Cactus Game Design Message Boards

Other Gaming => Video & Computer Games => Topic started by: lightningninja on August 20, 2009, 09:02:18 PM

Title: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: lightningninja on August 20, 2009, 09:02:18 PM
So I just got a 360 for my birthday... *coughnoonemademeathreadcough*... and I'm wondering what games you all think are the best?

Basically, what game should I get next? I have Halo, and am saving up for rock band. Any other suggestions are great. I've heard great things about call of duty (world at war), and fallout 3. Any other suggestions?
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Master KChief on August 20, 2009, 09:29:15 PM
well, i dont think anyone owns a xbox 260...but its probably older than a xbox 360. :)

all kidding aside, welcome to the xbox community. i suggest your first step should be getting xbox live, as its unarguably the best online experience on current home consoles. once you get live, a whole plethora of cool things opens up: xbox live arcade, netflix...even full downloadable copies of certain retail games.

regarding game selection, i'd be able to better help you if you can give me some game genres you like: first person shooter? racing? rpg?

also, happy belated birthday. :)
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Alex_Olijar on August 20, 2009, 09:31:12 PM
Live is a great choice. It's like 4 bucks a month too, not bad.

Fallout 3 is good assuming your mature enough to get the dark humor without sucumbing. Sorry, had to say that considering what forum I am on.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Lawfuldog on August 20, 2009, 09:43:30 PM
Call of Duty: World at War
Gears of War
Gears of War 2
Resident Evil 5
Guitar Hero: World Tour
Fallout 3 (from what I hear, one of the best 360 games out there)

Yes, they're all rated M (besides GH:WT), but that's what the Xbox does best.

And if you don't get XboxLive, I'm calling the authorities and they will take your Xbox from you.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on August 20, 2009, 09:48:00 PM
Fallout 3 (from what I hear, one of the best 360 games out there)

Fixed. I have it for PC, and I think its better on here because I have a mouse to aim with, so its a lot easier to play as a normal FPS.

But yes, it is a FANTASTIC game. Its rough, but VERY good. IMO, it is a very strong contender for the #1 game I have played.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Alex_Olijar on August 20, 2009, 09:49:21 PM
It's in the lead for me. Oblivion pulls second.

Common Denominator? Bethseda.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Lawfuldog on August 20, 2009, 09:50:28 PM
Fallout 3 (from what I hear, one of the best 360 games out there)

Fixed. I have it for PC, and I think its better on here because I have a mouse to aim with, so its a lot easier to play as a normal FPS.

But yes, it is a FANTASTIC game. Its rough, but VERY good. IMO, it is a very strong contender for the #1 game I have played.

Some of us prefer (and are better with) a controller to a mouse. I play on a high enough sensitivity where I can turn and aim as quickly and accurately as a mouse. But that's due to years playing FPS's.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on August 20, 2009, 10:01:09 PM
It's in the lead for me. Oblivion pulls second.

Common Denominator? Bethseda.

Bing bing bing! We has a winnar.

Some of us prefer (and are better with) a controller to a mouse. I play on a high enough sensitivity where I can turn and aim as quickly and accurately as a mouse. But that's due to years playing FPS's.

Fair point, and I agree. I've just gotten so used to FPS with wasd + mouse. However, my point stands. Its not the best 360 game, its the best GAME. Period. ;)
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Lawfuldog on August 20, 2009, 10:04:19 PM
I used to play Halo 1 on the computer online a good bit, could never really get used to the whole mouse aiming thing.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on August 20, 2009, 10:07:36 PM
Mouse is so much better for precison aiming, so headshots are a good deal easier. Try some Unreal Tournament 2004. That stuff is rediculous.  :D ESPEICALLY if you have the zoom instagib mode on. Talk about carnage. (Zoom Instagib = 1-hit kill laser rifles with scopes)
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Master KChief on August 20, 2009, 10:10:36 PM

xbox 360 controller > ps3 controller

for fps. hands down.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: ejberkenpas22 on August 20, 2009, 10:42:29 PM
DON"T BUY ROCKBAND WHATEVER YOU DO!!! Save your money for Guitar Hero 5...that is going to be worlds above Rockband. Guitar hero > Rockband to begin with and the new Guitar Hero is going to be so good. Such great new features. Or if you don't want to spend that much, Guitar Hero World Tour is WAYYY better than Rockband. Gears of War 1 and 2 are my all time favorite games, Resident Evil 5 is good...CoD WAW is great, as is CoD 4. Fallout 3 is awesome, Oblivion. Mirrors Edge is cool. Farcry 2. Mercenaries 2. NHL 09 or 10. Those are all good but depending on how much video gaming you do...the last 4 games I mentioned may not be worth the money. But Gears of War, Guitar Hero, Resident Evil 5, and CoD I HIGHLY recommend.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on August 20, 2009, 11:01:33 PM
Farcry 2

That game was meh. Yes it was pretty, yes it delivered on the open world experience, but it failed pretty hardcore in gameplay for a few reasons.

RESPAWNING ENEMIES. You could drive through a security checkpoint, they'd chase you like always, you kill them... come back FIVE minutes later, and they are already back. It's rediculous and it just gets annoying as all get out.

Repettitive missions. Kill this guy. Deliver this. Kill this guy. Deliver this. Kill this guy. GIMME SOMETHING NEW >.>

They never let you carry enough ammo, and universal ammo pickups kinda ruin the realism, as do many other things in this game. They strove for realism, but ruined it with repetition and respawning, simplistic functions (no lean, no fire modes, no alt ammo, one click healing, etc...) and other things.

It wasnt bad, but it wasnt as revolutionary as they said it was.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: ejberkenpas22 on August 20, 2009, 11:04:13 PM
yes I agree...I would only buy it if I was REALLY into video games and played them more... but I don't have the time or money and there are many other games I would buy before that...gotta give 'em credit for the graphics though. WOW!
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on August 20, 2009, 11:05:38 PM
It was pretty, but Crysis and STALKER: Clear Sky still beat it. I had a crazy hard time getting it to run. It'd run FINE in graphicly intense areas on max graphics, then the framerate would just die, I'd turn it to low, it'd run, crank it back to max, it'd run, then it'd just die again. I eventually got it, but took me a few days. -.-

*EDIT* get on AIM, easier for us to talk there without hijacking this thread.  :D
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: ejberkenpas22 on August 20, 2009, 11:06:55 PM
This is Farcry you are talking about? Or Clear Sky?
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on August 20, 2009, 11:11:07 PM
FC2. My computer was more than powerful enough to run it, but it was being all glitchy and just randomly turning into a slideshow. Lol.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: ejberkenpas22 on August 20, 2009, 11:14:04 PM
Oh well the only console I saw it on was a 360 and that wasn't happening. But you are right about it not being THAT great of a game. Still cool though.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on August 20, 2009, 11:19:45 PM
Yeah, the best part was by far when I bought that little shoulder mounted grenade launcher. That made me grin so much as I lobbed a grenade under the enemy jeeps and sent them sky high.  ;D
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Isildur on August 21, 2009, 12:15:48 AM
Note on the games I picked that if a game is M here I usauly note if its REALLY Bloody or ect.

ODST (for the multiplayer)
Halo 3 (Co-Op Camp.)
Mass Effect (Best Single player game on 360 I also dont agree with its rating imo treat this game as a T game)
Fallout 3 (Fun FPS Roleplaying game very bloody and has alot of cussing but its so so good not better then Oblivion or Morrowind)
Elder Scrolls IV Oblivion (Not as bloody as Fallout 3 and much larger and more fun also cheaper! Also treat this as a T as thats what the rating used to be)
Orange Box (Lots of great games also very cheap!)
Too Human (Hard to find but if you like Diablo sytle games its very fun)
PGR 3 (Best Racing game on 360)
Lost Oddessy (lol bad spelling) (Best Jap. RPG ive played since FF7 its an amazing game a must buy)
Call of Duty 2 (Very good single player you can also get it for $10 so its worth it)
Battle for Middle Earth 2 or Command and Conquer 3 (old one) (Both of these games are the best rts's on 360 hands down and yes better then Halo Wars! though both are hard to find its worth it)
Dragon Age *Not out yet* (Its a D&D style game that will be very fun must buy if you like those kinda games just be warned that this one gets its mature rating for a reason)
Mass Effect 2 *Not out Yet* (If youve played the first you gotta get this one)
Call of Duty World at War or Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 *Not out yet*  (I personaly like WW2 games better so id buy WAW then Modern but both are fun but buy any of the other games ive listed before these :p)
Operation Flashpoint (The new one I dont know the subtitle for it) *Not out yet* (Best Military sim ever if your looking for a quality Single Player FPS this one should be top of the line)
GTar Hero 3 (You can play it with a controller ah yeeeeeeh)

Other Fun Games I dont like but other people find fun :p
Gears of War 1&2 (If your looking for a game with no gore stay FAR FAR FAR away from this game)
Madden Games
Prince of Persia (Not as good as Sands of Time)
Rock Band
More stuff I cant think of :p

XBL Games to Buy
Any of the Bethesda games that have expansions make sure you buy these they are worth every penny its like buying a new game every time

The board games are also good such as Catan and Backgammon.

Most of the games ive listed are $30 and under so it shouldnt be too hard to purchase them though some of them are harder to find since they are rather old.

If you can some how find some of XBOX 1 games out there make sure to buy

Star Wars Knights of the Old Republic (Best single player game ever made hands down)
Kotor 2 (More options then Kotor 1 but the story stinks)
Halo 1 (Best FPS made ever)
Prince of Persia Sands of Time (Very good platforming game)
Elder Scrolls III Morrowind (Best Single player FPS fantasy game ever made even better then Oblivion or Fallout 3 it takes some getting used to but the payoff is big if you can find this game BUY IT its hard to find but its worth every penny)
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Paladin on August 22, 2009, 11:05:36 AM
Dude save your money for next year. (
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: ejberkenpas22 on August 22, 2009, 11:12:17 AM
Yeah that new X-Box will be pretty sweet but I would wait a little bit after it comes out...I bet there won't be a legitimate fun game right away. Maybe there is but I watched a video about this feature ( I forget what its called) and all they had was painting and like hitting balls coming at you. It may be one of those things that is a good idea but won't necessarily work well enough to be more fun than games like Halo, Gears, CoD, Guitar Hero, etc...
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: YourMathTeacher on August 22, 2009, 11:14:38 AM
well, i dont think anyone owns a xbox 260...but its probably older than a xbox 360. :)

It's not older.The disc only spins most of the way around and then stops. That is why they were discontinued.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: MichaelHue on August 22, 2009, 11:02:58 PM
Is there any particular reason no one has mentioned Bioshock?
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: YourMathTeacher on August 22, 2009, 11:05:39 PM
Is there any particular reason no one has mentioned Bioshock?

Shocking, isn't it?  ;)
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: ejberkenpas22 on August 22, 2009, 11:08:58 PM
Is there any particular reason no one has mentioned Bioshock?

Shocking, isn't it?  ;)

Nice...I loved Bioshock but it was very long and I just got sick of it towards the end. It is a great game but I lost interest. I think if I hadn't played it so much I would like it better. I am excited to play Bioshock 2 though! That should be a real jolt!
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Isildur on August 22, 2009, 11:58:56 PM
Is there any particular reason no one has mentioned Bioshock?
I hate that game with a pashion imo the gameplay was terrible the story might have been good but I couldnt get past the mediocre shooting. It just seemed like one big half life rip off.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: MichaelHue on August 23, 2009, 08:42:05 AM
It's true that the shooter aspect of the game isn't the best.  I also haven't finished it yet, which is probably why I'm still enjoying it.  Bioshock 2 looks like it will solve a lot of its predecessor's problems though.  Not to mention playing as a Big Daddy will be awesome.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: ejberkenpas22 on August 23, 2009, 09:19:07 AM
Yes playing as a big daddy should be quite fun!  ;D
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on August 23, 2009, 09:53:02 AM
*revs drill armk*


Bioshock 1 was awesome though. The major plot reveal part was like WHAT!?!?! Such a well written story.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: lightningninja on August 23, 2009, 09:24:39 PM
Yeah... I've heard the fallout three is REALLY brutal, and sometimes kind of... disturbing, for lack of a better word as you fight zombies in pitch-black underground. I'm not sure if I'll get that... I've also heard the game is about 500 hours.  :P

I've played rock band and guitar hero... I like rock band.

I am going to get xbox live... chill out everyone.  ::) I'll try to get it as soon as possible but with college classes coming up... I might have to wait a wee bit.  ;D

Keep the suggestions coming... but mind if I have two suggestions?

1. Please don't use abbreviations. I have no idea what your talking about. Like PGR.... I have no idea what that means.  ???

2. Try not to post more than three. I can't read so many at once, my brain hurts.

Thanks guys, I'll post up my xbox 360 code and stuff once I get online.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on August 23, 2009, 09:34:49 PM
Yeah... I've heard the fallout three is REALLY brutal, and sometimes kind of... disturbing, for lack of a better word as you fight zombies in pitch-black underground. I'm not sure if I'll get that... I've also heard the game is about 500 hours.  :P

Just about got it, including the 500 hours part.  :D You dont run into TOO many pitch black areas, but they do exist, and your only light is just the glow of your pip-boy... and you can use VATS as a flashlight of sorts by scoping out where enemies are.  :laugh:

PGR = Project Gotham Racing
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Alex_Olijar on August 23, 2009, 09:34:56 PM
If by brutal you mean nuking a small town, yes.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: 3-Liner And Bags Of Chips on August 23, 2009, 09:39:23 PM
Call of Duty: World at War
Gears of War
Gears of War 2
Resident Evil 5
Rock Band 2
Fallout 3 (from what I hear, one of the best 360 games out there)

Yes, they're all rated M (besides GH:WT), but that's what the Xbox does best.

And if you don't get XboxLive, I'm calling the authorities and they will take your Xbox from you.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: ejberkenpas22 on August 24, 2009, 01:47:15 PM
If by brutal you mean nuking a small town, yes.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on August 24, 2009, 03:29:35 PM
If by brutal you mean nuking a small town, yes.

I had something else in mind... namely Raider and/or Super Mutant camps.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: ejberkenpas22 on August 24, 2009, 03:30:58 PM
How about head shots?
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Alex_Olijar on August 24, 2009, 04:55:09 PM
If by brutal you mean nuking a small town, yes.

I had something else in mind... namely Raider and/or Super Mutant camps.

My bad. I kill them too fast to notice.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Ben Wilk on August 24, 2009, 11:42:33 PM
Halo 3
Cod 4
Cod 2
Gears of war 1&2
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Mr.Zimri on August 25, 2009, 12:28:25 AM
fallouts amazing, games like fear scare me but fallout was sweet.
resident evil 5's good and you can spend alot of time on it plus online co-op is fun.
no really good games out in my opinion right now ( wait for the new call of duty ) but i play mostly shooters.
save your money for when you get xbox live and get there arcade games like castle crashers and tee it up!
those are fun :)
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Master KChief on August 25, 2009, 03:29:59 AM
Halo 3
Cod 4
Cod 2
Gears of war 1&2

these have already been mentioned several times in this post. anyone have any new games to suggest, preferably non-m related? is anyone a fan of the fighting genre? soul calibur 4, street fighter 4, and blazblue are all solid games, and im definately looking forward to the upcoming tekken 6. also, batman: arkham asylum (which comes out tomorrow) is a very fun game too...definately some nice graphics using epic games unreal engine 3.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: lightningninja on August 25, 2009, 02:59:14 PM
Thanks Master K Chief, yes please everyone, the games are starting to repeat themselves.  ::)

Soul Caliber looked pretty awesome... I might do that. I have very much enjoyed fighting games in the past, even games like marvel vs. capcom, or capcom vs. SNK... but haven't played one that has been out for any of the "new" systems, like xbox 360 and ps3.

I bought Halo one... I've never actually played through the ENTIRE game and followed the story line... so I picked it up for only $10.

I must say... is it just me or is Halo on heroic much for difficult than Halo 3 on heroic? Fighting elites is.... aggravating at times.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Master KChief on August 25, 2009, 03:05:49 PM
lol the original theres some nostalgia. i havent played that one in YEARS. can anyone say pistol ftw? :)

also, if you're a fan of the fighting game crossover genre, you'll be pleased to know that marvel vs capcom 2, quite possibly THE BEST fighting crossover ever created, just released recently on xbox live. its also a steal at only $15, as i've seen copies of the game go on ebay anywhere between $75 - $150...and it also includes online multiplayer. epic wyn.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: lightningninja on August 25, 2009, 03:08:15 PM
Wow... sounds great. I'm sure I'll be picking that one up. Thanks.

Yeah... but the pistol takes more than a whole clip to kill ONE elite... when you have to fight three... agh that game is hard, lol.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on August 25, 2009, 05:58:12 PM
Wow... sounds great. I'm sure I'll be picking that one up. Thanks.

Yeah... but the pistol takes more than a whole clip to kill ONE elite... when you have to fight three... agh that game is hard, lol.

Scope, Aim at face. Blam blam blam blam *forgot how many shots to kill shield*, one more blam to the face, dropped.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Alex_Olijar on August 25, 2009, 07:42:45 PM
Halo's difficulty is far superior to the other 2 sequels. I'd venture to say Heroic Halo might be as hard or harder than Legendary Halo 3.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: adamfincher on August 25, 2009, 07:54:31 PM
Wyning the thread:

Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Minister Polarius on August 25, 2009, 08:04:16 PM that real? If so...0_o
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on August 25, 2009, 08:09:23 PM
Obvious photoshopping of the guitar in his hand. The graphic style doesnt mesh.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Cameron the Conqueror on August 25, 2009, 08:16:10 PM that real? If so...0_o

Since it says "by _________" makes me doubt it.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Master KChief on August 25, 2009, 08:24:21 PM
it does look fake. however, this is not fake: (
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on August 25, 2009, 09:11:07 PM

I want that. That is genious.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: TheHobbit13 on August 25, 2009, 09:29:39 PM
If by brutal you mean nuking a small town, yes.

Common man it was a eyesore on the horizon!

I am a little late on the fallout 3 talk. IMO it is terrible.


Crossair is terrible for shooting
Graphics make me want to barf
Guns are way to grude and ugly
Your character looks wimpy
Every building look atrocious
The enemies aren't that cool
All the surfaces are much to rough
I think fable is better because the graphics are smother

Vats is cool
really funny
It is long
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on August 25, 2009, 09:49:01 PM
Crossair is terrible for shooting

What? I had ZERO problem getting headshots without VATS.

Graphics make me want to barf
Guns are way to grude and ugly
Every building look atrocious
Its SUPPOSED to look dead and desolate. I do agree that some areas were rough graphically, but graphics didnt stop me from playing and loving the heck out of Deus Ex.

Your character looks wimpy
I wonder what you'd look like if you lived in a vault for 19 years.

The enemies aren't that cool
I'll give you that, they didnt have nearly enough, nor were they hard enough

All the surfaces are much to rough
I'll give you this as well. Some of the textures were cringeworthy.

I think fable is better because the graphics are smother
The graphics looked plenty smooth on my PC.

However, the sheer fact that I could play that game for 100 hours (i did two playthroughs) says a lot. It sucked me in and just didn't let me go.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: TheHobbit13 on August 26, 2009, 10:39:53 AM
The cross hair things is just annoying, it makes combat more difficult because every time you look at the stupid thing it seems to shrink because the arrows are pointing inward.

I like slick weapons that don't look like you got them from a garbage dump. it makes sense in the setting why they would be old a crude, but I would rather them not be that realistic.

Yay the enemies are to scarce! That is silly. I wish there were more things to kill. Like a legion of those naked mole rat thingies! I like mass slaughter.  Those ghouls things are just plain weird, I think they could have made a better zombie type. And what is up with those troll like dudes with hammers and swords flown in from oblivion?

And who likes a game that yells at you for killing innocent people? I can kill innocent people if I want to and no "karma" system is going to stop me!  But why make me feel guilty  :'(

I guess I understand the graphics, but they should of made your character look cooler from the get go. Personally I think patrick star could bit this guy to a pulp.

All in all I guess I dont like the game because it was nothing like I expected, I thought you were those beast troopers on the cover and that it was going to be like you were fighting in a war or something. I expected more of a Codish graphical style mixes with a dark horizonal setting with more shooter mechanics than RPG mechanics. Oh and I though the weapons wouldn't be as futuristic as they are. However I have never played it I have just watch a friend play it and he loves it. maybe that is the problem.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Lamborghini_diablo on August 26, 2009, 03:21:09 PM
The cross hair things is just annoying, it makes combat more difficult because every time you look at the stupid thing it seems to shrink because the arrows are pointing inward.

I like slick weapons that don't look like you got them from a garbage dump. it makes sense in the setting why they would be old a crude, but I would rather them not be that realistic.

Yay the enemies are to scarce! That is silly. I wish there were more things to kill. Like a legion of those naked mole rat thingies! I like mass slaughter.  Those ghouls things are just plain weird, I think they could have made a better zombie type. And what is up with those troll like dudes with hammers and swords flown in from oblivion?

And who likes a game that yells at you for killing innocent people? I can kill innocent people if I want to and no "karma" system is going to stop me!  But why make me feel guilty  :'(

I guess I understand the graphics, but they should of made your character look cooler from the get go. Personally I think patrick star could bit this guy to a pulp.

All in all I guess I dont like the game because it was nothing like I expected, I thought you were those beast troopers on the cover and that it was going to be like you were fighting in a war or something. I expected more of a Codish graphical style mixes with a dark horizonal setting with more shooter mechanics than RPG mechanics. Oh and I though the weapons wouldn't be as futuristic as they are. However I have never played it I have just watch a friend play it and he loves it. maybe that is the problem.

I just have one thing to say. I assume you never even tried the original game? It was a totally turn based combat, top down, RPG to the max. IMO, they did a fantastic job transfering it into 3D.

Btw, those guys that could have flown in from Oblivion were made oh... 8 years before? The original came out in 1997.  :P It wasnt about "making better zombie types" or whatever, they didnt want to stray far from the original games, so thats why the Ghouls and such are the way they are.

Beast Troopers? You mean the Power Armor guys? You can wear power armor... o.O If you read anything about it, you'd have known it would be pretty desolate... what'd you expect from a nuclear blasted america. XD

You seriously should try playing it instead of just watching. It will draw you in like crazy, because its so satisfying to see the game world REACT to what you do.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Isildur on August 28, 2009, 07:16:28 PM
TO Hobbit I agree that as a shooter it is very bare bones and not at all a good FPS but as an RPG that is where the game shines.
Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: TheHobbit13 on September 01, 2009, 06:39:03 PM
The cross hair things is just annoying, it makes combat more difficult because every time you look at the stupid thing it seems to shrink because the arrows are pointing inward.

I like slick weapons that don't look like you got them from a garbage dump. it makes sense in the setting why they would be old a crude, but I would rather them not be that realistic.

Yay the enemies are to scarce! That is silly. I wish there were more things to kill. Like a legion of those naked mole rat thingies! I like mass slaughter.  Those ghouls things are just plain weird, I think they could have made a better zombie type. And what is up with those troll like dudes with hammers and swords flown in from oblivion?

And who likes a game that yells at you for killing innocent people? I can kill innocent people if I want to and no "karma" system is going to stop me!  But why make me feel guilty  :'(

I guess I understand the graphics, but they should of made your character look cooler from the get go. Personally I think patrick star could bit this guy to a pulp.

All in all I guess I dont like the game because it was nothing like I expected, I thought you were those beast troopers on the cover and that it was going to be like you were fighting in a war or something. I expected more of a Codish graphical style mixes with a dark horizonal setting with more shooter mechanics than RPG mechanics. Oh and I though the weapons wouldn't be as futuristic as they are. However I have never played it I have just watch a friend play it and he loves it. maybe that is the problem.

I just have one thing to say. I assume you never even tried the original game? It was a totally turn based combat, top down, RPG to the max. IMO, they did a fantastic job transfering it into 3D.

You seriously should try playing it instead of just watching. It will draw you in like crazy, because its so satisfying to see the game world REACT to what you do.
nah I didn't play the original, I woulfn't have known there was any other fallout games.They had left the three out of the titile (and even then my friend had to point out that there were prequels, I just didn't really care lol). With the trooper thing I know you can get the armor ,which is cool, but if you assumed that you automatically started out with the armor it a downgrade.

TO Hobbit I agree that as a shooter it is very bare bones and not at all a good FPS but as an RPG that is where the game shines.

Yah I just perfer fps and I thought it was going to be more of a fps game than rts.

Title: Re: Games for xbox 260 (suggestios wanted)
Post by: Lawfuldog on September 01, 2009, 06:53:16 PM
Halo's difficulty is far superior to the other 2 sequels. I'd venture to say Heroic Halo might be as hard or harder than Legendary Halo 3.

Which is why I am proud of beating the orignial Halo by myself on Legendary only a couple months after it first came out.  :P
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