Author Topic: Fire Emblem vs. Fire Emblem  (Read 29510 times)

Offline TheKarazyvicePresidentRR

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Re: Fire Emblem vs. Fire Emblem
« Reply #100 on: March 20, 2009, 02:20:30 AM »
They are both very diffrent games one is a tactics game while the other is an rpg.

Btw I also found out there is a fire emblem tcg  :o So far im trying to see if I can figure out how to play  8)
If you can post me the link.

I like both. FF is very fun with alot of classes and cool stuff to see and no risk of losing anyone you don't have to.

FE ('specially SD) not only allows people to be perm. dead but encourages it.

As said RPG Vs. Tactics. Apples Vs. Oranges.
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Offline MichaelHue

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Re: Fire Emblem vs. Fire Emblem
« Reply #101 on: March 25, 2009, 09:33:13 PM »
First team completed, I'm working on a second now, and starting to plan a third ;)
Surely some of you guys can make one good team in the time it takes me to make three... :P
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Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: Fire Emblem vs. Fire Emblem
« Reply #102 on: March 28, 2009, 06:56:05 PM »
Someone isn't forging braves. That's good to know.

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Re: Fire Emblem vs. Fire Emblem
« Reply #103 on: March 29, 2009, 05:06:54 AM »
Not that I have had a chance but would you say most online teams are balanced or exceedingly biased in their choice of units?
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Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: Fire Emblem vs. Fire Emblem
« Reply #104 on: March 29, 2009, 12:31:04 PM »
What do you mean by that?

Most (good) online teams use units with speed above 26 (so that theyt are impossible to double). This limits typical options to Swordmasters, Horseman, Snipers, and Berserkers. A sage is usally added as the last unit, to provide healing.

Offline TheKarazyvicePresidentRR

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Re: Fire Emblem vs. Fire Emblem
« Reply #105 on: March 29, 2009, 07:08:33 PM »
I meant like Balance=
Peg Knight

Unbalanced would be say
3-4 Of one type of unit
+ 1 healer.
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Re: Fire Emblem vs. Fire Emblem
« Reply #106 on: March 29, 2009, 10:23:32 PM »
Someone isn't forging braves. That's good to know.
Um, yes I am.  My first team has fully forged braves, my second is going to as well (minus crit as I'll be using Dazzle), and my third isn't started yet.  You can buy weapons on more than one file at once, though I didn't do this.  I started my current team the weekend Brave Lances were on the online shop, got my Brave Axe last week, will be getting my Bows tonight and swords next week, then I'll be done.

By the way, most good teams consist of Horsemen, Swordmasters, Snipers, Berserkers, Paladins, Sages/Sorcerers and Ballisticians.  Only one Mage/Healer is necessary, and the only "tank" you need is a scout (Paladins are my favorite, 30 Def + Gradivus is awesome, they also have good movement).  Apart from that you want units that can kill stuff and not die too easily (without getting in a counter-attack).

My first team (which works very well) is Sage, Paladin, Swordmaster, Berserker, Ballistician.  I can almost always kill several units in a turn while taking no damage myself, through use of ranged attacks and then brave weapons.  My second team doesn't have a Ballistician, but I think I'll miss having one, so my third will.
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Offline TheKarazyvicePresidentRR

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Re: Fire Emblem vs. Fire Emblem
« Reply #107 on: March 30, 2009, 05:12:19 PM »
In your opinion, how well would a fully twinked (20/20) team of four Generals and one healer do? (Of course having the best equips out there)?
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Offline MichaelHue

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Re: Fire Emblem vs. Fire Emblem
« Reply #108 on: March 30, 2009, 06:53:49 PM »
In your opinion, how well would a fully twinked (20/20) team of four Generals and one healer do? (Of course having the best equips out there)?
A four-General team would probably not work very well, if only because Generals aren't that great.  They work alright against some units (Swordmasters, Horsemen and Paladins), but for instance, any half-decent mage or Berserker can double a General and kill them in one round.  Also, they don't have enough speed to double anything, meaning they're not that great at killing.  Even making a good team with ONE General would be tough, but more than that would be just suicidal.  Try a Paladin instead, they also can get 30 Def (though it's hard to get a Paladin with defense that high) and still have enough Speed to not get doubled by Berserkers, so they can't be killed in one round.

Having fully forged weapons helps a lot, particularly against teams that don't have all their stats maxed, but having high speed is really necessary for WiFi, which is why Swordmasters and Horsemen are so dominant.  With the surprisingly high number of hackers that play on WiFi, you really need to have great stats on most of your units to compete (it is definitely possible to beat most hackers, though, if your team is good enough; most hackers are pretty bad players with good units). 

Swordmasters are generally pretty easy to get good stats with (Frey and Catria are the best candidates to be Swordmasters IMO, train them as Cavaliers/Paladins, or Archer/Paladin in Catria's case, to get them good strength and defense).  Sages (Merric and Linde are the best) and Ballisticians really only need a good attack stat to function well (unless you're going to RNG abuse them to the point where they can survive significant attacks, which is a pain), so they're a good inclusion to a beginning team if you don't want to go to the trouble of RNG abuse.  Horsemen are awesome, but it's hard to come by one with good stats, so fitting them into a team can be difficult.  The same goes for Berserkers to an extent; probably your best bet is to class swap Sedgar to a Berserker, train him to level 20 and hope for the best.  Probably you'll want to use just one Berserker though, as they tend to be lacking in certain stats, so they'll probably need stat boosters.  In general, you want to try to max HP, Strength (or Mag for mages), Speed, and Defense on as many units as possible to build a good team.  Using more than one Sage makes this difficult, as most likely you won't get a sage to max Magic without a good number of Spirit Dusts.

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Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: Fire Emblem vs. Fire Emblem
« Reply #109 on: March 30, 2009, 09:55:10 PM »
Who do you use unit wise?

Personally, I've been trying Abel, Cain, Barst, Ogma, Est, Merric, Frey, and Linde mainly. Navarre got trained but he came out bad.

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Re: Fire Emblem vs. Fire Emblem
« Reply #110 on: March 30, 2009, 10:39:41 PM »
Who do you use unit wise?

Personally, I've been trying Abel, Cain, Barst, Ogma, Est, Merric, Frey, and Linde mainly. Navarre got trained but he came out bad.
Frey, Catria, Linde, Sedgar, Beck is my first team.  My second team, which I'm working on now, is Sedgar, Caesar, Barst, Dolph, and Catria.  I gotta say, Catria is one of the best units for WiFi, she has amazing growths and can make a great Paladin, Swordmaster or Sniper (If you're using any of those classes in a WiFi team, she would be my first choice for them).  Est is good, but comes pretty late in the game and doesn't have as good HP, Speed or Defense as Catria.  I've never had much luck with Ogma, but Barst always turns out nice.  Sedgar is great, just make sure you level him up as the right class to get good growths.
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Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: Fire Emblem vs. Fire Emblem
« Reply #111 on: March 30, 2009, 10:46:28 PM »
Yeah I like Sedgar but I didn't want to use him or Wolf on Wifi at first. I'll probably implement them next run though.

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Re: Fire Emblem vs. Fire Emblem
« Reply #112 on: March 30, 2009, 10:49:09 PM »
Yeah I like Sedgar but I didn't want to use him or Wolf on Wifi at first. I'll probably implement them next run though.
My current team is using Sedgar as a Sorcerer, because he can have positive Defense growth  :D
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Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: Fire Emblem vs. Fire Emblem
« Reply #113 on: March 30, 2009, 10:50:03 PM »
Haha Yeah that's definately a cool trick.

Offline TheKarazyvicePresidentRR

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Re: Fire Emblem vs. Fire Emblem
« Reply #114 on: March 31, 2009, 05:43:22 PM »
O_o Generals are not that good? O_o; Yet they can (in game) be unstoppable tanks that even bosses can't scratch?
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Offline MichaelHue

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Re: Fire Emblem vs. Fire Emblem
« Reply #115 on: March 31, 2009, 06:08:55 PM »
O_o Generals are not that good? O_o; Yet they can (in game) be unstoppable tanks that even bosses can't scratch?
In-game they are good, yes.  WiFi is totally different.
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Re: Fire Emblem vs. Fire Emblem
« Reply #116 on: March 31, 2009, 06:22:40 PM »
I see, Everyone in wifi haz teh haxored armor piercing cheese grating weapons of OMPiesBBQRoflCopterness?
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Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: Fire Emblem vs. Fire Emblem
« Reply #117 on: March 31, 2009, 07:24:56 PM »
Wifi uses almost all braves or class specific weaponry. Hence, Generals, Pegs, and Paladins tend to not be so good. And, as stated, you want to try to get >26 spd, to prevent doubling.

Offline TheKarazyvicePresidentRR

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Re: Fire Emblem vs. Fire Emblem
« Reply #118 on: March 31, 2009, 08:10:32 PM »
Wifi uses almost all braves or class specific weaponry. Hence, Generals, Pegs, and Paladins tend to not be so good. And, as stated, you want to try to get >26 spd, to prevent doubling.
Ah ok, that makes sense, Guess I need to make a wifi team sometime then. I always used to abuse generals cuz of their pure hax def.
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Offline Alex_Olijar

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Re: Fire Emblem vs. Fire Emblem
« Reply #119 on: March 31, 2009, 08:11:25 PM »
Yeah, their best in game, because doubling isnt such a huge deal, but with an intelligent player and real good units it matters.

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Re: Fire Emblem vs. Fire Emblem
« Reply #120 on: April 01, 2009, 01:42:50 PM »
I just found that out. Their armor may be good but a strong SwordMaster+Armor Slayer+crit=ow. Even with 60 health.

Also O_o; how can you tell a team is haxored?

Also How do you get braves?

Also In your opinion which mode (Normal, Hard, Brutal?) is best for team building for wifi?

and finally, who would be the best people for these jobs? And what should I train them in?

Swordmaster X 2
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Re: Fire Emblem vs. Fire Emblem
« Reply #121 on: April 01, 2009, 02:36:20 PM »
I just found that out. Their armor may be good but a strong SwordMaster+Armor Slayer+crit=ow. Even with 60 health.

Also O_o; how can you tell a team is haxored?

Also How do you get braves?

Also In your opinion which mode (Normal, Hard, Brutal?) is best for team building for wifi?

and finally, who would be the best people for these jobs? And what should I train them in?

Swordmaster X 2
The only way to tell if a team is hacked is if they have items or stats that are literally impossible to get.  If units have more move than they should (one unit can use the boots for +2 move, apart from that any more move than normal is hacked) or items have more uses than they should (a lot of hackers hack items to give them 99 uses) the team is hacked.  If a physical-based unit has maxed Magic and/or Resistance, or if a magic-based unit has maxed Strength and/or Defense, most likely the team is hacked, although it is possible to RNG abuse a unit like that.  Units with weapons like Imhullu and MIID_NULL are also hacked.  You will meet a LOT of hackers on Wifi.

You get braves from the online shop on weekends; first weekend of the month is Brave Swords, second is Lances, third is Axes, and fourth is Bows.

Normal mode is best, I usually kill off all the characters I'm not planning to train for WiFi and don't need for story mode to go to the Gaiden chapters to get more experience.

Sorcerer - If you don't want to RNG abuse, don't use one.  Use a Sage.

Swordmaster - Catria should be one of them, and probably either Frey or Palla are a good candidate for the second.  Est can work, but she comes late and doesn't have very good HP.  You'll want to train Catria/Palla as Archers, and then Paladins after promotion to get better Strength and Defense.  Frey should be leveled Cavalier -> Paladin, swap him to Swordmaster once he has good Strength and Defense.

Bishop - strictly inferior to Sage for WiFi in almost every situation.  Use a Sage.  Merric is, IMO, the best, with Linde being second best.  Whoever you're going to use, train them as a Mage -> Sage to try to get 20 Magic without stat boosters; 25 Speed is also good, but Merric and Linde usually get that.  After that, try to get some Defense and HP if necessary, probably as a Paladin.

Ballistician - Beck is technically better than Jake, but not by much.  You can't really effectively level both, due to the lack of Ballistae early in the game, so pick whoever you like.
« Last Edit: April 01, 2009, 02:54:52 PM by MichaelHue »
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Re: Fire Emblem vs. Fire Emblem
« Reply #122 on: April 01, 2009, 02:36:52 PM »
Lol >5000 characters :o  I type too much

As far as equipment...
Sorcerer/Sage: Forged Thoron (or Bolganone for the second magic user if you're using two), at least max might and probably hit, crit is your call whether you want to use Dazzle or not (a card that stops all crits except Triangle Attack). 
Swarm (get it from Gotoh in the last chapter, make sure you don't go to chapter 24x). 
Fortify, Warp, and Recover are all useful staves, I personally use those three.  Some people like to use Barrier instead of Recover, but I don't find it all that useful.

Swordmaster: Forged Brave Sword, max Might and Hit (and crit if you don't want Dazzle).  If you're not using Dazzle, a forged Killing Edge can also be useful (it's better than Wo Dao because you can't forge crit past 50%).  If you want you can use an Armorslayer, Levin Sword or Wyrmslayer, but those really aren't that useful.  Unless you're going for max crit, a Brave Sword is all you'll ever need.

Ballistician: Forged Pachyderm (max Might and Hit, once again, crit is your call).  That's all you need, unless you want to use a forged Thunderbolt to kill other ballisticians in one shot.

Any units that have open inventory slots should have Door Keys or Master Keys, a Pure Water and/or a Vulnerary.

If I were you, I'd use a Sage, two Swordmasters, Ballistician, and some other unit.  You really won't benefit all that much from a second magic user, and you NEED a scout.  The best way to explain scouting is for you to read the section about it in this guide:
Paladins are good scouts, they have high movement and can get great defense, and can use Gradivus to heal themselves fully.  Horsemen are probably second best, as they're all around great units (they are difficult to get good stats with, though, so it might not be easy to fit them into your team, especially as you're not going to be RNG abusing most likely).  A Dracoknight or Falcoknight can also function as a scout, and even a Swordmaster.  You can do without a designated scout, but having one helps.

If you are determined to use two magic users, I'd suggest Merric and Linde, both as Sages.  If you want a Paladin, I'd suggest using either Frey, Catria, Abel, or Cain.  It will not be easy to get a Paladin with good defense, however.  If you want a Horseman, Sedgar is probably the easiest to get with decent stats, he gets fair HP and good Defense naturally.  His speed is a bit low though.  If you want to level up one from the start, Ogma and Barst are your best bets, though you'll need to class swap them occasionally to try to get growths in certain stats.

About forging crit or not, Swordmasters can work well with a forged Killing Edge (in addition to a Brave Sword), but apart from that none of your units will have high enough crit to be reliable.  If you like having an added luck factor in your games, then go ahead and don't use Dazzle and forge crit, but don't base your team on crits, as a decent number of people (like me) use Dazzle. 

If you're not going to use any mounted units or a Manakete, you really don't need to use the Apotrope card, so you can use one of the cards that increases a stat by 1.  If a good number of your units don't max Strength, Speed or Defense, one of those cards might be useful.  The units that can really take advantage of forging crit are Berserkers and to a lesser extent Snipers.  Swordmasters don't get a crit boost anymore, but they can still get high crit, just remember that your opponent's luck is subtracted from your crit chance.

On a related note, you'll have to arena abuse a LOT.  If I were you, I'd plan out exactly what equipment you want your team to have, and make sure you have enough money and chapters to forge it all.  The cost of forging is huge; if you're just forging max Might and Hit, it costs the weapon's base worth times 55.5.  If you also forge crit, it's around 83.5 times.  You will most likely have to arena abuse max gold early on, forge all you can, and then arena abuse max gold again to get it all done. Chapters 8, 11, 16 and 18 are best for arena abuse, as you can buy healing staves at the vendor.  You may want to wait before going too far in the game until you've got the braves you need.

Make sure you get all the stat boosters, both from chests/drops and the secret shops.

In case you were wondering why I typed all this out, I'm bored ;)
« Last Edit: April 01, 2009, 02:52:16 PM by MichaelHue »
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Re: Fire Emblem vs. Fire Emblem
« Reply #123 on: April 01, 2009, 04:10:09 PM »
*looks at his lvl 30 bastilitian* Uhhhhh I sorta, kinda, maybe abuse the ever loving crud outa my bastila type guys.

How do you forge weapons?

What is RNG?

Can a sage use healing magix?

You can do without a designated scout, but having one helps.
Specially with a bastilatitian, and for fortress capturing right?

How does one aquire cards?

Swordmasters don't get a crit boost anymore, but they can still get high crit, just remember that your opponent's luck is subtracted from your crit chance.
I noticed, I was so upset when I found out. I loved having 50% crit at nearly all times.

On a related note, you'll have to arena abuse a LOT.
I do, Oh I do. My healers get quite a work out in my games.

Also how do I know what class increases what stats? For maximum twinkage.

If you want to play it safe, try bets of less than 800G. Once you get the hang of a unit you may go to higher bets.
Looking at the guide, ironically My Knights/Generals could take 1300+ bets but 500s owned them (they were all mages)
« Last Edit: April 01, 2009, 04:13:08 PM by TheKarazyvicePresidentRR »
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Re: Fire Emblem vs. Fire Emblem
« Reply #124 on: April 01, 2009, 04:51:47 PM »
*looks at his lvl 30 bastilitian* Uhhhhh I sorta, kinda, maybe abuse the ever loving crud outa my bastila type guys.

How do you forge weapons?

What is RNG?

Can a sage use healing magix?

You can do without a designated scout, but having one helps.
Specially with a bastilatitian, and for fortress capturing right?

How does one aquire cards?

Swordmasters don't get a crit boost anymore, but they can still get high crit, just remember that your opponent's luck is subtracted from your crit chance.
I noticed, I was so upset when I found out. I loved having 50% crit at nearly all times.

On a related note, you'll have to arena abuse a LOT.
I do, Oh I do. My healers get quite a work out in my games.

Also how do I know what class increases what stats? For maximum twinkage.

If you want to play it safe, try bets of less than 800G. Once you get the hang of a unit you may go to higher bets.
Looking at the guide, ironically My Knights/Generals could take 1300+ bets but 500s owned them (they were all mages)

You forge weapons in the Armory in the preparation for each level.  When you're picking units and class changing and swapping around items and such, go to Armory and select "Forge."  The only trouble is you can only forge once per chapter.  The good news is you only need to forge one weapon each for Sages, Ballisticians and Swordmasters, really (Thoron, Pachyderm and Brave Sword).  Hopefully you have enough chapters left to do the forging you need.  What chapter are you on? has class growth rates, which are added to personal growth rates.

Sages can use Staves, yes.  Forged Thoron / Swarm / Fortify / Recover / Warp is pretty much the ideal item setup for a Sage.

You get cards by winning WiFi battles.

As for a scout, yeah you need one for Ballista use.  I've never won a battle by outlasting my opponent and taking the fort, I almost always kill everybody (or all but one and the last one hides until the 10 turns are up, then I win with the fort).  The trouble is Paladins and Horsemen (the two best scouts) are hard to get with good stats.  If I know what chapter you're on I might be able to help you find a decent one.  If you can get a good Berserker, you could add him in and the team would probably work, you can always use a Swordmaster to scout, even if it's not ideal, it shouldn't matter much

**edit** Brave Swords cost 133,200 Gold to forge full Might and Hit, Brave Axes and Thoron each cost 116,550 G to forge max Might and Hit, I think Pachyderm costs 166,500 G, Brave Lances cost 149,850, Javelins cost 41,625, and Hand Axes cost 29,970.  If you do decide to forge crit, those numbers will be higher. **edit**
« Last Edit: April 01, 2009, 05:07:07 PM by MichaelHue »
Quote from: The Schaef
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