Author Topic: Good games on the wii  (Read 59918 times)

Offline Minister Polarius

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Re: Good games on the wii
« Reply #150 on: January 07, 2010, 12:34:34 AM »
Wii outsells PS3 by a longshot. Wii outsells Xbox360 by a long shot. Xbox360+PS3 outsell Wii by a small margin.
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Re: Good games on the wii
« Reply #151 on: January 07, 2010, 02:24:08 AM »
wii sales vs ps3/360 sales is not a longshot. ds sales (123,221,679) is a longshot.
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Re: Good games on the wii
« Reply #152 on: January 07, 2010, 02:36:45 AM »
there are currently 62,585,048 wii owners in the world, 35,795,505 xbox 360 owners, and 30,097,783 ps3 owners.
I'm going by your numbers here. There are twice as many Wii owners as PS3 owners. I call double a long shot. That's winning a match 50-25. There are not quite twice as many Wii owners as Xbox360 owners, but close enough to double that I still call that a long shot. That's winning a match 50-30. Long shots both. Xbox360+PS3 totals 69,853,288 compared to the Wii's 62,585,048. That I call a small margin. Is there a problem with any of my logic here? Or do you just not call doubling/nearly doubling sales beating by a long shot?

With regard to the DS, that's a crazy stat on the one hand, but on the other hand it's competition is what, the PSP? Do you have the numbers for that?

More importantly, do you have the numbers for the profit margins for Nintendo's Wii division/Microsoft's Xbox division/Sony's PS3 division? I'll warrant a guess that they'll look similar to the previous generation's numbers, except maybe a lot more profit for Microsoft and a lot less for Sony.

Wii will go down in gaming history as having gotten grandmas to play video games. It will also very likely go down in gaming history as having won the profit war of this generation. It will also go down in gaming history as the first to make non-conventional controllers widely-used. PS3 has Blu-Ray. Xbox has Live. Which is better? Personally, I think the PS3 as a machine, the Wii for all types of gaming other than what the Xbox360 wins in, and Xbox for online multiplayer of FPS and racing games. Sports may factor in there somewhere, but I consider those barely games.
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Re: Good games on the wii
« Reply #153 on: January 07, 2010, 02:51:07 AM »
i call a longshot a number that the competition has no chance of attaining. 30 mil is not unnattainable, and the ps3 in the last month alone has shown it can close the gap. i only predict ps3 sales to go nowhere but up with its reasonable pricepoint considering the blu-ray market. the only thing that sold the wii was simplicity, price, and its franchise titles. every other front it fails on.

wii controls are a joke and gimmick to any player outside of being a casual player. they will go down in history as a mere novelty, nothing more. as history proves, nintendo's 'non-conventional' control schemes are nothing to write home about *cough n64, gamecube*. motion-controls are a dying breed, this is fact (tony hawks ride failed MISERABLY).
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Offline BubbleBoy

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Re: Good games on the wii
« Reply #154 on: January 07, 2010, 08:57:47 AM »
motion-controls are a dying breed, this is fact
Any evidence for this? I, personally, love the Wiimote, and I'm sure about 62,585,047 other people agree.
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Re: Good games on the wii
« Reply #155 on: January 07, 2010, 09:42:12 AM »
Im sure a lot of those people decided to use gamecube controlers instead of the wiimote. I know I would for the majority of games if I got a wii.

Offline Minister Polarius

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Re: Good games on the wii
« Reply #156 on: January 07, 2010, 09:43:38 AM »
Wii controls have five buttons and a joystick. You don't really need more than that for most games. In fact, some of the games I have the most fun with don't need more than three. As far as being a joke, I'd only agree with that if it weren't for the fact that the Wii controls do exactly what is expected from a regular controller, with the added option to point and click. In addition, I consider myself more of a serious gamer (preferred to "mature" gamer because that title is misleading), but I still prefer the Gamecube controls to the PS2 controls (Xbox is the best of that generation), especially for fighters. I also preferred the N64 controller to the PlayStation controller. Of course, I may just be biased since I have large fingers and have a hard time hitting the combination of buttons I want to hit on the sprightlier controllers.

So you don't count doubled sales as a longshot? I know 30Million isn't unattainable, but the question isn't whether the PS3 can equal 62,585,047 (double what it sells), but whether it can equal whatever it is Wii is selling at the time. Even if twice as many PS3's are sold per year compared to Wii, it will take a while for them to catch up to the huge lead Wii has. If regular Blu-Ray players drop in price, that won't happen, and even if they don't, I doubt they can maintain a 2:1 sales ratio over Wii.

Do you have the numbers for any of this? So far, the only figures you have given support my argument entirely.
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Offline BubbleBoy

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Re: Good games on the wii
« Reply #157 on: January 07, 2010, 09:50:27 AM »
...but the question isn't whether the PS3 can equal 62,585,047...
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Re: Good games on the wii
« Reply #158 on: January 07, 2010, 10:17:17 AM »
Really? I thought the Playstation controllers were by far the best of the bunch.

Now, how about wiimote vs mouse and keyboard? I'd take the latter over just about any other controler, with one exception. PS controllers work a lot better for games such as the one staring Kratos.


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Re: Good games on the wii
« Reply #159 on: January 07, 2010, 10:56:05 AM »
Really? I thought the Playstation controllers were by far the best of the bunch.

Now, how about wiimote vs mouse and keyboard? I'd take the latter over just about any other controler, with one exception. PS controllers work a lot better for games such as the one staring Kratos.
Playstation controllers are and have always been too small for people with large hands (like me). I feel like I'm going to break it if I get into a frenzied button-pushing mini-game. Of all controllers, the one that feels best in my hands is the 360 controller, however in terms of usability the mouse and keyboard definitely win if only for the fact that it has 50+ buttons compared to 10-ish on console controllers.

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Re: Good games on the wii
« Reply #160 on: January 07, 2010, 11:44:14 AM »
motion-controls are a dying breed, this is fact (tony hawks ride failed MISERABLY).
Project Natal anyone?


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Re: Good games on the wii
« Reply #161 on: January 07, 2010, 11:51:07 AM »
I'm under the impression that Natal will be nothing more than a gimmick as well. Don't send a camera to do a controller's job. I seriously dislike relying on a camera or motion sensor to accurately detect my motions, compared to KNOWING that a mouse or joystick is actually going to recieve my commands.

Offline Prof Underwood

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Re: Good games on the wii
« Reply #162 on: January 07, 2010, 11:58:12 AM »
I seriously dislike relying on a camera or motion sensor to accurately detect my motions, compared to KNOWING that a mouse or joystick is actually going to recieve my commands.
This is merely a matter of accuracy in technology.  If you KNEW that raising your right hand in front of the camera would cause the same action on-screen that pressing the "B" button did, then there would be no difference between motion-capture and a controller.  Your only problem is that you don't trust the camera to translate you actions accurately.  However, as technology progresses, this problem will disappear.

The obvious advantage of motion capture is that you can cause an almost infinite number of actions to occur on-screen with a plethora of nuances.  A controller is limited by the number of buttons available.  Not to mention that actually doing an action is innately more rewarding than just pressing a button.  Would you rather "feel" like you threw the touchdown pass, or would you rather just watch it happen?

Offline TheKarazyvicePresidentRR

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Re: Good games on the wii
« Reply #163 on: January 07, 2010, 12:01:18 PM »
I think the thing I find most intriguing about the wii, if as pol said it draws in almost anyone. It drew in my dad. My dad fights with electric can openers and toaster and HE wanted a wii. The wii has done what no other console has (at least as far as I can see) made video games a family ordeal.
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Re: Good games on the wii
« Reply #164 on: January 07, 2010, 12:02:49 PM »
Truth be told, when I was playing through the games staring Kratos, I almost entirely forgot I had a controller in my hand. Same thing happens when I play a lot of FPS's.

Also yeah, its fun the first few times you actually "do" the action, but in the long run, I'll take a 100% guarantee that my commands will work over a gimmick. For every "rewarding" action you do, theres a moment where you lose (i just lost the game) due to the game not recieving your command. I played Wii Sports Resort for a little bit, and fairly often, the game did not do what I told it to, resulting in a loss.

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Re: Good games on the wii
« Reply #165 on: January 07, 2010, 01:36:24 PM »
That happens with every controller though, sometimes it won't receive the command or will be slow to it.
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Re: Good games on the wii
« Reply #166 on: January 07, 2010, 04:36:38 PM »
motion-controls are on their way out. i can say with almost 100% certainty the next nintendo console wont have motion-controls. as for project natal, as lambo said, its nothing more than another gimmick. eye toy came out for the ps2 YEARS ago...and its still nothing more than a novelty to this day.

i do not dispute motion controls are not bad if you're playing a game casually and want to have a little bit of fun outside the norm. but you cannot argue the fact video games are supposed to do what they were meant to do: be a simulation, an escape from reality. would you rather press a button to throw a football or simulate throwing the football yourself? well, if you really wanted to act like you're throwing a football, the simple answer would be...why not just go outside and throw a football? that is the main issue with motion controls (and why games like tony hawks ride are failing). its just so much easier (and usually funner, cheaper, and satisfying) to just go do the real thing in real life.
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Offline Minister Polarius

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Re: Good games on the wii
« Reply #167 on: January 07, 2010, 05:10:23 PM »
I like motion control for things like shooters and fighters. You can't go out in real life and shoot up some Nazis, or don a three-hundred-pound Zwiehander and smack Yoda around. Yes, my second comment was in reference to Soul Caliber. Yes, I know Soul Caliber does not have motion sensors. But I can't wait to be able to actually wield a sword in a fighting game, once the technology catches up to where that would make a good game.
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Re: Good games on the wii
« Reply #168 on: January 07, 2010, 05:24:48 PM »
shooters are probably the epitome of motion control technology (still a die-hard time crisis fan to this day). fighting games...not so sure. dragonball for the wii has it implemented, and its not exactly the hottest game. i mean really, video games partly exist for us to do things we cant normally do in real life. but now, do we really want to do every single punch/kick/slash/backflip for a fighting game? i dont think many people have the stamina for that (especially considering a typical gamers physique).
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Re: Good games on the wii
« Reply #169 on: January 07, 2010, 05:30:16 PM »
I like motion control for things like shooters and fighters. You can't go out in real life and shoot up some Nazis, or don a three-hundred-pound Zwiehander and smack Yoda around. Yes, my second comment was in reference to Soul Caliber. Yes, I know Soul Caliber does not have motion sensors. But I can't wait to be able to actually wield a sword in a fighting game, once the technology catches up to where that would make a good game.

Motion Control + Fighting game would result in a fairly slow game I would imagine, unless you can do all the flips and attacks at the speed of the characters.

Offline BubbleBoy

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Re: Good games on the wii
« Reply #170 on: January 07, 2010, 05:33:10 PM »
One big reason I can think of that motion control would not go away is simply that if it did, many Wii games would become unplayable, or would otherwise need extra buttons to perform certain functions, which I think would be awful.
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Re: Good games on the wii
« Reply #171 on: January 07, 2010, 05:42:39 PM »
Well, of course the Wii would keep its motion control, but I imagine future systems may not use it nearly as much, if at all.


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Re: Good games on the wii
« Reply #172 on: January 07, 2010, 05:50:49 PM »
there is a HUGE difference between the graphics on the wii versus ps3 or 360. have you actually played the ps3 or 360 on an hdtv? the wii is not capable of hd. furthermore, both the ps3 and 360 have a much much MUCH stronger graphics engine than the wii. like was said previously, the wii has ps2 graphics, at best. nintendo has never prided itself on its graphics, but its strong gameplay. i'll give it that, but i'd rather have my cake and eat it too...solid gameplay AND cutting-edge graphics (360/ps3).

It all depends on what game you play. And yes an HDTV chages the picture but that is really the only diference and the Wii can be played on HDTV's it has a setting and a plug to do it.

Look at these screenshots I posted earlier...

Ok, the reference to the same game I was making is to Medal of Honor, I have it for the PS3, rented it for the Wii and plan on buying it, and played it on the 360. The difference in the screenshots is the brightness, I have turend brightness up on the PS3 (I was having a hard time telling where things were at the time) and the grafics become Wii, on both the 360 and the PS3. You should try it sometime.


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Re: Good games on the wii
« Reply #173 on: January 07, 2010, 06:35:07 PM »
So... one game out of.... many many many many other ones looks close to the same between Wii and PS3. Pretty much every other game on PC/PS3/360 from the past 3 years looks miles better than Wii graphics.

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Re: Good games on the wii
« Reply #174 on: January 07, 2010, 09:32:08 PM »
To motion controls in fighters(Future technology): Yes, I can not flip, nor can I kick my leg over my head but being able to do a fighting style closer to what I like to do (My sword style is like Raphael's, funny fact, I can't use him with crud, despite knowing how it is SUPPOSED to work, so I use Sigfried/Yoshimitsu.) or even if you could figure out a way that it worked that it could capture every move I did, I would fork over the cash for that.

As to the endurance: Who CARES! Srsly, I would rather get into a fist/sword fight and sweat that way than do wii fit. (HEAR THAT NINTENDO! Make a good fighting game!), and since you said video games are for stimulation, wouldn't....moving be stimulating? ;)

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