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Other Gaming => Video & Computer Games => Topic started by: Soundman2 on November 28, 2009, 12:31:46 AM

Title: Good games on the wii
Post by: Soundman2 on November 28, 2009, 12:31:46 AM
what are some good games for wii (zelda metroid and mario are on the list already)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Arch Angel on November 28, 2009, 12:45:33 AM
I've quite enjoyed Tales of Symphonia and Soul Calibur Legends, personally
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Red Dragon Thorn on November 28, 2009, 01:02:27 AM
Tiger Woods PGA tour 2009. Legitest game ever.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: BubbleBoy on November 28, 2009, 01:05:37 AM
I would highly recommend SSB Brawl, Super Paper Mario, Super Mario Galaxy, and Super Mario Brothers
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: JSB23 on November 28, 2009, 01:26:20 AM
The conduit, CoD 4 wii, Mario Kart and Time Splitters 2
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: NotOfThisWorld66 on November 28, 2009, 08:11:00 AM
Super Smash Bros Brawl (a complete must for the wii), Wii Sports (also a complete must), Fishing Master World Tour (interesting game, one which I enjoy on occasion).  If I find any more and enjoy it, I will post.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Red on November 28, 2009, 11:01:56 AM
star wars the force unleashed.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Minister Polarius on November 28, 2009, 11:28:10 AM
ToS is on Wii?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Paladin on December 01, 2009, 06:30:34 PM
Brawl, Twilight Princess,and Rock Band.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: browarod on December 01, 2009, 06:39:17 PM
If you like puzzle-type games, the Trauma Center series is fun.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: devineministry on December 01, 2009, 07:33:00 PM
star wars the force unleashed.

yeah I really want to play that one on the wii just to do the moves LOL  ;D
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: JSB23 on December 01, 2009, 07:56:32 PM
It's awesome
star wars the force unleashed.

yeah I really want to play that one on the wii just to do the moves LOL  ;D
It's awesome
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: browarod on December 01, 2009, 08:51:41 PM
It's awesome
star wars the force unleashed.

yeah I really want to play that one on the wii just to do the moves LOL  ;D
It's awesome
The 360 version is more awesome in all regards except for the level on the junk moon with the star destroyer. I won't say more for fear of spoilers, but that level (on 360) was the worst 3 hour-experience of any video game I've ever played. Be glad you don't have to do it in the Wii version (which is still awesome).
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Cameron the Conqueror on December 01, 2009, 08:56:06 PM
I recommend:

Mario Kart (great family game, don't even think about playing with Wii Wheels)
SSBB (it's SSB, nuff said)
Wii Sports (simple, included, and fun)
Twilight Princess (one of the greatest games ever.  get for sure.)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: lightningninja on December 01, 2009, 09:06:52 PM
There's good games for the wii?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on December 01, 2009, 09:13:55 PM
There's good games for the wii?

Win response is win.

I'm still sorta mad at nintendo for not even attempting to give it 1080p graphics. I've played a few Wii games, and they just look hideous compared to recient PC, 360, and PS3 games. Also, the few times i've used it, the wiimote just seems like such a gimmick, rather than a seriously functional game controller. Its WAY too finicky for me... gimme the precise control of a mouse and keyboard anyday. ;)

I really have yet to see anything that makes me want to go out and buy a Wii...  :-\ Everything about it seems subpar to the other three platforms.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: lightningninja on December 01, 2009, 09:26:59 PM
Exactly. And heaven forbid they'd have a good online game, like COD, Halo, or anything similar. And if they do, you won't even want to play because honestly, you can't be a serious COD gamer and aim your remote at the TV to shoot. Just doesn't work.

You play SSBB and Mario Kart for a few months, you get bored, and then you want a system that can REALLY play games.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: TheKarazyvicePresidentRR on December 01, 2009, 10:04:22 PM
Its more of a family system rather than a hardcore gamer system.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: EmJayBee83 on December 01, 2009, 10:21:51 PM
I really have yet to see anything that makes me want to go out and buy a Wii...  :-\ Everything about it seems subpar to the other three platforms.
Bring a Wii and the three other superior platforms to a party, and which do people end up gathered around playing? If you enjoy fun and fellowship in your video gaming experience, the Wii is hands down the superior system.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: TheKarazyvicePresidentRR on December 01, 2009, 10:26:45 PM
Exactly, also if you are a biohazard fan it can play all the GC versions of the games, along with the new Wii titles.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on December 01, 2009, 10:31:26 PM
I really have yet to see anything that makes me want to go out and buy a Wii...  :-\ Everything about it seems subpar to the other three platforms.
Bring a Wii and the three other superior platforms to a party, and which do people end up gathered around playing? If you enjoy fun and fellowship in your video gaming experience, the Wii is hands down the superior system.

Depends on the demographics of the party. If its guys my age... 360 or PS3 would be the system of choice.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: lightningninja on December 01, 2009, 10:32:39 PM
Yeah we have SSBB/Halo parties every now and then... we end up just playing Halo.  ;D
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: browarod on December 01, 2009, 10:39:57 PM
Some people (*cough*me*cough*) don't enjoy games like Halo or MW2 due to their lack of skill at FPS, so when people like that have friends over they play games they like, some of which are on the Wii.

Regardless of how hardcore of a gamer you are, I doubt if you were sat down with 3 other people in front of a Wii with Mario Party you wouldn't have of fun playing it. And, if you don't have fun, pics/video or it didn't happen ;)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: BubbleBoy on December 01, 2009, 10:58:47 PM
Another thing: I've personally never been really big on graphics. Nintendo focuses their energy more on making the game fun and family-friendly than making it look good, and I greatly appreciate that. I really don't see how a game like SSBB can get old any faster than whatever superdy-graphics, high-techy FPS's everyone plays. That's because it is fun and interesting to play, and it can be so without the unnecessarily graphic violence, thank you very much.

In short, Wii rocks socks.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Isildur on December 02, 2009, 12:36:38 AM
There's good games for the wii?
LOL I was going to type that right now!
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Minister Polarius on December 02, 2009, 01:08:43 AM
Wii is what I want in a console: multiplayer fun and adventure games. I've got a computer for everything else.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: NotOfThisWorld66 on December 02, 2009, 09:47:13 AM
Wii is what I want in a console: multiplayer fun and adventure games. I've got a computer for everything else.

Even your dishes? ;)

All I could say in response to those who don't like the Wii has probably already been said.  Nintendo focuses more on good gameplay and good storylines rather than flashy graphics.

It's like buying a new car.  If you had a choice between a car that could look a LOT better but drove very well and a car that was really super-flashy but drove like junk, which would you choose?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on December 02, 2009, 08:47:37 PM
All I could say in response to those who don't like the Wii has probably already been said.  Nintendo focuses more on good gameplay and good storylines rather than flashy graphics.

So do plenty of other groups, but they focus on graphics as well. ;)

Graphically, Crysis dominates everything else to date, but they took the time to make the game actually worth playing as well. I refer to flashy graphics with no gameplay as "Tech demos"... Crysis was not one of them. Neither was Bioshock, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Oblivion, Fallout 3, Halo, Half-Life 2, the game with Kratos, etc...  :P

Having good graphics doesnt mean the gameplay and story suffers. However, there is an increasing amount of bland games with flashy graphics, since engines like Unreal 3 are being licensed out to everyone and their brother.

Still, my main point is that Nintendo could have at least pushed the resolution to 720p... 480 just looks aweful on todays large TVs... jaggies out the wazoo.  :-\
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: TheKarazyvicePresidentRR on December 02, 2009, 09:27:52 PM
All I could say in response to those who don't like the Wii has probably already been said.  Nintendo focuses more on good gameplay and good storylines rather than flashy graphics.

So do plenty of other groups, but they focus on graphics as well. ;)

Graphically, Crysis dominates everything else to date, but they took the time to make the game actually worth playing as well. I refer to flashy graphics with no gameplay as "Tech demos"... Crysis was not one of them. Neither was Bioshock, S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Oblivion, Fallout 3, Halo, Half-Life 2, the game with Kratos, etc...  :P

Having good graphics doesnt mean the gameplay and story suffers. However, there is an increasing amount of bland games with flashy graphics, since engines like Unreal 3 are being licensed out to everyone and their brother.

Still, my main point is that Nintendo could have at least pushed the resolution to 720p... 480 just looks aweful on todays large TVs... jaggies out the wazoo.  :-\
Maybe they wanted to keep the price a little lower than Rumpelstiltskin's?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on December 02, 2009, 09:36:04 PM
The original Xbox had the ability to do 1080i... I dont think it'd have been THAT hard to put 720p or 1080p support in the wii. :-p
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Warrior_Monk on December 02, 2009, 09:40:00 PM
You play SSBB and Mario Kart for a few months, you get bored, and then you want a system that can REALLY play games.
hahahahahaha. right. honestly, all the other game systems have is FPS's. of which I really don't need, and I get board of in a few weeks. it's all the same, aim and shoot.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on December 02, 2009, 09:53:24 PM
You play SSBB and Mario Kart for a few months, you get bored, and then you want a system that can REALLY play games.
hahahahahaha. right. honestly, all the other game systems have is FPS's. of which I really don't need, and I get board of in a few weeks. it's all the same, aim and shoot.

PC owners would like to have a word with you... as PC has pretty much everything except sports games, which I never play anyways.  :P

Also, I know the Xbox/360 and PS2/3 have FPS, Racing, Fighting, RPG, Action, Sports, RTS, Music/Rhythm, and even some platformers... they honestly do have a LOT of different genres.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: NotOfThisWorld66 on December 03, 2009, 01:28:16 AM
But the Wii graphics aren't bad at all.  They're amazing-especially SSBB.  Which games are you talking about?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on December 03, 2009, 10:59:30 AM
TBH the only one I have seen for more than a passing glance is Wii Sports Resort, and I saw jaggies like crazy, flat textures, etc...

The only decient looking wii graphics I've seen so far from screenshots are Super Mario Galaxy, Metroid 3, and SSBB...

Compare those to this though: ( ( ( (

I have two of those three games, and I can verify that they really look that good.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Cameron the Conqueror on December 03, 2009, 11:50:12 AM
The Wii is only 480i while the xbox 360 and PS3 are 1080i.  It is a big difference.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on December 03, 2009, 12:03:19 PM
The Wii is only 480i while the xbox 360 and PS3 are 1080i.  It is a big difference.

While PC is only limited by how big of a monitor you have.  ;D

Example... the Dell 30" monitor can do 2560x1600, while 480p is a mere 640x480 pixels.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Cameron the Conqueror on December 03, 2009, 12:08:42 PM
Yes, but the limiting factor for PC games isn't what the max resolution of the monitor is, but the max resolution the game supports.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: BubbleBoy on December 03, 2009, 03:57:37 PM
You know, I'm not big on "well-animated" people, because the designers never seem to be able to fully capture all aspects of human physiology and emotion. It's always just a little off, and that little makes a big difference to me. That's why I think animation which is obviously not supposed to be realistic typically looks better.

Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Warrior_Monk on December 03, 2009, 05:30:18 PM
You play SSBB and Mario Kart for a few months, you get bored, and then you want a system that can REALLY play games.
hahahahahaha. right. honestly, all the other game systems have is FPS's. of which I really don't need, and I get board of in a few weeks. it's all the same, aim and shoot.

PC owners would like to have a word with you... as PC has pretty much everything except sports games, which I never play anyways.  :P
PC's have smaller screen's, typically. but really, what do PC's have over Wii's besides the graphics and FPS's? I suppose for racing games, yes, graphics would be a good thing.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on December 03, 2009, 11:51:13 PM
PC's have smaller screen's, typically. but really, what do PC's have over Wii's besides the graphics and FPS's? I suppose for racing games, yes, graphics would be a good thing.

Smaller screens, but higher resolutions, meaning better image quality.

Also, PC's have RTS (Starcraft,AoE, etc...) Racing (Need for Speed, GRID, etc...) FPS out the wazoo, Puzzle, Action, adventure, RPGs... they have some of everything, considering PCs basicly just have one HUGE catalog of games, unlike current gen consoles, which cant play every game for the previous system, and the ones before that, and before that... whereas I can play old DOS games on my computer if I want.  :P

The main genres PC's lack in are action, fighting, and sports, but IMO, its more than made up for by FPS's, lol
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on December 04, 2009, 07:56:20 AM
In the several different situations in which I have had a chance to play the Wii with someone, I have never once done it on a hi-definition television or anything that supports progressive scan at all.

So what great benefit do I and the assorted people with whom I play gain from having a console and games that support graphical power which we would never see on the screens we use?  No game would ever look better than 29.97fps @ 480i.

The decision for the Wii resolution was twofold: cost, and market penetration of HDTV.  Five years ago the market was minimal.  By the time they get around to announcing their next console, there will be many more HDTVs available and the console will almost guaranteed support those.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Warrior_Monk on December 04, 2009, 09:57:15 AM
PC's have smaller screen's, typically. but really, what do PC's have over Wii's besides the graphics and FPS's? I suppose for racing games, yes, graphics would be a good thing.

Smaller screens, but higher resolutions, meaning better image quality.

Also, PC's have RTS (Starcraft,AoE, etc...) Racing (Need for Speed, GRID, etc...) FPS out the wazoo, Puzzle, Action, adventure, RPGs... they have some of everything, considering PCs basicly just have one HUGE catalog of games, unlike current gen consoles, which cant play every game for the previous system, and the ones before that, and before that... whereas I can play old DOS games on my computer if I want.  :P

The main genres PC's lack in are action, fighting, and sports, but IMO, its more than made up for by FPS's, lol
the only thing that you mentioned that Wii's don't have is RTS's. IMO Fire Emblem and Brawl makes up for all of that.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Ironica on December 04, 2009, 10:29:39 AM
Also, PC has this extremely fun online game called Redemption :P.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: TimMierz on December 04, 2009, 10:47:21 AM
Also, PC has this extremely fun online game called Redemption :P.

Haven't heard of this... link?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Warrior_Monk on December 04, 2009, 03:36:26 PM
Also, PC has this extremely fun online game called Redemption :P.
I prefer face-to-face fellowship. I see many of the awesome players like Tim and Gabe 3-4 times a year.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on December 04, 2009, 06:07:05 PM
the only thing that you mentioned that Wii's don't have is RTS's. IMO Fire Emblem and Brawl makes up for all of that.

Wii doesnt have nearly as many high quality FPS's as the other systems...  :P

Also, what happens when you get bored with Fire Emblem and Brawl?  ;)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: browarod on December 04, 2009, 06:10:52 PM
Also, what happens when you get bored with Fire Emblem and Brawl?  ;)
Well, what happens when you get bored with FPS's? ;)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on December 04, 2009, 06:28:02 PM
I currently have 22 awesome FPS installed on my machine, with a ton more that I don't own. I won't be getting bored of my FPS's anytime soon. ;)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: lightningninja on December 04, 2009, 06:29:31 PM
And can a wii go to ( ? Nope.  ;)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on December 04, 2009, 06:34:22 PM
And can a wii go to ( ? Nope.  ;)

TRUTH. PC's have the almost infinate catalog of flash games, which can be REALLY good at times. Example, Bloons Tower Defense 4 ate up way too much of my school time the last month.

Also, they have MMO's, something other systems seriously lack.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Isildur on December 04, 2009, 08:52:40 PM
Also, they have MMO's, something other systems seriously lack.
Thank God that they dont have MMO's other wise I would be more broke then I already am!
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: CanaanSettler on December 15, 2009, 01:55:14 PM
In short, Wii isn't the best system around. But I'm pretty sure we would all buy it just for SSBB. I woulda bought it just for the fire emblem game. And it is backwards compatable with GC games...that a plus right?

   That being said, I can't think of anything else good to say about it... 360 is better by far. Game selection and online play is way bigger.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Minister Polarius on December 15, 2009, 03:10:08 PM
Bigger, yes, but better? I can't think of a single Xbox 360 game I'd like to play that's not an FPS.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: TheKarazyvicePresidentRR on December 15, 2009, 03:26:42 PM
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Ironica on December 15, 2009, 03:33:17 PM
Bigger, yes, but better? I can't think of a single Xbox 360 game I'd like to play that's not an FPS.

Not only a non FPS but one that is only for XBOX 360 and not for any other system or the PC.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Warrior_Monk on December 15, 2009, 03:42:45 PM
Fable 2?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Isildur on December 15, 2009, 08:21:19 PM
Now that sir is BIG though im a personal fan of Morrowind :P
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: CanaanSettler on December 16, 2009, 06:01:43 PM
Bigger, yes, but better? I can't think of a single Xbox 360 game I'd like to play that's not an FPS.

I see your point... halo wars is an epic fail and Dragon age is...boring at best...
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Isildur on December 16, 2009, 08:45:31 PM
Bigger, yes, but better? I can't think of a single Xbox 360 game I'd like to play that's not an FPS.

I see your point... halo wars is an epic fail and Dragon age is...boring at best...
You Sir make me sad.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: YourMathTeacher on December 16, 2009, 08:56:54 PM
And can a wii go to ( ? Nope.  ;)

Why can't a Wii do that?

Wii doesnt have nearly as many high quality FPS's as the other systems...  :P

I, personally, do not enjoy FPS games at all. Goldeneye for the N64 kept my attention for a little while, but I really find no enjoyment with those types of games.

I will always prefer family games that all ages can enjoy together with everyone laughing and getting animated. Somehow FPS games (even with multiplayer) do not invoke the same response. Maybe the fact that you're trying to shoot each other dampens the mood.  ;)

So, as far as what I enjoy (which is not the same for everyone), the Wii stands far above the competition. I'll never grow tired of Mario Party minigames and Wii Play/Sports living room reorganizers.  ;D
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Cameron the Conqueror on December 16, 2009, 08:58:57 PM
The Wii should work with addictinggames.  The opera browser is standards complaint, has Flash, and can use the Wiimote for interactions.  The Wii also supports a keyboard.

Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on December 16, 2009, 09:48:35 PM
Bigger, yes, but better? I can't think of a single Xbox 360 game I'd like to play that's not an FPS.

I see your point... halo wars is an epic fail and Dragon age is...boring at best...

i take offense to that! [#1 ranked halo wars 3v3 unarranged]
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Warrior_Monk on December 16, 2009, 11:07:36 PM
Bigger, yes, but better? I can't think of a single Xbox 360 game I'd like to play that's not an FPS.

I see your point... halo wars is an epic fail and Dragon age is...boring at best...

i take offense to that! [#1 ranked halo wars 3v3 unarranged]
pretty sure he was being sarcastic.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: NotOfThisWorld66 on December 23, 2009, 08:53:37 PM
I have yet to see anything that makes me want to go out and buy a Wii.

Then you haven't seen much.

Before I got a Wii, I couldn't find anything that made me NOT want to go out and buy a Wii.  And now, having a Wii, I can't find anything that would make anyone NOT want to buy a Wii.  You think the graphics are bad, then you have not seen too many games.  Wii graphics are amazing.  Just take Brawl for instance.  And if you get bored with that (which is about as close as you can get to impossible without being impossible), then go play Mario Party 8, Wii Sports, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Wii Chess (where graphics don't really matter as much), Wii Play, etc etc, the list goes on and on.

There might be a few games that have mediocre graphics on the Wii, but that is exceptionally rare.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on December 23, 2009, 09:44:31 PM
wii graphics are nothing to call home about. ps3 and 360 both display in hd...wii does not. ps3 and 360 graphics are leaps and bounds better than the wii.

i have owned a wii for about 2 years now, and havent even touched it for about a year now. everything the wii can do, xbox or playstation can do better. this may change though, when metroid: m comes out. :)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: lightningninja on December 23, 2009, 09:51:43 PM
Before I got a Wii, I couldn't find anything that made me NOT want to go out and buy a Wii.  And now, having a Wii, I can't find anything that would make anyone NOT want to buy a Wii.  You think the graphics are bad, then you have not seen too many games.  Wii graphics are amazing.  Just take Brawl for instance.  And if you get bored with that (which is about as close as you can get to impossible without being impossible), then go play Mario Party 8, Wii Sports, Zelda: Twilight Princess, Metroid Prime 3: Corruption, Wii Chess (where graphics don't really matter as much), Wii Play, etc etc, the list goes on and on.

There might be a few games that have mediocre graphics on the Wii, but that is exceptionally rare.
Wait... were wii sports and wii play in your "amazing graphics" category? Because I really hope you're joking if that's so. They don't even have bodies... if you think that's good graphics then you haven't PLAYED a good xbox 360/ps3 game. Even SSBB isn't that great... good but not exceptional or anything to tell your friends about (in terms of graphics, I LOVE the game).
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Warrior_Monk on December 23, 2009, 09:55:51 PM
wii has good graphics, they just aren't NEARLY as good as 360 or PS3
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on December 23, 2009, 10:57:03 PM
yeah, we were playing wii graphics on the ps2 and regular xbox. :laugh:
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on December 23, 2009, 11:00:15 PM
yeah, we were playing wii graphics on the ps2 and regular xbox. :laugh:

Yeah, pretty much. I mean, Doom 3 came out 5 years ago and Wii is still below those graphics. I tried to find a screenshot online I could post, but I dont think any of them would be approved, lol.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: YourMathTeacher on December 23, 2009, 11:10:50 PM
FWIW, I did not buy my Wii for the graphics, and I am in no hurry to buy the others for the graphics. I am less interested in how "real" my games look, and more interested in how much fun my family/guests are having.

Basically, there is no comparison between the systems because people have different agendas for buying each one. An old, married geyser like me is only interested in family fun that is kid-oriented. No one delivers like the Wii. Whereas many of you want real-life looking action games and online MMORPGs. The XBox 360 and PS3 supply that demand.

Decide what you want most, then choose your system and games.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: BubbleBoy on December 23, 2009, 11:45:56 PM
I think when it comes down to it, X-box and PS3 are pretty much just for violent teen to twenties boys. :P
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Warrior_Monk on December 24, 2009, 12:16:42 AM
A wii and a PC would be perfect. end of story. Wii provides all your fun family game needs, and a PC provides all of your epic graphics, bloody shooter games.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: christiangamer25 on December 24, 2009, 12:35:38 AM
and what about all your grqaphical artsy needs that require a mac mwahaha
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on December 24, 2009, 12:39:52 AM
a decent pc usually costs more than a current gen console, and requires far more maintenance and upkeep. the 'plug-n-play' and simplicity of consoles is what draws most people. also, 360 and ps3 looks so slick on a high-end hdtv, which you cant get with pc unless the tv has a computer input. :)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: TheKarazyvicePresidentRR on December 24, 2009, 12:40:33 AM
and what about all your grqaphical artsy needs that require a mac mwahaha

Gamers don't use macs.
Mac Gamer (
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Josiahrocks1 on December 24, 2009, 12:57:51 AM
a decent pc usually costs more than a current gen console, and requires far more maintenance and upkeep. the 'plug-n-play' and simplicity of consoles is what draws most people. also, 360 and ps3 looks so slick on a high-end hdtv, which you cant get with pc unless the tv has a computer input. :)

Or you buy a HDMI video card for you PC. I have my PC hooked up to my HDTV through a HDMI, I play games, go on the message board, watch and record free TV with an antenna on top of my house. The PC almost has more games choices than the my PS3 and Wii combined.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on December 24, 2009, 01:01:07 AM
a decent pc usually costs more than a current gen console, and requires far more maintenance and upkeep. the 'plug-n-play' and simplicity of consoles is what draws most people. also, 360 and ps3 looks so slick on a high-end hdtv, which you cant get with pc unless the tv has a computer input. :)

Or you buy a HDMI video card for you PC. I have my PC hooked up to my HDTV through a HDMI, I play games, go on the message board, watch and record free TV with an antenna on top of my house. The PC almost has more games choices than the my PS3 and Wii combined.

Smart man, seeing the true power of PC's.  ;)

Also, while 1080 tvs do have a higher resolution than most monitors, my 1440x900 has a better ratio as far as pixels-to-size... throw in some anti-aliasing and you almost forget about resulution.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Minister Polarius on December 24, 2009, 02:04:25 AM
What PC does: a billion games, best online capabilities, WoW, RTS, old old old old games that are still fun, graphics.

What a PC does not do: parties (unless all of your friends bring their own computers, which can be fun but isn't always feasible), peripherals (honestly).

What Wii does: parties, peripherals.

What Xbox360 and PS3 do not do: parties, peripherals.

I have a PC, and I will have a Wii in the near future. Yeah, stinx I can't play Halo 3, but other than that I have no reason to get either of the other consoles.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on December 24, 2009, 03:28:15 PM
What Xbox360 and PS3 do not do: parties, peripherals.

childrens novelties. i think i'll be ok without my uber-super-awesomesauce plastic lightsaber and tennis rackets.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: YourMathTeacher on December 24, 2009, 03:30:19 PM
childrens novelties. i think i'll be ok without my uber-super-awesomesauce plastic lightsaber and tennis rackets.

Don't forget the Nerf Strike shooter and Link's Crossbow. Did you know that the Nerf shooter can be transformed into an actual dart-shooting gun?!  :o  :o
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on December 24, 2009, 05:57:16 PM
nerf is pretty cool.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Josiahrocks1 on December 25, 2009, 12:10:10 AM
What PC does: a billion games, best online capabilities, WoW, RTS, old old old old games that are still fun, graphics.

What a PC does not do: parties (unless all of your friends bring their own computers, which can be fun but isn't always feasible), peripherals (honestly).

What Wii does: parties, peripherals.

What Xbox360 and PS3 do not do: parties, peripherals.

I have a PC, and I will have a Wii in the near future. Yeah, stinx I can't play Halo 3, but other than that I have no reason to get either of the other consoles.

That is why I love the PC, I can build a zoo (with Zoo Tycoon), pilot a plane to NY (with flight sim), conquer the world (with Civilization or Risk), and play really odd but fun games to!   
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Josiahrocks1 on December 25, 2009, 12:12:40 AM
a decent pc usually costs more than a current gen console, and requires far more maintenance and upkeep. the 'plug-n-play' and simplicity of consoles is what draws most people. also, 360 and ps3 looks so slick on a high-end hdtv, which you cant get with pc unless the tv has a computer input. :)

Or you buy a HDMI video card for you PC. I have my PC hooked up to my HDTV through a HDMI, I play games, go on the message board, watch and record free TV with an antenna on top of my house. The PC almost has more games choices than the my PS3 and Wii combined.

Smart man, seeing the true power of PC's.  ;)

Also, while 1080 tvs do have a higher resolution than most monitors, my 1440x900 has a better ratio as far as pixels-to-size... throw in some anti-aliasing and you almost forget about resulution.

Yeah, but how big of a monitor can you get, I mean you can get a huge HDTV.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on December 25, 2009, 12:34:14 AM
exactly. do monitors have 7,000,000: 1 contrast ratios, infinite black levels, 600hz sub-field drives, 24p playback, and .001 millisecond response times? no. ;D
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on December 25, 2009, 12:58:55 AM
No, but I also have the ability to plug it into our 62 (i think?) inch rear projection screen.  ;) Not as new as teh fancy plasma screen you have, but it's got the size advantage.  :D

However, you can get  a 30" monitor (, or even multiple monitors.



*note* that is not my setup. XD
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on December 25, 2009, 01:58:39 AM
specs over size anyday. what good is size if you cant process video properly?

on another note, crysis 2 will look pretty good on my tv. :)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: lightningninja on December 25, 2009, 02:41:13 AM
Why hasn't the "I can't stand wii remotes!!!!" come into the discussion yet? Unless you're swinging it like a bat or some other sports-oriented object, it's annoying as heck and it cramps my hands.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on December 25, 2009, 10:04:54 AM
specs over size anyday. what good is size if you cant process video properly?

on another note, crysis 2 will look pretty good on my tv. :)

In that case then, the 30" monitor could be a good competitor for your TV, because it has an even higher resolution in a smaller size, so the pixels per inch is way greater.  :P

Also, Crysis 2 will look pretty good on my monitor with Anti-Aliasing running on top of it.  ;) AA really can work wonders.

Why hasn't the "I can't stand wii remotes!!!!" come into the discussion yet? Unless you're swinging it like a bat or some other sports-oriented object, it's annoying as heck and it cramps my hands.

LOL! +1

Give me a keyboard and mouse or a normal controller over the wiimote anyday. I dislike being forced to shake or move the wiimote, and hope that it detects my motions, compared to pressing buttons that I know respond.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: YourMathTeacher on December 25, 2009, 11:58:38 AM
Why hasn't the "I can't stand wii remotes!!!!" come into the discussion yet? Unless you're swinging it like a bat or some other sports-oriented object, it's annoying as heck and it cramps my hands.

This was done intentionally, at the request of parents, to help limit video game time for kids. Nintendo also built in timers so that the games will say "Take a break for a while" if you have been playing past the threshold of acceptable usage.  :o
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: redemption101 on December 25, 2009, 01:00:32 PM
acceptable ussage is so flexiable a term though,

Durring the semester logging more than 8 hours durring the week of games is to much.
Durring a day off i might put that much in in one day.   :o then again i never do things in extremes. 
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: YourMathTeacher on December 25, 2009, 02:14:13 PM
acceptable ussage is so flexiable a term though,

Not to a parent...  ;)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on December 25, 2009, 03:39:50 PM
specs over size anyday. what good is size if you cant process video properly?

on another note, crysis 2 will look pretty good on my tv. :)

In that case then, the 30" monitor could be a good competitor for your TV, because it has an even higher resolution in a smaller size, so the pixels per inch is way greater.  :P

anyone knowledgeable will tell you that its not the number of pixels, but the way the image is processed, ie the factors i listed earlier. pixel numbers are not the end-all-be-all for image quality. even camera manufacturers know a 6 megapixel camera with quality optics will always produce better images than a 12 megapixel camera with inferior optics. same goes for displays. pixels and dpi have been the marketing buzz words of the last two decades.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Josiahrocks1 on December 29, 2009, 11:39:12 PM
specs over size anyday. what good is size if you cant process video properly?

on another note, crysis 2 will look pretty good on my tv. :)

In that case then, the 30" monitor could be a good competitor for your TV, because it has an even higher resolution in a smaller size, so the pixels per inch is way greater.  :P

anyone knowledgeable will tell you that its not the number of pixels, but the way the image is processed, ie the factors i listed earlier. pixel numbers are not the end-all-be-all for image quality. even camera manufacturers know a 6 megapixel camera with quality optics will always produce better images than a 12 megapixel camera with inferior optics. same goes for displays. pixels and dpi have been the marketing buzz words of the last two decades.

He has a good point, I personly dont think resolotion of the TV, Monitor, Progector really matters. This is very hard to explan but, the difference is the way the brain sees the image, ie a projector is very bright from the front and makes the image look different than a TV (light from back) or a monitor (aslo light from back). The main difference between a projector and a TV is that, with a projector the image is very bright and from the front, where a TV or is some what bright from the back and a monitor is from the back as well. I dont know much about monitors anymore because most of our computers are laptops or hooked up to a TV, but the main difference between a TV and monitor is type of light, ie a TV is plasma, LCD, or LED-LCD where a monitor is a lower end LCD (in my opinion). Most of what makes a good image is the light and the way the light is seen, Im going to try this this week by hooking up my PS3 and PC to an old TV, a LCD TV, and a Monitor and I will tell you what I come up with (I dont have a projector).
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on December 29, 2009, 11:57:36 PM
I know this as well. He just asked how large of a monitor you could find.  :P

Still, regardless of all this, I think we both know that PC, 360, and PS3 all look amazing, as long as you're not running it in 480p.  :D
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on December 30, 2009, 12:02:07 AM
I know this as well. He just asked how large of a monitor you could find.  :P

Still, regardless of all this, I think we both know that PC, 360, and PS3 all look amazing, as long as you're not running it in 480p.  :D

the wii just got mad at you. :)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on December 30, 2009, 12:13:01 AM
Perhaps that was my goal.  ;) I still have yet to see anything like Crysis or MW2 come from the Wii.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on December 30, 2009, 12:13:57 AM
but they just got call of duty know, that little game we got 2 whole years ago...doesnt that make a difference? ;)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on December 30, 2009, 12:20:45 AM
but they just got call of duty know, that little game we got 2 whole years ago...doesnt that make a difference? ;)

New Wii CoD4: (

2 year old CoD4: (

Hmmm, doesnt quite look the same in terms of graphics.  :D
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on December 30, 2009, 02:16:19 AM
heh, sadness.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Red Dragon Thorn on December 30, 2009, 02:32:25 AM
I have yet to see anything as awesome as Mario Kart come from the PS3 or Xbox 360.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on December 30, 2009, 02:37:18 AM
well, since we're discussing graphics and mario kart is pretty cartoony, they dont quite hold a candle to gran turismo or forza motorsports...
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: YourMathTeacher on December 30, 2009, 08:50:54 AM
well, since we're discussing graphics and mario kart is pretty cartoony, they dont quite hold a candle to gran turismo or forza motorsports...

The thread title is "Good games on the Wii," so the graphics discussion is just an aside.  ;)

I'm sure RDT was referring to the "fun" aspect, which for some of us is more important than graphics. If that was what he meant, then I wholeheartedly agree. GT and Forza are not nearly as fun for a family to play together as Mario Kart.  ;D
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Minister Polarius on December 30, 2009, 10:04:36 AM
And for me personally, not nearly as fun period.

I'm sure PS3 must have some good games Wii doesn't have, and Xbox 360 has Fable 2 and Halo3. Other than that, I'd rather have a Wii. Correction, I'd rather buy a Wii. I'd rather have a PS3 so I can return/sell it and get a Wii plus a lump of cash.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: 3-Liner And Bags Of Chips on December 30, 2009, 10:46:17 AM
I have yet to see anything as awesome as Mario Kart come from the PS3 or Xbox 360.

Or Super Smash Brothers Brawl either. But one game I love is MadWorld. It would be a lot better if it didn't have excess amounts of cursing in it.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: TheHobbit13 on December 30, 2009, 11:54:07 AM
The Wii is a pretty cool party console and good for casual gamers. The xbox 360 is great for people who really get into gaming because it offers more of the "cooler" games. Whats cooler stealth sniping on evasion in spec ops (CODMW2) or pulling of a final smash in SSBB?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Minister Polarius on December 30, 2009, 11:55:32 AM
Idk, but what's more fun is spanking a hot-shot Ike player with Wall-E.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: TheKarazyvicePresidentRR on December 30, 2009, 12:14:08 PM
Idk, but what's more fun is spanking a hot-shot Ike player with Wall-E.
Tsk tsk.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Cameron the Conqueror on December 30, 2009, 12:56:39 PM
I just got LEGO Star Wars Complete Collection.  If you haven't played the LEGO S.W. game before, it's pretty funny and fun.  Good replay value too.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on December 30, 2009, 04:36:01 PM
well, since we're discussing graphics and mario kart is pretty cartoony, they dont quite hold a candle to gran turismo or forza motorsports...

The thread title is "Good games on the Wii," so the graphics discussion is just an aside.  ;)

I'm sure RDT was referring to the "fun" aspect, which for some of us is more important than graphics. If that was what he meant, then I wholeheartedly agree. GT and Forza are not nearly as fun for a family to play together as Mario Kart.  ;D

depends on what you like, really. if you like the party/arcade racer, then mario kart is the way to go, of which the ps3 and 360 really dont have. if you want realistic racing, then gt and forza are the way to go, of which the wii really doesnt have. my old roommate was a huge racing videogame fan, and while he played both types, he much preferred realism.

Idk, but what's more fun is spanking a hot-shot Ike player with Wall-E.

well, rob is tiered considerably higher than ike...not a hard thing to do...
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Minister Polarius on December 30, 2009, 05:12:49 PM
Most people who play SSBB aren't interested in tiers. They think they're hot stuff because they beat all the bad players in their area by mashing B with Ike and get incensed when I take no damage while dismantling their 5 stock with a Pixar character.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: 3-Liner And Bags Of Chips on December 30, 2009, 09:45:18 PM
The Wii is a pretty cool party console and good for casual gamers. The xbox 360 is great for people who really get into gaming because it offers more of the "cooler" games. Whats cooler stealth sniping on evasion in spec ops (CODMW2) or pulling of a final smash in SSBB?

The latter of the two for me XD Where yo curly mustache at? I'm so pringles!!!
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: TheKarazyvicePresidentRR on December 30, 2009, 11:54:55 PM
The Wii is a pretty cool party console and good for casual gamers. The xbox 360 is great for people who really get into gaming because it offers more of the "cooler" games. Whats cooler stealth sniping on evasion in spec ops (CODMW2) or pulling of a final smash in SSBB?

The latter of the two for me XD Where yo curly mustache at? I'm so pringles!!!
Pulling a trigger and seeing a body drop, Or seeing a stage get lit on fire from a final smash... Hmm....
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on December 31, 2009, 12:04:26 AM
The Wii is a pretty cool party console and good for casual gamers. The xbox 360 is great for people who really get into gaming because it offers more of the "cooler" games. Whats cooler stealth sniping on evasion in spec ops (CODMW2) or pulling of a final smash in SSBB?

The latter of the two for me XD Where yo curly mustache at? I'm so pringles!!!
Pulling a trigger and seeing a body drop, Or seeing a stage get lit on fire from a final smash... Hmm....

how about being the gunner on an ac-130 or apache helicopter, or calling in a tactical nuke? hmm...
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Paladin on December 31, 2009, 09:53:14 AM
Brawl is still better. It is probably one of the best multiplayer games for kids of all ages and you get to kill things in a way not so graphic.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: BubbleBoy on December 31, 2009, 10:09:38 AM
I think it's pretty clear that everyone will have their opinion no matter what, so we should just stop arguing about which system is better and get back on topic. (Sorry to ruin the fun. :P)

I've been wanting to get the game Okami for a while now. It looks to me like it makes great use of the wiimote, as well as having beautiful animation.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: 3-Liner And Bags Of Chips on December 31, 2009, 01:16:17 PM
Brawl is still better. It is probably one of the best multiplayer games for kids of all ages and you get to kill things in a way not so graphic.

+1 But For me it isn't which is bett. It's about which am I in the mood for? lol
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: TheHobbit13 on December 31, 2009, 04:56:31 PM
Brawl is still better. It is probably one of the best multiplayer games for kids of all ages and you get to kill things in a way not so graphic.

Brawl is so boring after a while. There is no upgrade system or good on line multiplayer ( the online is really laggy ). It is a cool party game but if you cant have a party every day it gets old rather fast.

Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: BubbleBoy on December 31, 2009, 06:18:45 PM
Are any FPS's better? I can't imagine that being so.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on December 31, 2009, 06:20:53 PM
that would normally be true, but mw2 breaks the mold. 10 levels of prestige, collectible callsigns and emblems, challenges out the has tremendous replay value outside of mercing noobs.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: BubbleBoy on December 31, 2009, 06:28:17 PM
SSBB has numerous levels and characters to play with and also has an amount of challenges not easily surpassed.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Josiahrocks1 on December 31, 2009, 11:23:08 PM
well, since we're discussing graphics and mario kart is pretty cartoony, they dont quite hold a candle to gran turismo or forza motorsports...

The thread title is "Good games on the Wii," so the graphics discussion is just an aside.  ;)

I'm sure RDT was referring to the "fun" aspect, which for some of us is more important than graphics. If that was what he meant, then I wholeheartedly agree. GT and Forza are not nearly as fun for a family to play together as Mario Kart.  ;D

You are 100% right YourMathTeacher! The Wii is a family system, when I go to my grandparents (even at home) we play Wii Sports for hours every night and it never gets boring. When friends come over we never play my PS3 exept for Rock Band, we always play the Wii and could care less about the graphics because we are having so much fun.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Josiahrocks1 on December 31, 2009, 11:29:33 PM
well, since we're discussing graphics and mario kart is pretty cartoony, they dont quite hold a candle to gran turismo or forza motorsports...

The thread title is "Good games on the Wii," so the graphics discussion is just an aside.  ;)

I'm sure RDT was referring to the "fun" aspect, which for some of us is more important than graphics. If that was what he meant, then I wholeheartedly agree. GT and Forza are not nearly as fun for a family to play together as Mario Kart.  ;D

depends on what you like, really. if you like the party/arcade racer, then mario kart is the way to go, of which the ps3 and 360 really dont have. if you want realistic racing, then gt and forza are the way to go, of which the wii really doesnt have. my old roommate was a huge racing videogame fan, and while he played both types, he much preferred realism.

I dont think there is much of a difference in the graphics on most games. I have played the same game on the PS3, Xbox 360, and Wii and there is hardly a difference, but you do have games like COD that are better on the 360 or PS3 but only games like that.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on December 31, 2009, 11:35:22 PM
there is a HUGE difference between the graphics on the wii versus ps3 or 360. have you actually played the ps3 or 360 on an hdtv? the wii is not capable of hd. furthermore, both the ps3 and 360 have a much much MUCH stronger graphics engine than the wii. like was said previously, the wii has ps2 graphics, at best. nintendo has never prided itself on its graphics, but its strong gameplay. i'll give it that, but i'd rather have my cake and eat it too...solid gameplay AND cutting-edge graphics (360/ps3).
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: TheKarazyvicePresidentRR on January 01, 2010, 12:48:52 AM
Well the rest of us would rather have our cake, eat it too, even if it isn't as pretty as yours, it is just as tasty ;) lets agree to disagree.
well, since we're discussing graphics and mario kart is pretty cartoony, they dont quite hold a candle to gran turismo or forza motorsports...

The thread title is "Good games on the Wii," so the graphics discussion is just an aside.  ;)

I'm sure RDT was referring to the "fun" aspect, which for some of us is more important than graphics. If that was what he meant, then I wholeheartedly agree. GT and Forza are not nearly as fun for a family to play together as Mario Kart.  ;D

You are 100% right YourMathTeacher! The Wii is a family system, when I go to my grandparents (even at home) we play Wii Sports for hours every night and it never gets boring. When friends come over we never play my PS3 exept for Rock Band, we always play the Wii and could care less about the graphics because we are having so much fun.
Wii resort sword fighting!
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 01, 2010, 02:36:56 AM
but i'd rather have my cake and eat it too

... But I have three PS3's. I also have this cake.

Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: TheKarazyvicePresidentRR on January 01, 2010, 02:37:54 AM
but i'd rather have my cake and eat it too

... But I have three PS3's. I also have this cake.

Is a lie.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Paladin on January 01, 2010, 11:00:42 AM
What would you do with three ps3's?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Josiahrocks1 on January 01, 2010, 12:08:46 PM
there is a HUGE difference between the graphics on the wii versus ps3 or 360. have you actually played the ps3 or 360 on an hdtv? the wii is not capable of hd. furthermore, both the ps3 and 360 have a much much MUCH stronger graphics engine than the wii. like was said previously, the wii has ps2 graphics, at best. nintendo has never prided itself on its graphics, but its strong gameplay. i'll give it that, but i'd rather have my cake and eat it too...solid gameplay AND cutting-edge graphics (360/ps3).

It all depends on what game you play. And yes an HDTV chages the picture but that is really the only diference (PS3 and 360 look better only because of the HDTV and if you ask me the 360/PS3 dont have life like in graphics you can still tell that its not real) and the Wii can be played on HDTV's it has a setting and a plug to do it.

Anyways, the best Wii game I have is Wii Sports Resort, because of the Motion Plus the bowling is much more acurate. Then you have B-Ball that is really fun and Archery you could play it all day but you get tierd becuase your actually doing it.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 01, 2010, 12:34:14 PM
there is a HUGE difference between the graphics on the wii versus ps3 or 360. have you actually played the ps3 or 360 on an hdtv? the wii is not capable of hd. furthermore, both the ps3 and 360 have a much much MUCH stronger graphics engine than the wii. like was said previously, the wii has ps2 graphics, at best. nintendo has never prided itself on its graphics, but its strong gameplay. i'll give it that, but i'd rather have my cake and eat it too...solid gameplay AND cutting-edge graphics (360/ps3).

It all depends on what game you play. And yes an HDTV chages the picture but that is really the only diference and the Wii can be played on HDTV's it has a setting and a plug to do it.

Look at these screenshots I posted earlier... (

There's an astonishing difference in graphics. Also, the Wii physically cannot output in 1080p resolution as far as I know.

(PS3 and 360 look better only because of the HDTV and if you ask me the 360/PS3 dont have life like in graphics you can still tell that its not real)

Thats when you use a PC. ;) ( ( ( (

I think those prove my point.  :D

What would you do with three ps3's?

Look up "three PS3's" on any search engine.  :P
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: TheHobbit13 on January 01, 2010, 02:55:52 PM
there is a HUGE difference between the graphics on the wii versus ps3 or 360. have you actually played the ps3 or 360 on an hdtv? the wii is not capable of hd. furthermore, both the ps3 and 360 have a much much MUCH stronger graphics engine than the wii. like was said previously, the wii has ps2 graphics, at best. nintendo has never prided itself on its graphics, but its strong gameplay. i'll give it that, but i'd rather have my cake and eat it too...solid gameplay AND cutting-edge graphics (360/ps3).

Yah, not to mention the wii doesn't have any good shooters. They take games like Resident Evil, Cod, Transformers, dead space, that are realesed on the PS3 and xbox and well ruin them.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: NotOfThisWorld66 on January 01, 2010, 02:59:20 PM
Well, to say the least a lot of first person shooters are horribly violent and graphic.  Not my idea of a good game. :)  If you want a Wii first-person shooter, go with one of the Metroid Prime games.  One of the best game series out there.

Face it, Xbox and PS3 don't have nearly the amount of great, fun games the Wii has.  They have great graphics, sure...that's about all they have.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: TheHobbit13 on January 01, 2010, 03:08:03 PM
Well, to say the least a lot of first person shooters are horribly violent and graphic.  Not my idea of a good game. :)  If you want a Wii first-person shooter, go with one of the Metroid Prime games.  One of the best game series out there.

Face it, Xbox and PS3 don't have nearly the amount of great, fun games the Wii has.  They have great graphics, sure...that's about all they have.
Yes some of them are graphic but you have to remember you aren't shooting any real people so what does it matter?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 01, 2010, 03:10:00 PM
Face it, Xbox and PS3 don't have nearly the amount of great, fun games the Wii has.  They have great graphics, sure...that's about all they have.

That is merely your opinion. I consider all those FPS's to be just as good and great as the games you like on the Wii.  :P

In seriousness though, I tend to have a lot more fun with games like Crysis or Fallout 3 than party-games.

Put it this way, I currently have about 30 FPS's installed on my computer.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: NotOfThisWorld66 on January 01, 2010, 03:14:23 PM
Well, to say the least a lot of first person shooters are horribly violent and graphic.  Not my idea of a good game. :)  If you want a Wii first-person shooter, go with one of the Metroid Prime games.  One of the best game series out there.

Face it, Xbox and PS3 don't have nearly the amount of great, fun games the Wii has.  They have great graphics, sure...that's about all they have.
Yes some of them are graphic but you have to remember you aren't shooting any real people so what does it matter?

As this would escalate into a full-scale debate (which I seem to be a magnet to  :-\), I think it best not to go down this road.
Face it, Xbox and PS3 don't have nearly the amount of great, fun games the Wii has.  They have great graphics, sure...that's about all they have.

That is merely your opinion. I consider all those FPS's to be just as good and great as the games you like on the Wii.  :P

In seriousness though, I tend to have a lot more fun with games like Crysis or Fallout 3 than party-games.

Put it this way, I currently have about 30 FPS's installed on my computer.

Of course.  I can fully understand your liking games on the Xbox or PS3.  As you stated, that was simply my opinion.

Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: 3-Liner And Bags Of Chips on January 01, 2010, 05:37:01 PM
Put it this way, I currently have about 30 FPS's installed on my computer.

 :o :o :o woooooooooooooow 30? I can't imagining having that many games installed lol but I don't even have 30 games for my 360. I have like 8 right now...
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: YourMathTeacher on January 01, 2010, 07:03:58 PM
Yes some of them are graphic but you have to remember you aren't shooting any real people so what does it matter?

The point is that some of us find no pleasure in killing fake people either, especially when it is made to look real.

Oddly enough, no Pokemon have ever been killed in many years of gaming, TV shows, and movies. Well maybe Latios, but he was a martyr so it doesn't count.  ;)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Red on January 01, 2010, 10:13:06 PM
Yes some of them are graphic but you have to remember you aren't shooting any real people so what does it matter?

The point is that some of us find no pleasure in killing fake people either, especially when it is made to look real.

Oddly enough, no Pokemon have ever been killed in many years of gaming, TV shows, and movies. Well maybe Latios, but he was a martyr so it doesn't count.  ;)
celabi.oh yeah giratina almost died and ash did.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Minister Polarius on January 01, 2010, 10:28:43 PM
Wait, Latios dies?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Red on January 01, 2010, 10:36:04 PM
yep in the movie
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Minister Polarius on January 01, 2010, 10:38:13 PM
Does he come back to life or some bull?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Red on January 01, 2010, 10:39:17 PM
nope he died for like good but a baby latios apears
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Josiahrocks1 on January 03, 2010, 12:52:22 AM
there is a HUGE difference between the graphics on the wii versus ps3 or 360. have you actually played the ps3 or 360 on an hdtv? the wii is not capable of hd. furthermore, both the ps3 and 360 have a much much MUCH stronger graphics engine than the wii. like was said previously, the wii has ps2 graphics, at best. nintendo has never prided itself on its graphics, but its strong gameplay. i'll give it that, but i'd rather have my cake and eat it too...solid gameplay AND cutting-edge graphics (360/ps3).

It all depends on what game you play. And yes an HDTV chages the picture but that is really the only diference and the Wii can be played on HDTV's it has a setting and a plug to do it.

Look at these screenshots I posted earlier... (

There's an astonishing difference in graphics. Also, the Wii physically cannot output in 1080p resolution as far as I know.

(PS3 and 360 look better only because of the HDTV and if you ask me the 360/PS3 dont have life like in graphics you can still tell that its not real)

Thats when you use a PC. ;) ( ( ( (

I think those prove my point.  :D

This is also becuase the but more into the 360/PS3 game than the Wii. The Wii is more life like in the fact that you are doing it not moving a joystick, that is why there are 2x more Wii's than 360's and almost 4x more Wii's than the PS3.

Wii's rock!!
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Josiahrocks1 on January 03, 2010, 12:57:01 AM
This is also becuase they put more into the 360/PS3 game than the Wii.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 03, 2010, 01:31:40 AM
This is also becuase the but more into the 360/PS3 game than the Wii. The Wii is more life like in the fact that you are doing it not moving a joystick, that is why there are 2x more Wii's than 360's and almost 4x more Wii's than the PS3.

not sure what you mean here, unless you mean how many of a certain console owner there is. there are currently 62,585,048 wii owners in the world, 35,795,505 xbox 360 owners, and 30,097,783 ps3 owners. so no, there are not 4x as many wii owners as ps3 owners. i would argue there are more wii's than 360's or ps3's because its a far more accessible console (in both pricepoint at launch and target demographic); however, that doesnt speak for the quality of its games which is the discussion at hand. we've already established the wii is aimed more at the younger crowd, while ps3 and 360 is aimed at more mature gamers.

my personal opinion, the wii and 360 should really watch their backs for the ps3; the ps3 sold more than 1 million consoles this last month. while the wii sold 1.5 million consoles, it was only a 15% increase from average monthly activity, while it was almost a 50% surge for ps3.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 03, 2010, 01:34:45 AM
And one of those PS3's is now my brothers. :D

So, I have both my PC and a PS3 to use.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: YourMathTeacher on January 03, 2010, 08:08:25 AM
my personal opinion, the wii and 360 should really watch their backs for the ps3; the ps3 sold more than 1 million consoles this last month. while the wii sold 1.5 million consoles, it was only a 15% increase from average monthly activity, while it was almost a 50% surge for ps3.

I have to wonder how much of that is because of the price drop, coupled with so many people like me that are thinking it may be more worthwhile to buy a PS3 than a simple Blu-Ray player, since there isn't much of a price difference. We're all going to need a Blu-Ray player eventually.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Josiahrocks1 on January 03, 2010, 01:43:40 PM
This is also becuase the but more into the 360/PS3 game than the Wii. The Wii is more life like in the fact that you are doing it not moving a joystick, that is why there are 2x more Wii's than 360's and almost 4x more Wii's than the PS3.

not sure what you mean here, unless you mean how many of a certain console owner there is. there are currently 62,585,048 wii owners in the world, 35,795,505 xbox 360 owners, and 30,097,783 ps3 owners. so no, there are not 4x as many wii owners as ps3 owners. i would argue there are more wii's than 360's or ps3's because its a far more accessible console (in both pricepoint at launch and target demographic); however, that doesnt speak for the quality of its games which is the discussion at hand. we've already established the wii is aimed more at the younger crowd, while ps3 and 360 is aimed at more mature gamers.

my personal opinion, the wii and 360 should really watch their backs for the ps3; the ps3 sold more than 1 million consoles this last month. while the wii sold 1.5 million consoles, it was only a 15% increase from average monthly activity, while it was almost a 50% surge for ps3.

Yes, that is what I ment. The number of PS3's has increased scince I last checked.

my personal opinion, the wii and 360 should really watch their backs for the ps3; the ps3 sold more than 1 million consoles this last month. while the wii sold 1.5 million consoles, it was only a 15% increase from average monthly activity, while it was almost a 50% surge for ps3.

I have to wonder how much of that is because of the price drop, coupled with so many people like me that are thinking it may be more worthwhile to buy a PS3 than a simple Blu-Ray player, since there isn't much of a price difference. We're all going to need a Blu-Ray player eventually.

Yeah! Blu-Ray will take over, they dont scrach as much so my dad loves Blu-Ray.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: NotOfThisWorld66 on January 03, 2010, 07:41:42 PM
Actually, as far as I know, the Wii outsells both Xbox and PS3 by a longshot...but if I'm wrong pardon my ignorance.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 03, 2010, 08:07:04 PM
all the figures above were taken from my stores latest NPD sales charts. if you think the above figures show the wii outselling the ps3/360 by a longshot, then ok. however, as the number of ps3's + 360's > the number of wii's, i dont calculate that as a longshot.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: NotOfThisWorld66 on January 04, 2010, 01:40:16 AM
Actually I didn't read any numbers you posted...just found that on the news awhile ago and thought I'd post it.  So what you posted probably wasn't a longshot and I'm probably just way behind everyone else.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Minister Polarius on January 07, 2010, 12:34:34 AM
Wii outsells PS3 by a longshot. Wii outsells Xbox360 by a long shot. Xbox360+PS3 outsell Wii by a small margin.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 07, 2010, 02:24:08 AM
wii sales vs ps3/360 sales is not a longshot. ds sales (123,221,679) is a longshot.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Minister Polarius on January 07, 2010, 02:36:45 AM
there are currently 62,585,048 wii owners in the world, 35,795,505 xbox 360 owners, and 30,097,783 ps3 owners.
I'm going by your numbers here. There are twice as many Wii owners as PS3 owners. I call double a long shot. That's winning a match 50-25. There are not quite twice as many Wii owners as Xbox360 owners, but close enough to double that I still call that a long shot. That's winning a match 50-30. Long shots both. Xbox360+PS3 totals 69,853,288 compared to the Wii's 62,585,048. That I call a small margin. Is there a problem with any of my logic here? Or do you just not call doubling/nearly doubling sales beating by a long shot?

With regard to the DS, that's a crazy stat on the one hand, but on the other hand it's competition is what, the PSP? Do you have the numbers for that?

More importantly, do you have the numbers for the profit margins for Nintendo's Wii division/Microsoft's Xbox division/Sony's PS3 division? I'll warrant a guess that they'll look similar to the previous generation's numbers, except maybe a lot more profit for Microsoft and a lot less for Sony.

Wii will go down in gaming history as having gotten grandmas to play video games. It will also very likely go down in gaming history as having won the profit war of this generation. It will also go down in gaming history as the first to make non-conventional controllers widely-used. PS3 has Blu-Ray. Xbox has Live. Which is better? Personally, I think the PS3 as a machine, the Wii for all types of gaming other than what the Xbox360 wins in, and Xbox for online multiplayer of FPS and racing games. Sports may factor in there somewhere, but I consider those barely games.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 07, 2010, 02:51:07 AM
i call a longshot a number that the competition has no chance of attaining. 30 mil is not unnattainable, and the ps3 in the last month alone has shown it can close the gap. i only predict ps3 sales to go nowhere but up with its reasonable pricepoint considering the blu-ray market. the only thing that sold the wii was simplicity, price, and its franchise titles. every other front it fails on.

wii controls are a joke and gimmick to any player outside of being a casual player. they will go down in history as a mere novelty, nothing more. as history proves, nintendo's 'non-conventional' control schemes are nothing to write home about *cough n64, gamecube*. motion-controls are a dying breed, this is fact (tony hawks ride failed MISERABLY).
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: BubbleBoy on January 07, 2010, 08:57:47 AM
motion-controls are a dying breed, this is fact
Any evidence for this? I, personally, love the Wiimote, and I'm sure about 62,585,047 other people agree.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 07, 2010, 09:42:12 AM
Im sure a lot of those people decided to use gamecube controlers instead of the wiimote. I know I would for the majority of games if I got a wii.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Minister Polarius on January 07, 2010, 09:43:38 AM
Wii controls have five buttons and a joystick. You don't really need more than that for most games. In fact, some of the games I have the most fun with don't need more than three. As far as being a joke, I'd only agree with that if it weren't for the fact that the Wii controls do exactly what is expected from a regular controller, with the added option to point and click. In addition, I consider myself more of a serious gamer (preferred to "mature" gamer because that title is misleading), but I still prefer the Gamecube controls to the PS2 controls (Xbox is the best of that generation), especially for fighters. I also preferred the N64 controller to the PlayStation controller. Of course, I may just be biased since I have large fingers and have a hard time hitting the combination of buttons I want to hit on the sprightlier controllers.

So you don't count doubled sales as a longshot? I know 30Million isn't unattainable, but the question isn't whether the PS3 can equal 62,585,047 (double what it sells), but whether it can equal whatever it is Wii is selling at the time. Even if twice as many PS3's are sold per year compared to Wii, it will take a while for them to catch up to the huge lead Wii has. If regular Blu-Ray players drop in price, that won't happen, and even if they don't, I doubt they can maintain a 2:1 sales ratio over Wii.

Do you have the numbers for any of this? So far, the only figures you have given support my argument entirely.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: BubbleBoy on January 07, 2010, 09:50:27 AM
...but the question isn't whether the PS3 can equal 62,585,047...
Hey, you forgot me! ;)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 07, 2010, 10:17:17 AM
Really? I thought the Playstation controllers were by far the best of the bunch.

Now, how about wiimote vs mouse and keyboard? I'd take the latter over just about any other controler, with one exception. PS controllers work a lot better for games such as the one staring Kratos.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: browarod on January 07, 2010, 10:56:05 AM
Really? I thought the Playstation controllers were by far the best of the bunch.

Now, how about wiimote vs mouse and keyboard? I'd take the latter over just about any other controler, with one exception. PS controllers work a lot better for games such as the one staring Kratos.
Playstation controllers are and have always been too small for people with large hands (like me). I feel like I'm going to break it if I get into a frenzied button-pushing mini-game. Of all controllers, the one that feels best in my hands is the 360 controller, however in terms of usability the mouse and keyboard definitely win if only for the fact that it has 50+ buttons compared to 10-ish on console controllers.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Prof Underwood on January 07, 2010, 11:44:14 AM
motion-controls are a dying breed, this is fact (tony hawks ride failed MISERABLY).
Project Natal anyone?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 07, 2010, 11:51:07 AM
I'm under the impression that Natal will be nothing more than a gimmick as well. Don't send a camera to do a controller's job. I seriously dislike relying on a camera or motion sensor to accurately detect my motions, compared to KNOWING that a mouse or joystick is actually going to recieve my commands.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Prof Underwood on January 07, 2010, 11:58:12 AM
I seriously dislike relying on a camera or motion sensor to accurately detect my motions, compared to KNOWING that a mouse or joystick is actually going to recieve my commands.
This is merely a matter of accuracy in technology.  If you KNEW that raising your right hand in front of the camera would cause the same action on-screen that pressing the "B" button did, then there would be no difference between motion-capture and a controller.  Your only problem is that you don't trust the camera to translate you actions accurately.  However, as technology progresses, this problem will disappear.

The obvious advantage of motion capture is that you can cause an almost infinite number of actions to occur on-screen with a plethora of nuances.  A controller is limited by the number of buttons available.  Not to mention that actually doing an action is innately more rewarding than just pressing a button.  Would you rather "feel" like you threw the touchdown pass, or would you rather just watch it happen?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: TheKarazyvicePresidentRR on January 07, 2010, 12:01:18 PM
I think the thing I find most intriguing about the wii, if as pol said it draws in almost anyone. It drew in my dad. My dad fights with electric can openers and toaster and HE wanted a wii. The wii has done what no other console has (at least as far as I can see) made video games a family ordeal.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 07, 2010, 12:02:49 PM
Truth be told, when I was playing through the games staring Kratos, I almost entirely forgot I had a controller in my hand. Same thing happens when I play a lot of FPS's.

Also yeah, its fun the first few times you actually "do" the action, but in the long run, I'll take a 100% guarantee that my commands will work over a gimmick. For every "rewarding" action you do, theres a moment where you lose (i just lost the game) due to the game not recieving your command. I played Wii Sports Resort for a little bit, and fairly often, the game did not do what I told it to, resulting in a loss.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: TheKarazyvicePresidentRR on January 07, 2010, 01:36:24 PM
That happens with every controller though, sometimes it won't receive the command or will be slow to it.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 07, 2010, 04:36:38 PM
motion-controls are on their way out. i can say with almost 100% certainty the next nintendo console wont have motion-controls. as for project natal, as lambo said, its nothing more than another gimmick. eye toy came out for the ps2 YEARS ago...and its still nothing more than a novelty to this day.

i do not dispute motion controls are not bad if you're playing a game casually and want to have a little bit of fun outside the norm. but you cannot argue the fact video games are supposed to do what they were meant to do: be a simulation, an escape from reality. would you rather press a button to throw a football or simulate throwing the football yourself? well, if you really wanted to act like you're throwing a football, the simple answer would be...why not just go outside and throw a football? that is the main issue with motion controls (and why games like tony hawks ride are failing). its just so much easier (and usually funner, cheaper, and satisfying) to just go do the real thing in real life.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Minister Polarius on January 07, 2010, 05:10:23 PM
I like motion control for things like shooters and fighters. You can't go out in real life and shoot up some Nazis, or don a three-hundred-pound Zwiehander and smack Yoda around. Yes, my second comment was in reference to Soul Caliber. Yes, I know Soul Caliber does not have motion sensors. But I can't wait to be able to actually wield a sword in a fighting game, once the technology catches up to where that would make a good game.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 07, 2010, 05:24:48 PM
shooters are probably the epitome of motion control technology (still a die-hard time crisis fan to this day). fighting games...not so sure. dragonball for the wii has it implemented, and its not exactly the hottest game. i mean really, video games partly exist for us to do things we cant normally do in real life. but now, do we really want to do every single punch/kick/slash/backflip for a fighting game? i dont think many people have the stamina for that (especially considering a typical gamers physique).
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 07, 2010, 05:30:16 PM
I like motion control for things like shooters and fighters. You can't go out in real life and shoot up some Nazis, or don a three-hundred-pound Zwiehander and smack Yoda around. Yes, my second comment was in reference to Soul Caliber. Yes, I know Soul Caliber does not have motion sensors. But I can't wait to be able to actually wield a sword in a fighting game, once the technology catches up to where that would make a good game.

Motion Control + Fighting game would result in a fairly slow game I would imagine, unless you can do all the flips and attacks at the speed of the characters.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: BubbleBoy on January 07, 2010, 05:33:10 PM
One big reason I can think of that motion control would not go away is simply that if it did, many Wii games would become unplayable, or would otherwise need extra buttons to perform certain functions, which I think would be awful.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 07, 2010, 05:42:39 PM
Well, of course the Wii would keep its motion control, but I imagine future systems may not use it nearly as much, if at all.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Josiahrocks1 on January 07, 2010, 05:50:49 PM
there is a HUGE difference between the graphics on the wii versus ps3 or 360. have you actually played the ps3 or 360 on an hdtv? the wii is not capable of hd. furthermore, both the ps3 and 360 have a much much MUCH stronger graphics engine than the wii. like was said previously, the wii has ps2 graphics, at best. nintendo has never prided itself on its graphics, but its strong gameplay. i'll give it that, but i'd rather have my cake and eat it too...solid gameplay AND cutting-edge graphics (360/ps3).

It all depends on what game you play. And yes an HDTV chages the picture but that is really the only diference and the Wii can be played on HDTV's it has a setting and a plug to do it.

Look at these screenshots I posted earlier... (

Ok, the reference to the same game I was making is to Medal of Honor, I have it for the PS3, rented it for the Wii and plan on buying it, and played it on the 360. The difference in the screenshots is the brightness, I have turend brightness up on the PS3 (I was having a hard time telling where things were at the time) and the grafics become Wii, on both the 360 and the PS3. You should try it sometime.

Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 07, 2010, 06:35:07 PM
So... one game out of.... many many many many other ones looks close to the same between Wii and PS3. Pretty much every other game on PC/PS3/360 from the past 3 years looks miles better than Wii graphics.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: TheKarazyvicePresidentRR on January 07, 2010, 09:32:08 PM
To motion controls in fighters(Future technology): Yes, I can not flip, nor can I kick my leg over my head but being able to do a fighting style closer to what I like to do (My sword style is like Raphael's, funny fact, I can't use him with crud, despite knowing how it is SUPPOSED to work, so I use Sigfried/Yoshimitsu.) or even if you could figure out a way that it worked that it could capture every move I did, I would fork over the cash for that.

As to the endurance: Who CARES! Srsly, I would rather get into a fist/sword fight and sweat that way than do wii fit. (HEAR THAT NINTENDO! Make a good fighting game!), and since you said video games are for stimulation, wouldn't....moving be stimulating? ;)

Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Prof Underwood on January 07, 2010, 11:26:40 PM
fairly often, the game did not do what I told it to, resulting in a loss.
However, as technology progresses, this problem will disappear.

if you really wanted to act like you're throwing a football, the simple answer would be...why not just go outside and throw a football?
Sure, I can go outside and throw a football.  But I can't throw a touchdown pass to Reggie Wayne to win the Super Bowl.  Depending on the availability of my friends, I might not be able to throw the football to anyone but a wall.  I think there's a clear difference here.

And if you want to know the future of gaming.  Madden '20 is going to be a football helmet that you actually put on.  The visor will be the screen and whichever way you turn your head will control what you see on the field.  The speakers will be right next to you ears and you'll hear the roar of the stadium.  Your movement's will control you actions, and you'll actually feel like you ARE playing in the superbowl :)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: JSB23 on January 08, 2010, 12:14:35 AM
back on topic Ikaruga is freakin' amazing
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 08, 2010, 12:17:47 AM
one of my favorite gamecube games EVAR. huge shooter fan.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Warrior_Monk on January 08, 2010, 10:36:25 AM
shooters are probably the epitome of motion control technology (still a die-hard time crisis fan to this day). fighting games...not so sure. dragonball for the wii has it implemented, and its not exactly the hottest game. i mean really, video games partly exist for us to do things we cant normally do in real life. but now, do we really want to do every single punch/kick/slash/backflip for a fighting game? i dont think many people have the stamina for that (especially considering a typical gamers physique).
Dragonball only uses it for Kamehameha's and things like that.... it's a pretty legit game though.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: TheHobbit13 on January 09, 2010, 09:39:32 PM
fairly often, the game did not do what I told it to, resulting in a loss.
However, as technology progresses, this problem will disappear.

if you really wanted to act like you're throwing a football, the simple answer would be...why not just go outside and throw a football?
Sure, I can go outside and throw a football.  But I can't throw a touchdown pass to Reggie Wayne to win the Super Bowl.  Depending on the availability of my friends, I might not be able to throw the football to anyone but a wall.  I think there's a clear difference here.

And if you want to know the future of gaming.  Madden '20 is going to be a football helmet that you actually put on.  The visor will be the screen and whichever way you turn your head will control what you see on the field.  The speakers will be right next to you ears and you'll hear the roar of the stadium.  Your movement's will control you actions, and you'll actually feel like you ARE playing in the superbowl :)

That doesn't exactly redeem the wii.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Minister Polarius on January 10, 2010, 01:04:45 AM
The Wii doesn't need redeeming. It does what it is designed to do with expert ability.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 10, 2010, 04:07:53 AM
if i wanted to play with psone graphics, i would go buy one. better yet, i'll just play psone games on my ps3. sorry, but nintendo needs to cut the apron strings and step up their game...namely in the graphics department. cheap novelties and gimmicks wont last forever.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: TheKarazyvicePresidentRR on January 10, 2010, 08:53:03 AM
No matter how shiny you make a game, if the game is still bad it won't get played. Inversely if a game has bad graphics but is still a good game it WILL get played. Go figure.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: YourMathTeacher on January 10, 2010, 09:37:35 AM
The bottom line is still money and target audience. Nintendo targets families more than singles. This strategy has kept them alive all these years, and few would argue that the Wii was a huge step forward for them. They went from a distant third to top table (even though they were already there for handhelds).

Y'all can sit here and argue graphics all you want, but Nintendo isn't going to listen. They are listening to people like me (their target audience). I am buying their stuff, and not buying their competitor's stuff. That is the only victory they care about.

On a related note, the vast majority of the highest grossing movies of all time are rated PG-13 or less. People can argue about the "reality" of R-rated movies all they want, but the fact is that more families go to the movies that are not rated R, and spend all their money there.

Target audience. Paying for a family of five costs more than paying for a single person. That's also why Disney is the giant that it is, and movies like High School Musical can make a ton more money than Saw.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 10, 2010, 09:43:34 AM
Well, their targeting tactic worked for my mom. She randomly decided to buy a Wii yesterday... still sad they didn't bump the resultion up to at LEAST 720p.

Oh well, wasn't my choice to buy it, but I'll certiantly be influencing the games she picks up for it.  ;)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Warrior_Monk on January 10, 2010, 10:51:34 AM
No matter how shiny you make a game, if the game is still bad it won't get played. Inversely if a game has bad graphics but is still a good game it WILL get played. Go figure.
like Tetris...

Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 10, 2010, 01:56:12 PM
the wii just isnt a platform i can take seriously. i wont argue its a great system for the simple-minded, but it just has far too many shortcomings for a serious gamer like me.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: TheKarazyvicePresidentRR on January 10, 2010, 02:11:39 PM
i wont argue its a great system for the simple-minded
Says the guy who can't get over graphics(The art of making something Shiny)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: YourMathTeacher on January 10, 2010, 02:13:49 PM
the wii just isnt a platform i can take seriously. i wont argue its a great system for the simple-minded, but it just has far too many shortcomings for a serious gamer like me.

You were a kid once, too.  ;)

As simple-minded as using pool sticks as machine guns may sound, it was still really fun as a kid.  ;D
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 10, 2010, 02:15:42 PM
i wont argue its a great system for the simple-minded
Says the guy who can't get over graphics(The art of making something Shiny)

great game with great graphics > great game with crappy graphics. i like to have my cake and eat it, too.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: YourMathTeacher on January 10, 2010, 02:20:11 PM
i like to have my cake and eat it, too.

I have heard rumors that the cake is a lie, but I wasn't sure if that was just a reference to the Cooking Mama food not being real.  ;)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 10, 2010, 02:22:45 PM
heh portal, another great game that is glaringly void from the wii library.

...little-known but true fact, i do enjoy some cooking mama from time to time.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Warrior_Monk on January 10, 2010, 02:40:16 PM
i wont argue its a great system for the simple-minded
Says the guy who can't get over graphics(The art of making something Shiny)
if that's the definition of graphics, then my Grapes of Wrath has better graphics then any 360...
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: YourMathTeacher on January 10, 2010, 02:41:19 PM
...little-known but true fact, i do enjoy some cooking mama from time to time.

....but only for the graphics.....  ;)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: TheKarazyvicePresidentRR on January 10, 2010, 05:10:08 PM
i wont argue its a great system for the simple-minded
Says the guy who can't get over graphics(The art of making something Shiny)
if that's the definition of graphics, then my Grapes of Wrath has better graphics then any 360...
It does. ;)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Minister Polarius on January 11, 2010, 03:04:24 PM
the wii just isnt a platform i can take seriously. i wont argue its a great system for the simple-minded, but it just has far too many shortcomings for a serious gamer like me.
If you derive so much of your identity from being a "serious gamer" then have at it. I prefer having fun to setting up personae based on video games.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 12, 2010, 12:51:45 AM
the wii just isnt a platform i can take seriously. i wont argue its a great system for the simple-minded, but it just has far too many shortcomings for a serious gamer like me.
If you derive so much of your identity from being a "serious gamer" then have at it. I prefer having fun to setting up personae based on video games.

if you derive so much of your identity from being a 'casual gamer' then have at it. whats your point here? everyone plays the games they prefer. everyone has their own personal gaming 'identity'. i prefer to play mature games over kiddy games, and i have fun doing so. to each their own.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: NotOfThisWorld66 on January 12, 2010, 02:11:07 AM
You have a point MKC.  Wii games aren't necessarily BETTER than Xbox games (or vice versa).  It just depends on a person's pallette.  But there are games like violent, killing games that I deem not worth playing and worse than others.  There are some that are good, but most are plain trash.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 12, 2010, 06:48:52 AM
i completely agree with that; some games just add in the violence factor in hopes of reaching out to a target demographic and boosting sales, but end up being really bad games. but there are quite a few m-rated gems out there that get a bad rap just because of its esrb rating. for instance, i feel halo is a pretty tame game overall...i mean c'mon, you're just a super soldier taking down a bunch of alien bad guys. yet we're not allowed to discuss it on this forum just because it has an m-rated label. :-\
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Arch Angel on January 12, 2010, 07:53:51 AM
I like motion control for things like shooters and fighters. You can't go out in real life and shoot up some Nazis, or don a three-hundred-pound Zwiehander and smack Yoda around. Yes, my second comment was in reference to Soul Caliber. Yes, I know Soul Caliber does not have motion sensors. But I can't wait to be able to actually wield a sword in a fighting game, once the technology catches up to where that would make a good game.
Just caught up on this thread today. If anyone Wii owners here are still looking for a good Fighting game, then you should *definitely* check out Soul Calibur Legends. You only get 7 characters in all (Main one being Siegfried, then you unlock Ivy, Sophitia, Taki, Astaroth, Mitsurugi {May be one more I'm forgetting} and then the guest character Lloyd {From the Tales Of: Symphonia games})

The only two real complaints I've ever had with this game is the Nunchuck's dashing control (which has been resolved now that I've learned to keep it properly straight) and the camera controls are *slightly* wonky sometimes. The co-op mode and vs modeS more than make up for it, however, and despite its subpar reviews (ranked as "fair" by most of its reputable reviews) the game in all satisfies my desire for a good Wii-based fighting game. :) Also, it doesn't hurt that I was able to easily get it for $20.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: BubbleBoy on January 12, 2010, 04:17:39 PM
200th post, which I will reserve for spam when I see fit.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: TheKarazyvicePresidentRR on January 12, 2010, 05:31:10 PM
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 12, 2010, 05:43:17 PM
I like motion control for things like shooters and fighters. You can't go out in real life and shoot up some Nazis, or don a three-hundred-pound Zwiehander and smack Yoda around. Yes, my second comment was in reference to Soul Caliber. Yes, I know Soul Caliber does not have motion sensors. But I can't wait to be able to actually wield a sword in a fighting game, once the technology catches up to where that would make a good game.
Just caught up on this thread today. If anyone Wii owners here are still looking for a good Fighting game, then you should *definitely* check out Soul Calibur Legends. You only get 7 characters in all (Main one being Siegfried, then you unlock Ivy, Sophitia, Taki, Astaroth, Mitsurugi {May be one more I'm forgetting} and then the guest character Lloyd {From the Tales Of: Symphonia games})

The only two real complaints I've ever had with this game is the Nunchuck's dashing control (which has been resolved now that I've learned to keep it properly straight) and the camera controls are *slightly* wonky sometimes. The co-op mode and vs modeS more than make up for it, however, and despite its subpar reviews (ranked as "fair" by most of its reputable reviews) the game in all satisfies my desire for a good Wii-based fighting game. :) Also, it doesn't hurt that I was able to easily get it for $20.

well, soul calibur legends isnt a fighting game...its action adventure.

additionally, soul calibur legends received horrible reviews and scores, which saddened me as im a hardcore soul cali fan. it has a metacritic score of 52, which is pretty mediocre.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: lightningninja on January 12, 2010, 05:48:05 PM
That's why he said despite the reviews it ACTUALLY is a good game....  ;)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 12, 2010, 05:54:54 PM
...but its not.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 12, 2010, 06:24:15 PM
whats your point here? everyone plays the games they prefer.

And according to you, the people who prefer the kind of games you don't care for are simple-minded.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 12, 2010, 06:30:57 PM
yes, simple games with easy learning curves for simple-minded people. its a preference for some. so?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 12, 2010, 06:51:39 PM
Well, if you can't see anything wrong with assigning intelligence levels to people based on their gaming preferences, then there's really nothing I can explain to you.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 12, 2010, 06:54:51 PM
being simple-minded does not always correlate to intelligence. it just means that a person prefers simple things.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 12, 2010, 06:59:24 PM
sim·ple-mind·ed or sim·ple·mind·ed (smpl-mndd)
1. Lacking in subtlety or sophistication; artless or naive.
2. Stupid or silly; foolish.
3. Mentally impaired.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

What you describe is being a person of simple TASTES, not of simple mind.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 12, 2010, 07:04:44 PM
sim·ple-mind·ed or sim·ple·mind·ed (smpl-mndd)
1. Lacking in subtlety or sophistication; artless or naive.
2. Stupid or silly; foolish.
3. Mentally impaired.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

What you describe is being a person of simple TASTES, not of simple mind.

and you dont perceive some simple games unsophisticated on some levels?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: BubbleBoy on January 12, 2010, 07:08:13 PM
I consider FPS pretty unsophisticated myself. I mean, you're just trying to blow people up...

Then again, what is a sophisticated video game?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 12, 2010, 07:08:44 PM
mature games, natch.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 12, 2010, 07:11:31 PM
That is a non-starter.  You said the games were designed for simple-minded persons.  A game can be simple but that is not the same thing, and it's not what you said.

You're trying to split hairs, which is a poor response to giving you benefit of the doubt that you were not trying to be intentionally derogatory.  Bubble Boy made an excellent point which doesn't seem to have impacted your thinking in the least.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 12, 2010, 07:16:52 PM
so⋅phis⋅ti⋅cat⋅ed  /səˈfɪstɪˌkeɪtɪd/
–adjective 1. (of a person, ideas, tastes, manners, etc.) altered by education, experience, etc., so as to be worldly-wise; not naive: a sophisticated young socialite; the sophisticated eye of a journalist.  
2. pleasing or satisfactory to the tastes of sophisticates: sophisticated music.  
3. deceptive; misleading.
4. complex or intricate, as a system, process, piece of machinery, or the like: a sophisticated electronic control system.  
5. of, for, or reflecting educated taste, knowledgeable use, etc.: Many Americans are drinking more sophisticated wines now.  

yes, my copy and paste prowess is uncanny as well. what is the opposite of complex? simple? ok then. so some games can be unsophisticated/simple. do some people like unsophisticated/simple games? yes? ok then. does that make them retarded? probably not? ok, awesome.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 12, 2010, 07:21:19 PM
so some games can be unsophisticated/simple.

I am not in disagreement with that.  I did not breathe one word contradicting your notion that games can be simple or complex, and have specifically expressed agreement on this point.  If you invested half the energy into reaching a common understanding as in the effective use of sarcasm, you would realize this.

do some people like unsophisticated/simple games? yes? ok then. does that make them retarded? probably not? ok, awesome.

Probably not, but having resisted all attempts to suggest that maybe you didn't mean to call people simple-minded, then in your stated opinion, the answer is yes.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 12, 2010, 07:28:50 PM
there are people with SIMPLE TASTES (read: more than likely not stupid, dumb, retarded, lacking mental capacity) that prefer to play simple games. happy? what difference does it make? i'll keep an eye out for the dictionary police next time.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 12, 2010, 07:41:33 PM
Now, see?  How hard is that?  I won't get into what difference it makes, between saying people are stupid and not saying people are stupid, lest I be labeled again the "dictionary police" for simply suggesting you didn't mean what you said the way you said it, and since the impact of your words on others does not seem to be a high priority.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Josiahrocks1 on January 13, 2010, 10:21:25 AM
sim·ple-mind·ed or sim·ple·mind·ed (smpl-mndd)
1. Lacking in subtlety or sophistication; artless or naive.
2. Stupid or silly; foolish.
3. Mentally impaired.

The American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fourth Edition

What you describe is being a person of simple TASTES, not of simple mind.

and you dont perceive some simple games unsophisticated on some levels?

The Wii is not Simple, I have finised maybe 2-3 of my Wii games (that I have had longer than my PS3) and almost all of my PS3 games. The Wii takes much more skill than pusing buttons,  You have to actually have to do something to finish the game.   
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 13, 2010, 11:19:36 AM
I just disagree with the whole premise, in light of games like Brawl, Metroid, Zelda, World of Goo, Okami, Muramasa, The Conduit, a handful of stylized titles not appropriate for this forum, and the standard issue music and sports games... it seems to me like there's plenty here that could be considered sophisticated even without arguing over how one defines sophistication in video games.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 11:25:53 AM
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 13, 2010, 11:45:56 AM
Yes, music.  Games with titles typically ending in Hero, Band, or Dance, and bearing the likenesses of various cultural pop icons.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 11:48:05 AM
those are not wii exclusives.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 13, 2010, 11:50:28 AM
At what point did that become an issue?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 11:55:06 AM
personally i find that one of the best methods to judge a system individually, by the quality of its exclusive games, versus games you can find on all consoles. since you can find band/hero/dance on all systems, it doesnt exactly make it a sophisticated system by its own merits.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 13, 2010, 12:06:15 PM
You did not register an objection to the other games I mentioned that are not exclusives, which was most of them.  Additionally, many of the games you have mentioned or given implied reference to, are not exclusive to any one console, and some are themselves available on the Wii platform.  You also singled out non-exclusive titles to the exclusion of the fact that exclusive titles of sophistication and quality do in fact exist and can be had.  You say that Guitar Hero doesn't make a system great by its mere existence, but neither does it erase the existence of Brawl by its mere existence.

To suddenly bring exclusivity into the discussion seems arbitrary and intended to undermine the system.  It does not change the fact that I can go out to the store today, pick up a Wii, pick up any number of quality games of varying degrees of "sophistication" (another arbitrary attribute), many of which are the same games you enjoy on another console, and begin playing - and enjoying - immediately.

Put more simply, if we assume for the sake of argument that Guitar Hero is universally accepted as a sophisticated game, and I can play Guitar Hero on the Wii... why does it matter that I can play Guitar Hero on the X-Box?  How does that alter the reality of Wii plus Guitar Hero equals play?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 12:10:45 PM
personally i dont consider guitar hero a sophisticated game by any means, despite its mass hysteria and sales. bemani was doing this almost 15 years ago. nothing new or groundbreaking here.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 13, 2010, 12:15:16 PM
Okay, so let's just go with that, then, instead of reading the part about "if we assume for the sake of argument", because it's much more important to argue about the example than the point.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 12:17:47 PM
the example isnt very good. guitar hero is an outdated and old concept. i also dont see how you can call it a sophisticated game, when its probably one of the easiest games to pick up and learn. push 5 buttons and the fret seperately/in tandem. mind-bending.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 13, 2010, 12:19:06 PM
Then just insert a multi-platform game of your choice, ANY GAME YOU WANT IN THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE, and just answer the question.

I did not "call it a sophisticated game".  I "assumed for the sake of argument" that as "universally accepted".  NO GAME is "universally accepted" as anything by anybody... that's why you assume for the sake of argument.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 12:24:51 PM
like i said, it wouldnt matter to me if its a sophisticated multi-platform game. if its multi-platform, and you have the choice to buy any of them, then you're going to go further than the software itself and buy the one for the best system. the 360 and ps3 offer worlds more than the wii, so naturally i would choose a multi-platform game on one of those two. the only reason i EVER play the wii is because of an exclusive, nothing else. and my wii has remained untouched and collecting dust since maybe a month or two after mario kart wii came out. hopefully metroid: other m brings it out of retirement.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 13, 2010, 12:31:47 PM
That doesn't even come close to answering the question I asked of you, and the response you gave is based on a very bad premise - that people have choices from among multiple platforms - when in fact only 3% of households ( enjoy this luxury.

If I have a Wii, I do not "have a choice" to buy a Wii game or an X-Box game.  Amazingly, I can only buy and play games for the console that I actually own.  The entire point is that the fact that I can purchase these games on the Wii exists independently of whatever I can get on any other console.  So I ask you for the fourth time: If I can get a Wii, and I can get X Most Awesome Game In The Universe Which Shall Not Be Named For Fear That Someone Else Might Not Think It's Awesome, and therefore I can play X on the Wii, why does the existence of X Game on a Playstation factor into that at all?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 12:35:21 PM
if you only have a wii, then thats unfortunate and all your purchases are based on personal bias. if you own all systems, then you are more likely to make an objective purchase, and choose which multi-platform game is better than the others.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 13, 2010, 12:37:50 PM
if you only have a wii, then thats unfortunate

I lol'd.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 12:38:26 PM
if you only have a wii, then thats unfortunate

I lol'd.

Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: browarod on January 13, 2010, 12:38:43 PM
if you only have a wii, then thats unfortunate and all your purchases are based on personal bias. if you own all systems, then you are more likely to make an objective purchase, and choose which multi-platform game is better than the others.
Or someone who has every system (like me) could just make a completely arbitrary decision to choose XBOX because of Gamerscore or Wii because they like motion controls or PS3 because the online is free. Simply having the option doesn't necessarily mean they'll resort to objective decision-making. I honestly don't really care which one "looks the best" or "offers worlds", I pick the platform that gives the best results for whatever the game specializes in: be it online gameplay, sweet motion controls, tricky controlling, w/e. Whichever system is the best for that particular aspect is the one I go with, and that's not always PS3 or XBOX. Truthfully, the only PS3 games I have are PS3 exclusives (and one none because I lost my 360 version of the game so I wanted to have the game but not buy another 360 version in case I ever found the original one).
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 12:40:55 PM
if you only have a wii, then thats unfortunate and all your purchases are based on personal bias. if you own all systems, then you are more likely to make an objective purchase, and choose which multi-platform game is better than the others.
Or someone who has every system (like me) could just make a completely arbitrary decision to choose XBOX because of Gamerscore or Wii because they like motion controls or PS3 because the online is free. Simply having the option doesn't necessarily mean they'll resort to objective decision-making.

well please enlighten us, fellow consumer of the 2 percentile that owns all systems, which one would you buy guitar hero for? which one would you buy madden 2011 for? which one would you buy call of duty: 4 for?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 13, 2010, 12:43:24 PM
well please enlighten us, fellow consumer of the 2 percentile that owns all systems, which one would you buy guitar hero for? which one would you buy madden 2011 for? which one would you buy call of duty: 4 for?

Im only missing the 360 now, but I have a PC to make up for it, I'll answer that.

I dont play ____Hero/band games, so none. I dont play sports games, so none. and Call of Duty 4 I would buy for PC, as thats the true system for FPS's.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 13, 2010, 12:47:44 PM
if you only have a wii, then thats unfortunate and all your purchases are based on personal bias.

Your subjective and arbitrary opinions do not answer the question, as well as showing zero consideration for the thought processes and motivating factors of other people.  Perhaps I gave you too much credit assuming you didn't really mean to say wii-owning persons were simple-minded.

if you own all systems, then you are more likely to make an objective purchase.

This is a complete non-starter, as I have demonstrated to you that almost nobody owns all systems, and many (like myself) would consider investing over a thousand dollars into video game hardware just for the option of which platform to buy software to be impractical in the extreme, if not impossible.  Additionally, ownership of multiple platforms has zero correlation to the fact that if you have a console - ANY ONE CONSOLE - and the game you want to play exists on that console - ANY ONE GAME - the existence of that game on other consoles has zero impact on your ability to play that game on that console.

If you can't bring yourself to answer a single basic question to increase understanding of the logic behind your statements, then continuing this line of discussion is just a waste of everyone's time.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: browarod on January 13, 2010, 12:48:25 PM
if you only have a wii, then thats unfortunate and all your purchases are based on personal bias. if you own all systems, then you are more likely to make an objective purchase, and choose which multi-platform game is better than the others.
Or someone who has every system (like me) could just make a completely arbitrary decision to choose XBOX because of Gamerscore or Wii because they like motion controls or PS3 because the online is free. Simply having the option doesn't necessarily mean they'll resort to objective decision-making.

well please enlighten us, fellow consumer of the 2 percentile that owns all systems, which one would you buy guitar hero for? which one would you buy madden 2011 for? which one would you buy call of duty: 4 for?
Truthfully, I wouldn't buy any of those. Rock Band covers any music game cravings I have (I have RB for XBOX because it was the only system I had when I bought the game), I don't watch or participate in sports in real life so I don't in video games either, and I honestly don't get a kick out of shooting people so I don't generally play FPS's either.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 13, 2010, 12:49:46 PM
Truthfully, I wouldn't buy any of those. Rock Band covers any music game cravings I have (I have RB for XBOX because it was the only system I had when I bought the game), I don't watch or participate in sports in real life so I don't in video games either, and I honestly don't get a kick out of shooting people so I don't generally play FPS's either.

What type of games do you play on all three systems then? O_o
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 12:51:22 PM
well please enlighten us, fellow consumer of the 2 percentile that owns all systems, which one would you buy guitar hero for? which one would you buy madden 2011 for? which one would you buy call of duty: 4 for?

Im only missing the 360 now, but I have a PC to make up for it, I'll answer that.

I dont play ____Hero/band games, so none. I dont play sports games, so none. and Call of Duty 4 I would buy for PC, as thats the true system for FPS's.

the point is seeing what system you would buy it for. i dont like 2 out of those 3 games either, but if i would buy gh, it would be for either ps3 or 360, as there is no reason to buy it on the wii. if i bought madden 2011, it would be on ps3 or 360 because of graphics, and the online multiplayer is far better on those systems than on the wii. and cod4, well, thats a no-brainer...wii just cant handle it.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: browarod on January 13, 2010, 12:52:18 PM
Truthfully, I wouldn't buy any of those. Rock Band covers any music game cravings I have (I have RB for XBOX because it was the only system I had when I bought the game), I don't watch or participate in sports in real life so I don't in video games either, and I honestly don't get a kick out of shooting people so I don't generally play FPS's either.

What type of games do you play on all three systems then? O_o
I seem to have weird tastes. I like puzzle and "kid" games like the LEGO games, and stuff like the Marvel video games for XBOX. For my PS3 I have Eye of Judgment (a TCG game) and inFamous (another super hero game). And for my Wii I have the Mario games like Party and Kart and Galaxy.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 13, 2010, 12:54:58 PM
Lol, I think I have more games of just one genre than you have total. XD Unless thats not all the games you own.

Im curious how many of which genre I have for the PC... time to go count.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 12:55:16 PM
Truthfully, I wouldn't buy any of those. Rock Band covers any music game cravings I have (I have RB for XBOX because it was the only system I had when I bought the game), I don't watch or participate in sports in real life so I don't in video games either, and I honestly don't get a kick out of shooting people so I don't generally play FPS's either.

What type of games do you play on all three systems then? O_o
I seem to have weird tastes. I like puzzle and "kid" games like the LEGO games, and stuff like the Marvel video games for XBOX. For my PS3 I have Eye of Judgment (a TCG game) and inFamous (another super hero game). And for my Wii I have the Mario games like Party and Kart and Galaxy.

do you have any other wii game that can be found on another system?

Lol, I think I have more games of just one genre than you have total. XD Unless thats not all the games you own.

Im curious how many of which genre I have for the PC... time to go count.

i think i read before that you said you had 17 fps' money's on fps! :)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: BubbleBoy on January 13, 2010, 12:56:53 PM
Responding to the exclusivity argument, I would say that only applies to the people who own multiple consoles, if ever. If you're contemplating which single system to buy, the exclusivity of games makes absolutely no difference at all whatsoever, unless you're arrogant enough to value exclusive games higher simply because of their exclusivity. What does factor into the console choice, however, is the overall selection of games for each console. However, that is only one of many factors. For some, graphics is a factor. For some, the means of control is a factor. For some, shininess is a factor. You have to take all of that plus more into account, something which has been neglected for a while.

By the way, the title of this thread is no longer accurate. :P

EDIT: "Warning - while you were typing 9 new replies have been posted." :P
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 01:00:35 PM
If you're contemplating which single system to buy, the exclusivity of games makes absolutely no difference at all whatsoever, unless you're arrogant enough to value exclusive games higher simply because of their exclusivity.

...what? why wouldn't exclusive games make a difference? thats probably the biggest deciding factor for individuals that buy a single system! seriously, if there are multi-platform games available to all consoles, and money is not a factor, then why would a person buy one over the other? what you mistake for arrogance is called preference.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 13, 2010, 01:03:34 PM
My game totals, only games currently installed on my computer (I have a ton of older games from like, windows 98 era):

FPS: 34 (though this is including the episodes of HL2) + 1

Racing: 4 (including Audiosurf, i dont know what else to put this under) +5

RPG: 5

Platformer/Puzzle: 4 + 10

Action: 3 + 5

RTS: 1 +3

The numbers would include a lot more racing, action, and puzzle games if I counted my older titles.

Overall, I still hold that PC is far and away the most versatile of the systems.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: BubbleBoy on January 13, 2010, 01:05:21 PM
If you're contemplating which single system to buy, the exclusivity of games makes absolutely no difference at all whatsoever, unless you're arrogant enough to value exclusive games higher simply because of their exclusivity.

...what? why wouldn't exclusive games make a difference? thats probably the biggest deciding factor for individuals that buy a single system! seriously, if there are multi-platform games available to all consoles, and money is not a factor, then why would a person buy one over the other? what you mistake for arrogance is called preference.
Read the sentence right after that quote. That's the reason I put it there.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 13, 2010, 01:08:11 PM
...what? why wouldn't exclusive games make a difference? thats probably the biggest deciding factor for individuals that buy a single system!

That's the biggest deciding factor for YOU if you buy a single system.  Aside from the fact that you have negated this premise by purchasing multiple consoles, I repeat what I said earlier and BubbleBoy reiterated: there are many motivating factors in deciding which system to buy, and not everyone prioritizes in the same way that you do.  And yes, to assume any reason not matching your own is strictly based on personal bias, is arrogance.  You put in a qualifier of your own in your post, "if money is not a factor", and yet don't seem to show any consideration for the idea that for many people, money is in fact a factor, sometimes a substantial one.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 01:09:29 PM
audiosurf is music-simulation. pretty much a glorified beatmania.

im gonna guess your one rts game is starcraft. :)

Overall, I still hold that PC is far and away the most versatile of the systems.

i'll say this the day halo 3 comes to pc. :)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: BubbleBoy on January 13, 2010, 01:09:41 PM
My game totals, only games currently installed on my computer (I have a ton of older games from like, windows 98 era):

FPS: 34 (though this is including the episodes of HL2)

Racing: 4 (including Audiosurf, i dont know what else to put this under)

RPG: 5

Platformer/Puzzle: 4

Action: 3

RTS: 1

The numbers would include a lot more racing, action, and puzzle games if I counted my older titles.

Overall, I still hold that PC is far and away the most versatile of the systems.
In variety of game selection, I will agree PC is far ahead of anyone else. It probably has the best graphics as well. However, the sreen is small, desk chairs are less comfortable than beanbag chairs, and keyboards are far less fun to play with than controllers, especially Wii ones.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Professoralstad on January 13, 2010, 01:13:29 PM
So...anyone know any good games for the Wii?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 01:16:52 PM
...what? why wouldn't exclusive games make a difference? thats probably the biggest deciding factor for individuals that buy a single system!

That's the biggest deciding factor for YOU if you buy a single system.  Aside from the fact that you have negated this premise by purchasing multiple consoles, I repeat what I said earlier and BubbleBoy reiterated: there are many motivating factors in deciding which system to buy, and not everyone prioritizes in the same way that you do.  And yes, to assume any reason not matching your own is strictly based on personal bias, is arrogance.  You put in a qualifier of your own in your post, "if money is not a factor", and yet don't seem to show any consideration for the idea that for many people, money is in fact a factor, sometimes a substantial one.

buying a system because you prefer its exclusive titles over another sytems is not arrogance, which is what bb stated, and what i responded to. get your facts straight.

99% of clueless people that come through my store, deciding which console to purchase, number one asked question: "what kinds of games does this one have?" do you think we say the guitar heros, maddens, etc? do those define a system if you can find them on others? no, it always comes down to what kind of target demographic each console caters to, it always comes down to the exclusivity of a consoles games. dont try preaching to me about what people prefer and what i prefer, because i deal with hundreds of video gaming individuals a day, and i see what kind of purchases they make and on what grounds. cold, hard facts. simple as that.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 13, 2010, 01:19:52 PM
im gonna guess your one rts game is starcraft. :)

Yessir, although I have Age of Empires 1 and 2 as well.

Overall, I still hold that PC is far and away the most versatile of the systems.

i'll say this the day halo 3 comes to pc. :)

Trust me, I REALLY want Halo 3 on PC.

However, the sreen is small, desk chairs are less comfortable than beanbag chairs, and keyboards are far less fun to play with than controllers, especially Wii ones.

IMO, I prefer my 19" screen. Its the perfect size that it has a good resolution, and I can quickly scan the entire screen.

Get a better computer chair. ;)

Also, I STRONGLY disagree with Wiimotes being more fun. I find them a complete hassle to use. Mouse and Keyboard work FAR better for the games I enjoy. Mouse = no need for the game to "aim assist", since you have the ability to aim as precise as you wish.

So...anyone know any good games for the Wii?

I lol'd.

money is in fact a factor, sometimes a substantial one.

Yeah, Nintendo secretly disguises the wii as a cheap system, when if you want to play most of those family games, you need to buy a couple more wiimotes which arent cheap. Expect to shell out another $100+ if you want three more controllers with nunchucks.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: soul seeker on January 13, 2010, 01:21:13 PM
To reenforce Schaef's and Bubbleboy's posts and for all the Nintendo/Wii bashers:
       A game system that can...
                Be safe for my 7 & 5 year old to play while I'm not in the room.
                Put a smile on their faces
                Be able to spend time with them.
                Get my kids to exercise without knowing it while improving hand/eye coordination (not exercising was a major negative from critics for years of video games)
                Play as a family a.k.a. get my wife to play as well.
                Brings together all different age groups from different backgrounds
The Wii reigns supreme!!! there is no comparison.....ever.

As for good games:
    Mario Party
    Lego Star Wars, Batman, Indiana Jones...(pick your favorite franchise)
    Wii Resort
    Wii Fitness
  ..that's just to name a few that bring people together in good fun.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 13, 2010, 02:12:35 PM
buying a system because you prefer its exclusive titles over another sytems is not arrogance, which is what bb stated, and what i responded to. get your facts straight.

I have provided facts nonstop from the first moment and that has had no impact on your thinking whatsoever.  This statement is highly ironic, in addition to the fact that my sentence explains to you exactly where the arrogant thinking comes into play.  Please read again.

number one asked question: "what kinds of games does this one have?" do you think we say the guitar heros, maddens, etc? do those define a system if you can find them on others?

It is part of the equation, yes.  If a person wants to play football, and there's no football on the Wii, are they really going to care whether it's multiplatform or not?

no, it always comes down to what kind of target demographic each console caters to, it always comes down to the exclusivity of a consoles games.

So I walk into you store.  I like to play sports games.  That is my demographic.  You will sell me a console based on console-exclusive sports titles only, to the exclusion of everything else.  Am I understanding your logic correctly?

i deal with hundreds of video gaming individuals a day, and i see what kind of purchases they make and on what grounds.

I question whether you do.  So far, you're provided exactly two reasons to buy a console: exclusive-only titles that you personally approve of, and ignorant personal bias.  If that is your conclusion, then I submit you are the one doing the preaching and your perspective, like everything else you have discussed in your efforts to dodge simple questions, is seriously askew.

Yeah, Nintendo secretly disguises the wii as a cheap system, when if you want to play most of those family games, you need to buy a couple more wiimotes which arent cheap. Expect to shell out another $100+ if you want three more controllers with nunchucks.

Well, 200 for the Wii plus 100 for the wiimotes is $300 for four-player action.  $300 will get you the 120GB PS3 with one controller (DS3's cost $55 each) and no HDMI cable included, so you have to pay extra for the much-lauded HD graphics as well.  So they all have built-in cost for expansion.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 03:26:07 PM
buying a system because you prefer its exclusive titles over another sytems is not arrogance, which is what bb stated, and what i responded to. get your facts straight.

I have provided facts nonstop from the first moment and that has had no impact on your thinking whatsoever.  This statement is highly ironic, in addition to the fact that my sentence explains to you exactly where the arrogant thinking comes into play.  Please read again.

bb stated what he thought was arrogant. i said it is not arrogant to buy games based on console-exclusivity. why is this so hard for you to follow?

number one asked question: "what kinds of games does this one have?" do you think we say the guitar heros, maddens, etc? do those define a system if you can find them on others?

It is part of the equation, yes.  If a person wants to play football, and there's no football on the Wii, are they really going to care whether it's multiplatform or not?

and when i tell them there is football on every console, what do you think their next question is? "which console is it best on?". which is what i've been saying all along.

no, it always comes down to what kind of target demographic each console caters to, it always comes down to the exclusivity of a consoles games.

So I walk into you store.  I like to play sports games.  That is my demographic.  You will sell me a console based on console-exclusive sports titles only, to the exclusion of everything else.  Am I understanding your logic correctly?

correction: if you walked into my store, i would never sell anything to you. because you'd spend all day trying to argue.

i deal with hundreds of video gaming individuals a day, and i see what kind of purchases they make and on what grounds.

I question whether you do.  So far, you're provided exactly two reasons to buy a console: exclusive-only titles that you personally approve of, and ignorant personal bias.  If that is your conclusion, then I submit you are the one doing the preaching and your perspective, like everything else you have discussed in your efforts to dodge simple questions, is seriously askew.

you make completely no sense whatsoever here. first of all, did i ever state these were the only reasons people buy consoles? no? ok, awesome. do not put words into my mouth. also, i only claimed people are biased when they only have one console and one console to buy to. how could they possibly have an objective opinion about games if they cant sample them all?

you cannot tell me what i sell, how i sell it, what customers ask, what customers prefer, and on what grounds they make that purchase. i deal with these customers everyday. do you? 'nuff said.

Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 13, 2010, 03:36:04 PM
So I walk into you store.  I like to play sports games.  That is my demographic.  You will sell me a console based on console-exclusive sports titles only, to the exclusion of everything else.  Am I understanding your logic correctly?

correction: if you walked into my store, i would never sell anything to you. because you'd spend all day trying to argue.

For that, I award you a Dodge sports car.

Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: BubbleBoy on January 13, 2010, 03:41:44 PM
He still failed to answer the real question.

bb stated what he thought was arrogant. i said it is not arrogant to buy games based on console-exclusivity.
Arrogant, ignorant, misplaced priorities, call it what you will.

The fact that you seem to answer only some of the questions that are presented to you makes it hard for me to take you seriously.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 03:43:47 PM
i'd prefer a mustang.

but to honestly answer his question, i never said in the first place i would sell him console-exclusive sports games. if a customer walks in and say they prefer sports games, i would tell them the best ones, and on which consoles it is best on. madden has always been the biggest football seller. madden on the ps3/360 has always outsold madden on the wii by a huge margin. because wii madden is crap.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 03:47:54 PM
He still failed to answer the real question.

bb stated what he thought was arrogant. i said it is not arrogant to buy games based on console-exclusivity.
Arrogant, ignorant, misplaced priorities, call it what you will.

because its a misplaced priority to prefer to buy a console based on its exclusive content? ask yourself...whos really being arrogant here? people WILL buy a console based on what they prefer. are you saying they should buy a console they don't prefer?

The fact that you seem to answer only some of the questions that are presented to you makes it hard for me to take you seriously.

me answering your questions and you not getting the answer you like are two completely different things. i dont recall a question i've dodged of yours.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 13, 2010, 03:55:30 PM
bb stated what he thought was arrogant. i said it is not arrogant to buy games based on console-exclusivity. why is this so hard for you to follow?

It's not hard to follow.  It was so easy to follow, I showed the line of reasoning that led to his conclusion.  So why is THAT so hard for YOU to follow?

and when i tell them there is football on every console, what do you think their next question is? "which console is it best on?". which is what i've been saying all along.

You have not been saying that all along because the two things you HAVE said are a). buy all three consoles, and b). if you buy one console, then - QUOTE - "it always comes down to the exclusivity of a consoles games."  You pasted that exact quote into your response immediately before this.  And then I ASKED YOU DIRECTLY if this is what you meant, and you provided a snide remark instead.  A lost opportunity to increase communication and understanding.

correction: if you walked into my store, i would never sell anything to you. because you'd spend all day trying to argue.

It wouldn't take all day if you would answer questions the first time, if at all.  So far you have not even given that basic courtesy.

you make completely no sense whatsoever here.

Well, your lack of desire to understand - specifically stating that you don't care - makes it pretty obvious why you do not understand.  If I thought you were trying, this would surprise me, but either way, it has not hindered me from continuing to try to reach that understanding.

first of all, did i ever state these were the only reasons people buy consoles? no?

Yes.  Your two specific statements on the matter were that it ALWAYS comes down to exclusivity, and if someone has a wii, ALL their purchases are based on personal bias.  Those are two absolute statements with zero exceptions.  Additionally, every time I have suggested that different people make different purchases for different reasons, a very basic and logical statement, you have gone to great effort to destroy that theory.  If diversity of thought was really something you observed and appreciated, I would think you would agree with that instead of trying to tear it down and push absolute statements in its place.

i only claimed people are biased when they only have one console and one console to buy to.

You said they are biased if they only own a Wii.  That was the only condition you stated: ownership of the Wii but no other consoles.

you cannot tell me what i sell, how i sell it, what customers ask, what customers prefer, and on what grounds they make that purchase.

The only statements I have made and questions I have asked about how you sell things have been based entirely on what you have told me.  And what you have said is that you always push consoles based on exclusive titles, people who own the Wii alone don't employ rational thought in any of their buying decisions, and you are personally willing to deliberately kill a sale based on your own ignorance.

Everything I have said about what customers buy and why are based on my personal experience as a customer and the experiences of my friends, family and acquaintances, who also - amazingly - happen to be customers.  I don't know whence came this attitude that it's not possible to know the reasons that people will buy things unless you're the magical wizard behind the counter; all you need is to observe, listen to and understand the people around you and employ some common sense.

me answering your questions and you not getting the answer you like are two completely different things. i dont recall a question i've dodged of yours.

I see what you did there.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 04:07:51 PM
after skipping through the better part of a wall of text, i found this part noteworthy because it made me lol...

Everything I have said about what customers buy and why are based on my personal experience as a customer and the experiences of my friends, family and acquaintances, who also - amazingly - happen to be customers.  I don't know whence came this attitude that it's not possible to know the reasons that people will buy things unless you're the magical wizard behind the counter; all you need is to observe, listen to and understand the people around you and employ some common sense.

...because somehow you equate 'observing, listening, understanding the people around you' to the same as what i do. because its pretty much comparing apples to oranges in terms of numbers. how can you make an impartial observation if the only people you can observe are 'friends, family, acquaintances'? versus me that has had constant customer interaction almost every day, for almost the past 8 years, in the video game sales industry? seriously?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 13, 2010, 04:19:10 PM
after skipping through the better part of a wall of text

There you go again with your "wall of text" garbage.  Anything over three lines is a "wall of text" to you, and it's a meaningless complaint anyway since you don't treat the short messages any better than the detailed ones.  If you're interested in promoting ignorance and a lack of understanding, I can't stop you, but if you don't understand, it won't be because I didn't try.

...because somehow you equate 'observing, listening, understanding the people around you' to the same as what i do.

No, I don't.  I equate people telling me "this is why I bought this thing" with the reason why they bought that thing.

how can you make an impartial observation if the only people you can observe are 'friends, family, acquaintances'?

Amazingly, I can only talk to people that I actually interact with.  Just like the only people you can observe are the ones that come into your specific store.  The only difference is, I'm not choosing to ridicule you for something that obvious.

Now, even though you have neglected to answer any of the other questions I have asked, and refused to even read - much less understand - my perspective, I'd be interested to have you explain to me, when Tom says to me "I bought a Wii because I wanted to get games I could play with my wife", how the mere act of collecting that information from him represents bias on my part.  Why am I wrong for thinking that's the main reason he bought it, and where is my observation of his rationale flawed?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 04:23:31 PM
because you are limited only to the people you know. i am not. you can say that is why tom bought a wii, but you cannot say that is the reason people in general buy a wii, because again, you are limited by the people you know, which is few in comparison.

heres a little simple equation i've made to hopefully show you what i mean:

people i know + people that come into my store > people you know
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: YourMathTeacher on January 13, 2010, 04:27:09 PM
I bought my Wii because I was too simple-minded to figure out how to shoot people.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 04:28:24 PM
I bought my Wii because I was too simple-minded to figure out how to shoot people.

the proof is in the pudding! :laugh:
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 13, 2010, 04:33:40 PM
because you are limited only to the people you know.

Why is your response just repeating back to me what I just told you?  We both have limited datasets from which to work, mine based on interaction and yours based on a single point of sale.

But whereas you have shown an inclination to tell people what they are supposed to want and why (perfectly natural for a sales position), I am simply listening to them as they tell me what they think for themselves.  Between the two methods, I don't think mine is the one that has a confounding factor.

people i know + people that come into my store > people you know

That is a dangerous assumption, that the people we each know are somehow equal despite our differences in age, environment and experiences.  If you know 300 people and you've served 300 people, and I know 700 people... I won't attempt to insult you by making an equation out of that, especially since it's just an example to point out the flaw in your logic.

Additionally, drawing from the people I know creates a broad dataset from multiple locations, backgrounds, ages, income levels and various other factors.  Drawing from a single point of sale limits all of those factors.  I don't equate "less" with "worse" or "more" with "better".

you can say that is why tom bought a wii, but you cannot say that is the reason people in general buy a wii

But here is the difference: I never did say that.  I have spent all of this time saying that different people make different purchases for different reasons.  The "reason people in general buy a wii" is not one reason but many and varied.  That has been my position.

Your position has been that my position is nonsense and people who buy the wii only make biased purchasing decisions.  Your more general statement is that the reason people buy consoles is because of exclusive titles.  You have repeatedly torn down even the slightest suggestion that anyone might buy anything for any other reason.  You have left me no other possible conclusion than the one at which I have arrived.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Professoralstad on January 13, 2010, 04:36:01 PM
heres a little simple equation i've made to hopefully show you what i mean:

people i know + people that come into my store > people you know

That's not an equation. An equation requires an equals sign. That is an inequality. So there.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: TimMierz on January 13, 2010, 04:37:02 PM
heres a little simple equation i've made to hopefully show you what i mean:

people i know + people that come into my store > people you know

That's not an equation. An equation requires an equals sign. That is an inequality. So there.

And here I was hoping that the first comment on that would be a "less than 0 percent" joke.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 13, 2010, 04:38:13 PM
What if I said the people I know are over 9000!!! ?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 04:41:39 PM
because you are limited only to the people you know.

Why is your response just repeating back to me what I just told you?  We both have limited datasets from which to work, mine based on interaction and yours based on a single point of sale.

yours is far more limited to mine.

But whereas you have shown an inclination to tell people what they are supposed to want and why (perfectly natural for a sales position), I am simply listening to them as they tell me what they think for themselves.  Between the two methods, I don't think mine is the one that has a confounding factor.

really? because you dont think customers dont tell me what they think either?

you can say that is why tom bought a wii, but you cannot say that is the reason people in general buy a wii

But here is the difference: I never did say that.  I have spent all of this time saying that different people make different purchases for different reasons.  The "reason people in general buy a wii" is not one reason but many and varied.  That has been my position.

Your position has been that my position is nonsense and people who buy the wii only make biased purchasing decisions.  

i said people that only have a wii make biased purchasing decisions. again, twisting my words.

Your more general statement is that the reason people buy consoles is because of exclusive titles.  
yes, a very solid reason. why? because that is one strong reason i observe people buying a particular console in my store.

You have repeatedly torn down even the slightest suggestion that anyone might buy anything for any other reason. You have left me no other possible conclusion than the one at which I have arrived.

dont recall where i actually did that. its pretty obvious pepole buy consoles because of different reasons. where did i even try disputing this?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: browarod on January 13, 2010, 04:42:09 PM
What if I said the people I know are over 9000!!! ?


Sorry, had to :P
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Cameron the Conqueror on January 13, 2010, 04:43:02 PM
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 04:45:01 PM
What if I said the people I know are over 9000!!! ?

what if i said the people i know are over 9000? still...

9000 + people that come into my store > 9000

Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 13, 2010, 05:12:49 PM
yours is far more limited to mine.

That's not the kind of assumption I would make about you if our roles were reversed, but I see you're still content to plug in identical numbers on both sides of the "inequation".  As I've said, I think it's more than adequate to support the statement I've made.

really? because you dont think customers dont tell me what they think either?

Never said that.  I only said that I do not have the additional confounding factor of incentivizing a purchase of one item over another.

i said people that only have a wii make biased purchasing decisions. again, twisting my words.

That's the exact same thing I just said.  People own wii plus people don't own other consoles equals ALL their purchasing decisions are biased.  Tell me what you're saying different.

because that is one strong reason i observe people buying a particular console in my store.

No, you said it is ALWAYS THE REASON, not "one strong reason", but ALWAYS THE REASON.  You have also said that when people ask you to differentiate between them, exclusive titles are what you mention.  Nothing else.  I even asked you, and you added nothing.

dont recall where i actually did that. its pretty obvious pepole buy consoles because of different reasons. where did i even try disputing this?

"if you only have a wii, then thats unfortunate and all your purchases are based on personal bias."
ALL your purchases - no exceptions.  Personal bias - no other reasons, no different reasons.

"99% of clueless people that come through my store, deciding which console to purchase... it always comes down to the exclusivity of a consoles games."

Additionally, the entire premise of my argument is that there are reasons other than exclusivity that drive people to a system, and every response of yours has been an attempt to say I'm wrong and you're right, and you know better than me.  In addition to these exact quotes from you, the only way I can be wrong is if exclusivity is either the only reason, or so primary a reason that no other reasons even matter.  Your continued efforts to prove me wrong - and additionally, ignorant and irrational - and not even take five seconds to acknowledge my simple point which you now say is obvious, that leads me to believe you are committed to this idea of exclusivity to the exception of anything else.  If you believed my statement was rational or even obvious, you wouldn't fight so hard to disprove it and disqualify my observations.

I happen to think there are a lot of reasons a console can be a worthy investment.  If a multi-platform title appears on that console, that's a plus for it.  The fact that it's a wash compared to other consoles doesn't matter, because a console with that game is a better purchase than a console without that game.  You apply this logic to exclusive titles, but when I specifically asked, what if I have a multi-platform title that happens not to appear on this one console, you didn't even register the question.

There are significant differences in cost, and if I walk into the store with $300 and two kids under ten, I'm not going to walk out with a PS3, one controller, no HDMI and no games, versus a Wii with a family-friendly pack-in and a complete set of controllers.  I'm not going to walk out with the 250GB version at all.  And in your store, I don't get to walk out with anything.

There are significant differences in the hardware and services for each console.  The Wii has motion control, the X-box has a vastly superior online experience, and the PS3 (with cable purchase) has bleeding-edge graphics and can play Blu-Ray movies.  I consider those significant reasons to look at a console aside from the cost and aside from which games go on which consoles.

Now just turn down your flamethrower for five seconds and be real: what is so ridiculous about any of those statements to deserve this kind of reaction?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Alex_Olijar on January 13, 2010, 05:32:32 PM
There is little doubt in my mind that the leading reason people purchase an Xbox or PS3 is because of system exclusives. I own a 306 due to system exclusives. However, the Wii is not sold because of that. The target audience of the Wii are people like SS or YMT, who may not normally purchase a gaming system, but decide to purchase a Wii because it has been specifically marketed as a system to be enjoyed by the whole family, not just people who enjoy good graphics all the time or people who want to shoot you in the face. While I personally do not understand why they do not enjoy these things, the numbers do not lie. Familes are purchasing the Wii, so clearly the marketing as worked. I will never own a Wii because I feel it's controls are crude and it's graphics in the past. This, however, does not make the Wii worse on a global scale. It simply means I do not like it.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 13, 2010, 07:36:58 PM
yours is far more limited to mine.

That's not the kind of assumption I would make about you if our roles were reversed, but I see you're still content to plug in identical numbers on both sides of the "inequation".  As I've said, I think it's more than adequate to support the statement I've made.

really? because you dont think customers dont tell me what they think either?

Never said that.  I only said that I do not have the additional confounding factor of incentivizing a purchase of one item over another.

i said people that only have a wii make biased purchasing decisions. again, twisting my words.

That's the exact same thing I just said.  People own wii plus people don't own other consoles equals ALL their purchasing decisions are biased.  Tell me what you're saying different.

because that is one strong reason i observe people buying a particular console in my store.

No, you said it is ALWAYS THE REASON, not "one strong reason", but ALWAYS THE REASON.  You have also said that when people ask you to differentiate between them, exclusive titles are what you mention.  Nothing else.  I even asked you, and you added nothing.

dont recall where i actually did that. its pretty obvious pepole buy consoles because of different reasons. where did i even try disputing this?

"if you only have a wii, then thats unfortunate and all your purchases are based on personal bias."
ALL your purchases - no exceptions.  Personal bias - no other reasons, no different reasons.

"99% of clueless people that come through my store, deciding which console to purchase... it always comes down to the exclusivity of a consoles games."

Additionally, the entire premise of my argument is that there are reasons other than exclusivity that drive people to a system, and every response of yours has been an attempt to say I'm wrong and you're right, and you know better than me.  In addition to these exact quotes from you, the only way I can be wrong is if exclusivity is either the only reason, or so primary a reason that no other reasons even matter.  Your continued efforts to prove me wrong - and additionally, ignorant and irrational - and not even take five seconds to acknowledge my simple point which you now say is obvious, that leads me to believe you are committed to this idea of exclusivity to the exception of anything else.  If you believed my statement was rational or even obvious, you wouldn't fight so hard to disprove it and disqualify my observations.

I happen to think there are a lot of reasons a console can be a worthy investment.  If a multi-platform title appears on that console, that's a plus for it.  The fact that it's a wash compared to other consoles doesn't matter, because a console with that game is a better purchase than a console without that game.  You apply this logic to exclusive titles, but when I specifically asked, what if I have a multi-platform title that happens not to appear on this one console, you didn't even register the question.

There are significant differences in cost, and if I walk into the store with $300 and two kids under ten, I'm not going to walk out with a PS3, one controller, no HDMI and no games, versus a Wii with a family-friendly pack-in and a complete set of controllers.  I'm not going to walk out with the 250GB version at all.  And in your store, I don't get to walk out with anything.

There are significant differences in the hardware and services for each console.  The Wii has motion control, the X-box has a vastly superior online experience, and the PS3 (with cable purchase) has bleeding-edge graphics and can play Blu-Ray movies.  I consider those significant reasons to look at a console aside from the cost and aside from which games go on which consoles.

Now just turn down your flamethrower for five seconds and be real: what is so ridiculous about any of those statements to deserve this kind of reaction?

im not going to argue with you anymore. bottom line: i know what my customers want because they tell me. i know why they want it because they tell me. the day you work in the videogame industry and have actual personal experience and crediblity to back you up, then come talk to me. the day you can make impartial observations outside your little circle of 'friends, family, acquaintences' (lulz), then come talk to me. otherwise, theres nothing more you need to say to me.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: TheKarazyvicePresidentRR on January 13, 2010, 08:41:06 PM
Last person who said that got blown up.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: YourMathTeacher on January 13, 2010, 09:02:17 PM
i know what my customers want because they tell me.

I'm a Gamestop customer and I want a Wii.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Warrior_Monk on January 13, 2010, 11:03:50 PM
i know what my customers want because they tell me.

I'm a Gamestop customer and I want a Wii.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: BubbleBoy on January 13, 2010, 11:27:30 PM
im not going to argue with you anymore. bottom line: i know what my customers want because they tell me. i know why they want it because they tell me. the day you work in the videogame industry and have actual personal experience and crediblity to back you up, then come talk to me. the day you can make impartial observations outside your little circle of 'friends, family, acquaintences' (lulz), then come talk to me. otherwise, theres nothing more you need to say to me.
How about me then? It's uncanny that after the mountain of evidence Schaef has presented, especially compared to your microscopic collection of counter-evidence, that your position has not changed in the slightest. I'm beginning to wonder whether or not you understand the basic rule of argument: The one with the best evidence wins. If you present no evidence (or in your case, moldy, repackaged evidence), your position and your argument will not improve.

And returning to exclusivity, I'll just say that I would likely never, ever, buy a console with only exclusive games, because some of the best games are multi-platform.

i know what my customers want because they tell me.

I'm a Gamestop customer and I want a Wii.
Sign me up as well.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Ironica on January 13, 2010, 11:31:37 PM
i know what my customers want because they tell me.

I'm a Gamestop customer and I want a Wii.


O wait...we already have ours ;D
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: redemption101 on January 13, 2010, 11:36:56 PM
at least the wii makes money........

the ps3 just drains it.........

support nintendo buy a wiii
Support nintendo buy a ps3
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Master KChief on January 14, 2010, 12:34:13 AM
im not going to argue with you anymore. bottom line: i know what my customers want because they tell me. i know why they want it because they tell me. the day you work in the videogame industry and have actual personal experience and crediblity to back you up, then come talk to me. the day you can make impartial observations outside your little circle of 'friends, family, acquaintences' (lulz), then come talk to me. otherwise, theres nothing more you need to say to me.
How about me then? It's uncanny that after the mountain of evidence Schaef has presented, especially compared to your microscopic collection of counter-evidence, that your position has not changed in the slightest. I'm beginning to wonder whether or not you understand the basic rule of argument: The one with the best evidence wins. If you present no evidence (or in your case, moldy, repackaged evidence), your position and your argument will not improve.

And returning to exclusivity, I'll just say that I would likely never, ever, buy a console with only exclusive games, because some of the best games are multi-platform.

dont even get me started on you, because you've basically taken the yes-man approach to this whole thing, which is pretty sad. first, you made no sense whatsoever in claiming that people that buy consoles based on exclusive games are, in your words, 'arrogant, ignorant, misplaced priorities' (which, by the way, all mean completely different things), YET i can say the exact same thing about you who, presumably by the last sentence of the above quote, make your console purchasing decisions based on multi-platform games (which doesnt make sense in itself: if a game is on all consoles, why would that possibly be a deciding factor in which console you want to purchase?). people who purchase consoles are not arrogant...nor are people who purchase consoles based on multi-platform games (???).

second...where is this so called 'mountain of evidence'? there is NO evidence, and there never was. this has all just basically come down to a 'he says, she says' argument, with one side that has firsthand experience with the videogame industry and can draw impartial observatons based on the amount of customers they have been exposed to over the years, and the other side that has not and likes to play word/logic mindgames. i really care less who you side with, because that doesnt change a thing i know, but at least try to know what you're talking about.

im done arguing here. its really inconsequential to me which console you guys want/own/buy, because i get paid regardless of who buys what. its all just a matter of preference.

to end...

i'm a gamestop manager, and i loathe the wii. xbox 360 all the way.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Professoralstad on January 14, 2010, 01:09:30 AM
im done arguing here. its really inconsequential to me which console you guys want/own/buy, because i get paid regardless of who buys what. its all just a matter of preference.

If that were true, you would have stopped arguing a long time ago. I have a degree in psychology*, and I've read studies that tell me that when someone argues for as long as you have, he's trying to influence others' decisions. And I've talked to a lot of people about the subject.

*Not actually true. 
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Arch Angel on January 14, 2010, 04:14:23 AM
I am a psychology major and I just wanted to say that the number of incidences of the false consensus effect and confirmation bias, and belief bias/perseverance in this thread amuse me greatly. :D It's a funny concept that a person thinks they can make an "objective" observation based on interaction with a limited group of people, either in their own life or through those they encounter in a fixed environment is... amusing is the polite way to say it. :)

It's important to remember that many people who purchase games and gaming systems don't go to gamestop. The Wii is marketed as a family friendly system and is sold at various stores that families have a tendency to frequent (such as walmart, etc) that, believe it or not, actually contribute to sales! Many gamestop patrons happen to be those going out to a store explicitly to buy game(s) and as such also have a tendency to be so called "serious gamers."

Also, I'm a gamestop customer, and I love my Wii :) I appreciate good graphics in games, but having fun with them is way more important to me. I don't enjoy gun games (in concept or in practice). Then again, I'll also acknowledge that I'm not a "hardcore gamer" by any means.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: TheKarazyvicePresidentRR on January 14, 2010, 08:17:48 AM
The thing I get a chuckle out of is this. The Xbox360 could be found at almost any game stop 1 year after its release. The wii on the other hand you had to luck into (at least around here) a year after its release.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 14, 2010, 10:13:16 AM
the day you work in the videogame industry and have actual personal experience and crediblity to back you up, then come talk to me. the day you can make impartial observations outside your little circle of 'friends, family, acquaintences' (lulz), then come talk to me. otherwise, theres nothing more you need to say to me.

Once again, you have no answer to basic questions.  You just got finished saying that my position is "pretty obvious" and that you "have not disputed it".  But you spent the last day telling me that my observations have no credibility and I can't possibly know what you know because I'm not a manager of a video game store.  But you can't even tell me WHY my observations are wrong, and then you try and say that you NEVER said I was wrong!  Give me a break!  You are STILL trying to say I don't know what I'm talking about.

If an observation is obvious and beyond dispute (even though you argued against me every single time I suggested it), then that sounds like something someone could arrive at with even a limited amount of exposure and a measure of common sense.  Which is weird, because that is EXACTLY WHAT I SAID.

You accuse me of twisting your words about Wii owners and how ALL their purchases are the result of bias, but you can't even EXPLAIN to me what I'm misinterpreting.

You first tell me that my list of quality Wii titles is no good because not all of the titles are exclusive.  But you can't tell me WHY it matters if a game I play on this console can also be played on that console.

But then you say you'll sell someone a console to play certain games even if they are NOT exclusive, and that you have been saying that all along!  Well, by discounting games from my list because they're not exclusive, then it's NOT what you have been saying all along.  It is the opposite.

Bottom line, I have asked numerous questions of you to try and understand your reasoning better, and all you have given in response is snide remarks, personal attacks and reversals of your statements.  What's interesting to me is that you claim I just like to argue for no reason other than to argue, or to "play mindgames".  Yeah, it's a real mindgame to make a basic statement that you later claim is "pretty obvious".  My response to your posts has been to ask questions.  Your response to my posts has been a refusal to explain your position combined with outward contempt for anyone who dares not just accept your statements as completely right without question.  Makes me wonder who the real argumentative person is in this equation, and how I'm supposed to take any of this mess seriously.

I am a psychology major and I just wanted to say that the number of incidences of the false consensus effect and confirmation bias, and belief bias/perseverance in this thread amuse me greatly. :D It's a funny concept that a person thinks they can make an "objective" observation based on interaction with a limited group of people, either in their own life or through those they encounter in a fixed environment is... amusing is the polite way to say it. :)

For my part, I'll ask you not to confuse "objective" with "scientific".  I have disclosed up front my awareness that my dataset is limited, and I have drawn no conclusions about cause or consensus, except to say I have not seen a consensus appear.  The range of responses I have seen among even a small sample has prompted me to keep an open mind about what people want and why.  Talking about the things they look for has nothing to do with the things I look for, and nothing to do with which system I would buy if the money was in my hand.  I would think taking my opinion out of the equation is the textbook definition of being objective.  But I never tried to make those observations anything more than they are.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: ACe on January 14, 2010, 11:34:39 AM
not to interrupt you guys but, I got my wii from walmart. I wanted to get it at gamestop to save money but they didnt have it. My picks for wii games are the metroid 3, new mario, SSBB, SWTFU, also the games on the virtual console are unlimited.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 14, 2010, 03:44:01 PM
Ok, idea to possibly settle this.

Make a list of the games you would buy a system to play. If you already have the games, just list them anyways. I want to see how many games people would WANT to play on their prefered system, since the Wii owners only seem to be listing like, 5 games. Finally, feel free to list multiconsole games, I just want to see how many games people play or want to play on their systems. I may list some stuff I play/want to play on PC, but if I do, I'll be fair and only list games that came out during this "current gen" of systems.

Anyone up for this?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Red on January 14, 2010, 03:52:18 PM
1 SSMB 2 star wars the force unleashed 3 mario cart wii 3 pokemon platinum 4 LOZ photom hourglass 5 no idea
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: soul seeker on January 14, 2010, 03:59:35 PM
Ok, idea to possibly settle this.

Make a list of the games you would buy a system to play. If you already have the games, just list them anyways. I want to see how many games people would WANT to play on their prefered system, since the Wii owners only seem to be listing like, 5 games. Finally, feel free to list multiconsole games, I just want to see how many games people play or want to play on their systems. I may list some stuff I play/want to play on PC, but if I do, I'll be fair and only list games that came out during this "current gen" of systems.

Anyone up for this?
To be fair, I did buy a PS2 for my personal gain.  They were the only system to have Star Wars Battlefront 1 & 2 (the only FPS I play)  Also, I bought NCAA basketball on it because of the Carolina cover.
Nintendo has everything else I want as per my previous post including the Exclusives I like (Legend of Zelda)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 14, 2010, 04:09:17 PM
There's nothing to settle, because that can only happen when all involved parties have an interest in resolving the matter.

My previous list was considerably more than five but maybe you're not counting me since I do not own a Wii.  But the games I would be interested to have for it (I won't list every game in a franchise but I think there will be plenty enumerated even if you just count them all as one game:
- Mario
- Zelda
- Metroid
- Brawl
- Guitar Hero
- Rock Band
- Raving Rabbids et al
- Okami
- Zack and Wiki
- Muramasa
- Super Paper Mario
- New SMB
- Mario Kart
- Punch Out
- The Conduit
- Little King's Story
- Trauma Center
- Boom Blox
- de Blob
- Excitetruck/bots
- DBZ Budowhatever
- Batallion Wars
- Geometry Wars
- Klonoa
- Star Wars: Force Unleashed
- Lego Star Wars/Indy/Batman
- some other games for grown-up persons, something about an angry planet, or badness that lives in the area, or the absence of protagonists, or an uprooting from space which is no longer alive.

Those are retail games only.  There are also Wiiware titles like World of Goo, Strong Bad, Mega Man 9/10, Rebirth titles like Castlevania, and Alien Crush, and countless VC titles from my salad days.

Typically, if there are exclusives I want to play on another console, I wait until the next generation comes out and pushes the price down well under a hundred bucks, and then pick up titles for that.  Example: ten years ago my console of choice was the N64, but I got a $35 used Playstation to play Tekken and FF.  Five years ago I acquired a Gamecube, but I play my brother-in-law's PS2 for the various platformers he has, from the Ratchet series and Jak series, and of course GH2.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 14, 2010, 04:13:10 PM
^ Thats exactly the kind of list I was looking for. I dont own a 360 so I'll let MKC do that list... seeing as hes the one who supports it the most.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Alex_Olijar on January 14, 2010, 04:20:57 PM
Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (and MMORG when it comes out)
Arkham Asylum (I have heard good things from reputable sources)

All this will show is my point on marketing. Wii is marketed to families, and so the games listed by those who own Wiis are more likely to be non-FPS/sports type, the types of games typically preferred by "hardcore" gamers.

[modbreak=Schaef]It also shows your preference for M-rated games.  Please note forum policy.[/modbreak]
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 14, 2010, 04:30:32 PM
FWIW, at least half of the items on your original list were not "fps-types" either.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 14, 2010, 04:39:53 PM (

I just found this article that sums up my thoughts on the wii exactly.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Alex_Olijar on January 14, 2010, 04:44:40 PM
My bad Schaef. They have been mentioned throughout the thread. I assumed in list form, without discussion, would be acceptable. I need to add to the list anyway, those games that come to mind initially when I think of an Xbox. Kchief will probably add a lot of niche-er stuff I don't think of right away.

Good article Lambo. I concur with it.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: YourMathTeacher on January 14, 2010, 04:52:15 PM
I want to see how many games people would WANT to play on their prefered system, since the Wii owners only seem to be listing like, 5 games.

This is not really a settlement. As an avid Wii-man (pronounced "Yes-Man" at Gamestop), I mostly play Wii Sports (and now Wii Sports Resort) and I have been playing it for years. It is just as fun now as when I first bought it. The family/friend interaction makes it great, and will make it never get old.

Well, at least until Nintendo makes its next console.  ;D
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 14, 2010, 04:53:39 PM
My bad Schaef. They have been mentioned throughout the thread. I assumed in list form, without discussion, would be acceptable. I need to add to the list anyway, those games that come to mind initially when I think of an Xbox. Kchief will probably add a lot of niche-er stuff I don't think of right away.

Sorry.  Even in the days of the old EZBoards, Biohazard was widely used as a code word for a franchise not suitable for youngsters, lest the thread be moderated by the authorities of the time.  I haven't taken the time to scan the entire thread in detail, nor am I able to do the same with all threads in this board to ensure compliance, so enforcement is spotty by necessity and not by subjectivity.  If I can find someone willing to maintain and enforce it board-wide, this section could use a mod.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Alex_Olijar on January 14, 2010, 05:00:27 PM
No problem. I was aware of the rule, I chose to use the games anyway since it was without a description. Since you had been involved, I just sort of figured you would not care and had seen previous uses of them. It's not a big deal, I realize you have not enough time to truly contorl this place, especially in a little used part of the forum like this.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 14, 2010, 05:03:50 PM
Also, adding to that article. I've been talking to Josh about this... and I have come to my own conclusion about the Wii vs other systems.

WARNING... Long post inbound! Do a barrel roll! Please dont just dismiss as a wall of text though.

In my opinion, the "problem" people like MKC have with the Wii is that it is lacking in "intense" style games.

How many top selling Wii games are casual games? How many top selling 360/ps3/pc games are fast paced, intense action, and more challenging games?

Wii games in general seem to be a lot more "light" overall. When I was playing through some games involving the Ghost of Sparta, I was so intensely focused on what I was doing, I don't think I could have been any more tense. I ENJOY that level of intensity and excitement, but from my personal experiences, that doesn't occur very often with Wii titles. It doesn't have to be M rated, but I just want some INTENSITY in my games, thats what draws me in, makes me want to push forward.


Horror games: The intensity and excitement come from not knowing whats in the next room. I've lost count of how many times I hesitate before going into a room, because of the sheer suspense the game has built up inside me. I highly enjoy that tension.

FPS: Running low on ammo, hiding behind cover. Bullets flying everywhere, do I have enough ammo to make it through the level? Hmm, lemme see if I can snipe this guy near me, and quickly run for his gun before I lose the last of my health. Again, tension and intensity.

Etc... Granted the Wii does have some games like this, such as Zelda and Metroid, but I feel it doesn't have enough compared to how many casual games it has. If Nintendo could strike an even balance of intense games and casual games, I think people like MKC might appreciate the wii a little more.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: YourMathTeacher on January 14, 2010, 05:08:05 PM
I think people like MKC might appreciate the wii a little more.

MKC is not their target audience. I am. Keep it simple. Simple is fun.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 14, 2010, 05:13:43 PM
I understand that is their target audience, but I feel they could improve the Wii by adding more games like I described above. I didn't say do away with casual games on the Wii... those are their best sellers, lol! However, they could try to make more of a balance between the two types of games.

If they did, I think they would attract not only their current target market, but those who currently shun the Wii as a "childish" console. (note, thats not my words nor anyone else in particular)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 14, 2010, 05:16:55 PM

Also, adding to that article. I've been talking to Josh about this... and I have come to my own conclusion about the Wii vs other systems.

WARNING... Long post inbound! Do a barrel roll! Please dont just dismiss as a wall of text though.

In my opinion, the "problem" people like MKC have with the Wii is that it is lacking in "intense" style games.

How many top selling Wii games are casual games? How many top selling 360/ps3/pc games are fast paced, intense action, and more challenging games?

Wii games in general seem to be a lot more "light" overall. When I was playing through some games involving the Ghost of Sparta, I was so intensely focused on what I was doing, I don't think I could have been any more tense. I ENJOY that level of intensity and excitement, but from my personal experiences, that doesn't occur very often with Wii titles. It doesn't have to be M rated, but I just want some INTENSITY in my games, thats what draws me in, makes me want to push forward.

Granted the Wii does have some games like this, such as Zelda and Metroid, but I feel it doesn't have enough compared to how many casual games it has. If Nintendo could strike an even balance of intense games and casual games, I think people like MKC might appreciate the wii a little more.


Companies that produce quality games for the Wii, intense or otherwise, are often met with poor sales.  Low sales are a disincentive to produce more of the same, and the Wii image of being devoid of third-party support turns into a self-fulfilling prophecy.

What always amazed me about Nintendo, especially after their hard push on the initial hardware launch, is their almost complete lack of marketing for software, including in most cases their own.  There was the batch of commercials for DS titles like Nintendogs and Brain Age, and I was amazed to see one for Professor Layton.  But honestly, how many of the games listed above, not including Guitar Hero or Rock Band, have you seen adverts for on TV?  It's stunning.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: YourMathTeacher on January 14, 2010, 05:20:32 PM
I understand that is their target audience, but I feel they could improve the Wii by adding more games like I described above.

However, people like me would view Nintendo as "caving in" and compromising their family-friendly dominance. The more horror games Nintendo makes, the less money that I am going to pour into their pockets.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 14, 2010, 05:23:08 PM
Well, as said, they would make both, and you just decide which style of game you would rather buy. Nintendo gets money either way, since casual gamers buy stuff like Wii Sports, and the action-seeking gamers would buy the horror game.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 14, 2010, 05:25:24 PM
Could be a long wait:

A VG Cat that's actually safe for consumption (
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 14, 2010, 05:28:48 PM
LOLOLOLOL! I forgot about that strip. XD One of my favorites. It's sadly accurate though.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Josiahrocks1 on January 15, 2010, 01:41:48 PM
Well, as said, they would make both, and you just decide which style of game you would rather buy. Nintendo gets money either way, since casual gamers buy stuff like Wii Sports, and the action-seeking gamers would buy the horror game.

 The Wii dose have games like that, you just have to look for them. The FPS I have play is really fun (for me at least). Medal of Honor 2 is not a blood and gore game like CDMW2  but it is challenging and real in the fact that you are really holding the gun, when you throw a grenade, you really have to, when you reload, you dont just push the x button, you have to stop aiming and push the button just like your really reloading. My mom and I like it because its not blood and gore, and I feel like Im really doing the action, not just pushing buttons.     
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 15, 2010, 01:51:19 PM
I feel all those motion controls just remove me from the game, since I have to focus more on what my motions are, rather than what I'm doing on the screen.

So for me, Motion has an inverse effect. I see it as more of a nuscance.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 15, 2010, 02:49:04 PM
I think the generational gap (technology generation, not human, even though I am talking about human adaptation) has a lot to do with that.  When the computer mouse was first conceived, or graphical interfaces, for guys who were used to keying in CAD commands and DOS functions and such by hand, the new stuff just got in the way of their efficient workflow.  In today's world, the mouse is an irreplaceable part of a control scheme, esp. for shooters and RTS games.  I have never played an RTS on a console that I've liked.

2-button Nintendo and Sega players look in dismay at modern controllers with a d-pad, dual analog sticks, six thumb buttons and four shoulder buttons, but today's players use them without a thought.  I think that even if us old fogeys get left in the dust by motion control - and soon, 3d gaming - the lol kiddies will wonder how we ever played games without them.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Ironica on January 15, 2010, 03:27:04 PM
I think that even if us old fogeys get left in the dust by motion control - and soon, 3d gaming - the lol kiddies will wonder how we ever played games without them.

Reminds me of a scene in Back To The Future 2 ;D
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: YourMathTeacher on January 16, 2010, 08:36:24 AM
Nintendo Target Audience

2/2 Red/White Hero (with mustache)

"You may search deck, discard pile, or cards removed from the game for all cards with Mario, Zelda, or Metroid in the title, and add them to battle or hand. This character ignores Sony, Microsoft, and all Gamestop employees. Cannot be negated."
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Warrior_Monk on January 16, 2010, 10:23:13 AM
Nintendo Target Audience

2/2 Red/White Hero (with mustache)

"You may search deck, discard pile, or cards removed from the game for all cards with Mario, Zelda, or Metroid in the title, and add them to battle or hand. This character ignores Sony, Microsoft, and all Gamestop employees. Cannot be negated."
and Green! not sure where you get the White though...

10/2 Blue Hero
"Discard Nintendo Target Audience. If this character runs too fast, you win the game."
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Alex_Olijar on January 16, 2010, 10:49:02 AM
Bill Gates
12/12 Multi-Evil Character
Pay your opponent loads of money because you are rich. You win the game. If there is an Apple (product or fruit) in the area, destroy it. Laugh at Nintendo's target audience.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: 3-Liner And Bags Of Chips on January 16, 2010, 01:06:27 PM
8/10 Crimson EC

Character is immune to Sonic.

5/5 Gold Hero

Hero may band to Sonic Cannot be negated. If Tails loses a battle, convert to a lost soul and place in opponent's lob
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: JSB23 on January 16, 2010, 01:17:52 PM
8/10 Crimson EC

Character is immune to Sonic.

5/5 Gold Hero

Hero may band to Sonic Cannot be negated. If Tails loses a battle, convert to a lost soul and place in opponent's lob
someone's missing the point.....
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: TheKarazyvicePresidentRR on January 16, 2010, 09:02:58 PM
Nintendo Target Audience

2/2 Red/White Hero (with mustache)

"You may search deck, discard pile, or cards removed from the game for all cards with Mario, Zelda, or Metroid in the title, and add them to battle or hand. This character ignores Sony, Microsoft, and all Gamestop employees. Cannot be negated."
Simple Mindedness. Multi TC GE.
"Discard all non wii based cards in play. Have a great time anyways. Win the game if the local game stop does not have a wii for sale. Cannot be negated if holder is not a manager of game stop.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: YourMathTeacher on January 16, 2010, 09:08:00 PM
someone's missing the point.....

He may have been trying to add humor intentionally, fearing that I might take RingWraith and Alex's posts as negative (which I did not). We're all just having fun here, so no harm done.  ;D
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Alex_Olijar on January 16, 2010, 11:07:45 PM

The game is now just for fun. Anyone competitive may leave after an epic rant. The game ends in a tie (because there are no losers here!).
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: 3-Liner And Bags Of Chips on January 18, 2010, 01:39:04 PM
He may have been trying to add humor intentionally, fearing that I might take RingWraith and Alex's posts as negative (which I did not). We're all just having fun here, so no harm done.  ;D

Yeah...but obviously it didn't work that well  :-\ ::)


The game is now just for fun. Anyone competitive may leave after an epic rant. The game ends in a tie (because there are no losers here!).

So awesome. I'd play that card any time XD  :)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on January 18, 2010, 04:36:07 PM
So, we got Metroid Trilogy for the Wii, and that's a pretty good game. Of course, I had started playing Metroid on the Gamecube so I already knew it was a good game. Probably one of my favorite titles on a nintendo system.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: NotOfThisWorld66 on January 18, 2010, 10:01:27 PM
So, we got Metroid Trilogy for the Wii, and that's a pretty good game. Of course, I had started playing Metroid on the Gamecube so I already knew it was a good game. Probably one of my favorite titles on a nintendo system.

Alas, so did I!

Indeed, it is a very good game.  Since I already knew the ending to Metroid Prime 1 (though I'd never taken down Metroid Prime myself), I started on 2: Echoes.  Very good game, that.  Recommend it to any Metroid fan.  I've never ever played 3: Corruption, but from screenshots that looks ridiculously cool (especially the screenshot of Samus on top of Ridley fighting him!).  Has anyone on here played the third game?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: The Schaef on January 18, 2010, 10:26:28 PM
Echoes is actually the weakest title of the three.  If you liked that, then you'll be quite pleased with Corruption.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Minister Polarius on January 18, 2010, 10:41:35 PM
Echoes is trash compared to 1 and 3. 1 is the best, so I recommend playing it even though you know the ending.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Warrior_Monk on January 18, 2010, 11:52:18 PM
I didn't care for Echoes. don't know why. I never got very far cuz I got busy and didn't play it for a month and forgot what I was doing...
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Professoralstad on January 19, 2010, 12:20:24 AM
I didn't care for Echoes. don't know why.

Maybe because...

Echoes is trash compared to 1 and 3.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: JSB23 on January 19, 2010, 12:23:56 AM
Echoes is trash compared to 1 and 3. 1 is the best, so I recommend playing it even though you know the ending.
Sadly that is how most people feel, while I would not play it again I found Echoes to be superior to the other two in every way.
Better atmosphere, brain crushing puzzles, hair ripping bosses, two visually stunning worlds to explore and the screw attack in 3D.
I guess it just proves that the whole can be less than the sum of it's parts.

(It would stink with we controls though...)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: BubbleBoy on January 19, 2010, 08:58:03 AM
(It would stink with we controls though...)
Is that a really poorly grammarized way of saying it would stink on multiplayer? ;)
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: JSB23 on January 19, 2010, 05:07:36 PM
(It would stink with we controls though...)
Is that a really poorly grammarized way of saying it would stink on multiplayer? ;)
:doh: I actually liked the multiplayer
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Minister Polarius on January 19, 2010, 07:23:54 PM
The problem with Echoes is that it was too easy, and the extra equipment wasn't nearly as fun to get (compare Echoes with the spider puzzle room in Prime).
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: JSB23 on January 19, 2010, 09:45:48 PM
The problem with Echoes is that it was too easy, and the extra equipment wasn't nearly as fun to get (compare Echoes with the spider puzzle room in Prime).
huh, I found echoes to be harder then any of the other prime games
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Minister Polarius on January 19, 2010, 10:05:22 PM
Normal Echoes is harder than normal Prime, but hard mode Prime is way, way harder than hard mode Echoes. And I thought the puzzles were far too straightforward in Echoes.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Warrior_Monk on January 19, 2010, 10:14:24 PM
(It would stink with we controls though...)
Is that a really poorly grammarized way of saying it would stink on multiplayer? ;)
since it's not that, I think he meant "It stinks when I control it" but he suffers from a case of multi-personality disorder.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: NotOfThisWorld66 on January 20, 2010, 01:22:06 PM
In all honesty I believe he meant Wii controls, correct?
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: lightningninja on January 20, 2010, 02:03:19 PM
In all honesty I believe he meant Wii controls, correct?
No, that couldn't be farther from the truth.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Good Samaritan on January 25, 2010, 03:08:53 PM
Call of duty World at War.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Clarinetguy097 on January 25, 2010, 04:13:32 PM
Super Smash Bros. Melee
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: JSB23 on January 25, 2010, 08:08:55 PM
Super Smash Bros. Melee
is worse then Brawl...
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Warrior_Monk on January 25, 2010, 09:12:45 PM
Super Smash Bros. Melee
is worse then Brawl...
lies. Melee was waay better than brawl. I like some of the new Brawl characters better, but the gameplay in Melee was leet.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Minister Polarius on January 25, 2010, 09:27:55 PM
I like Melee better just because Marth was epic and in Brawl he's less-than-average.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: Warrior_Monk on January 25, 2010, 09:54:51 PM
not to mention that the wii controls stink.
Title: Re: Good games on the wii
Post by: browarod on January 25, 2010, 11:00:38 PM
not to mention that the wii controls stink.
Which is why they made the classic controller extension ;)
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