New Redemption Grab Bag now includes an assortment of 500 cards from five (5) different expansion sets. Available at Cactus website.
Male (top 3)WalhartAvatarLon'quFemale (top 3)MorganTikiprobably NahI love manaketes since they are so powerful which pretty much explains my favorite female, for male I've always wanted a mage/swordsman, the only thing that could make it better is if he were a manakete like in Fire Emblem fates , lon'qu is just a fun character. Fast and fairly powerful and you can't complain with a 60+ skill stat when he's an assassin. Walhart is . . . unstoppable. His weaknesses are magic, counter, and lethality. A good tactition will figure out ways to counter the latter two and magic will be fairly mitigated with a 55 resistance. Best trick to making them think twice about attacking Walhart: Take a (short spear?) which has range 1-2. Has attack 1 and crit 30. Forge it so it has crit 45 and attack 4-5. With Walhart's strength at 66 his net attack is about 70 that's enough to do a fair amount of damage to any mage. With the critical 45 + his 51 skill stat you're pretty sure to have a good critical hit chance as well.
The broken good character builds always felt unnecessary to me as the AI really can't handle any sort of well built Robin/Morgan at any level of difficulty, and you can't really fight other people.
Quote from: Drrek on June 19, 2015, 03:37:14 PM The broken good character builds always felt unnecessary to me as the AI really can't handle any sort of well built Robin/Morgan at any level of difficulty, and you can't really fight other people.True true. Unless you're doing Lunatic or higher, there really is no need. I actually haven't done lunatic, because the only strategy is tank with Frederick until the Outrealm Gate opens then use the XP DLC map and grind for days. It's still fun to find the combos, though.