Cactus Game Design Message Boards
Other Gaming => Video & Computer Games => Topic started by: BubbleBoy on May 18, 2010, 09:59:42 AM
Okay, so my PlayStation 2 has been broken for a while now. Over time it got gradually glitchier and glitchier and now it won't even read a disc. I'm wondering, is there any place I could take this to get it fixed? If so, would it even be worth the trouble? Would I want to get rid of all my PS2 stuff? Would I want to buy a new PS2 and keep all the games? OR, might I even consider buying a PS3, which is almost worth the money just for the BluRay player? We don't have an HDTV though, so maybe that's not the best. Also, I don't want to buy anything at all unless it's a super good price (or I can get my parents to pay for part of it), since I'm saving up for nationals.
Here's everything I have for reference:
1 broken PS2 console (slim) with a skin (, both necessary chords, a user's manual, and an internet hookup disc thingy which I never opened
About 30 PS2 games, some good (Kingdom Hearts, Ratchet and Clank, Shadow of the Colossus, a few DDR games, etc.), some bad (mostly ones my little brother and sister bought (Horsez :P)) - I can make a list later
Lots of low-quality controllers (that I will probably end up just throwing away since they only work when they feel like it)
1 8mb and 1 64mb memory card (each with memory still on them)
1 Eye Toy and everything that came with it (including a disc which I believe is for setting up)
Is it an older PS2 or a slim line PS2?
Is it an older PS2 or a slim line PS2?
Ah yes, slim. That's the word I was thinking of. Yes, it is slim.
To fix it would be expensive.I suggest you either get a new one or buy a new PS3.
BTW,PS3 comes with blueray player,but does not come with HDMI cord which is over 30$ and it still plays REG DVD's.
PS3 is good for online. ;)
Same with XBOX 360. (ftp://XBOX 360.)
it just sounds like your electronic eye is screwed up which is only like a $30 venture but you have to know how to put it back in
Somebody call MKC, I wanna know GameStop's trade in values for such things :)
it just sounds like your electronic eye is screwed up which is only like a $30 venture but you have to know how to put it back in
Oh, so a guy has a broken game system around here and you just assume he is a cyborg? Racist...
You could sell it on ebay then get a new PC or Console.
You could sell it on ebay then get a new PC or Console.
I'm not sure how much a broken PS2 would sell for...
You could sell it on ebay then get a new PC or Console.
I'm not sure how much a broken PS2 would sell for...
Depends,lots of people could use some of the parts in the PS2 to modify their PC.Complicated,but yes possible.
But,a broken PS2 probally won't sell that much,maybe $20 ?
I suggest you either get a new one or buy a new system.
lol wut
You could sell it on ebay then get a new PC or Console.
I'm not sure how much a broken PS2 would sell for...
Depends,lots of people could use some of the parts in the PS2 to modify their PC.Complicated,but yes possible.
But,a broken PS2 probally won't sell that much,maybe $20 ?
but still it would be 20$
To fix it would be expensive.I suggest you either get a new one or buy a new PS3.
BTW,PS3 comes with blueray player,but does not come with HDMI cord which is over 30$ and it still plays REG DVD's.
PS3 is good for online. ;)
Same with XBOX 360. (ftp://XBOX 360.)
The only issue is that you will MOST LIKELY have to start your game collection over again because most if not all PS2 games cannot be played on the PS3 and brand-new games go for $60.
... most if not all PS2 games cannot be played on the PS3 ...
I thought it was only the very first version of the PS3 that had this limitation...
... most if not all PS2 games cannot be played on the PS3 ...
I thought it was only the very first version of the PS3 that had this limitation...
Negative. As far as I know, I bought my PS3 a year after it came out (I bought the 160gb one), and it doesn't play my PS2 games. (At least to my knowledge, I could try again :P )
The very first few models of PS3 CAN play PS2 games, but that is only two or three models. The rest of them cannot. All PS3's can play PS1 games, however. Check out the wikipedia entry, it goes into full detail.
I might be interested in trading some cards for the broken system! :D
all ps3's can play ps1 games, but they are region-locked (you cannot play japanese ps1 games on an american ps3). the 20gb and american 60gb ps3 can play all ps2 games (again, region-locked), and the early 80gb ps3 has partial ps2 backwards compatibility.
Okay, so I just found a 40 GB PS3 apparently new for $75 here ( Does this version play PS2 games? Is there some kind of catch to it? I might seriously consider buying it just because of the great price...
Okay, so I just found a 40 GB PS3 apparently new for $75 here ( Does this version play PS2 games? Is there some kind of catch to it? I might seriously consider buying it just because of the great price...
I'm not sure if there is a catch or not.
The deal is to good to believe.
I don't think any version plays PS2 games from the disk,but I know for a fact that PS3 has its own market system(with online play)
and they have downloadable PS2-PS1 classics.
Okay, so I just found a 40 GB PS3 apparently new for $75 here ( Does this version play PS2 games? Is there some kind of catch to it? I might seriously consider buying it just because of the great price...
if you click on the link, you'll see the item is discontinued. i also wouldnt trust seller websites that arent that well-known...most of the time, they're scams.
and no, the 40gb is not backwards compatible. only the ones i have listed.
Yeah, I figured there was probably a catch to that.
and no, the 40gb is not backwards compatible. only the ones i have listed.
Oh, I didn't realize only the ones you listed were backwards compatible.
Yes. Only a limited number of the PS3's play PS2 games from the disk. All of them play PS1 games from the disk, but PS2 is very limited. I think the models that DO play PS2 games from the disk had some problems, but don't quote me on that.
Yes. Only a limited number of the PS3's play PS2 games from the disk. All of them play PS1 games from the disk, but PS2 is very limited. I think the models that DO play PS2 games from the disk had some problems, but don't quote me on that.
"Why do the old when you can do the new"
because the new ps3's cant play ps2 games. i saw the version of my ps3 (60gb) sell on ebay yesterday for $880. that tells you how much they're in demand.
Why would they even make non-backwards-compatible versions?
Why would they even make non-backwards-compatible versions?
They want it,they want it now! LOL . Not sure,as Master k said,they are in very heavy demand,so people are going to get any version/condition they can find.
... as Master k said,they are in very heavy demand,so people are going to get any version/condition they can find.
If you read his post more carefully, I'm pretty sure he is saying that only the backwards compatible PS3's are in demand, not necessarily all other versions.
Why would they even make non-backwards-compatible versions?
Because that is what sony does. It takes a good concept (Backwards compatibility) and finds a way to ruin it or remove it from their product.
Because that is what sony does. It takes a good concept (Backwards compatibility) and finds a way to ruin it or remove it from their product.
As opposed to X-box and Wii which have never had any backwards compatibility to begin with :)
Wii plays GC games.
... as Master k said,they are in very heavy demand,so people are going to get any version/condition they can find.
If you read his post more carefully, I'm pretty sure he is saying that only the backwards compatible PS3's are in demand, not necessarily all other versions.
I understood,but all versions have good demand.
features were cut mainly to lower the overall price of the system...if you remember correctly, the first 20gb and 60gb ps3's were $499 and $599, respectively. features cut include the backwards compatibility, 2 usb ports, flash memory card readers, and sacd playback.
Yes I remember,but some people just want a PS3 thats cheaper than the best.
They didn't even really lower the overall cost of the system, at first. It did take a nice chunk of change off of the the cost of creation though, and Sony made a big load of profit off of it. This also encouraged the PS2 console to keep on selling. I think removing some of the parts helped with hardware problems, too.
Well, after consulting my family and realizing that a PS3 was completely impractical, we went and got a used PS2 at gamestop for $60 (which is probably higher than necessary, but it was convenient). So now I have a broken PS2 for sale/trade if anyone wants it. Later on I will also post some of the games I have for sale (to make up for the costs and help save up for nats some more).