Author Topic: What do you want to see at Nats?  (Read 4380 times)

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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What do you want to see at Nats?
« on: July 04, 2020, 12:33:35 AM »
With the current normalcy of Covid, it seems that all State and Regional tournaments are probably not going to happen. I completely understand this, but that is difficult due to my lack of playgroup, and I am more of a nomad type of player, as I tend to drive to tournaments to test my decks. Since I can not do that this year I am asking you all, what do you think will be good, or what do you think would be a strong/fun deck idea for type 2? I would like to check in two decks this year, one taken from this thread, and one being my own creations. No promises though because there has not been much talk on the boards right now and the idea/list has to be one that I like and feel comfortable with. So by all means, help me out with some ideas to at least test before Nationals and I will let you know if I will make the deck to play in T2 at nats.

Offline The Schaefer

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Re: What do you want to see at Nats?
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2020, 02:08:30 AM »
I'm usually only play Redemption Aggie at tournaments for T2 myself so I can understand about not getting in all the testing that you want. Honestly I'm still not decided on what to play yet either but I'll throw out my thoughts and some ideas to see if that strikes a chord with you.

I don't think the meta really has changed or will change much so anything that was strong will remain strong.

So some things I would expect to be meta would be

Throne variants
Judges Variants
Teal variants (lightning priest or teal splash)
Ruth/Musicians mostly due to the newness
Elijah and Jonah
Red Warrior (standalone and splashed)
CTB + Book and Cov w/ Adam.

So some off meta ideas

White Brigade seems to be in a good spot so I think an Exodus theme splashed with other white goodies will probably be decent. Even with all the TC enhancements Cloud moses hurts opponents more than you and you can always play those TC searchers in battle. Exodus has musician and cloud synergies too so the world is your oyster.

For a Defense I think a play first CBN style gray defense is viable abusing Rezin and Proud Pharisee. At least it seems interesting on paper to me.

Protection of Jerusalem in an Angel Party style deck seems like there could be something there. NT and non human could matter atm as well.

That Star card deck you were looking at a while back seems good.

I still think there's at least 1 good Genesis build. I think probably for type 2 a play first CBN style offense is likely to be the most powerful. Turn 1 creation and Abraham/Patriarchs are both capable of that.

Side battle Great image may be a win con now with how fast offenses are setting up now. It may be too hard to recover for some decks.

ANB prominently in a Genesis deck seems fun if nothing else. (If you're into that sort of thing anyways.)

Old School ET + AoCP. Because why not?

Those are just some of my thoughts. You can always message me if you want to talk about any of the ideas either. Im pretty similar boat myself of just trying to figure out a lot of this stuff.

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: What do you want to see at Nats?
« Reply #2 on: July 13, 2020, 09:45:51 AM »
I think you are right about the meta. I am also interested to see if anyone will play meek lost souls for a very fast Daniel deck, doubtful for nationals, as well as a Kings of Judah deck, or at least defense. Josiah and I talked about a meek lost soul defense and my initial side was just how much you would lose upfront for missing out on the amazing lost soul abilities. He mentioned how if you could get past that initial burst and even the mid-early game and still have a close or low scoring game then the unity meek abilities on EC's would be very hard to get around. I am wondering how many people play meek ls at nats in both T1 and T2 because of this.
I paired that star prophet deck I had with Assyrians so I could obliterate Storehouse if needed and it was scary strong and fun to play. One of my main points for defenses this year is that if you can add to battle consistently then you can get around a lot of the meta offenses, IMO. Examples: Throne variants that abuse Ahimelek, Judges variants that CtB with Ehud or have 4x Edict, Red Warrior for Ahimelek again, and CtB with Cov/ Adam, so really I only said 2 things and said those two things twice lol but you get the point. I can see Jayden playing a slightly modified Lightning Priest or just reverting back to CoW Moses/Judges/CwD, because why not, so I have to keep that in mind when making a national contending defense. Justin plays everything but loves brown so have an offense that can get around brown in the hands of Justin, good luck. Gregg will probably have a slightly modified Ark deck especially after the success he had last year with it. I see no reason why you wouldn't have your Genesis cannon modified either. So there's my scouting report, but like you said, I agree that the meta did not shift. I know Throne looks different now, there's Postexilic stuff, and you have a few variations of Genesis decks, but I think the only standalone and competitive offense that really changed is Ruth from LoC. The thing is, do people in the T2 community think it is strong enough to hang with the decks/offenses we just talked about?
I liked your off-the-wall decks. I reallyyyyy wanted to make a silver/demon deck with Dragon's Wrath for that same reason you stated. It seems like hero abilities are at an all time high this season plus getting out 2-3 heroes first turn is the norm, so having a wipe out card that affects only your opponent and not you is a massive momentum shift that I think few decks can recover from. Even if they can, how quickly and efficiently could they recover? We should get in a skype session just to bounce some ideas around prior to nats since no one is getting facetime/playing time in.

Offline The Schaefer

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Re: What do you want to see at Nats?
« Reply #3 on: July 14, 2020, 01:40:47 AM »
I think you are right about the meta. I am also interested to see if anyone will play meek lost souls for a very fast Daniel deck, doubtful for nationals, as well as a Kings of Judah deck, or at least defense. Josiah and I talked about a meek lost soul defense and my initial side was just how much you would lose upfront for missing out on the amazing lost soul abilities. He mentioned how if you could get past that initial burst and even the mid-early game and still have a close or low scoring game then the unity meek abilities on EC's would be very hard to get around. I am wondering how many people play meek ls at nats in both T1 and T2 because of this.
I paired that star prophet deck I had with Assyrians so I could obliterate Storehouse if needed and it was scary strong and fun to play. One of my main points for defenses this year is that if you can add to battle consistently then you can get around a lot of the meta offenses, IMO. Examples: Throne variants that abuse Ahimelek, Judges variants that CtB with Ehud or have 4x Edict, Red Warrior for Ahimelek again, and CtB with Cov/ Adam, so really I only said 2 things and said those two things twice lol but you get the point. I can see Jayden playing a slightly modified Lightning Priest or just reverting back to CoW Moses/Judges/CwD, because why not, so I have to keep that in mind when making a national contending defense. Justin plays everything but loves brown so have an offense that can get around brown in the hands of Justin, good luck. Gregg will probably have a slightly modified Ark deck especially after the success he had last year with it. I see no reason why you wouldn't have your Genesis cannon modified either. So there's my scouting report, but like you said, I agree that the meta did not shift. I know Throne looks different now, there's Postexilic stuff, and you have a few variations of Genesis decks, but I think the only standalone and competitive offense that really changed is Ruth from LoC. The thing is, do people in the T2 community think it is strong enough to hang with the decks/offenses we just talked about?
I liked your off-the-wall decks. I reallyyyyy wanted to make a silver/demon deck with Dragon's Wrath for that same reason you stated. It seems like hero abilities are at an all time high this season plus getting out 2-3 heroes first turn is the norm, so having a wipe out card that affects only your opponent and not you is a massive momentum shift that I think few decks can recover from. Even if they can, how quickly and efficiently could they recover? We should get in a skype session just to bounce some ideas around prior to nats since no one is getting facetime/playing time in.

All valid and good points. Im down to bounce ideas around before Nats. My work schedule has been funky lately but I'm sure we can figure something out.

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Re: What do you want to see at Nats?
« Reply #4 on: July 14, 2020, 11:39:39 PM »
Go gold:  Luke/John offense with a Herod defense. Boom.
Overcome satan by the blood of the Lamb, your testimony, and don't love your life to the death!


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