Cactus Game Design Message Boards
Other Gaming => Video & Computer Games => Topic started by: AJ on January 14, 2014, 11:29:47 AM
I have been playing it alot lately and havbeen really enjoying it i usualy use the Japs or the Britts anyone else play it.
I did for a while but then got into, well age of Empires three. Have you played that?
When I play age 2 I like the Mongols, Scaracens and Persians because they have really good calvary. War elephants are always fun ;)
If you haven't played 3 I would get it if you like the series. Way better graphics then 2 new civilizations, and infinite resource stations...etc
Love the War Elephants!!!
You should try downloading forgotten empires. It's an expansion to #2 and it adds 5 civs to the game which is pretty cool. I enjoy the game and used to be a lot better. Now cause I haven't played in awhile I'm not great.
I would get 3 but my laptop can't run it sadly :'(
You should try downloading forgotten empires. It's an expansion to #2 and it adds 5 civs to the game which is pretty cool. I enjoy the game and used to be a lot better. Now cause I haven't played in awhile I'm not great.
Whoa! I never heard about this, and I love AoEII! :o
My bro might be getting the forgotten expansion and AOE2 HD i might get it off of steam if i can come up with the money.
I love AEIII. I had it on a computer for a year or so till it crashed. I am thinking of getting it again.
I loved the mortars and calvary together, the artillery destroy buildings fast while the calvary protect them.
Love the war elephants too!!