Author Topic: Best Zelda game?  (Read 9552 times)


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Best Zelda game?
« on: February 25, 2009, 11:44:35 PM »
Wind Waker. there's so much you can do after you beat the game, though Ganondorf was a easy beat, best Zelda game ever.

what do you guys think?

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Re: Best Zelda game?
« Reply #1 on: February 26, 2009, 12:22:39 AM »
Wind Waker. there's so much you can do after you beat the game, though Ganondorf was a easy beat, best Zelda game ever.

what do you guys think?
anyway That was my favorite Zelda so hi-5 man
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Re: Best Zelda game?
« Reply #2 on: February 26, 2009, 07:58:37 AM »
phantom hourglass
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Re: Best Zelda game?
« Reply #3 on: February 26, 2009, 11:01:57 AM »
photom hourglass
Photom Hourglass sounds sci-fi
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Re: Best Zelda game?
« Reply #4 on: February 26, 2009, 11:17:24 AM »
Wind Waker?!?  Really?  As for a video game:  it is good.  Zelda standards: lousy.  It took FOREVER to get anywhere.  The travel time was was the single most disappointing part of the game that dragged everything down with it.  You couldn't just hop on, do a couple of quick things and hop off.  No, you had to spend 15 minutes traveling to the island you needed and by then...oh, I have to get off. 

Hands down, Ocarina of Time and it's Master Quest is the best Zelda game.  It revolutionized the Zelda series and how it should be played.  It's replayability is amazing, and overall the game is fun and diverse.  It balanced the difficulty real well.  There is constantly something to do.

I would take arguments for the original Zelda which started the whole series.  But Wind Waker?  No way.  I rank the Zeldas that I have played below:

1.  Ocarina of Time
2.  Original Zelda
3.  The Super Nintendo Zelda (*EDIT* A Link to The Past)
4.  Four Swords (when I have my sons or friends to play with--by myself this game drops below Minish Cap)
5.  Majorie's Mask  (could switch with TP, must play again to be sure)
6.  Twilight Princess  (could switch with MM, I need to play MM again to be sure)
7.  Wind Waker
8.  Minish Cap
9. & 10.  Oracle of Seasons & Ages (I couldn't figure out how to interlock them when I beat one of them which supposedly made the other game better.)
11.  Zelda 2 for the Nintendo (I liked some of this idea, but this game got incredibly, disproportionally hard towards the end where it was better to run than fight--IMO that's stupid when the game is that hard)
« Last Edit: February 26, 2009, 12:00:08 PM by soul seeker »
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Re: Best Zelda game?
« Reply #5 on: February 26, 2009, 11:28:03 AM »
Ocarina of Time

Though I thought Wind Waker was underrated.  I did like the sea travel aspect, I "got" what Nintendo wanted to do.  It was an easy beat, I actually went and tried to gather all the overworld stuff before going down to finish the game, but I got about 80% through and that's when I just said, you know what, I'm done, and finished the game from there.

Link to the Past is a close second for me but I've not yet played Twilight Princess so we'll see.

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Re: Best Zelda game?
« Reply #6 on: February 26, 2009, 11:56:46 AM »
Ocarina of Time

Though I thought Wind Waker was underrated.  I did like the sea travel aspect, I "got" what Nintendo wanted to do.  It was an easy beat, I actually went and tried to gather all the overworld stuff before going down to finish the game, but I got about 80% through and that's when I just said, you know what, I'm done, and finished the game from there.

Link to the Past is a close second for me but I've not yet played Twilight Princess so we'll see.

See!  The sea traveling eventually wore you down.   :P
Link to the Past is the Super Ninetendo one I was trying to think of!  (I was supremely disappointed when they didn't put it on the collectors edition Gamecube disk...
Finally, I can't believe I forgot Twilight Princess...I will have to edit that one in.
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Re: Best Zelda game?
« Reply #7 on: February 26, 2009, 12:01:47 PM »
Why is OoT so great I've beaten it and I wasn't that impressed
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Re: Best Zelda game?
« Reply #8 on: February 26, 2009, 12:10:01 PM »
Why is OoT so great I've beaten it and I wasn't that impressed
1st:  If you beat OoT, then play the Master Quest is much much harder.  I dare you to beat it with zero book or internet help.

2nd:  Look at the Zelda games prior to OoT, look at OoT, then look at the games after OoT and you will see why it is THE best.  When a game revolutionizes a genre, then you have to give it props.  Not to mention, years later....I still enjoy going back and playing the game.  It is that good.
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Re: Best Zelda game?
« Reply #9 on: February 26, 2009, 12:25:11 PM »
Why is OoT so great I've beaten it and I wasn't that impressed
1st:  If you beat OoT, then play the Master Quest is much much harder.  I dare you to beat it with zero book or internet help.

2nd:  Look at the Zelda games prior to OoT, look at OoT, then look at the games after OoT and you will see why it is THE best.  When a game revolutionizes a genre, then you have to give it props.  Not to mention, years later....I still enjoy going back and playing the game.  It is that good.
1st Half-way done
2nd It's innovative and revolutionary yes, but that doesn't make up for no character development, dungeon overload and a barebones story
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Re: Best Zelda game?
« Reply #10 on: February 26, 2009, 01:28:06 PM »
I loved the water travel, but it did take awhile... and once you got the warp thingy, it went sooo much faster. also, Deku Leaf was AWESOME! there was soooo much  you could do... Twilight Princess (from what I've seen of it) is just playing through the game... Wind Waker you can go anywhere, and there was like, 100 islands, each having something for you to do! it is sooo much better then Twilight Princess!

the handheld versions of Zelda pale in comparison to all the console games... but I still enjoyed Seasons.

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Re: Best Zelda game?
« Reply #11 on: February 26, 2009, 01:33:02 PM »
See!  The sea traveling eventually wore you down.   :P

Wait, so in the original Zelda, you walked to every destination on the map instead of using the warp whistle?

Why is OoT so great I've beaten it and I wasn't that impressed

I don't know what else you could have asked from a Zelda game.  The gameplay was superb, the dungeons were great, and the final battle is easily in my top 5 of all time.

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Re: Best Zelda game?
« Reply #12 on: February 26, 2009, 01:45:22 PM »
to all: i begged a differ.
OoT is best by far
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Re: Best Zelda game?
« Reply #13 on: February 26, 2009, 02:19:38 PM »
See!  The sea traveling eventually wore you down.   :P

Wait, so in the original Zelda, you walked to every destination on the map instead of using the warp whistle?

Why is OoT so great I've beaten it and I wasn't that impressed

I don't know what else you could have asked from a Zelda game.  The gameplay was superb, the dungeons were great, and the final battle is easily in my top 5 of all time.
There were so many dungeons non of them were memorable except the water temple (shivers)
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Re: Best Zelda game?
« Reply #14 on: February 26, 2009, 02:23:18 PM »
See!  The sea traveling eventually wore you down.   :P

Wait, so in the original Zelda, you walked to every destination on the map instead of using the warp whistle?

Why is OoT so great I've beaten it and I wasn't that impressed

I don't know what else you could have asked from a Zelda game.  The gameplay was superb, the dungeons were great, and the final battle is easily in my top 5 of all time.
There were so many dungeons non of them were memorable except the water temple (shivers)
aw come on.
the water temple isn't as bad as The Shadow Temple -_-
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Re: Best Zelda game?
« Reply #15 on: February 26, 2009, 03:23:01 PM »
There were so many dungeons non of them were memorable except the water temple (shivers)

So many dungeons?  There were like a half dozen or so.  You're inside a giant living tree, the cavern of the rock people, inside that fish dude's belly, the six temples, and there's the final confrontation with Gannon.

I thought pretty much all of them were memorable, flipping back and forth between child Link and adult Link was very clever, and again, the final fight is awesome times 50.

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Re: Best Zelda game?
« Reply #16 on: February 26, 2009, 03:29:38 PM »
There were like ten, they overloaded the game I didn't like the face WW only had 5 dungeon but OoT had too many too close together
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Re: Best Zelda game?
« Reply #17 on: February 26, 2009, 03:57:36 PM »
There were like ten, they overloaded the game I didn't like the face WW only had 5 dungeon but OoT had too many too close together

Personally, I thought that is what made the game great.  I love the dungeons!  World exploration is fun and all but the dungeons drive the game.  It has been that way since the original Zelda.  Even then their were 8...8 is the traditional number.  3 young link + 5 Adult Link + Ganon (which Schaef is right with that battle) = 9
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Re: Best Zelda game?
« Reply #18 on: March 04, 2009, 02:25:51 PM »
I agree Schaef, the final battle in OoT was the best by far.... but the final final battle in Twilight Princess is pretty stinking awesome in my opinion. 

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Re: Best Zelda game?
« Reply #19 on: March 06, 2009, 08:16:44 AM »
I need to finish playing through OoT again...on a slightly related side note, I just got an email from Gannon University :laugh:
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Re: Best Zelda game?
« Reply #20 on: March 09, 2009, 12:14:04 AM »
I would have to say that OoT (Master Quest) was my favorite with Twilight Princess coming in very close behind.  OoT did, as said, revolutionize the Zelda world.  Dungeons, in my opinion, are the BEST part of the game!  Sure, running around the world looking for things can be fun, but nothing beats sitting in a dungeon for 3 hours completely stumped as to where to go next and then having that "BUH-NUH-NUH-NUH!" idea hit you all the sudden and you finish the dungeon in 10 min.  :P  It's an amazing feeling, and OoT gave me plenty of those moments, especially in Master Quest (which I did do w/o a book or internet help.  ;) )

I really liked Twilight Princess too, though.  One thing that really made me like the game was the unique weapons.  I mean, you still had all the same old ones (bombs, bow and arrow), but then they gave you awesome ones like the ball and chain, or the ancient rob (or whatever it was called).  And what the going back and forth in time gave you in OoT, you got the same out of change from human to wolf and back in TP.  Some of the ways you have to use your changing to get through the dungeon was ingenious!  Absolutely a good game that I'd replay any time.

I will say, however, that Wind Waker was a really fun game.  :)  I like the lesser graphics.  It added to the overall feel of the game I thought.  And the idea of Hyrule being covered in water with just the mountain peeks sticking out was really funny to me.  :P  It was a cute game and fun too.

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Re: Best Zelda game?
« Reply #21 on: March 31, 2009, 11:21:54 PM »
MM was my favorite by far. Higher difficulty than OoT, more to do, collecting all the hoods was amazing (some of them were so ridiculous to figure out, and it added so many miniquests to supplement the man quest). The atmosphere was perfect, and the story sidequest just added to it that much more. And the constant air of urgency was really a good thing too.
I am not talking about T2 unless I am explicitly talking about T2. Also Mayhem is fine now somehow!

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Re: Best Zelda game?
« Reply #22 on: April 01, 2009, 11:20:37 AM »
MM was my favorite by far. Higher difficulty than OoT, more to do, collecting all the hoods was amazing (some of them were so ridiculous to figure out, and it added so many miniquests to supplement the man quest). The atmosphere was perfect, and the story sidequest just added to it that much more. And the constant air of urgency was really a good thing too.
Having to reset the time every hour or so was annoying though.
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Re: Best Zelda game?
« Reply #23 on: July 01, 2009, 11:25:11 AM »
twilight princess was awsome!
I quite video was the worst 15 minutes of my life.

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Re: Best Zelda game?
« Reply #24 on: April 25, 2010, 05:14:17 AM »
Please excuse the necropost, but this is exactly the thread this should be on.

Having never played a Zelda game before (poor me :'(), and only having a GameCube, would a Zelda n00b have more fun with the Collector's bundle (Zelda/Zelda2/OoT-without-MQ/M-Mask), or the full OoT/MQ game?  Also, since they are ported to the Gamecube, will I be frustrated by gameplay glitches?  Should I start with one of the native releases instead?
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