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Quick Question: Is it worth jumping into Elder scrolls Oblivion after playing Skyrim first? Or is this going to be too much of a "shock" graphics or game play wise?
Quote from: TheHobbit on May 12, 2018, 11:37:29 PMQuick Question: Is it worth jumping into Elder scrolls Oblivion after playing Skyrim first? Or is this going to be too much of a "shock" graphics or game play wise?The graphics aren't the problem. The world is more glossy and I think it's actually aged better then Skyrim IMO. The bright colors look better then Skyrim's drab world of grey and brown. The gameplay hasn't aged that great though. If you think Skyrim combat feels floaty then Oblivion is like hitting a enemy with a pool noodle. It feels pretty bad, though it was cutting edge back in the day! The writing is some of the best Bethesda has ever done! The main storyline kind of stinks but the side quests and guild quests are some of the best in the series. The Dark Brotherhood storyline in particular is amazing.I'd still recommend it to people just know it's a old game and it feels old. Even though Morrowind has horrible combat I still recommend people to play it for the same reason, the writing and world building in the old Bethesda games is fantastic, much better then their new games.