Cactus Game Design Message Boards
Other Gaming => Video & Computer Games => Topic started by: Master KChief on January 23, 2013, 03:38:49 AM
Is it finally game over for the video game pioneer? :'(
Ideas never die. There will always be Asteroids and Tron games of some sort. Atari just needs people to put in another quarter :)
This stinks....
I can see whats happening...
and they don't have a clue
First person shooters ruling all,
innovations down the tubes.
The sweet thrill of no scopes
theres killstreaks everywhere
and with all these linear storylines
Disasters in the aiiiir.
Ideas never die.
But they commit suicide, a la New Coke. ;D
Atari just needs people to put in another quarter :)
Or blow in the cartridge and put it back in.
Or blow in the cartridge and put it back in.
I find a Q-tip dipped in rubbing alcohol works much better. ;)
I always associated blowing in the cartridge with NES not Atari
Or blow in the cartridge and put it back in.
I find a Q-tip dipped in rubbing alcohol works much better. ;)
I'm pretty sure this ruined a few of my Sega Genesis games.
I always associated blowing in the cartridge with NES not Atari
My grandpa had an NES for awhile, and when it wouldn't work, we would either blow in the cartridge or smack the box until it came on. Then on the day that the neither the blowing nor the smacking worked, he took us to Target and bought an N64. Those were the days.
I always associated blowing in the cartridge with NES not Atari
My grandpa had an NES for awhile, and when it wouldn't work, we would either blow in the cartridge or smack the box until it came on. Then on the day that the neither the blowing nor the smacking worked, he took us to Target and bought an N64. Those were the days.
We had an NES for about a week until my mom gave it back to my cousins (who had given it to us in the first place, they just wanted it back we weren't being punished or anything). Our next systems were Game Boy colors, and then playstation 1.
I'm pretty sure this ruined a few of my Sega Genesis games.
I'm pretty sure blowing into the cartridge ruined most of my N64 games. ;)
I tried blowing the cartridges but it doesn't seem to make my Halo guy's weapons work any better.
I always associated blowing in the cartridge with NES not Atari
My grandpa had an NES for awhile, and when it wouldn't work, we would either blow in the cartridge or smack the box until it came on. Then on the day that the neither the blowing nor the smacking worked, he took us to Target and bought an N64. Those were the days.
It was Best Buy, but yeah...true story.
For some reason I remember where all of the gaming systems in my life have come from (in chronological order). It's like a rite of passage.
Gameboy (original, size of a brick): Pawn Shop
Sega Genesis: K-Mart
Playstation: Electronics Boutique
Playstation 2: Wal-Mart
Gameboy Advance SP: K-Mart
Nintendo DS: Gamestop
Super Nintendo: Vintage Stock
Xbox: Gamestop
Nintendo DS: Gamestop
Sony PSP: Gamestop
Xbox 360: Gamestop
Nintendo DS Lite: Gamestop
Nintendo Wii: Gamestop
Nintendo DSi: Gamestop
Playstation 3: Ebay (wanted a first gen that could play all of the old Playstation 1 and 2 games, paid a pretty penny for it)
Nintendo DSi XL: Best Buy
Nintendo 3DS: Gamestop
Wii U: Gamestop
Sensing a pattern here.
I always associated blowing in the cartridge with NES not Atari
My grandpa had an NES for awhile, and when it wouldn't work, we would either blow in the cartridge or smack the box until it came on. Then on the day that the neither the blowing nor the smacking worked, he took us to Target and bought an N64. Those were the days.
It was Best Buy, but yeah...true story.
I'm sensing the names were changed to protect the innocent. ;)