Author Topic: White/Demons-Magacians  (Read 3488 times)

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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« on: March 31, 2019, 05:19:47 PM »
Just a note, I don't physically have the new cards yet and some of this includes phase 2 things. The defense was already put together from a similar deck I was running so it has not been modified at all with the new stuff.

The Woman with Child
24 Elders x2
Chenaniah x2
Fearless Traveler x2
Music Leader x2

Christ's Triumph
Temple Dedication
Joy x2
Faith of Moses' Parents x2
Overcome x2
Word of Christ x2
Love Righteousness x3
Gleaning the Fields x3

New Covenant
YWR x2
I Am Love x2

The Tabernacle


3 Woes
The Ends of the Earth

Golden Censer
Holy Grail

14 lost souls

Beast from the Sea
Abaddon the Destroyer
Prince of this World
Evil Spawn
The Frog Demons
Messenger of Satan
The Deceiver x2
Dragon's Minions x2
Red Dragon x2
Kings of the Earth
King Manessah
Egyptian Magicians
The Judean Mediums x2

Divination x2
The Wages of Sin
Evil Strength
Evil Armor x2
SSS x2
Deafening Spirit x2
Blasphemies x3

GoH x2
Coliseum x3 - might bring it down to 2


Dragon's Minions
Words of Encouragement x2
Hate Wickedness
Burning Bush

Until I really get to mess with phase 2 this is just a fun deck that's extremely efficient. The main point to the offense is to pop out heroes as quick as possible and use your dominants due to The Woman with Child and then FoM. Eventually it will have other dominant stoppers but for now, FoM and Lampstand will due. The offense revolves around very strong bands that also band together due to a constant recurrence of New Covenant. I really like the Daniel band and the musicians are so good. Having a Chenaniah banded to 24 Elders with Joy, New Covenant to band to the Daniel band is very strong to stop. Temple Dedication for a small musician band with 24 Elders is also very strong. The Daniel band protects lost souls, protect Daniel heroes from discard, negates fortresses, evil characters, and NT enhs, and can look at their hand. Also, New Covenant allows my heroes to band for one turn so I like to band my 24 Elders to Asaph with I Am Love active, or a Daniel band to Asaph. Chenaniah to Asaph with I Am Love is also really nice, I just don't have enough territory destruction for WC guys, so it's kind of a sub-strategy and if the opponent doesn't run WC then good for me. The Daniel band alone is tough to stop and the Daniel band, New Covenant to Asaph makes for negating of NT enhs but my Word of Christ works though them. I Am Love with 24 Elders is also very tough to stop, especially with a Chenaniah to back it up. Pretty much this deck immediately sets up the bands due to 3x Love righteousness/Consider the Lillies.


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