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Quote from: Minister Polarius on January 07, 2010, 05:10:23 PMI like motion control for things like shooters and fighters. You can't go out in real life and shoot up some Nazis, or don a three-hundred-pound Zwiehander and smack Yoda around. Yes, my second comment was in reference to Soul Caliber. Yes, I know Soul Caliber does not have motion sensors. But I can't wait to be able to actually wield a sword in a fighting game, once the technology catches up to where that would make a good game.Just caught up on this thread today. If anyone Wii owners here are still looking for a good Fighting game, then you should *definitely* check out Soul Calibur Legends. You only get 7 characters in all (Main one being Siegfried, then you unlock Ivy, Sophitia, Taki, Astaroth, Mitsurugi {May be one more I'm forgetting} and then the guest character Lloyd {From the Tales Of: Symphonia games})The only two real complaints I've ever had with this game is the Nunchuck's dashing control (which has been resolved now that I've learned to keep it properly straight) and the camera controls are *slightly* wonky sometimes. The co-op mode and vs modeS more than make up for it, however, and despite its subpar reviews (ranked as "fair" by most of its reputable reviews) the game in all satisfies my desire for a good Wii-based fighting game. Also, it doesn't hurt that I was able to easily get it for $20.
I like motion control for things like shooters and fighters. You can't go out in real life and shoot up some Nazis, or don a three-hundred-pound Zwiehander and smack Yoda around. Yes, my second comment was in reference to Soul Caliber. Yes, I know Soul Caliber does not have motion sensors. But I can't wait to be able to actually wield a sword in a fighting game, once the technology catches up to where that would make a good game.
whats your point here? everyone plays the games they prefer.
sim·ple-mind·ed or sim·ple·mind·ed (smpl-mndd)adj.1. Lacking in subtlety or sophistication; artless or naive.2. Stupid or silly; foolish.3. Mentally impaired.The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth EditionWhat you describe is being a person of simple TASTES, not of simple mind.
so some games can be unsophisticated/simple.
do some people like unsophisticated/simple games? yes? ok then. does that make them retarded? probably not? ok, awesome.
Quote from: The Schaef on January 12, 2010, 06:59:24 PMsim·ple-mind·ed or sim·ple·mind·ed (smpl-mndd)adj.1. Lacking in subtlety or sophistication; artless or naive.2. Stupid or silly; foolish.3. Mentally impaired.The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth EditionWhat you describe is being a person of simple TASTES, not of simple mind.and you dont perceive some simple games unsophisticated on some levels?