Author Topic: Unity in Christ  (Read 2060 times)

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Unity in Christ
« on: August 20, 2012, 03:53:02 PM »
Last year, the day before Nationals, I made this deck up. The strategy behind it was everyone was using N.T. offenses last year, so I could use their offense too, along with mine. The only problem, once you ran out of Unity in Christ, you had to hope TGT/AoC was enough. I lost round 3 to MitchRob due to that. I ran out at the end. My other loss was the same, ran out of goodies. So had I had Abe's Descendant in the deck, I think I would have done much better. My deck this past Nationals stemmed from the idea of this deck, just O.T.-I'll post later. I didn't run this deck this year due to CWD, but after seeing hardly any at Nationals, I can run this deck again. The defense has plenty of artifact killers. This is this year's version of the offense.

The Centurion at Capernaum x2
Mary the Mother of James
Attending Angel x2
Mary Magdalene
Claudia x2
ET x3
John the Baptist

Moses and Elders x2
Abraham's Descendant x3
Unity in Christ x4
AoC(p) x4

The New Covenant

TGT x2
Herod's Temple

Hidden Treasures x3

Strategy: RA with prophet (the negate the protection ones are the best) with Treasures up play Unity in Christ. First band in Centurion so their sites are negated, now band in Attending Angel to search for your battle winner, a recursion card, or next turns Unity. Now band in ET and play AoC which there is nothing they can do about since all protection got negated. Now band in a TGT gal for pre-block ignore. If you have both Attending Angels out for Unity, your set.
CWD hurts this and Tower of Thebez. Seven Wicked Spirits is in the defense so their Tower does not work, and I pair it with ASA x3 to get rid of the protection/CWD on defense. Once the board is clear, next turn, or however many turns you can while you have pre-block ignore, you can do the band, but play Moses and Elders or Abe's Descendant. Attending Angel is pretty much the star of the offense, as he gets it going, and keeps it going. The addition of Moses and Elders and Abe's Descendant are for the obvious recursion to keep the banding/AoC going. Hold EC's in your hand and use KoTW, or splash more orange for the defense.

Offline christiangamer25

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Re: Unity in Christ
« Reply #1 on: August 20, 2012, 06:23:51 PM »
interesting deck tyler i'd love to play you online see what happens.
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Re: Unity in Christ
« Reply #2 on: August 20, 2012, 07:22:56 PM »
This is such a cool deck. I wish I saw more little combo decks where the deck is dedicated to a combo, but not a game winning one.

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Re: Unity in Christ
« Reply #3 on: August 20, 2012, 07:27:48 PM »
This is such a cool deck. I wish I saw more little combo decks where the deck is dedicated to a combo, but not a game winning one.

That was actually how Josiah Beers won T2...I don't think he's made his deck public yet, so I won't spoil anything, but his offense was centered around a nifty little combo that had the answer to all of the defenses he faced except Clift's.
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Re: Unity in Christ
« Reply #4 on: August 20, 2012, 10:02:16 PM »
This is such a cool deck. I wish I saw more little combo decks where the deck is dedicated to a combo, but not a game winning one.

That was actually how Josiah Beers won T2...I don't think he's made his deck public yet, so I won't spoil anything, but his offense was centered around a nifty little combo that had the answer to all of the defenses he faced except Clift's.

I don't know what the combo is, so this is pure speculation.  I bet it involves bringing in multiple purple kings and Isaiah into battle at the same time, along with Abigail.  Maybe via Throne of David/Unified Kingdom or something.  There's only one EC or EE that I know that could stop multiple CBN-bulletproofed heroes, and that EE only targets one hero (Stone of Thebez).  Abigail and Isaiah (if he has Call) protect against chump blocks, like Uzzah/DoU/Belshazzar's Banquet/etc.
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Offline RTSmaniac

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Re: Unity in Christ
« Reply #5 on: August 20, 2012, 10:04:38 PM »
I just got lucky with archers sniping his dudes then removing them with forgotten history i think and then im not sure if he's ever faced words of discouragement which caused some discouragement and early jars sealed the deal- oh yea judges seat with jar hurt his defense and the words kept him from insteading seat. Wish I would have added that I am Holy to discard my judges/angels and get them back with angels/wheels...

OH NO's- everybody talking about JBeers on T's post. What was that score again? :kidding:
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