New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
Fallout 3 (from what I hear, one of the best 360 games out there)
Quote from: Lawfuldog on August 20, 2009, 09:43:30 PMFallout 3 (from what I hear, one of the best 360 games out there)Fixed. I have it for PC, and I think its better on here because I have a mouse to aim with, so its a lot easier to play as a normal FPS.But yes, it is a FANTASTIC game. Its rough, but VERY good. IMO, it is a very strong contender for the #1 game I have played.
It's in the lead for me. Oblivion pulls second.Common Denominator? Bethseda.
Some of us prefer (and are better with) a controller to a mouse. I play on a high enough sensitivity where I can turn and aim as quickly and accurately as a mouse. But that's due to years playing FPS's.
Farcry 2
well, i dont think anyone owns a xbox 260...but its probably older than a xbox 360.
I'm just proud to see TKP all growed up and pwning trollz :tear:
Is there any particular reason no one has mentioned Bioshock?