Author Topic: TGT + Sites  (Read 2855 times)


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TGT + Sites
« on: March 17, 2010, 01:32:44 AM »
Total Cards: 112
       Neutral: 32

Lost Souls: 15
Deck Discard x2
Hands Discard
NT x2
Female Only x2
Color Guard x2
Site Doubler x2
Exchanger x2

Sites: 11
Pergamum x2
BBH x2
Babylon x5
Hormah x2

Artifacts: 6
Samaritan Water Jar x3
Unholy Writ x2
Holy Grail

Good: 40

Good Dominants: 5
Angel of the Lord
Son of God
New Jerusalem

Good Fortresses: 4
TGT x2

Good Covenants: 1
I am Grace

Gold Heroes: 5
The Woman at the Well x 2
Good Samaritan x2

Gold Enhancements: 5
Meeting the Messiah x5

White Heroes: 5
Salome x3
Mary, Mother of James x2

Purple Heroes: 7
ET x 2
King Hezekiah x2
The Magi
Chuck Norris

Purple Enhancements: 8
AoCP x5
Reach x3

Evil: 40

Evil Dominants: 4
Falling Away

Evil Fortresses: 2
High Places
Gates of Jerusalem

Evil Curses: 1

Crimson Evil Characters: 2
Possessing Demon x2 (nice to get around RTC's, and hopefully they don't have an Abe's Serv)

Brown Evil Characters: 13
King Nadab x2
King Zed x3
Gomer x2
King Jeroboam I x2
Foul Spirit

Brown Evil Enhancements: 18
Image of Jealousy
Gib's Trick x5
Crucify Him x2
Dungeon x4
Taking Naboth's Vineyard x2
Land Purchase x2
Threatened Lives x2

I'm thinking about switching to Crimson, or maybe Black, as A-Bom/Land Dispute and Axe would help me get rid of protect forts.

Offline Mr.Hiatus

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Re: TGT + Sites
« Reply #1 on: March 17, 2010, 12:47:02 PM »
You have no interrupts or negates, might want to add Unknown Nation x2-3 or you might get tossed around by low init CBN offenses. Also you can not stop teal what so ever, and a band hurts you bad. I would take out a Crucify Him for Lying Unto God, and the other for another Image of Jealousy. Also I would switch out the sites, any other site deck will have access, because everyone uses those same sites. Use silver or red and add HHI if you do. For offense I do not think you Water Jars will ever work because you only have 4 Samaritans. I would take out JT and WoP for The Thankful Leper, and another Good Samaritan. Another thing, 12 heroes in any deck, ESPECIALLY a 112 card deck is no where near enough. You will end up discarding most of your enhancements due to a lack of heroes to play them on. I learned this a while ago, play with more characters, or just about the same amount, that way you can either always attack, or if there is no lost soul out you do not have to discard all of your stuff due to hand clog. Play with generic, or 1-2 or unique characters so your territory is never stuffed, if the character is vital to your offense/defense then use 2-4 of them. Also I think this offense will get nuked by a black defense. Two reasons- 1) being your lack of heroes, a well timed Wrath of Satan, or a couple Overwhelmed by Philistines/ Writ's will take out half your guys, and 2) you are using purple which makes their Overwhelmed CBN. I would take out Chuck Norris for King David, lol idk who Chuck represents, but either way you need Widow and a King David in your offense so you hurt black. I also do not really see the need in I Am Grace, you're not using Throne of David, and you use ET's/Reach's so might want to take that out for another hero. In a 112 card deck I run about 18-20 heroes, just FYI. You use 5 Meeting the Messiah, yet you have no Speed Bumps?! Throw in 2 of those in exchange for the Punisher and Hand d/c, or for both deck d/c. Also I am surprised by you using sites, yet not using the Thorns ls!? That is a must for site decks, switch those 2 in there for the ones I just mentioned.  Also I am once again shocked, no site removers...if you have to put a N.T. in a site or something, then realize they don't have much N.T. and you just drew a lost soul but have no sites to put it in then you are hurt, use 2 site removers. I would try to cut down your deck a little. Take out the FA/GOYS, both Hormah's, because no one will ever go for the lost soul in there, and all your lost souls will be in BBH, and take out a lost soul, and another good and bad, or leave it at 108 and see how it is. Good deck overall, it could just use a few pointers.


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Re: TGT + Sites
« Reply #2 on: March 17, 2010, 07:15:29 PM »
You have no interrupts or negates, might want to add Unknown Nation x2-3 or you might get tossed around by low init CBN offenses.
I have no idea how those two sentances are combined, as you're talking about needing interrupts, but switch to CBN offenses, which interrupts are powerless against. Korah's Rebellion, maybe, since it gets rid of sites as well? also, what "low init CBN offenses" are there in T2?

Also you can not stop teal what so ever, and a band hurts you bad. I would take out a Crucify Him for Lying Unto God, and the other for another Image of Jealousy.
first off, teal's primary card is Z's Temple, but their common site access card is Covenant of Levi, which is easily discarded by Crucify Him (and since I pretty much only use one time arts, I don't have to worry about it backfiring, in addition, it takes out their Covenant with Phineas, which will be very helpful once I put in 5 Plots). as far as banding goes, yes, that is a huge problem, and my main defense against it is my sites. IoJ won't help me against it too much...

Also I would switch out the sites, any other site deck will have access, because everyone uses those same sites. Use silver or red and add HHI if you do.
um, if I play a site deck, can't they just use their site discard/steal cards to take care of mine? and vice versa? but it's not a bad idea... problem is that silver is used by 2-3 people in my playgroup, red is babylons, so other site decks will still have access.  blue is common, gold is slightly common, purple is overly common, white is pretty common (stupid TGT...), Teal is pretty common, and green is also overly common. Gold would probably be the way I would go...
For offense I do not think you Water Jars will ever work because you only have 4 Samaritans. I would take out JT and WoP for The Thankful Leper, and another Good Samaritan. Another thing, 12 heroes in any deck, ESPECIALLY a 112 card deck is no where near enough. You will end up discarding most of your enhancements due to a lack of heroes to play them on. I learned this a while ago, play with more characters, or just about the same amount, that way you can either always attack, or if there is no lost soul out you do not have to discard all of your stuff due to hand clog.
in 3 out of 5 games at the T2 only, I decked out. I used my Water Jars every time. using sites allows me to play slowly. if my sites work, my offense will come around. if my sites don't work, I'm pretty much screwed anyway. also, I only have 12 enhancements and 17 heroes. once I did run out and the game ended 6-1, but usually I can successfully destroy their defense and walk in with one or two. I've considered adding a Chariot to compensate.
Play with generic, or 1-2 or unique characters so your territory is never stuffed, if the character is vital to your offense/defense then use 2-4 of them.
um, the only duplicate unique characters I use are Salome, Mary, (both of which are vital), and Good Samaritan and Woman at the Well (which usually don't even enter battle, they're just in there for Water Jar and Meetings). and King Hezzy, who is very helpful against Destructive Sin and IoJ... oh, and ET. who really isn't that important to me. but I have 3 of him (one being Chuck. I renamed him after he rescued 8 lost souls in one game (Falling Away...)
Also I think this offense will get nuked by a black defense. Two reasons- 1) being your lack of heroes, a well timed Wrath of Satan, or a couple Overwhelmed by Philistines/ Writ's will take out half your guys, and 2) you are using purple which makes their Overwhelmed CBN. I would take out Chuck Norris for King David, lol idk who Chuck represents, but either way you need Widow and a King David in your offense so you hurt black.
um, how will they block? I'm not going to attack unless I know they can't block or I'm going with ET + AoCP/The Magi + Reach + AoCP. I guess Philly Outpost poses a problem... which is why I should switch to Crimson or Black for my defense. getting rid of Gates and Outpost is needed. also, I am Grace is super useful for getting rid of IoJ's.
I also do not really see the need in I Am Grace, you're not using Throne of David, and you use ET's/Reach's so might want to take that out for another hero. In a 112 card deck I run about 18-20 heroes, just FYI.
I run 17. I also have a lot less available because I'm using sites... also, I don't own a King David yet... I think he's the only playable card I don't have yet, but my dad might have one I can borrow. Widow would be good.


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Re: TGT + Sites
« Reply #3 on: March 17, 2010, 07:16:38 PM »
You use 5 Meeting the Messiah, yet you have no Speed Bumps?! Throw in 2 of those in exchange for the Punisher and Hand d/c, or for both deck d/c. Also I am surprised by you using sites, yet not using the Thorns ls!? That is a must for site decks, switch those 2 in there for the ones I just mentioned.  Also I am once again shocked, no site removers...if you have to put a N.T. in a site or something, then realize they don't have much N.T. and you just drew a lost soul but have no sites to put it in then you are hurt, use 2 site removers.
I really didn't think too much about the lost souls, haha. I pretty much grabbed the ones from my old T2 and threw in some site ones. I usually don't put an N.T. in a site anyway, but some site removers would be good if I first-round put a ls in a BBH and they use green...
I would try to cut down your deck a little. Take out the FA/GOYS, both Hormah's, because no one will ever go for the lost soul in there, and all your lost souls will be in BBH, and take out a lost soul, and another good and bad, or leave it at 108 and see how it is. Good deck overall, it could just use a few pointers.
um, if they aren't going to rescue one in Hormah, then shouldn't I keep it in? I thought the point of defense (usually... some set up offenses or shut down decks like Speed Camp...) was to not let your opponents rescue. if I bury my BBH's with Threatened Lives, then they have to go for Hormah, which is an easy block. lost souls are safer in there than in BBH... it's like the 2/3 liner. nobody will ever try to rescue it in a T2 game, so it's safe. if they have to, you can burn them with it. but a lot of people still don't use it...
also, I don't believe in taking out FA and GOYS. if my opponent wants to, then great, I'll burn him with it. but FA is nice to balance out NJ. and GOYS is in there because I need some protection against people like me. I think at 112 it'll do fine, considering I plan on stalling with sites...

ok, summing it up.
Site Remover x2
Speed Bump x2
Thorns x2
King David
Widow x2?
Korah's Rebellion x?

Hand Discard
Site Doubler x2
2 other souls...
Reach x2?
Brown Enhancement x?

little help here?


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Re: TGT + Sites
« Reply #4 on: March 17, 2010, 07:35:58 PM »
Good: 40

Good Dominants: 5
Angel of the Lord
Son of God
New Jerusalem

Good Fortresses: 4
TGT x2

Good Covenants: 1
I am Grace

Gold Heroes: 5
The Woman at the Well x 2
Good Samaritan x2

Gold Enhancements: 5
Meeting the Messiah x5

White Heroes: 5
Salome x3
Mary, Mother of James x2

Purple Heroes: 7
ET x 2
King Hezekiah x2
The Magi
Chuck Norris

Purple Enhancements: 8
AoCP x5
Reach x3
Good Dominants: 5
Angel of the Lord
Son of God
New Jerusalem
Son of God


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Re: TGT + Sites
« Reply #5 on: March 17, 2010, 09:39:21 PM »
chuck norris?


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Re: TGT + Sites
« Reply #6 on: March 17, 2010, 11:12:57 PM »
chuck norris?
yeah, he's a purple hero that's 5/4 who can play an enhancement. he can also search deck or discard pile for an enhancement without a special ability...

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Re: TGT + Sites
« Reply #7 on: March 18, 2010, 01:37:24 AM »
Do you have anyway to search for JT?If you get SWJed you could be in trouble.

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Re: TGT + Sites
« Reply #8 on: March 18, 2010, 05:26:26 AM »
Shimei's Malicious Curse is a must in any T2 brown defense, in my opinion.  Sure many decks are filled with CBN battle winners, but there are so many ways that this card comes in handy.  Particularly if they rescue with a hero with a site access ability, as you can negate the access.  Follow up with Gib Trick or Haman's Plot.  I would add at least two copies.  Drop a Crucify Him and a site related enhancement.

Friends don't let friends play T1 multi.


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