I have some older games/programs that I need to get rid of since they are just taking up space. I'm just looking for a couple bucks plus shipping for them, so if you want them all, I'd be glad to sell them really cheap! Let me know if you're interested...
Pinball Builder
Virtual K'Nex
Roller Coaster Tycoon
Art Explosion Clip Art Portfolio
Sega Smash Pack 2
ChessMaster 5500
The Yukon Trail
Streets & Trips 2001
The Oregon Trail 3rd edition
Risk 2
The Age of Empires 2
Victory at Hebron
World Book Millennium
Lemmings Paintball (for Windows 95)
Indoor Sports
Print Shop Deluxe 2
Shrek (The Electronic Storybook Collection)
Sim Park
Microsoft Multimedia Beethoven
Microsoft Multimedia Mozart
World Book 2001
Student Writing & Research Center
Spanish to Go!
Microsoft Multimedia Schubert
Microsoft FrontPage 98
Microsoft FrontPage 97
Explorers of the New World
Learn Hebrew Now!
Sim Copter
Super Karts
The Lost Mind of Dr Brain
Microsoft Works Suite 2000
Compton's 3D World Atlas
Lego Racers 2
Art Explosion Religious Clip Art
Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary & Thesaurus
Spanish Teacher 1 (3.5" disk)
The Bible Collection Suite
Sim Town
Calendar software
PrintMaster Publishing Suite 7.0
Microsoft Flight Simulator 98
Lego Racers
Family Activity CD-Rom (13 games)
The American Girls (create and produce your own plays)
Science Arcade
Odell Down Under
Cherished Teddies Collectibles Database
These were all at my parents' house, so they are from when my brother, sister, and I were still living there. I don't know how much shipping will be for all of these, but if anyone wants them all, I will weigh them and find out the shipping cost, and sell them for $5 over that. Otherwise I'd gladly trade them all for 3 copies of Grapes of Wrath or 10 Thesaurus packs!
