Author Topic: Type 2 questions and some deck advice.  (Read 1507 times)

Offline redemption collector 777

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Type 2 questions and some deck advice.
« on: November 10, 2014, 12:48:49 AM »
I am still new to type 2 in general so I have some questions about it.

1. Do most type 2 decks have some sorta site access with them at all times? (like ends of the earth , dragon raid , NJ etc)?

2. Would having lots of sites like 7 teal ones work effectively against an opponent in a type 2 game nowadays?? like site lockout??

3. what offense and defense themes in type 2 are most popular right now?

4. Is there any Type 2 genesis and/or Egyptian decks on the forums I can have a look at??

5. I am running a type 2 Genesis Egyptian deck right now and wondering what artifacts , covenants and or curses should I take with me to a type 2 2 player tournament?

  So far I have Cwd , Given over to Egypt, Hezzy's ring , I am Holy (any I should take out?) Only have room for 4 or 5.

  which other ones do you think I should take or not take??

  Covenant of Palestine   Unknown Nation   Stone Pillar
  Unholy writ                Captured Ark           I am Redemption
  Magic Charms             Holy Grail
  Joe's silver cup             Darius Decree
  I am Grace                 Rain becomes dust
 Three Nails (faced a demon defense and had trouble getting though it especially wandering spirit)

Any thoughts???
« Last Edit: November 10, 2014, 01:09:54 AM by redemption collector 777 »

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Re: Type 2 questions and some deck advice.
« Reply #1 on: November 10, 2014, 07:23:30 AM »
I am still new to type 2 in general so I have some questions about it.

1. Do most type 2 decks have some sorta site access with them at all times? (like ends of the earth , dragon raid , NJ etc)?

Not really, no, not in my experience at least.  Most themes have something built-in, and a lot of decks rely on the number of souls to avoid lock-out.  I started adding DR recently to my deck though because it can be an issue.

2. Would having lots of sites like 7 teal ones work effectively against an opponent in a type 2 game nowadays?? like site lockout??
If you are doing site lock, you really should be running Heretics.  That way, even if they have access (most decks have at least something), then you can still protect the soul they choose.  Heretics got a big boost in TEC, so they might be a good option.

3. what offense and defense themes in type 2 are most popular right now?
Who knows?  That's the fun of a new set, it's going to be in flux for awhile.  You can see old tier lists on this board, but the new stuff will change A LOT.  For instance, if you saw the Phase 2 cards that are coming soon, you'll know that Greeks are going to be much better, and they don't see a lot of play now.

4. Is there any Type 2 genesis and/or Egyptian decks on the forums I can have a look at??
Genetyptians are a popular deck concept, there should be a few to find around here, not sure how many though...and I don't have the opportunity to search at the moment.

5. I am running a type 2 Genesis Egyptian deck right now and wondering what artifacts , covenants and or curses should I take with me to a type 2 2 player tournament?

  So far I have Cwd , Given over to Egypt, Hezzy's ring , I am Holy (any I should take out?) Only have room for 4 or 5.

  which other ones do you think I should take or not take??

  Covenant of Palestine   Unknown Nation   Stone Pillar
  Unholy writ                Captured Ark           I am Redemption
  Magic Charms             Holy Grail
  Joe's silver cup             Darius Decree
  I am Grace                 Rain becomes dust
 Three Nails (faced a demon defense and had trouble getting though it especially wandering spirit)

Any thoughts???

Take out CwD...goodness, Jacob is super important to your deck.  If you don't have Joseph and can't search him out, or if you want to play PBI, or band to Captain, he is REALLY important to not be negated.  Three nails isn't a bad add since you can't beat demons easily.  Stone Pillar is always nice, and can also get NJ out of deck.  Grail is always a good card, and so is Decree.  Unknown Nation can be pretty good.  For your curses, be sure to include your Pithom.


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