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Other Gaming => Video & Computer Games => Topic started by: The Schaef on August 09, 2011, 09:58:54 PM

Title: Extra Credits Legally Embroiled
Post by: The Schaef on August 09, 2011, 09:58:54 PM
This is the first sniff I got of this, and The Escapist has been hammered so hard that their site is now down, probably DOS'd.

Long story short, The Escapist Magazine is a collection of articles and videos about games.  Some of the people there use salty language, so I won't recommend it for everybody.  One item of note is their video series Extra Credits, where some dudes was philosophical about what makes games fun and how the industry can make better games.  It's technically a video series, but it's mostly narration over a combination of hand-drawn images and stills.

So recently the artist who does their hand-drawns needed shoulder surgery and they had no money, not even really getting a lot of the money they needed to pay her salary.  So they started up a Rockethub page to raise something like $15k to cover her costs.  They raised that money in a matter of hours, before the show announcing the page was even published on the site.  Within a week, they had like $75k, and within two weeks, $90k.

So long story short, there's a legal brouhaha over who is entitled to how much of that money and what it's supposed to be used for and EC seems to be quitting The Escapist, along with a number of their loyal fans who think the show is being railroaded.
Title: Re: Extra Credits Legally Embroiled
Post by: SomeKittens on September 21, 2011, 10:24:02 AM
What?  I loved Extra Credits!  It's sad that generosity caused such a problem.  Give the extra to charity or something.
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