set of controllers. I'm not going to walk out with the 250GB version at all. And in your store, I don't get to walk out with anything.There are significant differences in the hardware and services for each console. The Wii has motion control, the X-box has a vastly superior online experience, and the PS3 (with cable purchase) has bleeding-edge graphics and can play Blu-Ray movies. I consider those significant reasons to look at a console aside from the cost and aside from which games go on which consoles.Now just turn down your flamethrower for five seconds and be real: what is so ridiculous about any of those statements to deserve this kind of reaction?
i know what my customers want because they tell me.
Quote from: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 07:36:58 PM i know what my customers want because they tell me.I'm a Gamestop customer and I want a Wii.
im not going to argue with you anymore. bottom line: i know what my customers want because they tell me. i know why they want it because they tell me. the day you work in the videogame industry and have actual personal experience and crediblity to back you up, then come talk to me. the day you can make impartial observations outside your little circle of 'friends, family, acquaintences' (lulz), then come talk to me. otherwise, theres nothing more you need to say to me.
Quote from: YourMathTeacher on January 13, 2010, 09:02:17 PMQuote from: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 07:36:58 PM i know what my customers want because they tell me.I'm a Gamestop customer and I want a Wii.
Quote from: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 07:36:58 PMim not going to argue with you anymore. bottom line: i know what my customers want because they tell me. i know why they want it because they tell me. the day you work in the videogame industry and have actual personal experience and crediblity to back you up, then come talk to me. the day you can make impartial observations outside your little circle of 'friends, family, acquaintences' (lulz), then come talk to me. otherwise, theres nothing more you need to say to me.How about me then? It's uncanny that after the mountain of evidence Schaef has presented, especially compared to your microscopic collection of counter-evidence, that your position has not changed in the slightest. I'm beginning to wonder whether or not you understand the basic rule of argument: The one with the best evidence wins. If you present no evidence (or in your case, moldy, repackaged evidence), your position and your argument will not improve.And returning to exclusivity, I'll just say that I would likely never, ever, buy a console with only exclusive games, because some of the best games are multi-platform.
im done arguing here. its really inconsequential to me which console you guys want/own/buy, because i get paid regardless of who buys what. its all just a matter of preference.
the day you work in the videogame industry and have actual personal experience and crediblity to back you up, then come talk to me. the day you can make impartial observations outside your little circle of 'friends, family, acquaintences' (lulz), then come talk to me. otherwise, theres nothing more you need to say to me.
I am a psychology major and I just wanted to say that the number of incidences of the false consensus effect and confirmation bias, and belief bias/perseverance in this thread amuse me greatly. It's a funny concept that a person thinks they can make an "objective" observation based on interaction with a limited group of people, either in their own life or through those they encounter in a fixed environment is... amusing is the polite way to say it.
Ok, idea to possibly settle this.Make a list of the games you would buy a system to play. If you already have the games, just list them anyways. I want to see how many games people would WANT to play on their prefered system, since the Wii owners only seem to be listing like, 5 games. Finally, feel free to list multiconsole games, I just want to see how many games people play or want to play on their systems. I may list some stuff I play/want to play on PC, but if I do, I'll be fair and only list games that came out during this "current gen" of systems.Anyone up for this?