Author Topic: T2 Disciples and such...  (Read 3912 times)

Offline 777Godspeed

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T2 Disciples and such...
« on: May 06, 2022, 06:36:42 PM »
40 Good
1   Son of God (2016 Promo)
1   The Second Coming (CoW AB)
1   Angel of the Lord (Promo 2018)
1   Grapes of Wrath (2021 Promo)
1   Ride on Victoriously / Awesome Things (LoC)
1   Herod's Temple (GoC)
1   His Sacrifice (GoC)
1   Covenant with David (PoC)
1   The New Covenant (I/J+)
1   Simon, the Zealous / Saint Simon (GoC)
1   Matthias (GoC)
1   Thaddaeus / Judas (Thaddaeus) (GoC)
1   Thomas the Twin / Thomas the Assured (GoC)
1   Matthew the Publican / Matthew (Levi) (GoC)
1   Bartholomew (Nathanael) / Bartholomew the True (GoC)
1   James, the Younger / James, Son of Alphaeus (GoC)
1   Saint Patrick (GoC)
1   Priests of Christ (RoJ AB)
1   Jehoshaphat, the Seeker / Jehoshaphat, the Meek (LoC)
1   Mary, Faithful Servant / Mary, Mother of Christ (LoC)
1   Reassuring Angel (EC)
1   Angel from the Sun (RoJ AB)
1   Justin Martyr (RoJ AB)
2   Humble Seeker
1   Root of Jesse (LoC)
1   Reverence and Awe
1   Good Seed (GoC)
1   Blood of the Lamb (RoJ)
1   The Great Commission (GoC)
1   The Lord's Prayer (GoC)
1   Authority of Christ (GoC UR+)
1   Pentecost (FoM)
1   Walking on Water (GoC)
2   Reach of Desperation (GoC)
1   Boanerges (GoC)
1   Wonderment (I)
1   Sent Two by Two (GoC)

40 Evil
1   Shipwreck (Promo)
1   Vain Philosophy (PoC)
1   Rubble and Dust
1   Doubt (LoC)
1   Mayhem (2020 Promo)
1   Christian Martyr (2019) (Promo)
1   High Places (LoC)
1   Kingdoms of the World (GoC)
1   High Priest's Palace (GoC)
2   The Deceiver (RoJ AB)
1   Messenger of Satan (EC)
1   The Terrifying Beast (PoC)
1   Emperor Nero (Promo)
1   Emperor Domitian (RoJ AB)
1   Pharisees (GoC)
1   Proud Pharisee (GoC)
1   Simon the Host (GoC)
1   Supercilious Scribes (GoC)
1   The Brood of Vipers (GoC)
1   Sadducees (GoC)
2   High Priest Ananias (RoJ AB)
1   Plotting Priests (GoC)
1   Emphatic Incriminators (GoC)
1   The Chief Priests (RoJ AB)
1   Lurking (Promo)
1   Clinging to Power (GoC)
1   Plot to Kill (RoJ AB)
1   Just a Hireling (GoC)
1   Stoning of Stephen
1   Scattered Sheep
1   Vine-Grower's Rebellion (GoC)
1   Fear of Man (GoC)
1   Distort the Truth (GoC)
1   Pretension (GoC)
1   Surreptitious Scheme (GoC)
1   Betrayal (PoC)
1   Envy
1   False Accusations (GoC)

25 Neutral
1   Judas Iscariot / Judas, the Betrayer (GoC)
1   Three Woes (RoJ AB)
1   Destruction of Nehushtan (PoC)
1   Crowd's Choice (GoC)
1   The Ends of the Earth (RoJ AB)
1   Majestic Heavens (Promo)
1   Patmos (RoJ AB)
1   Treacherous Land
1   Delivered
1   Denarius (I/J+)
1   Thirty Pieces of Silver (GoC)
1   Golden Calf (FoM)
2   Lost Soul (Prosperity)
1   Lost Soul "Dull" (Hebrews 5:11) (CoW AB)
2   Lost Soul (Wicked)
1   Lost Soul (Distressed)
1   Lost Soul "Harvest" (John 4:35) (GoC)
4   Lost Soul (Mark 1:40) (GoC)
3   Lost Soul (John 8:3-4) (GoC)

Reserve: 7 Good, 7 Evil, 1 Neutral
1   Achim, the Compiler / Achim, the Talmid (LoC)
1   Noah, the Righteous / Noah (Rest and Comfort) (LoC)
1   Day of Judgement (GoC)
1   Word of Their Testimony (CoW AB)
1   Overcome! (RoJ AB)
1   Resurrection of Martyrs (RoJ AB)
1   My Lord and My God (GoC)
1   Gamaliel's Speech
1   Emperor Claudius (PC)
1   The Entrapping Pharisee (GoC)
1   Dubious Doubters (GoC)
1   The Sanhedrin
1   Gathering the Sanhedrin (GoC)
1   Crucify Him! (J)
1   Abandonment (EC)

3   Lost Soul Token NT (Majestic Heavens)
3   Lost Soul Token OT (Majestic Heavens)
3   Lost Soul Token ("Harvest")

Divine mental biopsy reveals you need psychosurgery
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Offline 777Godspeed

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Re: T2 Disciples and such...
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2022, 06:38:44 PM »
Looking for comments, suggestions and constructive criticisms for improving this deck...

Divine mental biopsy reveals you need psychosurgery
When in doubt  D3.
I support Your Turn Games.


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