Cactus Game Design Message Boards
Other Gaming => Video & Computer Games => Topic started by: Master KChief on October 09, 2010, 09:07:41 AM
the next continuation of the classic sonic series is finally here...sonic 4!!! anyone else having fun with this extreme throwback to the glory days of classic high-speed, high-octane 2-d sidescrolling action? it just released for the ipod/iphone right now, but it looks and plays fantastic on it. cant wait until it comes to Xbox Live next week so i can play it in 1080p!
I might just have to go get an Itunes gift cards now!!!!
Sonic is pretty sweet. I remember playing it on the original Genesis. It's kinda still #2 to Mario though.
Sonic 4... ever?
Sonic 4... ever?
Sonic Colors. Sounds and looks kinda stupid but NP rated it very highly.
Supposed to be appealing to younger ages but hard enough so older players can get into it.
Video games are a waste of time.
Video games are a waste of time.
"Shun the Disbeliever, Shunnnnnnnn............."
In the age of 3D, epic adventures and space aliens, they had to remake something from the 90's so there'd be a Sonic game someone liked?
yes. just like they made mega man 10. for those of us old enough that grew up with it. nostalgia ftw.
Still waiting for Homeworld 3. *sigh*....
still waiting on the remake for paper boy and i'm glad they did bomberman on xbox. so awesome
Still waiting for a new gladius. If you want to know what this is.....go look it up it's only the best game in the world, in my opinion of course.
On top of Sonic 4, they are also releasing Sonic Colors soon, which looks promising.
Something I've noticed about the good sonic games vs the bad ones.
Good sonic games focus purely on speed and platforming.
Bad sonic games focus too much on lame plots.
Also, how does Sega get away with such a blatant rip off of Dragonball Z?
I think the question you mean to ask is, how does Dragonball Z get away with clearly ripping off sega.
Dragonball was first printed 1984, Super Sonic never showed up until Sonic 2 in 1992.
dragonball, not dragonball z. when did the first super saiyan show up?
After digging around, Super Saiyan first appeared on the TV show in 1991. I imagine it was even earlier in the comics.
Also, another reference to DBZ in sonic.... count the number of Chaos emeralds, and then count the number of Dragon Balls.
since i imagine sonic 2 was still in development around that time, i gather its just mere coincidence.
edit: the manga version first came out in august 1991 as well.
Ah, apparently, it was 1990 that Super Saiyans first appeared in the comic.
Both of you are wrong. How can DBZ and Sonic BOTH get away with ripping off the hero of Children's Trading Cards?
HEART OF THE CARDS!11!1!111!!!one!!!
HEART OF THE CARDS!11!1!111!!!one!!!
NOoooOoOooO, IT BURNZ!!!1111!!!!!!1!!1!
They're all sponsored by hair gel companies.
L'Oréal, because anime hairstyles are worth it.
There is a direct relationship between pointyness of hair and dueling abilities.
Do any of you even hold your card between your thumb and two fingers? I noticed the characters on Bakugan do this also. I guess it's too nerdy to have a show where the heroes fan out a collection of cards in their two hands.
Still waiting for a new gladius. If you want to know what this is.....go look it up it's only the best game in the world, in my opinion of course.
Agreed. Dang, I want to go play it right now! Can haz Gladius for Wii or PC with online capabilities?
Do any of you even hold your card between your thumb and two fingers?
I sometimes do just for fun, lol. My wrist can't go back enough to make a 90 degree angle like theirs do, though.
I usually hold a card between my pointer and middle in preparation to throw it at my opponent.
If you look at VAH in the opening one of the two players holds a card like that.
Also: Redemption needs dualdisk systems.
Also: Redemption needs dualdisk systems.
We also need an anime. ;)
Also: Redemption needs dualdisk systems.
I've thought about that many times. The sheer number of cards you can have on the field at once (unlimited, really) seems to hinder any sort of portable device such as a Duel Disk.
Do any of you even hold your card between your thumb and two fingers?
I sometimes do just for fun, lol. My wrist can't go back enough to make a 90 degree angle like theirs do, though.
its a wonder these guys dont have carpal tunnel by like, the 2nd episode.
Do any of you even hold your card between your thumb and two fingers?
I sometimes do just for fun, lol. My wrist can't go back enough to make a 90 degree angle like theirs do, though.
its a wonder these guys dont have carpal tunnel by like, the 2nd episode.
No kidding, right? XD
Still waiting for a new gladius. If you want to know what this is.....go look it up it's only the best game in the world, in my opinion of course.
Agreed. Dang, I want to go play it right now! Can haz Gladius for Wii or PC with online capabilities?
I play it on game cube which is a surprise to most people because game cube only has a couple good games. What do you mean by your question.
I have it on GC too. SUCH a good game.
Also: Redemption needs dualdisk systems.
We also need an anime. ;)
Please no! We've got enough terrible Bible shows as it is...
Also: Redemption needs dualdisk systems.
We also need an anime. ;)
Please no! We've got enough terrible Bible shows as it is...
Don't you see the wink?(BTW it doesn't have to be terrible)
bible [insert 99% of any medium here] usually is terrible.
I have it on GC too. SUCH a good game.
I just started playing it over the summer and i'm already on the third region. the best thing about this game unlike other games that its actually hard to win.
bible [insert 99% of any medium here] usually is terrible.
Basically anything but Redemption.
purty much.
btw, sonic 4 released today for Xbox Live Arcade. heres hoping the extra $5 ($15 XBL purchase versus the $10 purchase for ipod) is for additional content and is worth it!