Cactus Game Design Message Boards
Other Gaming => Video & Computer Games => Topic started by: Master KChief on August 20, 2010, 08:51:15 AM
some of you may remember when i became #1 ranked in the world for halo wars...but have since moved down to #2 (i havent played the game in almost a year). i have now become #1 ranked in the world for a different game...lara croft and the guardian of light, an xbox live game that debuted 2 days ago. i hold the record for completing a level solo in the fastest time. not only did i accomplish getting ranked 1st in the world for a single level, but i did it for 2 different levels:
out of 8000+/1700+ people respectively, milliseconds do matter! :)
anyone that has an xbox 360, you should definately try out lara croft and the guardian of insanely addictive dungeon-crawler!
No-lifer :P
it took me less than 2 days to beat, master, and rank at this game. i hardly consider that 'no-life'. :)
now, as for my 130+ days gametime with mw2, thats a different story...:P
So you honestly beat levels in a little over 8 and 17 seconds? Crazy.
yes, and they're both boss battles.
yes, and they're both boss battles.
Ah. I guess that makes more sense. I was having a hard time thinking of a good game that has such short levels. But I can understand beating a boss in that amount of time if you know what you're doing.
On another note, do you have time for our ROOT game? I'm on Hamachi now. Otherwise tonight after 7 or so would probably work well for me.
Now try doing it with a GOOD game.
Kidding, grats!
How many rocket jumps did that speedrun take?
Oh wait. Wrong game.
Very nice job man. #1? that's insane. I was able to get top100 on NCAA 11 and working on top 100 for Madden 11 right now.
nice! top 100 in ncaa is definately really good, as im betting it has a much larger player pool than lara croft. although 'the summoning' did jump up to about 15k players overall, and 'belly of the beast' to 5k...after all, the game did come out 2 days before i set those records. ;)
Are you still #1?
I'm on the playstation network though, in the past, people have said that XBL is a lot harder, and i'd probably agree with em'. I used to be on the XBL network and then I got the 3 rings.
So far to me, NCAA is a lot easier than Madden. Still putting together a defense for Madden.
Well, they've sold plenty more 360's.
Still putting together a defense for Madden.
Have you tried GoH/Orange?
Are you still #1?
yup, and i even managed to shave off 5 milliseconds from the 'belly of the beast' run.
I'm on the playstation network though, in the past, people have said that XBL is a lot harder, and i'd probably agree with em'. I used to be on the XBL network and then I got the 3 rings.
So far to me, NCAA is a lot easier than Madden. Still putting together a defense for Madden.
yes, harder because there are far more players on xbl than on the playstation network. still, there are alot of players on psn. keep up the work and dedication, you'll be at the top in no time! :)
A whole five? Wow!
Have you tried GoH/Orange?
haha, plusONE
it took me less than 2 days to beat, master, and rank at this game. i hardly consider that 'no-life'. :)
now, as for my 130+ days gametime with mw2, thats a different story...:P
Congrats on the number one ranking man! I didn't know that you were that good at video games. Speaking of MW2 what is your Kill to death Ratio? And are you serious about the 130+ days or are you joking? Have you ever gone pro in video games? I don't know what it is called but I heard you can.
There's many ladders, but a big one is Major League Gaming (
Congrats on the number one ranking man! I didn't know that you were that good at video games. Speaking of MW2 what is your Kill to death Ratio? And are you serious about the 130+ days or are you joking? Have you ever gone pro in video games? I don't know what it is called but I heard you can.
my actual kdr in mw2 last time i checked was about 3.30ish. yup, 130+ days of actual multiplayer mw2 gametime. i did play with a professional team for a little bit in halo wars 3v3 and participated in a few of the official tournaments sponsored by the us army, but nothing really became anything of it.
The US Army sponsors Halo? I thought that's why they came out with America's Army.
Congrats on the number one ranking man! I didn't know that you were that good at video games. Speaking of MW2 what is your Kill to death Ratio? And are you serious about the 130+ days or are you joking? Have you ever gone pro in video games? I don't know what it is called but I heard you can.
my actual kdr in mw2 last time i checked was about 3.30ish. yup, 130+ days of actual multiplayer mw2 gametime. i did play with a professional team for a little bit in halo wars 3v3 and participated in a few of the official tournaments sponsored by the us army, but nothing really became anything of it.
The US Army sponsors Halo? I thought that's why they came out with America's Army.
yeah, they did a series of tournaments way back when...each one having a prize of $1000 for first place. theres also a difference between aa and halo wars gameplay...while one is probably just looking for new soldier recruits, the other is probably hoping to gain strategists/commanders. ;)
I never liked Halo Wars..... Halo 3 on the other hand, playing Team SWAT, is loads of fun (if you're good).
Congrats on the number one ranking man! I didn't know that you were that good at video games. Speaking of MW2 what is your Kill to death Ratio? And are you serious about the 130+ days or are you joking? Have you ever gone pro in video games? I don't know what it is called but I heard you can.
my actual kdr in mw2 last time i checked was about 3.30ish. yup, 130+ days of actual multiplayer mw2 gametime. i did play with a professional team for a little bit in halo wars 3v3 and participated in a few of the official tournaments sponsored by the us army, but nothing really became anything of it.
3.3 kdr, wow. Very nice.
What is your setup, MKC?
I use:
Intervention (FMJ)
Sleight \
Stop Power > Usually pro.
Steady Aim /
Unless I'm on Salvage. When I use M4A1. And that one office-type map (Map Pack 2 I believe) where I dominate with the Riot Shield.
i havent played in so long, i'd have to go check my classes out.
curious, why do you use the intervention?
i havent played in so long, i'd have to go check my classes out.
curious, why do you use the intervention?
It is one of very few weapons in the game that takes skill to use and be good with it.
Since when is that an argument for using it? I prefer guns that hit where I aim them, regardless of experience required.
exactly what i always stress to someone who uses that argument. sure, maybe my ACR or SCAR requires less skill and i get alot of kills with it...but, uh, isnt that the point? to get as many kills as quickly and efficiently as possible? why would i want to limit myself by using an inferior weapon that requires even more skill? never makes sense to me.
exactly what i always stress to someone who uses that argument. sure, maybe my ACR or SCAR requires less skill and i get alot of kills with it...but, uh, isnt that the point? to get as many kills as quickly and efficiently as possible? why would i want to limit myself by using an inferior weapon that requires even more skill? never makes sense to me.
If you're good with the Intervention it is NOT an inferior weapon. There are so many more Intervention montages than with the ACR or SCAR.
thats because 99% of people try to look cool with a bolt-action rifle. there is absolutely no reason to use the intervention over the .50 cal. they both have the exact same damage, damage modifiers, and the .50 cal is semi-auto and has a larger clip. while you're forced to use sleight of hand, i have the versatility of using whatever blue perk i want. hands down, the .50 cal outclasses the intervention anyday.
the ACR and SCAR was just an example. personally i hate the SCAR because its rate of fire is too slow for me. the ACR is beast because its insanely accurate and the best gun in hardcore. i also love the TAR, and more recently, the F2000 because i use it as a smg rather than an assault rifle and because its a headshot cannon, mainly due to its high recoil. spray and pray.
There's a lot more differences in 360 and ps3 on call of duty than just the graphics. I remember use'n the scar on 360 and be'n able to get kills very easily. On ps3 it's not as good. The famas is actually better... The graphics were also better on 360. The 360 was awesome, it just kept die'n on me too much, so I had to switch.
On the intervention thing. I agree on both sides. It's great to have the super high KDR, but is also cool to try the more "expert" weapons. I use the Titans on Madden to prove even more a point when I beat the Saints and Ravens. Yeah, it's a real disadvantage for me, but that's the way I roll sometimes.
The only reason to use a sniper rifle would be in a clan match imo. Like Search and Destroy, where you have your sniper against theirs.
there are no differences for weapons between both the ps3 and 360 version. they are the exact same in terms of damage output. maybe you were getting more kills on the 360 version because there are more people on XBL, hence more n00bs to kill...? :)
i can see your point on using inferior weapons, but for the people that are super competitive and want to win consistently, there pretty much is no reason to use the weaker weapons. its like going to a type 1 2 player redemption tournament armed with a starter deck.
and for the record, i hate snipers/campers in general.
Not really. It'd be like going to a redemption tournament using anything but a fast TGT deck.
*that might have changed since Disciples*
I think if you use a sniper weapon, you shouldn't have to camp. Like in CS, use'n a deagle/AWP. You run around like you have an assault rifle, but you only get 1 shot, then you can switch and spray your pistol.
and for the record, i hate snipers/campers in general.
What's wrong with sniping? I can see in some games why camping might be a nuisance, but sniping? Most games, a n00b with a sniper will get more kills for your team than his.
i dont know, i've never liked the idea of some cocky guy just sitting safe and sound picking guys off football fields away. i may also be a little biased because im only a mediocre sniper myself. running close range though and putting a spas12 to a cocky snipers head thats real satisfaction. (:<
I like sniping as well, however, I do it differently. I use a sniper on 24 player FFA matches on Killhouse (very small map)
Pretty amusing trying to point blank with a Barrett.
Tiny map + high explosives = Fun!
Halo be da best
Oh dear....
it's spelled "the"
i knowed dat
what's halo?
That thing you are, but one less K
oh, that.
yeah, that's so last millenium.
It was that long ago?
feels like it. reach better blow me away.
feels like it. reach better blow me away.
It better be good, cuz odst failed.
I don't see why you should be prejudiced against sniping. It's a legit way of getting kills, and if you're a GOOD sniper, you won't get SPAS'd in the face from someone behind you. Since I'm a try-hard, I use Turtle Beach headsets, which lets me hear you coming unless you have Ninja.
Besides, spraying and praying is stupid. You get a lot more satisfaction when you quick-scope someone. And, EVERYONE uses assault, and sprays and prays. The Intervention proves your skill since you have basically one well-placed shot to kill them, versus the spray n' pray Barrett and all the other AR's/LMG/SMG.
Only n00b snipers use the Barrett.
Some of the best counter-strike players ever sprayed. There's a difference between a good player spraying and a bad player spraying. The bad player closes his eyes and moves the gun in all directions hope'n to kill the guy that jumped outta no where and scared him. The good player sprays down the whole other team and kills em' all before he has to reload.
p.s. use whatever gun you like. But if you're only 1:1 or less and trying to prove that it's skill to use a certain gun, that's not prove'n a whole lot. Now if you're just a bit under the top guys or equal with them and you're use'n the sniper, then you are prove'n something.
p.s.s I never was a big fan of deathmatch type games. I like the 1 and done. So in these counter-strike type setups, the sniper is more effective. Also, if you're just sitting somewhere in a regular public server and picking people off, there's no talent to that. If it's a clan match that's different, because the talent level is a lot higher.
p.s.s I never was a big fan of deathmatch type games. I like the 1 and done. So in these counter-strike type setups, the sniper is more effective. Also, if you're just sitting somewhere in a regular public server and picking people off, there's no talent to that. If it's a clan match that's different, because the talent level is a lot higher.
I loves me some frantic 20+ player free for all that go for like, 20 minutes. So many amusing moments come from those games.
I don't see why you should be prejudiced against sniping.
just a personal opinion and class i dearly hate in the game.
It's a legit way of getting kills
i completely agree, any method of racking up kills in the game is legit.
and if you're a GOOD sniper, you won't get SPAS'd in the face from someone behind you.
thats the thing, most snipers dont have a good CQC game. they usually just camp, stay in one spot, and choose inferior sniper rifles to try and pick people off, severely limiting their effectiveness.
Since I'm a try-hard, I use Turtle Beach headsets, which lets me hear you coming unless you have Ninja.
absolutely, i will not and refuse to play mw2 without my turtle beach hpx's. i find sit rep pro worlds better than ninja too...basically, if you hear ANY footsteps, you know its not a friendly. i dont enjoy that luxury with ninja pro since it only silences my footsteps and i can still hear my teammates (moot in free for all, of course, but im a dom player). i also have the benefit of seeing explosives everywhere, which is simply amazing.
Besides, spraying and praying is stupid.
its a common term for people that use smg's. i didnt exactly mean shooting blindly at an enemy, like rolling my finger around the thumbstick and hoping it hits the side of a barn...but rather, in intense situations where reaction time is very minimal, spraying can be very effective, especially with weapons suited to CQC.
You get a lot more satisfaction when you quick-scope someone.
this is true, and only because a quick-scope is a very rare occurance in comparison to other methods of killing. i dont consider quick-scoping a legit killing strategy. there is almost no point to it, and other than sacrificing a few milliseconds and trying to look cool in the process, you pretty much cost yourself a clean shot and your accuracy goes through the floor. besides, isnt quick-scoping pretty much only viable for closer targets? doesnt this run counter-point to the exact role of a sniper? whats the point when i dont even have to go ADS to one-shot you with my spas? im sorry, i just dont get people that try to take quick-scoping seriously. of my 120+ days ingame-time of mw2, i can say with certainty i have only seen ONE person that was consistent enough with quick-scoping, and i suspect this person probably had a mod.
And, EVERYONE uses assault, and sprays and prays.
thats because assault rifles are easily the most versatile weapons in the game. good long, mid, close range...and lots of variations to find a gun that perfectly fits your style.
The Intervention proves your skill since you have basically one well-placed shot to kill them, versus the spray n' pray Barrett and all the other AR's/LMG/SMG.
this has merit if you define 'skill' as using weapons in the game that are inferior to others and trying to become good with them. i dont define skill that way...i define skill as racking up kills by any means necessary and as quickly and efficiently as possible. like i said before, i cant justify bringing a starter deck to type 1 2 player nationals and expecting to win with it. this might be a bit of hyperbole when i say it, as every single weapon in the game has the capability of consistently putting people down, but if my odds increase with weapons better suited for the task at hand, then im more in favor of those weapons.
Only n00b snipers use the Barrett.
great snipers use the barret. where you find personal satisfaction of getting a kill with a bolt-action and hearing the 'clik-clik' of a round reloading between each shot, i have the satisfaction of knowing i put down an enemy with a .50 cal slug. :)
Opinion stuff, fast forward to Sit Rep. It's a legit perk, but I'd much rather have Steady Aim than to see explosives. Not a lot of people use them anyway, but if someone gets me with a well-placed claymore, props to them.
As for quickscoping being ineffecient.... I can quickscope pretty darn well, and it's not that hard to learn how to do it. You put them in the center of your crosshair and bring the scope up just quick enough to see them, drag it across their body, and squeeze off a shot (technically, it's considered a quickscope if you view through the scope for less than a second).
I will agree that in CQB, most snipers just try to no-scope and expect to die. However, that is why they make secondary weapons. Watching your radar helps. Immensely. And quickscoping is only a rare occurence if you don't know how to do it.
As for the one-shotting with the SPAS..... I use it because it can do mid-range and close-range. FMJ and stopping power on it make it basically a more accurate Ranger.
Lastly, Barretts do NOT shoot a 50 cal. "slug". Slugs are used in shotguns.
feels like it. reach better blow me away.
It better be good, cuz odst failed.
The game was waaay too dark
It's a legit perk, but I'd much rather have Steady Aim than to see explosives. Not a lot of people use them anyway, but if someone gets me with a well-placed claymore, props to them.
i'd say sit rep pro is easily the best yellow perk in the game. as i mentioned, i dont use it much to see explosives; that just happens to be an added benefit. the real meat and potatoes is when you pro it. much too valuable to pass up in any team-orientated playlist. as for steady aim...overrated. it was the go-to perk in cod4 because there was nothing else that great in that slot, but there are far better yellow perks than steady aim in mw2. i would easily rank ninja, sitrep, and commando (for mlc enthusiasts...ugh) far better than steady aim.
As for quickscoping being ineffecient.... I can quickscope pretty darn well, and it's not that hard to learn how to do it. You put them in the center of your crosshair and bring the scope up just quick enough to see them, drag it across their body, and squeeze off a shot (technically, it's considered a quickscope if you view through the scope for less than a second).
im curious to know what your overall accuracy is for quickscoping. from my own experience, i have not yet seen a quickscoper the least bit more proficient over just a regular ADS sniper.
As for the one-shotting with the SPAS..... I use it because it can do mid-range and close-range. FMJ and stopping power on it make it basically a more accurate Ranger.
as far as damage goes, the spas will never be in the same league as a ranger since anyone can also use stopping power on a ranger as well. as far as fmj, that does absolutely nothing towards damage.
Lastly, Barretts do NOT shoot a 50 cal. "slug". Slugs are used in shotguns.
i already know this. 'slug' and 'bullet' are fairly interchangeable in todays vernacular. i obviously was not suggesting a sniper rifle can shoot shotgun ammo. a 'slug' in my book is anything that can punch a hole through you, which a .50 cal bullet can do quite well.
Well today in CoD4, I won a Free for All in Killhouse, using the Barrett w/ ACOG + Deagle. 30 minute match. :) (Killhouse is a very small map, so most shots were point blank.)
why arent you using the m40...? ???
why arent you using the m40...? ???
or the P90? ::)
for twice the sprint, ooooh yeah. one of the reasons pc cod4 is better than the console versions (the p90 sprint glitch was patched on the consoles).
Just because. :P
Which do you think is more satisfying, winning with the same gun everyone else uses, or winning with a seriously out of place weapon?
Sure my K:D ratio isn't as good, but I still get the most kills. When you play hectic (20+ player for 30 minutes) free for alls like these, you sorta stop worrying about K:D, because its inevitable that you're going to die a lot. So, you just focus on winning the individual matches. I don't play for "status" of high K:D ratio, I play purely for the fun of it. :P
Also, I made everyone quit the next match because I was utterly destroying with the RPD + Grip. :D
feels like it. reach better blow me away.
It better be good, cuz odst failed.
Nothing with that many Firefly actors can fail.
What does Sit-Rep Pro do? And I absolutely HATE Commando Pro. And runners. They should all repent of their sinful ways.
I'm not quite sure, I don't have my own 360, so I have to play at friends' houses... :'(
All I know is the SPAS is a hoss of a secondary.
Today's vernacular is crap. A majority of people aren't smart enough to govern themselves and expect the government to take care of them. Sheep is all they are. And have you seen the FBI's new sniper rifle? Shoulder-fired 20mm (as in the Vulcan cannon on fighter jets) that is accurate out to more than 4900 YARDS. Fires a 1000-something grain bullet. Almost twice as big as the .50 BMG cartridge, bullet is almost twice the size, too.
What does Sit-Rep Pro do? And I absolutely HATE Commando Pro. And runners. They should all repent of their sinful ways.
sit rep pro amplifies all enemy footsteps while silencing your own and your entire teammates footsteps. like i said before, if you hear anything at all (and you will with turtle beaches), then you know its an enemy. i dont ever need a uav at all because sit rep pro acts as its own. i literally cannot live without it. sit rep is very time consuming to pro, but it is definately worth it.
and yes, i absolutely hate mlc runners. commando should be taken out. commando isnt melee anymore. its freakin' teleportation, what it is. >:(
All I know is the SPAS is a hoss of a secondary.
agreed, there are only two shotguns one should use: spas or the aa12. spas for the best range, or the aa12 if you're horrible at being accurate. of course, this is post-akimbo models (ugh...stupid magic wands, so glad they nerfed them.).
And have you seen the FBI's new sniper rifle? Shoulder-fired 20mm (as in the Vulcan cannon on fighter jets) that is accurate out to more than 4900 YARDS. Fires a 1000-something grain bullet. Almost twice as big as the .50 BMG cartridge, bullet is almost twice the size, too.
i havent heard anything of that sniper rifle, but it sounds pretty sick. heres hoping its in mw3? :)
What does Sit-Rep Pro do? And I absolutely HATE Commando Pro. And runners. They should all repent of their sinful ways.
sit rep pro amplifies all enemy footsteps while silencing your own and your entire teammates footsteps. like i said before, if you hear anything at all (and you will with turtle beaches), then you know its an enemy. i dont ever need a uav at all because sit rep pro acts as its own. i literally cannot live without it. sit rep is very time consuming to pro, but it is definately worth it.
and yes, i absolutely hate mlc runners. commando should be taken out. commando isnt melee anymore. its freakin' teleportation, what it is. >:(
All I know is the SPAS is a hoss of a secondary.
agreed, there are only two shotguns one should use: spas or the aa12. spas for the best range, or the aa12 if you're horrible at being accurate. of course, this is post-akimbo models (ugh...stupid magic wands, so glad they nerfed them.).
And have you seen the FBI's new sniper rifle? Shoulder-fired 20mm (as in the Vulcan cannon on fighter jets) that is accurate out to more than 4900 YARDS. Fires a 1000-something grain bullet. Almost twice as big as the .50 BMG cartridge, bullet is almost twice the size, too.
i havent heard anything of that sniper rifle, but it sounds pretty sick. heres hoping its in mw3? :)
What is mlc? And yes, commando is so stupid. Knifing people halfway across the map is definitely NOT melee.
As for the Models, I loved using them, but then they downgrade the Models and do nothing to the Rangers... :scratch:
Look it up, it's called the Anzio 20-50. And by MW3, do you mean Black Ops or actual MW3?
mlc: marathon lightweight commando. i probably loathe them more than i do snipers. used to be even crazier with the care package glitch.
rangers are perfectly balanced...they have high damage, but very low range. akimbo models used to be able to pick you off a very good distance away.
i meant mw3 as in modern warfare 3. i doubt a technologically advanced sniper such as the one you claim would be in a vietnam war-and-before cod. :)
mlc: marathon lightweight commando. i probably loathe them more than i do snipers. used to be even crazier with the care package glitch.
rangers are perfectly balanced...they have high damage, but very low range. akimbo models used to be able to pick you off a very good distance away.
i meant mw3 as in modern warfare 3. i doubt a technologically advanced sniper such as the one you claim would be in a vietnam war-and-before cod. :)
It's not technologically advanced, it's just a really big bullet fired by a really big gun. And Black Ops is Vietnam-era? Since when?
every treyarch cod has been a vietnam-or-before era game. infinity ward owns all rights to post-vietnam era cod's.
/nerd: every treyarch cod has been a vietnam-or-before era game. infinity ward owns all rights to post-vietnam era cod's.
Fixed. And I didn't know that, and I'm teasing. :laugh:
meh, its in my line of business to know those kinds things...if that makes me a nerd, so be it. :)
...if that makes me a nerd, so be it. :)
Not really,you can find that info on the box of the game and of course their websites.
on another note, i was going to pass on black ops based soley on the fact i dislike the time era...but after watching the multiplayer trailer yesterday...WOW. blew me out of the water. it looks so much like mw2 AND TONS MORE. tons of customization out the wazoo! it really looks like infinity ward may have had a hand in developing black ops with looks so much like mw2 in terms of gameplay and graphics.
Can't wait for Black Ops either ;D
/rant on Black Ops.
First, it is like mixing MW2 and Gears, with the new dives and barrel-rolls. Gonna be awesome. Second, they slowed down player movement, so it will be easier to track people through snipezorz scopes. Third, you have to BUY upgrades and new guns with IN-GAME money you EARN. Fourth, I can't WAIT to use the Ballistic Knife. Or the Tomahawk.
dives and barrel rolls? crazy...not sure if im gonna like that...
thats good they slowed down player movement, im a mediocre sniper at best so that'll help me line up a shot better.
im loving the in-game currency system. absolute genius.
and the new modes look freakin' awesome. wager matches anyone?
is the money system like counter-strike? Or, you get to buy the guns and they stick? I hope it's more like counter-strike, cause that's awesome.
how was the money system in cs?
Can't remember how much you started out with, haven't played for yearssss. But let's say you start out with $4,000. You buy your AK $2,500. A couple clips at $100 each. Body armor and helmet at $1,000 combied together. and have $300 left over for a nade. Each kill gets you $300 and everything you don't use Rolls over. You can drop your weapon and pickup someone elses. You can also drop your gun to give some1 who is poor and buy you another one. You get a certain amount added to your total at the end of each round that you win. If you keep lose'n, you'll have less and less money each round, so at some times you have to save your money and just use your pistol that round.
Sounds like a recipe for RAGEQUIT
Sounds like a recipe for RAGEQUIT
Unless you're good at pistols.
my brother can go megaman with a m9.
Sounds like a recipe for RAGEQUIT
Playing MW2 AT ALL is a recipe for RAGEQUIT-age.
Sounds like a recipe for RAGEQUIT
Unless you're good at pistols.
exactly. You could always spray with an usp and win vs an assault rifle. You could also snipe with a deagle if you were good enough.
Sounds like a recipe for RAGEQUIT
Unless you're good at pistols.
exactly. You could always spray with an usp and win vs an assault rifle. You could also snipe with a deagle if you were good enough.
Then what kind of gun is Smeagle?
It's gold-ish, and round. Not very useful offensively, but people can't seem to hit you when you're using it.
It's gold-ish, and round. Not very useful offensively, but people can't seem to hit you when you're using it.
Sounds suspiciously like Commando Pro.... >:(
lol, win. this is call of duty, not mario and sonic at the winter olympics. UGH, stupid mlc'ers.
lol, win. this is call of duty, not mario and sonic at the winter olympics. UGH, stupid mlc'ers.
Here's a new sig for you, MKC:
Commando Pro is like Sonic wielding a K-BAR.