Cactus Game Design Message Boards
Other Gaming => Video & Computer Games => Topic started by: Zexal92 on August 28, 2013, 01:31:40 PM
I do not joke, Nintendo has just announced a "2D" version of the "3DS"
Personally, I am tearing my hair out b\c it's priced at $129.99. And I play with my 3D off most the time anyways.
No folding ability = Not for me.
This thing makes me scratch my head, my thoughts are:
1. Why does it have the same screen dimensions as the little 3ds and not the better 3ds XL.
2. No folding makes it seem less portable.
3. The price is attractive though.
no flip is super lame
Targeted at lower price gamers (comes out the same day as the new Pokemon games, what a coincidence! ) Smaller screen and no hinge are cost-base decisions. Nintendo knows the Wii-U is in trouble and it needs to start getting money from somewhere, they already dominate the mobile gaming market so this just gives them another selling point for the people who couldn't afford a 3DS. More market share in the mobile space is good for them, more sales is even better.
Makes sense they come out with a cheaper one right after Sony announced the price drop on the Vita.... and I understand the whole target demographic... but really no flip? If they charged $150 for a 2D flip 3DS I would buy one in a heart beat... but with the lack of portability on this model you can count me out on the 2D 3DS.
Two things to note:
1. The original Gameboy was not a flip cover and it sold just fine.
2. Flip phones were replaced by flat phones and they did just fine.
With that said, though, I will not be buying one because $129 is still pretty high. Nintendo has to compete with Smartphones now, which have proven they can take over the gaming scene. Developers will continue to pour time and money into phone apps, most likely in the place of console games. There is also better competition for the younger players than ever before. My kids will pick up the Leapster Explorer over the DS any day of the week.
Nintendo hurt themselves with the Wii U. I have already explained in previous threads why Nintendo lost people like me, who were their biggest fans, and likely target audience. Nintendo's stranglehold on family gamers is quickly losing its grip.
Two things to note:
1. The original Gameboy was not a flip cover and it sold just fine.
2. Flip phones were replaced by flat phones and they did just fine.
With that said, though, I will not be buying one because $129 is still pretty high. Nintendo has to compete with Smartphones now, which have proven they can take over the gaming scene. Developers will continue to pour time and money into phone apps, most likely in the place of console games. There is also better competition for the younger players than ever before. My kids will pick up the Leapster Explorer over the DS any day of the week.
Nintendo hurt themselves with the Wii U. I have already explained in previous threads why Nintendo lost people like me, who were their biggest fans, and likely target audience. Nintendo's stranglehold on family gamers is quickly losing its grip.
I would disagree with the notion that smartphones are replacing the DS on the principal that, are you buying an iphone for your 12 year old just so he can play some games? $200 + ~$50 a month? Yes it does other things obviously, but those things are not the thing that he wants. Plus, it can't play 90% of the games that you buy a DS for in the first place, so it's really not even an amicable replacement. An iPhone (or android phone) would be an amicable replacement if it could play the games, but it can't, and it cost more not only with up front cost but also a LOT more long term. Android phones have emulators that would allow you to play most games, but that's piracy and not everybody even understands how to do it.
The Wii U was indeed a mistep, but I don't think it does (or should) effect the DS line.
And no, consoles are not getting replaced by smartphones any time soon. They do not have the power for that, and by the time they do the console's will be farther ahead. console's *might* get replaced by PC gaming, but never by smartphones.
Let me clarify that I am referring to parents with children, which has traditionally been Nintendo's target audience. I already have a smartphone, so having my kids play games on my phone is cheaper than buying a console, or console games. Graphics and game depth are irrelavent when I am just entertaining my kids, or keeping them occupied. I am certain that many parents will opt for the cheaper, simpler solutions. Kids will often have more fun with the box the Wii U came in than the Wii U itself, for instance.
I disagree that the Wii U will not affect DS sales. If a company turns off a primary target audience, those people will look elsewhere for all their entertainment needs. Every store has an entire aisle in the toy department dedicated to handheld gaming consoles that are more educational. Parents will spend their money in that aisle instead of the video game aisle if they feel Nintendo has turned their back on them. Consumer loyalty is much stronger than some companies realize.
Thus, parents can either spend much less by getting apps on phones they already have, or spend the same (or slightly less) on consoles that are educational and fun. Either way, the DS is out of the mix.
This looks like it'd be a lot harder to break. That + being cheaper than the 3DS means Nintendo is probably targeting a younger audience than they have in the past.
EDIT: Huh. After googling, it turns out Nintendo even said it was targeting kids under 7.
I am surprised at the negative reaction to the Wii U her on these boards. My family has a Wii U and every one who has used it(kids and parents alike) have loved it. I have found the tablet controller fun and very easy to use.
I am surprised at the negative reaction to the Wii U her on these boards. My family has a Wii U and every one who has used it(kids and parents alike) have loved it. I have found the tablet controller fun and very easy to use.
I don't really want to derail this thread, since it is about the 2DS. However, I am curious if anything has changed since the Wii U first came out. Is the tablet controller for more than one player? Do you have the base version (white), or the upgrade version (black)? We could just start a new thread about the Wii U, or revive the old thread. In there I went into detail about why I would not buy the Wii U.
EDIT: Huh. After googling, it turns out Nintendo even said it was targeting kids under 7.
This is what I was getting at. There are much better options than a DS for that age group, especially at that price point. Most children under 7 cannot read well enough to play DS games that supposedly target them.
I would buy this if it flipped. Not flipping is incedibly annoying and looks ridiculous.
I would buy this if it flipped. Not flipping is incedibly annoying and looks ridiculous.
you are significantly older than the target market. How many 7 year olds are thinking about the ascetics of the thing they use to play pokemon and mario?
I would buy this if it flipped. Not flipping is incedibly annoying and looks ridiculous.
you are significantly older than the target market. How many 7 year olds are thinking about the ascetics of the thing they use to play pokemon and mario?
I agree with Olijar, and it has nothing to do with aesthetics. The 2DS will have significantly reduced portability, and the screens will be much more susceptible to damage.
The 2ds is .3 inches taller than a nexus 7, something that I own and fits in my pocket pretty comfortably. However there is a reason for the non-folding that beyond just not paying for the hinge. The 2ds' dual screens are actually a single OLED display with a plastic cover over it to give the look of two distinct screens. Since you can't fold a panel in half, you can't fold the 2ds. using a single screen instead of separate ones is probably the biggest cost cut.